Ammishaddai 5996 -- \Ammiyshadday -- {Ammishaddai}.

Arphad 0774 -- /Arpad -- Arpad, {Arphad}.

Ben-hadad 1130 -- Ben-Hadad -- {Ben-hadad}.

Enhaddah 5876 -- \Eyn Chaddah -- {En-haddah}.

Esarhaddon 0634 -- /Ecar-Chaddown -- {Esar-haddon}.

had 0887 -- ba/ash -- (make to) be abhorred ({had} in
abomination, loathsome,odious), (cause a, make to) stink(-ing
savour), X utterly.

had 1500 -- g@zelah -- that (he {had} robbed) [which he took
violently away], spoil,violence.

had 2007 -- hennah -- X in, X such (and such things), their,
(into) them, thence,therein, these, they ({had}), on this side,
whose, wherein.

had 3372 -- yare/ -- affright, be (make) afraid, dread(-ful),
(put in) fear(-ful, -- fully, -- ing), (be {had} in) reverence(-
end), X see, terrible (act, --ness, thing).

had 3426 -- yesh -- (there) are, (he, it, shall, there, there
may, there shall,there should) be, thou do, {had}, hast, (which)
hath, (I, shalt, that)have, (he, it, there) is, substance, it
(there) was, (there) were, ye will,thou wilt, wouldest.

had 3513 -- kabad -- abounding with, more grievously afflict,
boast, be chargeable,X be dim, glorify, be (make) glorious
(things), glory, (very) great, begrievous, harden, be (make)
heavy, be heavier, lay heavily, (bring to, cometo, do, get, be
{had} in) honour (self), (be) honourable (man), lade, Xmore be
laid, make self many, nobles, prevail, promote (to honour),
berich, be (go) sore, stop.

had 3884 -- luwle/ -- except, {had} not, if (...not), unless,
were it not that.

had 5921 -- \al -- above, according to(-ly), after, (as) against,
among, and, Xas, at, because of, beside (the rest of), between,
beyond the time, X bothand, by (reason of), X {had} the charge
of, concerning for, in (that),(forth, out) of, (from) (off), (up-
)on, over, than, through(-out), to,touching, X with.

had 6001 -- \amel -- that laboureth, that is a misery, {had}
taken [labour], wicked,workman.

had 6496 -- paqiyd -- which {had} the charge, governor, office,
overseer, [that] wasset.

had 7611 sh@/eriyth -- -- that {had} escaped, be left, posterity,
remain(-der), remnant,residue, rest.

had 8269 -- sar -- captain (that {had} rule), chief (captain),
general, governor,keeper, lord, ([-task-])master, prince(-ipal),
ruler, steward.

had 1438 ** heautou ** alone, her (own, -self), (he) himself,
his (own), itself, one(to) another, our (thine) own(-selves), +
that she {had}, their (own, ownselves), (of) them(-selves), they,
thyself, you, your (own, own conceits,own selves, -selves).

had 3844 ** para ** above, against, among, at, before, by,
contrary to, X friend,from, + give [such things as they], + that
[she] {had}, X his, in, morethan, nigh unto, (out) of, past,
save,, in the sight of, than,[there-]fore, with.

had 3885 ** paralutikos ** that {had} (sick of) the palsy.

had 5093 ** timios ** dear, honourable, (more, most) precious,
{had} in reputation.

had 5613 ** hos ** about, after (that), (according) as (it {had}
been, it were),as soon (as), even as (like), for, how (greatly),
like (as, unto), since,so (that), that, to wit, unto, when([-
soever]), while, X with all speed.

had 5616 ** hosei ** about, as (it {had} been, it were), like

Hadad 0111 -- /Adad -- {Hadad}.

Hadad 1908 -- Hadad -- {Hadad}.

Hadad 2301 -- Chadad -- {Hadad}.

Hadadrimmon 1910 -- Hadadrimmown -- {Hadad-rimmon}.

Hadadezer 1909 -- Hadad\ezer -- {Hadadezer}.

Hadar 1924 -- Hadar -- {Hadar}.

Hadar 2316 -- Chadar -- {Hadar}.

Hadarezer 1928 -- Hadar\ezer -- {Hadarezer}.

Hadashah 2322 -- Chadashah -- {Hadashah}.

Hadassah 1919 -- Hadaccah -- {Hadassah}.

Hadattah 2675 -- Chatsowr Chadattah -- Hazor, {Hadattah} [as if
two places].

Hadid 2307 -- Chadiyd -- {Hadid}.

Hadlai 2311 -- Chadlay -- {Hadlai}.

Hadoram 1913 -- Hadowram -- {Hadoram}.

Hadrach 2317 -- Chadrak -- {Hadrach}.

if...had 6737 -- tsayar -- make as {if...had} been ambassador.

JegarSahadutha 3026 -- Y@gar Sahaduwtha/ -- {Jegar-Sahadutha}.

Lahad 3855 -- Lahad -- {Lahad}.

Nebuchadnezzar 5019 -- N@buwkadne/tstsar -- {Nebuchadnezzar},

Nebuchadnezzar 5020 -- N@buwkadnetstsar -- {Nebuchadnezzar}.

Nebuchadrezzar 5019 -- N@buwkadne/tstsar -- Nebuchadnezzar,

Ohad 0161 -- /Ohad -- {Ohad}.

overshadow 1982 ** episkiazo ** {overshadow}.

shade 6738 -- tsel -- defence, {shade}(-ow).

shadow 2927 -- t@lal -- have a {shadow}.

shadow 6752 -- tselel -- {shadow}.

shadow 6757 -- tsalmaveth -- {shadow} of death.

shadow 0644 ** aposkiasma ** {shadow}.

shadow 2683 ** kataskiazo ** {shadow}.

shadow 4639 ** skia ** {shadow}.

shadowing 6751 -- tsalal -- begin to be dark, {shadowing}.

shadowing 6767 -- ts@latsal -- cymbal, locust, {shadowing},

Shadrach 7714 Shadrak -- -- {Shadrach}.

Shadrach 7715 Shadrak -- -- {Shadrach}.

shady 6628 -- tse/el -- {shady} tree.

Thaddaeus 2280 ** Thaddaios ** {Thaddaeus}.

Zelophehad 6765 -- Ts@lophchad -- {Zelophehad}.

Zurishaddai 6701 -- Tsuwriyshadday -- {Zurishaddai}.
