Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Translation Phrase lists
-archaggelos- ......... of the archangel 0743 -archaggelos- >

-archaggelos- ......... the archangel 0743 -archaggelos- >

-Bethphage- ......... to Bethphage 0967 -Bethphage- >

-Bethphage- ......... unto Bethphage 0967 -Bethphage- >

-hagiasmos- ......... and holiness 0038 -hagiasmos- >

-hagiasmos- ......... and sanctification 0038 -hagiasmos- >

-hagiasmos- ......... but unto holiness 0038 -hagiasmos- >

-hagiasmos- ......... in sanctification 0038 -hagiasmos- >

-hagiasmos- ......... men , and holiness 0038 -hagiasmos- >

-hagiasmos- ......... sanctification 0038 -hagiasmos- >

-hagiasmos- ......... unto holiness 0038 -hagiasmos- >

-hagiazo- ......... And for their sakes I sanctify 0037 -hagiazo- >

-hagiazo- ......... and they who are sanctified 0037 -hagiazo- >

-hagiazo- ......... being sanctified 0037 -hagiazo- >

-hagiazo- ......... But sanctify 0037 -hagiazo- >

-hagiazo- ......... but ye are sanctified 0037 -hagiazo- >

-hagiazo- ......... For it is sanctified 0037 -hagiazo- >

-hagiazo- ......... Hallowed 0037 -hagiazo- >

-hagiazo- ......... hath sanctified 0037 -hagiazo- >

-hagiazo- ......... he that sanctifieth 0037 -hagiazo- >

-hagiazo- ......... he was sanctified 0037 -hagiazo- >

-hagiazo- ......... is sanctified 0037 -hagiazo- >

-hagiazo- ......... let him be holy 0037 -hagiazo- >

-hagiazo- ......... might be sanctified 0037 -hagiazo- >

-hagiazo- ......... sanctified 0037 -hagiazo- >

-hagiazo- ......... sanctifieth 0037 -hagiazo- >

-hagiazo- ......... sanctify 0037 -hagiazo- >

-hagiazo- ......... Sanctify 0037 -hagiazo- >

-hagiazo- ......... that he might sanctify 0037 -hagiazo- >

-hagiazo- ......... That he might sanctify 0037 -hagiazo- >

-hagiazo- ......... that sanctifieth 0037 -hagiazo- >

-hagiazo- ......... them that are sanctified 0037 -hagiazo- >

-hagiazo- ......... them which are sanctified 0037 -hagiazo- >

-hagiazo- ......... to them that are sanctified 0037 -hagiazo- >

-hagiazo- ......... we are sanctified 0037 -hagiazo- >

-hagion- ......... into the holiest 0039 -hagion- >

-hagion- ......... of the sanctuary 0039 -hagion- >

-hagion- ......... sanctuary 0039 -hagion- >

-hagion- ......... the Holiest 0039 -hagion- >

-hagion- ......... the holy 0039 -hagion- >

-hagion- ......... the sanctuary 0039 -hagion- >

-hagios- ......... after that the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... an holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... and an holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... and he that is holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... and holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... and in the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... and of saints 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... and of the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... and of the holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... and out of the holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... and the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... and the holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... And the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... and to the saints 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... and with the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... and ye holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... are they holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... as the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... be holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... be ye holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... Be ye holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... but by the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... but holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... but the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... but which the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... by the holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... by the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... for the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... For the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... for the saints 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... from God by an holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... from the holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... from the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... good to the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... he that is holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... his holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... his saints 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... in her is of the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... in his saints 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... in the holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... in the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... in the saints 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... is holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... most 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... not the holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... of his holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... of his saints 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... of saints 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... of the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... of the holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... of the saints 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... of thy holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... saint 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... saints 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... that holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... that she may be holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... that the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... that the saints 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... that we should be holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... The Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... the holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... the saints 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... them the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... there be any Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... thing ; but that it should be holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... things ; and holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... thy holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... to be saints 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... to his saints 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... to the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... to the saints 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... To the saints 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... to thee . Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... to thy saints 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... unto an holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... unto her , The Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... unto him by the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... unto his holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... unto the saints 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... unto us his holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... unto you with the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... upon them , the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... us with an holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... when we were with him in the holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... Whereof the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... which is the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... with an holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... with that holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... with the holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... with the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... with the saints 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... ye the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... ye to be in all holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... you holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... you is holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagios- ......... you with the Holy 0040 -hagios- >

-hagiosune- ......... holiness 0042 -hagiosune- >

-hagiosune- ......... in holiness 0042 -hagiosune- >

-hagiosune- ......... of holiness 0042 -hagiosune- >

-hagiotes- ......... of his holiness 0041 -hagiotes- >

-hagneia- ......... in purity 0047 -hagneia- >

-hagneia- ......... purity 0047 -hagneia- >

-hagnismos- ......... of purification 0049 -hagnismos- >

-hagnizo- ......... and purify 0048 -hagnizo- >

-hagnizo- ......... in him purifieth 0048 -hagnizo- >

-hagnizo- ......... me purified 0048 -hagnizo- >

-hagnizo- ......... purifying 0048 -hagnizo- >

-hagnizo- ......... Seeing ye have purified 0048 -hagnizo- >

-hagnizo- ......... to purify 0048 -hagnizo- >

-hagnos- ......... as he is pure 0053 -hagnos- >

-hagnos- ......... chaste 0053 -hagnos- >

-hagnos- ......... not sincerely 0055 -hagnos- >

-hagnos- ......... pure 0053 -hagnos- >

-hagnos- ......... things are pure 0053 -hagnos- >

-hagnos- ......... to be clear 0053 -hagnos- >

-hagnos- ......... you as a chaste 0053 -hagnos- >

-hagnotes- ......... By pureness 0054 -hagnotes- >

-phago- ......... and did eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... and eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... and shall eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... And they did eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... And they that did eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... And they that had eaten 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... and to eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... as eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... as I had eaten 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... but that they might eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... but to eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... did eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... did we eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... eaten 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... for him to eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... For in eating 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... for thee to eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... he did eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... he eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... her meat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... her to eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... him ought to eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... him that he would eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... I have eaten 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... I shall eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... I will eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... is he that shall eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... it , and did eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... it ; and let us eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... man eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... may eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... me meat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... meat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... much as to eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... not ? let us eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... place , this is not to eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... shall we eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... that he may eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... that thou mayest eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... that we may eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... That ye may eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... them to eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... they did eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... thou shalt eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... to eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... we eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... We have eaten 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... ye did eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... ye eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... ye shall eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... ye them to eat 5315 -phago- >

-phago- ......... you , and shall eat 5315 -phago- >

-phagos- ......... a gluttonous 5314 -phagos- >

-phagos- ......... gluttonous 5314 -phagos- >

-prosphagion- ......... meat 4371 -prosphagion- >

-Rhagau- ......... which was the son of Ragau 4466 -Rhagau- >

-sphage- ......... for the slaughter 4967 -sphage- >

-sphage- ......... of slaughter 4967 -sphage- >

-sphage- ......... to the slaughter 4967 -sphage- >

-sphagion- ......... beasts 4968 -sphagion- >

-sphagion- ......... to me slain 4968 -sphagion- >

Bethphage ......... to Bethphage 0967 -Bethphage->

Bethphage ......... unto Bethphage 0967 -Bethphage->