hamuel , 1CH , 4:26



Hamuel Interlinear Index Study

Hamuel 1CH 004 026 And the sons <01121 +ben > of Mishma <04927
+Mishma< > ; {Hamuel} <02536 +Chammuw>el > his son <01121 +ben >
, Zacchur his son <01121 +ben > , Shimei <08096 +Shim his
son <01121 +ben > .


hamuel his son <1CH4 -:26 >

- hamuel , 2536 ,



hamuel -2536 {hamuel} ,


Hamuel 2536 -- Chammuw/el -- {Hamuel}.




Hamuel 2536 ## Chammuw>el {kham-moo-ale'}; from 2535 and 410;
anger of God; Chammuel, an Israelite: -- {Hamuel}. [ql


Hamuel 004 026 ICh /^{Hamuel /his son ,
Zacchur his son , Shimei his son .



hamuel <1CH4 -26> And the sons of Mishma; {Hamuel} his son,
Zacchur his son, Shimei his son.
