Hananiah Jer_36_12 /^{Hananiah /and all the
princes .

Hananiah 1Ch_08_24 /^{Hananiah /and Elam , and
Antothijah ,

Hananiah Jer_37_13 /^{Hananiah /and he took
Jeremiah the prophet , saying , Thou fallest away to the
Chaldeans .

Hananiah 1Ch_03_19 /^{Hananiah /and Shelomith
their sister :

Hananiah 1Ch_25_04 /^{Hananiah /Hanani , Eliathah
, Giddalti , and Romamtiezer , Joshbekashah , Mallothi , Hothir ,
and Mahazioth :

Hananiah Neh_10_23 /^{Hananiah /Hashub ,

Hananiah 1Ch_25_23 /^{Hananiah /he, his sons ,
and his brethren , were twelve :

Hananiah Jer_28_05 /^{Hananiah /in the presence
of the priests , and in the presence of all the people that
stood in the house of the LORD ,

Hananiah Dan_01_11 /^{Hananiah /Mishael , and
Azariah ,

Hananiah Dan_02_17 /^{Hananiah /Mishael , and
Azariah , his companions :

Hananiah Dan_01_06 /^{Hananiah /Mishael , and
Azariah :

Hananiah Dan_01_19 /^{Hananiah /Mishael , and
Azariah : therefore stood they before the king .

Hananiah Dan_01_07 /^{Hananiah /of Shadrach ; and
to Mishael , of Meshach ; and to Azariah , of Abednego .

Hananiah 2Ch_26_11 /^{Hananiah /one of the king's
captains .

Hananiah 1Ch_03_21 /^{Hananiah /Pelatiah , and
Jesaiah : the sons of Rephaiah , the sons of Arnan , the sons of
Obadiah , the sons of Shechaniah .

Hananiah Jer_28_13 /^{Hananiah /saying , Thus
saith the LORD ; Thou hast broken the yokes of wood ; but thou
shalt make for them yokes of iron .

Hananiah Jer_28_11 /^{Hananiah /spake in the
presence of all the people , saying , Thus saith the LORD ; Even
so will I break the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon from
the neck of all nations within the space of two full years . And
the prophet Jeremiah went his way .

Hananiah Jer_28_15 /^{Hananiah /The LORD hath not
sent thee; but thou makest this people to trust in a lie .

Hananiah Jer_28_15 /^{Hananiah /the prophet ,
Hear now, Hananiah ; The LORD hath not sent thee; but thou
makest this people to trust in a lie .

Hananiah Jer_28_17 /^{Hananiah /the prophet died
the same year in the seventh month .

Hananiah Jer_28_12 /^{Hananiah /the prophet had
broken the yoke from off the neck of the prophet Jeremiah ,
saying ,

Hananiah Jer_28_10 /^{Hananiah /the prophet took
the yoke from off the prophet Jeremiah's neck , and brake it.

Hananiah Neh_07_02 /^{Hananiah /the ruler of the
palace , charge over Jerusalem : for he was a faithful man , and
feared God above many .

Hananiah Jer_28_01 /^{Hananiah /the son of Azur
the prophet , which was of Gibeon , spake unto me in the house
of the LORD , in the presence of the priests and of all the
people , saying ,

Hananiah Neh_03_08 /^{Hananiah /the son of one of
the apothecaries , and they fortified Jerusalem unto the broad
wall .

Hananiah Neh_03_30 /^{Hananiah /the son of
Shelemiah , and Hanun the sixth son of Zalaph , another piece .
After him repaired Meshullam the son of Berechiah over against
his chamber .

Hananiah Neh_12_41 /^{Hananiah /with trumpets ;

Hananiah Ezr_10_28 /^{Hananiah /Zabbai , and
Athlai .
