hand -0405 {hand} ,

hand -0854 about , among , before , behalf , beside , concerning
, doing , {hand} , knoweth , on , or , therewith , toward ,

hand -2026 destroyed , {hand} , kill , killed , killedst ,
killeth , killing , murder , murderer , murderers , put , slain ,
slay , slayer , slayeth , slaying , slew ,

hand -2651 fists , {hand} , hands ,

hand -2947 breadth , coping , {hand} , handbreadth ,

hand -2948 breadth , {hand} , handbreadth ,

hand -3027 at , axletrees , because , beside , better , border ,
borders , charge , coast , coasts , custody , debt , dominion ,
enough , force , {hand} , handed , hands , himself , labour ,
ledges , means , mine , ministry , near , order , ordinance ,
parts , paw , place , places , power , presumptuously , service ,
side , sore , state , stays , strength , stroke , tenons ,
themselves , through , throwing , times , wait , where , work ,
years , yourselves ,

hand -3028 {hand} , hands , power ,

hand -3079 {hand} , jehoiakim ,

hand -3221 {hand} , sea ,

hand -3225 destroyed , had , {hand} , right , side , south ,

hand -3227 {hand} , right ,

hand -3235 boast , {hand} ,

hand -3325 {hand} , izeharites , izharites ,

hand -3709 branches , clouds , {hand} , handles , hands , hollow
, palm , palms , paws , power , sole , soles , spoon , spoons ,

hand -4672 befall , befallen , befell , bring , came , catch ,
come , cometh , deliver , delivered , enough , find , findest ,
findeth , finding , found , get , gotten , {hand} , hath , have ,
here , hit , hold , left , lighted , lighteth , meet , met ,
occasion , present , presented , ready , received , sped ,
suffice , sufficed , taken ,

hand -7126 approach , approached , at , bring , brought , came ,
camest , come , comest , forth , go , goeth , {hand} , join ,
joined , lay , near , nigh , offer , offered , offereth ,
offering , presented , produce , pronounced , ready , stand ,
take , went ,

hand -7138 allied , approach , at , come , {hand} , kin ,
kinsfolk , kinsmen , more , near , nearer , neighbour ,
neighbours , newly , next , nigh , ready , short , shortly ,

hand -8040 {hand} , left , side ,

hand -8041 {hand} , left ,

hand -8042 {hand} , left ,

handbreadth -2947 breadth , coping , hand , {handbreadth} ,

handbreadth -2948 breadth , hand , {handbreadth} ,

handed -3027 at , axletrees , because , beside , better , border
, borders , charge , coast , coasts , custody , debt , dominion ,
enough , force , hand , {handed} , hands , himself , labour ,
ledges , means , mine , ministry , near , order , ordinance ,
parts , paw , place , places , power , presumptuously , service ,
side , sore , state , stays , strength , stroke , tenons ,
themselves , through , throwing , times , wait , where , work ,
years , yourselves ,

handful -5995 {handful} , sheaf , sheaves ,

handful -6451 {handful} ,

handful -7061 {handful} , take ,

handful -7062 {handful} , handfuls ,

handfuls -6653 {handfuls} ,

handfuls -7062 handful , {handfuls} ,

handfuls -8168 {handfuls} , hollow ,

handle -0184 {handle} , point ,

handle -0270 bar , caught , come , fastened , {handle} , have ,
held , hold , holden , holdest , holdeth , portion , possessed ,
possession , possessions , rested , surprised , take , taken ,
taketh , took ,

handle -4900 continue , deferred , draw , draweth , drawn , drew
, extend , forbear , give , {handle} , long , prolonged ,
scattered , soweth , stretched ,

handle -6186 array , compare , compared , direct , directed ,
equal , esteem , estimate , expert , furnish , furnished ,
{handle} , joined , ordained , order , ordered , prepare ,
prepared , preparest , put , set , taxed , value ,

handle -8610 catch , caught , {handle} , handleth , handling ,
hold , holdest , laid , stopped , surprised , take , taken ,
taketh , taking , took ,

handles -3709 branches , clouds , hand , {handles} , hands ,
hollow , palm , palms , paws , power , sole , soles , spoon ,
spoons ,

handleth -5921 about , above , according , after , against ,
among , and , any , at , because , before , beside , besides ,
between , beyond , captain , charge , concerning , employed ,
forward , governor , had , {handleth} , have , into , money ,
near , off , on , over , oversight , presence , reason , round ,
sakes , steward , than , thereby , therein , thereon , thereto ,
therewith , these , through , throughout , touching , toward ,
under , when , where , whereon , whereupon , whom , within ,
year ,

handleth -8610 catch , caught , handle , {handleth} , handling ,
hold , holdest , laid , stopped , surprised , take , taken ,
taketh , taking , took ,

handling -8610 catch , caught , handle , handleth , {handling} ,
hold , holdest , laid , stopped , surprised , take , taken ,
taketh , taking , took ,

handmaid -0519 bondmaids , bondwoman , {handmaid} , handmaids ,
maid , maids , maidservant , maidservants ,

handmaid -8198 bondmaid , bondwomen , {handmaid} , handmaidens ,
handmaids , maid , maiden , maidens , maidservant , maidservants
, wench , womenservants ,

handmaidens -8198 bondmaid , bondwomen , handmaid ,
{handmaidens} , handmaids , maid , maiden , maidens ,
maidservant , maidservants , wench , womenservants ,

handmaids -0519 bondmaids , bondwoman , handmaid , {handmaids} ,
maid , maids , maidservant , maidservants ,

handmaids -8198 bondmaid , bondwomen , handmaid , handmaidens ,
{handmaids} , maid , maiden , maidens , maidservant ,
maidservants , wench , womenservants ,

hands -2651 fists , hand , {hands} ,

hands -3027 at , axletrees , because , beside , better , border ,
borders , charge , coast , coasts , custody , debt , dominion ,
enough , force , hand , handed , {hands} , himself , labour ,
ledges , means , mine , ministry , near , order , ordinance ,
parts , paw , place , places , power , presumptuously , service ,
side , sore , state , stays , strength , stroke , tenons ,
themselves , through , throwing , times , wait , where , work ,
years , yourselves ,

hands -3028 hand , {hands} , power ,

hands -3709 branches , clouds , hand , handles , {hands} ,
hollow , palm , palms , paws , power , sole , soles , spoon ,
spoons ,

merchandise -4267 {merchandise} , strangling ,

merchandise -4627 market , {merchandise} ,

merchandise -4819 {merchandise} ,

merchandise -5504 divided , {merchandise} ,

merchandise -5505 mart , {merchandise} ,

merchandise -5506 come , {merchandise} ,

merchandise -6014 bindeth , make , {merchandise} ,

merchandise -7404 {merchandise} , traffick ,

parshandatha -6577 {parshandatha} ,
