changing Rut_04_07 /^{changing /for to confirm
all things ; a man plucked off his shoe , and gave it to his
neighbour : and this was a testimony in Israel .

hanging Num_03_31 /^{hanging /and all the
service thereof.

hanging Exo_40_08 /^{hanging /at the court gate .

hanging Exo_40_28 /^{hanging /at the door of the
tabernacle .

hanging Exo_26_37 /^{hanging /five pillars of
shittim wood, and overlay them with gold , and their hooks shall
be of gold : and thou shalt cast five sockets of brass for them.

hanging Exo_39_40 /^{hanging /for the court gate
, his cords , and his pins , and all the vessels of the service
of the tabernacle , for the tent of the congregation ,

hanging Exo_35_15 /^{hanging /for the door at
the entering in of the tabernacle ,

hanging Exo_35_17 /^{hanging /for the door of
the court ,

hanging Num_04_26 /^{hanging /for the door of
the gate of the court , which is by the tabernacle and by the
altar round about , and their cords , and all the instruments of
their service , and all that is made for them: so shall they
serve .

hanging Num_04_25 /^{hanging /for the door of
the tabernacle of the congregation ,

hanging Num_03_25 /^{hanging /for the door of
the tabernacle of the congregation ,

hanging Exo_26_36 /^{hanging /for the door of
the tent , of blue , and purple , and scarlet , and fine twined
linen , wrought with needlework .

hanging Exo_38_18 /^{hanging /for the gate of
the court was needlework , of blue , and purple , and scarlet ,
and fine twined linen : and twenty cubits was the length , and
the height in the breadth was five cubits , answerable to the
hangings of the court .

hanging Exo_39_38 /^{hanging /for the tabernacle
door ,

hanging Exo_36_37 /^{hanging /for the tabernacle
door of blue , and purple , and scarlet , and fine twined linen ,
of needlework ;

hanging Exo_40_33 /^{hanging /of the court gate .
So Moses finished the work .

hanging Exo_40_05 /^{hanging /of the door to the
tabernacle .

hanging Exo_27_16 /^{hanging /of twenty cubits ,
of blue , and purple , and scarlet , and fine twined linen ,
wrought with needlework : and their pillars shall be four , and
their sockets four .

hanging Jos_10_26 /^{hanging /upon the trees
until the evening .

hangings Est_01_06 /^{hangings /fastened with
cords of fine linen and purple to silver rings and pillars of
marble : the beds were of gold and silver , upon a pavement of
red , and blue , and white , and black , marble .

hangings Exo_27_15 /^{hangings /fifteen cubits:
their pillars three , and their sockets three .

hangings Exo_27_09 /^{hangings /for the court of
fine twined linen of an hundred cubits long for one side :

hangings 2Ki_23_07 /^{hangings /for the grove .

hangings Exo_27_11 /^{hangings /of an hundred
cubits long , and his twenty pillars and their twenty sockets of
brass ; the hooks of the pillars and their fillets of silver .

hangings Exo_38_15 /^{hangings /of fifteen cubits
; their pillars three , and their sockets three .

hangings Exo_38_12 /^{hangings /of fifty cubits ,
their pillars ten , and their sockets ten ; the hooks of the
pillars and their fillets of silver .

hangings Exo_27_12 /^{hangings /of fifty cubits :
their pillars ten , and their sockets ten .

hangings Exo_27_14 /^{hangings /of one side of
the gate shall be fifteen cubits : their pillars three , and
their sockets three .

hangings Num_03_26 /^{hangings /of the court ,
and the curtain for the door of the court , which is by the
tabernacle , and by the altar round about , and the cords of it
for all the service thereof.

hangings Num_04_26 /^{hangings /of the court ,
and the hanging for the door of the gate of the court , which is
by the tabernacle and by the altar round about , and their cords
, and all the instruments of their service , and all that is
made for them: so shall they serve .

hangings Exo_39_40 /^{hangings /of the court ,
his pillars , and his sockets , and the hanging for the court
gate , his cords , and his pins , and all the vessels of the
service of the tabernacle , for the tent of the congregation ,

hangings Exo_35_17 /^{hangings /of the court ,
his pillars , and their sockets , and the hanging for the door
of the court ,

hangings Exo_38_18 /^{hangings /of the court .

hangings Exo_38_16 /^{hangings /of the court
round about were of fine twined linen .

hangings Exo_38_09 /^{hangings /of the court were
of fine twined linen , an hundred cubits :

hangings Exo_38_14 /^{hangings /of the one side
of the gate were fifteen cubits ; their pillars three , and
their sockets three .

hangings Exo_38_11 /^{hangings /were an hundred
cubits , their pillars were twenty , and their sockets of brass
twenty ; the hooks of the pillars and their fillets of silver .
