Aharah 1Ch_08_01 /^{Aharah /the third ,

Aramnaharaim Psa_60_01 /^{Aramnaharaim /and with
Aramzobah , when Joab returned , and smote of Edom in the valley
of salt twelve thousand .>> O God , thou hast cast us off , thou
hast scattered us, thou hast been displeased ; O turn thyself to
us again .

Betharabah Jos_15_06 /^{Betharabah /and the border
went up to the stone of Bohan the son of Reuben :

Betharabah Jos_18_22 /^{Betharabah /and Zemaraim ,
and Bethel ,

Betharabah Jos_15_61 /^{Betharabah /Middin , and
Secacah ,

Betharam Jos_13_27 /^{Betharam /and Bethnimrah ,
and Succoth , and Zaphon , the rest of the kingdom of Sihon king
of Heshbon , Jordan and his border , even unto the edge of the
sea of Chinnereth on the other side Jordan eastward .

Bethharan Num_32_36 /^{Bethharan /fenced cities :
and folds for sheep .

Charashim 1Ch_04_14 /^{Charashim /for they were
craftsmen .

Hapharaim Jos_19_19 /^{Hapharaim /and Shion , and
Anaharath ,

Hara 1Ch_05_26 /^{Hara /and to the river
Gozan , unto this day .

Haradah Num_33_25 /^{Haradah /and pitched in
Makheloth .

Haran Eze_27_23 /^{Haran /and Canneh , and
Eden , the merchants of Sheba , Asshur , and Chilmad , were thy
merchants .

Haran Gen_11_31 /^{Haran /and dwelt there.

Haran Gen_11_27 /^{Haran /and Haran begat Lot .

Haran 1Ch_02_46 /^{Haran /and Moza , and Gazez
: and Haran begat Gazez .

Haran Isa_37_12 /^{Haran /and Rezeph , and the
children of Eden which were in Telassar ?

Haran 2Ki_19_12 /^{Haran /and Rezeph , and the
children of Eden which were in Thelasar ?

Haran Gen_12_05 /^{Haran /and they went forth
to go into the land of Canaan ; and into the land of Canaan they
came .

Haran Gen_29_04 /^{Haran /are we.

Haran 1Ch_02_46 /^{Haran /begat Gazez .

Haran Gen_11_27 /^{Haran /begat Lot .

Haran Gen_11_28 /^{Haran /died before his
father Terah in the land of his nativity , in Ur of the Chaldees

Haran Gen_11_31 /^{Haran /his son's son , and
Sarai his daughter in law , his son Abram's wife ; and they went
forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees , to go into the land of
Canaan ; and they came unto Haran , and dwelt there.

Haran Gen_11_29 /^{Haran /the father of Milcah
, and the father of Iscah .

Haran 1Ch_23_09 /^{Haran /three . These were
the chief of the fathers of Laadan .

Hararite 2Sa_23_33 /^{Hararite /Ahiam the son of
Sharar the Hararite ,

Hararite 2Sa_23_11 /^{Hararite /And the
Philistines were gathered together into a troop , where was a
piece of ground full of lentiles : and the people fled from the
Philistines .

Hararite 1Ch_11_35 /^{Hararite /Eliphal the son
of Ur ,

Kirharaseth 2Ki_03_25 /^{Kirharaseth /left they the
stones thereof; howbeit the slingers went about it, and smote it.

Maharai 2Sa_23_28 /^{Maharai /the Netophathite ,

Maharai 1Ch_11_30 /^{Maharai /the Netophathite ,
Heled the son of Baanah the Netophathite ,

Maharai 1Ch_27_13 /^{Maharai /the Netophathite ,
of the Zarhites : and in his course were twenty and four
thousand .

Naharai 2Sa_23_37 /^{Naharai /the Beerothite ,
armourbearer to Joab the son of Zeruiah ,

Naharai 1Ch_11_39 /^{Naharai /the Berothite ,
the armourbearer of Joab the son of Zeruiah ,

Pharaoh Exo_07_11 /^{Pharaoh /also called the
wise men and the sorcerers : now the magicians of Egypt , they
also did in like manner with their enchantments .

Pharaoh Gen_41_16 /^{Pharaoh /an answer of peace

Pharaoh Exo_07_01 /^{Pharaoh /and Aaron thy
brother shall be thy prophet .

Pharaoh Eze_32_31 /^{Pharaoh /and all his army
slain by the sword , saith the Lord GOD .

Pharaoh Eze_32_32 /^{Pharaoh /and all his
multitude , saith the Lord GOD .

Pharaoh Eze_31_18 /^{Pharaoh /and all his
multitude , saith the Lord GOD .

Pharaoh Jer_46_25 /^{Pharaoh /and all them that
trust in him:

Pharaoh Exo_07_10 /^{Pharaoh /and before his
servants , and it became a serpent .

Pharaoh Gen_40_14 /^{Pharaoh /and bring me out
of this house :

Pharaoh Gen_47_22 /^{Pharaoh /and did eat their
portion which Pharaoh gave them: wherefore they sold not their
lands .

Pharaoh Exo_02_15 /^{Pharaoh /and dwelt in the
land of Midian : and he sat down by a well .

Pharaoh Jer_46_25 /^{Pharaoh /and Egypt , with
their gods , and their kings ; even Pharaoh , and all them that
trust in him:

Pharaoh Gen_47_24 /^{Pharaoh /and four parts
shall be your own, for seed of the field , and for your food ,
and for them of your households , and for food for your little
ones .

Pharaoh Gen_45_21 /^{Pharaoh /and gave them
provision for the way .

Pharaoh Gen_47_19 /^{Pharaoh /and give us seed ,
that we may live , and not die , that the land be not desolate .

Pharaoh Exo_09_12 /^{Pharaoh /and he hearkened
not unto them; as the LORD had spoken unto Moses .

Pharaoh Exo_10_08 /^{Pharaoh /and he said unto
them, Go , serve the LORD your God : but who are they that shall
go ?

Pharaoh Exo_14_09 /^{Pharaoh /and his horsemen ,
and his army , and overtook them encamping by the sea , beside
Pihahiroth , before Baalzephon .

Pharaoh Psa_136_15 /^{Pharaoh /and his host in
the Red sea : for his mercy endureth for ever .

Pharaoh Gen_12_17 /^{Pharaoh /and his house with
great plagues because of Sarai Abram's wife .

Pharaoh Gen_41_37 /^{Pharaoh /and in the eyes of
all his servants .

Pharaoh Exo_05_21 /^{Pharaoh /and in the eyes of
his servants , to put a sword in their hand to slay us.

Pharaoh Exo_07_20 /^{Pharaoh /and in the sight
of his servants ; and all the waters that were in the river were
turned to blood .

Pharaoh Exo_08_24 /^{Pharaoh /and into his
servants houses , and into all the land of Egypt : the land was
corrupted by reason of the swarm of flies.

Pharaoh Exo_08_30 /^{Pharaoh /and intreated the

Pharaoh Exo_10_18 /^{Pharaoh /and intreated the

Pharaoh Exo_07_09 /^{Pharaoh /and it shall
become a serpent .

Pharaoh Gen_47_07 /^{Pharaoh /and Jacob blessed
Pharaoh .

Pharaoh Gen_41_35 /^{Pharaoh /and let them keep
food in the cities .

Pharaoh Gen_45_08 /^{Pharaoh /and lord of all
his house , and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt .

Pharaoh Exo_08_12 /^{Pharaoh /and Moses cried
unto the LORD because of the frogs which he had brought against
Pharaoh .

Pharaoh Exo_09_10 /^{Pharaoh /and Moses
sprinkled it up toward heaven ; and it became a boil breaking
forth with blains upon man , and upon beast .

Pharaoh Exo_14_05 /^{Pharaoh /and of his
servants was turned against the people , and they said , Why
have we done this, that we have let Israel go from serving us?

Pharaoh Neh_09_10 /^{Pharaoh /and on all his
servants , and on all the people of his land : for thou knewest
that they dealt proudly against them. So didst thou get thee a
name , as it is this day .

Pharaoh Gen_47_01 /^{Pharaoh /and said , My
father and my brethren , and their flocks , and their herds ,
and all that they have, are come out of the land of Canaan ; and,
behold, they are in the land of Goshen .

Pharaoh Exo_10_03 /^{Pharaoh /and said unto him,
Thus saith the LORD God of the Hebrews , How long wilt thou
refuse to humble thyself before me? let my people go , that they
may serve me.

Pharaoh Gen_46_31 /^{Pharaoh /and say unto him,
My brethren , and my father's house , which were in the land of
Canaan , are come unto me;

Pharaoh Exo_08_01 /^{Pharaoh /and say unto him,
Thus saith the LORD , Let my people go , that they may serve me.

Pharaoh Exo_09_13 /^{Pharaoh /and say unto him,
Thus saith the LORD God of the Hebrews , Let my people go , that
they may serve me.

Pharaoh Exo_09_33 /^{Pharaoh /and spread abroad
his hands unto the LORD : and the thunders and hail ceased , and
the rain was not poured upon the earth .

Pharaoh Exo_09_01 /^{Pharaoh /and tell him, Thus
saith the LORD God of the Hebrews , Let my people go , that they
may serve me.

Pharaoh Exo_03_11 /^{Pharaoh /and that I should
bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt ?

Pharaoh Gen_40_17 /^{Pharaoh /and the birds did
eat them out of the basket upon my head .

Pharaoh Exo_11_10 /^{Pharaoh /and the LORD
hardened Pharaoh's heart , so that he would not let the children
of Israel go out of his land .

Pharaoh Gen_12_15 /^{Pharaoh /and the woman was
taken into Pharaoh's house .

Pharaoh Exo_07_10 /^{Pharaoh /and they did so as
the LORD had commanded : and Aaron cast down his rod before
Pharaoh , and before his servants , and it became a serpent .

Pharaoh Deu_34_11 /^{Pharaoh /and to all his
servants , and to all his land ,

Pharaoh Exo_18_08 /^{Pharaoh /and to the
Egyptians for Israel's sake , and all the travail that had come
upon them by the way , and how the LORD delivered them.

Pharaoh Isa_30_02 /^{Pharaoh /and to trust in
the shadow of Egypt !

Pharaoh Deu_07_18 /^{Pharaoh /and unto all Egypt

Pharaoh Deu_29_02 /^{Pharaoh /and unto all his
servants , and unto all his land ;

Pharaoh Exo_14_17 /^{Pharaoh /and upon all his
host , upon his chariots , and upon his horsemen .

Pharaoh Exo_14_04 /^{Pharaoh /and upon all his
host ; that the Egyptians may know that I am the LORD . And they
did so.

Pharaoh Deu_06_22 /^{Pharaoh /and upon all his
household , before our eyes :

Pharaoh Psa_135_09 /^{Pharaoh /and upon all his
servants .

Pharaoh Exo_11_01 /^{Pharaoh /and upon Egypt ;
afterwards he will let you go hence: when he shall let you go ,
he shall surely thrust you out hence altogether .

Pharaoh Gen_47_10 /^{Pharaoh /and went out from
before Pharaoh .

Pharaoh Gen_41_46 /^{Pharaoh /and went
throughout all the land of Egypt .

Pharaoh Gen_41_44 /^{Pharaoh /and without thee
shall no man lift up his hand or foot in all the land of Egypt .

Pharaoh Gen_41_07 /^{Pharaoh /awoke , and,
behold, it was a dream .

Pharaoh Gen_41_04 /^{Pharaoh /awoke .

Pharaoh Isa_30_03 /^{Pharaoh /be your shame ,
and the trust in the shadow of Egypt your confusion .

Pharaoh Exo_01_19 /^{Pharaoh /Because the Hebrew
women are not as the Egyptian women ; for they are lively , and
are delivered ere the midwives come in unto them.

Pharaoh 2Ki_23_35 /^{Pharaoh /but he taxed the
land to give the money according to the commandment of Pharaoh :
he exacted the silver and the gold of the people of the land ,
of every one according to his taxation , to give it unto
Pharaohnechoh .

Pharaoh Gen_12_18 /^{Pharaoh /called Abram , and
said , What is this that thou hast done unto me? why didst thou
not tell me that she was thy wife ?

Pharaoh Exo_08_08 /^{Pharaoh /called for Moses
and Aaron , and said , Intreat the LORD , that he may take away
the frogs from me, and from my people ; and I will let the
people go , that they may do sacrifice unto the LORD .

Pharaoh Exo_10_16 /^{Pharaoh /called for Moses
and Aaron in haste ; and he said , I have sinned against the
LORD your God , and against you.

Pharaoh Exo_08_25 /^{Pharaoh /called for Moses
and for Aaron , and said , Go ye, sacrifice to your God in the
land .

Pharaoh Gen_41_45 /^{Pharaoh /called Joseph's
name Zaphnathpaaneah ; and he gave him to wife Asenath the
daughter of Potipherah priest of On . And Joseph went out over
all the land of Egypt .

Pharaoh Exo_10_24 /^{Pharaoh /called unto Moses ,
and said , Go ye, serve the LORD ; only let your flocks and
your herds be stayed : let your little ones also go with you.

Pharaoh Exo_02_05 /^{Pharaoh /came down to wash
herself at the river ; and her maidens walked along by the
river's side ; and when she saw the ark among the flags , she
sent her maid to fetch it.

Pharaoh Gen_39_01 /^{Pharaoh /captain of the
guard , an Egyptian , bought him of the hands of the Ishmeelites
, which had brought him down thither.

Pharaoh Exo_01_22 /^{Pharaoh /charged all his
people , saying , Every son that is born ye shall cast into the
river , and every daughter ye shall save alive .

Pharaoh Gen_12_20 /^{Pharaoh /commanded his men
concerning him: and they sent him away , and his wife , and all
that he had.

Pharaoh Exo_05_06 /^{Pharaoh /commanded the same
day the taskmasters of the people , and their officers , saying ,

Pharaoh Exo_08_29 /^{Pharaoh /deal deceitfully
any more in not letting the people go to sacrifice to the LORD .

Pharaoh Gen_41_34 /^{Pharaoh /do this, and let
him appoint officers over the land , and take up the fifth part
of the land of Egypt in the seven plenteous years .

Pharaoh Gen_41_01 /^{Pharaoh /dreamed : and,
behold, he stood by the river .

Pharaoh Exo_14_10 /^{Pharaoh /drew nigh , the
children of Israel lifted up their eyes , and, behold, the
Egyptians marched after them; and they were sore afraid : and
the children of Israel cried out unto the LORD .

Pharaoh Rom_09_17 /${Pharaoh /Even for this same
purpose have I raised thee up , that I might shew my power in
thee , and that my name might be declared throughout all the
earth .

Pharaoh Gen_41_55 /^{Pharaoh /for bread : and
Pharaoh said unto all the Egyptians , Go unto Joseph ; what he
saith to you, do .

Pharaoh Exo_10_01 /^{Pharaoh /for I have
hardened his heart , and the heart of his servants , that I
might shew these my signs before him:

Pharaoh Gen_47_20 /^{Pharaoh /for the Egyptians
sold every man his field , because the famine prevailed over
them: so the land became Pharaoh's .

Pharaoh Gen_47_04 /^{Pharaoh /For to sojourn in
the land are we come ; for thy servants have no pasture for
their flocks ; for the famine is sore in the land of Canaan :
now therefore, we pray thee, let thy servants dwell in the land
of Goshen .

Pharaoh Exo_06_01 /^{Pharaoh /for with a strong
hand shall he let them go , and with a strong hand shall he
drive them out of his land .

Pharaoh Exo_08_29 /^{Pharaoh /from his servants ,
and from his people , to morrow : but let not Pharaoh deal
deceitfully any more in not letting the people go to sacrifice
to the LORD .

Pharaoh Exo_08_31 /^{Pharaoh /from his servants ,
and from his people ; there remained not one .

Pharaoh Gen_47_22 /^{Pharaoh /gave them:
wherefore they sold not their lands .

Pharaoh Exo_08_09 /^{Pharaoh /Glory over me:
when shall I intreat for thee, and for thy servants , and for
thy people , to destroy the frogs from thee and thy houses ,
that they may remain in the river only?

Pharaoh Gen_47_11 /^{Pharaoh /had commanded .

Pharaoh Exo_13_17 /^{Pharaoh /had let the people
go , that God led them not through the way of the land of the
Philistines , although that was near ; for God said , Lest
peradventure the people repent when they see war , and they
return to Egypt :

Pharaoh Gen_46_05 /^{Pharaoh /had sent to carry

Pharaoh Exo_08_32 /^{Pharaoh /hardened his heart
at this time also, neither would he let the people go .

Pharaoh 1Sa_06_06 /^{Pharaoh /hardened their
hearts ? when he had wrought wonderfully among them, did they
not let the people go , and they departed ?

Pharaoh 2Ki_23_35 /^{Pharaoh /he exacted the
silver and the gold of the people of the land , of every one
according to his taxation , to give it unto Pharaohnechoh .

Pharaoh Exo_06_12 /^{Pharaoh /hear me , who am
of uncircumcised lips ?

Pharaoh Gen_45_02 /^{Pharaoh /heard .

Pharaoh Exo_02_15 /^{Pharaoh /heard this thing ,
he sought to slay Moses . But Moses fled from the face of
Pharaoh , and dwelt in the land of Midian : and he sat down by a
well .

Pharaoh Exo_06_30 /^{Pharaoh /hearken unto me?

Pharaoh Isa_19_11 /^{Pharaoh /I am the son of
the wise , the son of ancient kings ?

Pharaoh Exo_05_10 /^{Pharaoh /I will not give
you straw .

Pharaoh Exo_11_08 /^{Pharaoh /in a great anger .

Pharaoh Exo_07_15 /^{Pharaoh /in the morning ;
lo, he goeth out unto the water ; and thou shalt stand by the
river's brink against he come ; and the rod which was turned to
a serpent shalt thou take in thine hand .

Pharaoh Isa_19_11 /^{Pharaoh /is become brutish :
how say ye unto Pharaoh , I am the son of the wise , the son of
ancient kings ?

Pharaoh Gen_41_25 /^{Pharaoh /is one : God hath
shewed Pharaoh what he is about to do .

Pharaoh 2Ki_17_07 /^{Pharaoh /king of Egypt , and
had feared other gods ,

Pharaoh Exo_14_08 /^{Pharaoh /king of Egypt ,
and he pursued after the children of Israel : and the children
of Israel went out with an high hand .

Pharaoh Jer_25_19 /^{Pharaoh /king of Egypt ,
and his servants , and his princes , and all his people ;

Pharaoh Eze_29_02 /^{Pharaoh /king of Egypt ,
and prophesy against him, and against all Egypt :

Pharaoh Eze_32_02 /^{Pharaoh /king of Egypt ,
and say unto him, Thou art like a young lion of the nations ,
and thou art as a whale in the seas : and thou camest forth with
thy rivers , and troubledst the waters with thy feet , and
fouledst their rivers .

Pharaoh Eze_31_02 /^{Pharaoh /king of Egypt ,
and to his multitude ; Whom art thou like in thy greatness ?

Pharaoh 1Ki_03_01 /^{Pharaoh /king of Egypt ,
and took Pharaoh's daughter , and brought her into the city of
David , until he had made an end of building his own house , and
the house of the LORD , and the wall of Jerusalem round about .

Pharaoh Eze_30_22 /^{Pharaoh /king of Egypt ,
and will break his arms , the strong , and that which was broken
; and I will cause the sword to fall out of his hand .

Pharaoh Exo_06_11 /^{Pharaoh /king of Egypt ,
that he let the children of Israel go out of his land .

Pharaoh Eze_29_03 /^{Pharaoh /king of Egypt ,
the great dragon that lieth in the midst of his rivers , which
hath said , My river is mine own, and I have made it for myself.

Pharaoh Exo_06_27 /^{Pharaoh /king of Egypt , to
bring out the children of Israel from Egypt : these are that
Moses and Aaron .

Pharaoh Exo_06_13 /^{Pharaoh /king of Egypt , to
bring the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt .

Pharaoh Deu_07_08 /^{Pharaoh /king of Egypt .

Pharaoh Gen_41_46 /^{Pharaoh /king of Egypt .
And Joseph went out from the presence of Pharaoh , and went
throughout all the land of Egypt .

Pharaoh Act_07_10 /${Pharaoh /king of Egypt ;
and he made him governor over Egypt and all his house .

Pharaoh Eze_30_21 /^{Pharaoh /king of Egypt ;
and, lo, it shall not be bound up to be healed , to put a roller
to bind it, to make it strong to hold the sword .

Pharaoh 1Ki_11_18 /^{Pharaoh /king of Egypt ;
which gave him an house , and appointed him victuals , and gave
him land .

Pharaoh Exo_06_29 /^{Pharaoh /king of Egypt all
that I say unto thee.

Pharaoh 1Ki_09_16 /^{Pharaoh /king of Egypt had
gone up , and taken Gezer , and burnt it with fire , and slain
the Canaanites that dwelt in the city , and given it for a
present unto his daughter , Solomon's wife .

Pharaoh Jer_46_17 /^{Pharaoh /king of Egypt is
but a noise ; he hath passed the time appointed .

Pharaoh Isa_36_06 /^{Pharaoh /king of Egypt to
all that trust in him.

Pharaoh 2Ki_18_21 /^{Pharaoh /king of Egypt unto
all that trust on him.

Pharaoh 1Ki_11_21 /^{Pharaoh /Let me depart ,
that I may go to mine own country .

Pharaoh Gen_40_13 /^{Pharaoh /lift up thine head
, and restore thee unto thy place : and thou shalt deliver
Pharaoh's cup into his hand , after the former manner when thou
wast his butler .

Pharaoh Gen_40_19 /^{Pharaoh /lift up thy head
from off thee, and shall hang thee on a tree ; and the birds
shall eat thy flesh from off thee.

Pharaoh Gen_47_23 /^{Pharaoh /lo , here is seed
for you, and ye shall sow the land .

Pharaoh Exo_08_20 /^{Pharaoh /lo, he cometh
forth to the water ; and say unto him, Thus saith the LORD , Let
my people go , that they may serve me.

Pharaoh Gen_41_33 /^{Pharaoh /look out a man
discreet and wise , and set him over the land of Egypt .

Pharaoh Exo_09_20 /^{Pharaoh /made his servants
and his cattle flee into the houses :

Pharaoh 2Ch_08_11 /^{Pharaoh /out of the city of
David unto the house that he had built for her: for he said , My
wife shall not dwell in the house of David king of Israel ,
because the places are holy , whereunto the ark of the LORD hath
come .

Pharaoh Exo_12_30 /^{Pharaoh /rose up in the
night , he, and all his servants , and all the Egyptians ; and
there was a great cry in Egypt ; for there was not a house where
there was not one dead .

Pharaoh Exo_05_05 /^{Pharaoh /said , Behold, the
people of the land now are many , and ye make them rest from
their burdens .

Pharaoh Gen_50_06 /^{Pharaoh /said , Go up , and
bury thy father , according as he made thee swear .

Pharaoh Exo_08_28 /^{Pharaoh /said , I will let
you go , that ye may sacrifice to the LORD your God in the
wilderness ; only ye shall not go very far away : intreat for me

Pharaoh Exo_05_02 /^{Pharaoh /said , Who is the
LORD , that I should obey his voice to let Israel go ? I know
not the LORD , neither will I let Israel go .

Pharaoh Gen_41_55 /^{Pharaoh /said unto all the
Egyptians , Go unto Joseph ; what he saith to you, do .

Pharaoh 1Ki_11_22 /^{Pharaoh /said unto him, But
what hast thou lacked with me, that, behold, thou seekest to go
to thine own country ? And he answered , Nothing: howbeit let me
go in any wise .

Pharaoh Exo_10_28 /^{Pharaoh /said unto him, Get
thee from me, take heed to thyself, see my face no more ; for in
that day thou seest my face thou shalt die .

Pharaoh Gen_47_03 /^{Pharaoh /said unto his
brethren , What is your occupation ? And they said unto Pharaoh ,
Thy servants are shepherds , both we, and also our fathers .

Pharaoh Gen_41_38 /^{Pharaoh /said unto his
servants , Can we find such a one as this is, a man in whom the
Spirit of God is?

Pharaoh Gen_47_08 /^{Pharaoh /said unto Jacob ,
How old art thou?

Pharaoh Gen_41_39 /^{Pharaoh /said unto Joseph ,
Forasmuch as God hath shewed thee all this, there is none so
discreet and wise as thou art:

Pharaoh Gen_41_44 /^{Pharaoh /said unto Joseph ,
I am Pharaoh , and without thee shall no man lift up his hand or
foot in all the land of Egypt .

Pharaoh Gen_41_15 /^{Pharaoh /said unto Joseph ,
I have dreamed a dream , and there is none that can interpret it:
and I have heard say of thee, that thou canst understand a
dream to interpret it.

Pharaoh Gen_41_17 /^{Pharaoh /said unto Joseph ,
In my dream , behold, I stood upon the bank of the river :

Pharaoh Gen_45_17 /^{Pharaoh /said unto Joseph ,
Say unto thy brethren , This do ye; lade your beasts , and go ,
get you unto the land of Canaan ;

Pharaoh Gen_41_41 /^{Pharaoh /said unto Joseph ,
See , I have set thee over all the land of Egypt .

Pharaoh Gen_12_15 /^{Pharaoh /saw her, and
commended her before Pharaoh : and the woman was taken into
Pharaoh's house .

Pharaoh Exo_09_34 /^{Pharaoh /saw that the rain
and the hail and the thunders were ceased , he sinned yet more ,
and hardened his heart , he and his servants .

Pharaoh Exo_08_15 /^{Pharaoh /saw that there was
respite , he hardened his heart , and hearkened not unto them;
as the LORD had said .

Pharaoh Gen_50_04 /^{Pharaoh /saying ,

Pharaoh Gen_41_09 /^{Pharaoh /saying , I do
remember my faults this day :

Pharaoh Gen_50_04 /^{Pharaoh /saying , If now I
have found grace in your eyes , speak , I pray you, in the ears
of Pharaoh , saying ,

Pharaoh Gen_41_16 /^{Pharaoh /saying , It is not
in me : God shall give Pharaoh an answer of peace .

Pharaoh Exo_05_15 /^{Pharaoh /saying , Wherefore
dealest thou thus with thy servants ?

Pharaoh Exo_09_27 /^{Pharaoh /sent , and called
for Moses and Aaron , and said unto them, I have sinned this
time : the LORD is righteous , and I and my people are wicked .

Pharaoh Exo_09_07 /^{Pharaoh /sent , and, behold,
there was not one of the cattle of the Israelites dead . And
the heart of Pharaoh was hardened , and he did not let the
people go .

Pharaoh Gen_41_14 /^{Pharaoh /sent and called
Joseph , and they brought him hastily out of the dungeon : and
he shaved himself, and changed his raiment , and came in unto
Pharaoh .

Pharaoh Gen_46_33 /^{Pharaoh /shall call you,
and shall say , What is your occupation ?

Pharaoh Eze_30_25 /^{Pharaoh /shall fall down ;
and they shall know that I am the LORD , when I shall put my
sword into the hand of the king of Babylon , and he shall
stretch it out upon the land of Egypt .

Pharaoh Exo_07_04 /^{Pharaoh /shall not hearken
unto you, that I may lay my hand upon Egypt , and bring forth
mine armies , and my people the children of Israel , out of the
land of Egypt by great judgments .

Pharaoh Exo_11_09 /^{Pharaoh /shall not hearken
unto you; that my wonders may be multiplied in the land of Egypt

Pharaoh Eze_32_31 /^{Pharaoh /shall see them,
and shall be comforted over all his multitude , even Pharaoh and
all his army slain by the sword , saith the Lord GOD .

Pharaoh Exo_07_09 /^{Pharaoh /shall speak unto
you, saying , Shew a miracle for you: then thou shalt say unto
Aaron , Take thy rod , and cast it before Pharaoh , and it shall
become a serpent .

Pharaoh Gen_47_26 /^{Pharaoh /should have the
fifth part; except the land of the priests only, which became
not Pharaoh's .

Pharaoh Jer_47_01 /^{Pharaoh /smote Gaza .

Pharaoh 1Ki_11_19 /^{Pharaoh /so that he gave
him to wife the sister of his own wife , the sister of Tahpenes
the queen .

Pharaoh Gen_47_05 /^{Pharaoh /spake unto Joseph ,
saying , Thy father and thy brethren are come unto thee:

Pharaoh Gen_42_16 /^{Pharaoh /surely ye are
spies .

Pharaoh Exo_14_28 /^{Pharaoh /that came into the
sea after them; there remained not so much as one of them.

Pharaoh Exo_07_02 /^{Pharaoh /that he send the
children of Israel out of his land .

Pharaoh Exo_12_29 /^{Pharaoh /that sat on his
throne unto the firstborn of the captive that was in the dungeon
; and all the firstborn of cattle .

Pharaoh Exo_11_05 /^{Pharaoh /that sitteth upon
his throne , even unto the firstborn of the maidservant that is
behind the mill ; and all the firstborn of beasts .

Pharaoh Exo_03_10 /^{Pharaoh /that thou mayest
bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt .

Pharaoh Gen_47_09 /^{Pharaoh /The days of the
years of my pilgrimage are an hundred and thirty years : few and
evil have the days of the years of my life been, and have not
attained unto the days of the years of the life of my fathers in
the days of their pilgrimage .

Pharaoh Gen_41_25 /^{Pharaoh /The dream of
Pharaoh is one : God hath shewed Pharaoh what he is about to do .

Pharaoh Gen_50_07 /^{Pharaoh /the elders of his
house , and all the elders of the land of Egypt ,

Pharaoh Deu_11_03 /^{Pharaoh /the king of Egypt ,
and unto all his land ;

Pharaoh Exo_08_19 /^{Pharaoh /This is the finger
of God : and Pharaoh's heart was hardened , and he hearkened not
unto them; as the LORD had said .

Pharaoh Exo_04_22 /^{Pharaoh /Thus saith the
LORD , Israel is my son , even my firstborn :

Pharaoh Exo_05_01 /^{Pharaoh /Thus saith the
LORD God of Israel , Let my people go , that they may hold a
feast unto me in the wilderness .

Pharaoh Gen_47_03 /^{Pharaoh /Thy servants are
shepherds , both we, and also our fathers .

Pharaoh Exo_05_23 /^{Pharaoh /to speak in thy
name , he hath done evil to this people ; neither hast thou
delivered thy people at all .

Pharaoh Gen_41_08 /^{Pharaoh /told them his
dream ; but there was none that could interpret them unto
Pharaoh .

Pharaoh Gen_41_42 /^{Pharaoh /took off his ring
from his hand , and put it upon Joseph's hand , and arrayed him
in vestures of fine linen , and put a gold chain about his neck ;

Pharaoh Exo_01_11 /^{Pharaoh /treasure cities ,
Pithom and Raamses .

Pharaoh Exo_07_23 /^{Pharaoh /turned and went
into his house , neither did he set his heart to this also.

Pharaoh Gen_41_32 /^{Pharaoh /twice ; it is
because the thing is established by God , and God will shortly
bring it to pass .

Pharaoh Exo_14_18 /^{Pharaoh /upon his chariots ,
and upon his horsemen .

Pharaoh Exo_09_07 /^{Pharaoh /was hardened , and
he did not let the people go .

Pharaoh Exo_09_35 /^{Pharaoh /was hardened ,
neither would he let the children of Israel go ; as the LORD had
spoken by Moses .

Pharaoh Gen_40_02 /^{Pharaoh /was wroth against
two of his officers , against the chief of the butlers , and
against the chief of the bakers .

Pharaoh Gen_41_10 /^{Pharaoh /was wroth with his
servants , and put me in ward in the captain of the guard's
house , both me and the chief baker :

Pharaoh Gen_45_16 /^{Pharaoh /well , and his
servants .

Pharaoh Exo_15_19 /^{Pharaoh /went in with his
chariots and with his horsemen into the sea , and the LORD
brought again the waters of the sea upon them; but the children
of Israel went on dry land in the midst of the sea .

Pharaoh Gen_41_28 /^{Pharaoh /What God is about
to do he sheweth unto Pharaoh .

Pharaoh Gen_41_25 /^{Pharaoh /what he is about
to do .

Pharaoh Exo_04_21 /^{Pharaoh /which I have put
in thine hand : but I will harden his heart , that he shall not
let the people go .

Pharaoh 1Ch_04_18 /^{Pharaoh /which Mered took .

Pharaoh Exo_18_10 /^{Pharaoh /who hath delivered
the people from under the hand of the Egyptians .

Pharaoh Exo_14_03 /^{Pharaoh /will say of the
children of Israel , They are entangled in the land , the
wilderness hath shut them in .

Pharaoh Eze_17_17 /^{Pharaoh /with his mighty
army and great company make for him in the war , by casting up
mounts , and building forts , to cut off many persons :

Pharaoh 1Ki_11_01 /^{Pharaoh /women of the
Moabites , Ammonites , Edomites , Zidonians , and Hittites ;

Pharaoh Exo_13_15 /^{Pharaoh /would hardly let
us go , that the LORD slew all the firstborn in the land of
Egypt , both the firstborn of man , and the firstborn of beast :
therefore I sacrifice to the LORD all that openeth the matrix ,
being males ; but all the firstborn of my children I redeem .

Pharaoh Gen_42_15 /^{Pharaoh /ye shall not go
forth hence, except your youngest brother come hither.

Pharaoh's Gen_37_36 /^{Pharaoh's /and captain of
the guard .

Pharaoh's Eze_30_24 /^{Pharaoh's /arms , and he
shall groan before him with the groanings of a deadly wounded

Pharaoh's Jer_37_11 /^{Pharaoh's /army ,

Pharaoh's Jer_37_07 /^{Pharaoh's /army , which is
come forth to help you, shall return to Egypt into their own
land .

Pharaoh's Jer_37_05 /^{Pharaoh's /army was come
forth out of Egypt : and when the Chaldeans that besieged
Jerusalem heard tidings of them, they departed from Jerusalem .

Pharaoh's Gen_40_20 /^{Pharaoh's /birthday , that
he made a feast unto all his servants : and he lifted up the
head of the chief butler and of the chief baker among his
servants .

Pharaoh's Deu_06_21 /^{Pharaoh's /bondmen in Egypt
; and the LORD brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand :

Pharaoh's Son_01_09 /^{Pharaoh's /chariots .

Pharaoh's Exo_15_04 /^{Pharaoh's /chariots and his
host hath he cast into the sea : his chosen captains also are
drowned in the Red sea .

Pharaoh's Gen_40_11 /^{Pharaoh's /cup , and I gave
the cup into Pharaoh's hand .

Pharaoh's Gen_40_13 /^{Pharaoh's /cup into his
hand , after the former manner when thou wast his butler .

Pharaoh's Gen_40_11 /^{Pharaoh's /cup was in my
hand : and I took the grapes , and pressed them into Pharaoh's
cup , and I gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand .

Pharaoh's 1Ki_03_01 /^{Pharaoh's /daughter , and
brought her into the city of David , until he had made an end of
building his own house , and the house of the LORD , and the
wall of Jerusalem round about .

Pharaoh's Exo_02_10 /^{Pharaoh's /daughter , and
he became her son . And she called his name Moses : and she said
, Because I drew him out of the water .

Pharaoh's Exo_02_07 /^{Pharaoh's /daughter , Shall
I go and call to thee a nurse of the Hebrew women , that she may
nurse the child for thee?

Pharaoh's 1Ki_07_08 /^{Pharaoh's /daughter , whom
he had taken to wife, like unto this porch .

Pharaoh's Heb_11_24 /${Pharaoh's /daughter ;

Pharaoh's 1Ki_09_24 /^{Pharaoh's /daughter came up
out of the city of David unto her house which Solomon had built
for her: then did he build Millo .

Pharaoh's Exo_02_08 /^{Pharaoh's /daughter said to
her, Go . And the maid went and called the child's mother .

Pharaoh's Exo_02_09 /^{Pharaoh's /daughter said
unto her, Take this child away , and nurse it for me, and I will
give thee thy wages . And the woman took the child , and nursed

Pharaoh's Act_07_21 /${Pharaoh's /daughter took
him up , and nourished him for her own son .

Pharaoh's Gen_40_11 /^{Pharaoh's /hand .

Pharaoh's Gen_40_21 /^{Pharaoh's /hand :

Pharaoh's Exo_10_27 /^{Pharaoh's /heart , and he
would not let them go .

Pharaoh's Exo_07_03 /^{Pharaoh's /heart , and
multiply my signs and my wonders in the land of Egypt .

Pharaoh's Exo_10_20 /^{Pharaoh's /heart , so that
he would not let the children of Israel go .

Pharaoh's Exo_11_10 /^{Pharaoh's /heart , so that
he would not let the children of Israel go out of his land .

Pharaoh's Exo_07_13 /^{Pharaoh's /heart , that he
hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had said .

Pharaoh's Exo_14_04 /^{Pharaoh's /heart , that he
shall follow after them; and I will be honoured upon Pharaoh ,
and upon all his host ; that the Egyptians may know that I am
the LORD . And they did so.

Pharaoh's Exo_07_14 /^{Pharaoh's /heart is
hardened , he refuseth to let the people go .

Pharaoh's Exo_08_19 /^{Pharaoh's /heart was
hardened , and he hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had said .

Pharaoh's Exo_07_22 /^{Pharaoh's /heart was
hardened , neither did he hearken unto them; as the LORD had
said .

Pharaoh's Exo_14_23 /^{Pharaoh's /horses , his
chariots , and his horsemen .

Pharaoh's Gen_45_16 /^{Pharaoh's /house , saying ,
Joseph's brethren are come : and it pleased Pharaoh well , and
his servants .

Pharaoh's Gen_47_14 /^{Pharaoh's /house .

Pharaoh's Gen_12_15 /^{Pharaoh's /house .

Pharaoh's 1Ki_11_20 /^{Pharaoh's /house : and
Genubath was in Pharaoh's household among the sons of Pharaoh .

Pharaoh's 1Sa_02_27 /^{Pharaoh's /house ?

Pharaoh's Jer_43_09 /^{Pharaoh's /house in
Tahpanhes , in the sight of the men of Judah ;

Pharaoh's 1Ki_11_20 /^{Pharaoh's /household among
the sons of Pharaoh .

Pharaoh's Gen_40_07 /^{Pharaoh's /officers that
were with him in the ward of his lord's house , saying ,
Wherefore look ye so sadly to day ?

Pharaoh's Exo_10_11 /^{Pharaoh's /presence .

Pharaoh's Exo_11_03 /^{Pharaoh's /servants , and
in the sight of the people .

Pharaoh's Gen_47_25 /^{Pharaoh's /servants .

Pharaoh's Exo_10_07 /^{Pharaoh's /servants said
unto him, How long shall this man be a snare unto us? let the
men go , that they may serve the LORD their God : knowest thou
not yet that Egypt is destroyed ?

Pharaoh's Exo_05_14 /^{Pharaoh's /taskmasters had
set over them, were beaten , and demanded , Wherefore have ye
not fulfilled your task in making brick both yesterday and to
day , as heretofore ?

Pharaohhophra Jer_44_30 /^{Pharaohhophra /king of
Egypt into the hand of his enemies , and into the hand of them
that seek his life ; as I gave Zedekiah king of Judah into the
hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon , his enemy , and that
sought his life .

Pharaohnecho Jer_46_02 /^{Pharaohnecho /king of Egypt
, which was by the river Euphrates in Carchemish , which
Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon smote in the fourth year of
Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah .

Pharaohnechoh 2Ki_23_29 /^{Pharaohnechoh /king of Egypt
went up against the king of Assyria to the river Euphrates : and
king Josiah went against him; and he slew him at Megiddo , when
he had seen him.

Pharaohnechoh 2Ki_23_34 /^{Pharaohnechoh /made Eliakim
the son of Josiah king in the room of Josiah his father , and
turned his name to Jehoiakim , and took Jehoahaz away : and he
came to Egypt , and died there.

Pharaohnechoh 2Ki_23_33 /^{Pharaohnechoh /put him in
bands at Riblah in the land of Hamath , that he might not reign
in Jerusalem ; and put the land to a tribute of an hundred
talents of silver , and a talent of gold .

Sepharad Oba_01_20 /^{Sepharad /shall possess the
cities of the south .

Shaharaim 1Ch_08_08 /^{Shaharaim /begat children
in the country of Moab , after he had sent them away ; Hushim
and Baara were his wives .

Sharaim Jos_15_36 /^{Sharaim /and Adithaim , and
Gederah , and Gederothaim ; fourteen cities with their villages :

Sharar 2Sa_23_33 /^{Sharar /the Hararite ,

Thara Luk_03_34 /${Thara /which was the son of
Nachor ,
