Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

chapharperah 02661 ## chaphor {khaf-ore'} ; from 02658 ; a hole ; only in connection with 065l2 , which ought rather to be joined as one word , thus {chapharperah} {khaf-ar-pay-raw'} ; by reduplication from 02658 ; a burrower , i . e . probably a rat : -- + mole .

harp 01665 ## Gittiyth {ghit-teeth'} ; feminine of 01663 ; a Gittite {harp} : -- Gittith .

harp 03658 ## kinnowr {kin-nore'} ; from a unused root meaning to twang ; a harp : -- {harp}

harp 03658 ## kinnowr {kin-nore'} ; from a unused root meaning to twang ; a {harp} : -- harp

harp 07030 ## qiytharoc (Aramaic) {kee-thaw-roce'} ; of Greek origin ; a lyre : -- {harp} .

harp 2788 - kithara {kith-ar'-ah}; of uncertain affinity; a lyre: -- {harp}.

harp 2789 - kitharizo {kith-ar-id'-zo}; from 2788; to play on a lyre: -- {harp}.

harp 3552 - noseo {nos-eh'-o}; from 3554; to be sick, i.e. (by implication of a diseased appetite) to hanker after (figuratively, to {harp} upon): -- dote.

harp-shaped 03672 ## Kinn@rowth {kin-ner-oth'} ; or Kinnereth {kin-neh'- reth} ; respectively plural and singular feminine from the same as 03658 ; perhaps {harp-shaped} ; Kinneroth or Kinnereth , a place in Palestine : -- Chinnereth , Chinneroth , Cinneroth .

harpage 0724 - {harpage} {har-pag-ay'}; from 0726; pillage (properly abstract): -- extortion, ravening, spoiling.

harpagmos 0725 - {harpagmos} {har-pag-mos'}; from 0726; plunder (properly concrete): -- robbery.

harpax 0727 - {harpax} {har'-pax}; from 0726; rapacious: -- extortion, ravening.

harpazo 0726 - {harpazo} {har-pad'-zo}; from a derivative of 0138; to sieze (in various applications): -- catch (away, up), pluck, pull, take (by force).

harper 2790 - kitharoidos {kith-ar-o'-dos}; from 2788 and a derivative of the same as 5603; a lyre-singer(-player), i.e. harpist: -- {harper}.

harpist 2790 - kitharoidos {kith-ar-o'-dos}; from 2788 and a derivative of the same as 5603; a lyre-singer(-player), i.e. {harpist}: -- harper.

harpoon 06767 ## ts@latsal {tsel-aw-tsal'} ; from 06750 reduplicated ; a clatter , i . e . (abstractly) whirring (of wings) ; (concretely) a cricket ; also a {harpoon} (as rattling) , a cymbal (as clanging) : -- cymbal , locust , shadowing , spear .

Pharpar 06554 ## Parpar {par-par'} ; probably from 06565 in the sense of rushing ; rapid ; Parpar , a river of Syria : -- {Pharpar} .

sh@pharphar 08238 ## {sh@pharphar} (Aramaic) {shef-ar-far'} ; from 08231 ; the dawn (as brilliant with aurora) : -- X very early in the morning .

sharp 02021 ## hotsen {ho'- tsen} ; from an unused root meaning apparently to be {sharp} or strong ; a weapon of war : -- chariot .

sharp 02299 ## chad {khad} ; from 02300 ; sharp : -- {sharp} .

sharp 02299 ## chad {khad} ; from 02300 ; {sharp} : -- sharp .

sharp 02300 ## chadad {khaw-dad'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make) {sharp} or (figuratively) severe : -- be fierce , sharpen .

sharp 02303 ## chadduwd {khad-dood'} ; from 02300 ; a point : -- {sharp} .

sharp 02719 ## chereb {kheh'- reb} ; from 02717 ; drought ; also a cutting instrument (from its destructive effect) , as a knife , sword , or other {sharp} implement : -- axe , dagger , knife , mattock , sword , tool .

sharp 02742 ## charuwts {khaw-roots'} ; or charuts {khaw-roots'} ; passive participle of 02782 ; properly , incised or (active) incisive ; hence (as noun masculine or feminine) a trench (as dug) , gold (as mined) , a threshing-sledge (having {sharp} teeth) ; (figuratively) determination ; also eager : -- decision , diligent , (fine) gold , pointed things , sharp , threshing instrument , wall .

sharp 02757 ## chariyts {khaw-reets'} ; or charits {khaw-reets'} ; from 02782 ; properly , incisure or (passively) incised [compare 02742 ] ; hence , a threshing-sledge (with {sharp} teeth) : also a slice (as cut) : -- + cheese , harrow .

sharp 02785 ## chartsan {kchar-tsan'} ; from 02782 ; a sour grape (as {sharp} in taste) : -- kernel .

sharp 03913 ## latash {law-tash'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to hammer out (an edge) , i . e . to sharpen : -- instructer , {sharp} (- en) , whet .

sharp 04593 ## ma` ot {maw-ote'} ; passive adjective of 04591 ; thinned (as to the edge) , i . e . {sharp} : -- wrapped up .

sharp 06112 ## ` etsen {ay'- tsen} ; from an unused root meaning to be {sharp} or strong ; a spear : -- Eznite [from the margin ] .

sharp 06697 ## tsuwr {tsoor} ; or tsur {tsoor} ; from 06696 ; properly , a cliff (or {sharp} rock , as compressed) ; generally , a rock or boulder ; figuratively , a refuge ; also an edge (as precipitous) : -- edge , X (mighty) God (one) , rock , X sharp , stone , X strength , X strong . See also 01049 .

sharp 06864 ## tsor {tsore} ; from 06696 ; a stone (as if pressed hard or to a point) ; (by implication , of use) a knife : -- flint , {sharp} stone .

sharp 07043 ## qalal {kaw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make) light , literally (swift , small , {sharp} , etc .) or figuratively (easy , trifling , vile , etc .) : -- abate , make bright , bring into contempt , (ac-) curse , despise , (be) ease (- y ,-ier) , (be a , make , make somewhat , move , seem a , set) light (- en ,-er ,-ly ,-ly afflict ,-ly esteem , thing) , X slight [-ly ] , be swift (- er) , (be , be more , make , re-) vile , whet .

sharp 07201 ## ra'ah {raw-aw'} ; from 07200 ; a bird of prey (probably the vulture , from its {sharp} sight) : -- glede . Compare 01676 .

sharp 08127 ## shen {shane} ; from 08150 ; a tooth (as sharp) ; specifically (for 08143) ivory ; figuratively , a cliff : -- crag , X forefront , ivory , X {sharp} , tooth .

sharp 08127 ## shen {shane} ; from 08150 ; a tooth (as {sharp}) ; specifically (for 08143) ivory ; figuratively , a cliff : -- crag , X forefront , ivory , X sharp , tooth .

sharp 08150 ## shanan {shaw-nan'} ; a primitive root ; to point (transitive or intransitive) ; intensively , to pierce ; figuratively , to inculcate : -- prick , {sharp} (- en) , teach diligently , whet .

sharp 3691 - oxus {oz-oos'}; probably akin to the base of 0188 [ " acid " ]; keen; by analogy, rapid: -- {sharp}, swift.

sharp 4089 - pikros {pik-ros'}; perhaps from 4078 (through the idea of piercing); {sharp} (pungent), i.e. acrid (literally or figuratively): -- bitter.

sharpen 02300 ## chadad {khaw-dad'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make) sharp or (figuratively) severe : -- be fierce , {sharpen} .

sharpen 03913 ## latash {law-tash'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to hammer out (an edge) , i . e . to {sharpen} : -- instructer , sharp (- en) , whet .

sharpen 04803 ## marat {maw-rat'} ; a primitive root ; to polish ; by implication , to make bald (the head) , to gall (the shoulder) ; also , to {sharpen} : -- bright , furbish , (have his) hair (be) fallen off , peeled , pluck off (hair) .

sharpen 04838 ## maraq {maw-rak'} ; a primitive root ; to polish ; by implication , to {sharpen} ; also to rinse : -- bright , furbish , scour .

sharpen 05324 ## natsab {naw-tsab'} ; a prim root ; to station , in various applications (literally or figuratively) : -- appointed , deputy , erect , establish , X Huzzah [by mistake for a proper name ] , lay , officer , pillar , present , rear up , set (over , up) , settle , {sharpen} , establish , (make to) stand (- ing , still , up , upright) , best state .

sharpen 3947 - paroxuno {par-ox-oo'-no}; from 3844 and a derivative of 3691; to {sharpen} alongside, i.e. (figuratively) to exasperate: -- easily provoke, stir.

sharpen 5482 - charax {khar'-ax}; from charasso (to {sharpen} to a point; akin to 1125 through the idea of scratching); a stake, i.e. (by implication) a palisade or rampart (military mound for circumvallation in a siege): -- trench.

sharpened 07044 ## qalal {kaw-lawl'} ; from 07043 ; brightened (as if {sharpened}) : -- burnished , polished .

sharper 5114 - tomoteros {tom-o'-ter-os}; comparative of a derivative of the primary temno (to cut; more comprehensive or decisive than 2875, as if by a single stroke; whereas that implies repeated blows, like hacking); more keen: -- {sharper}.

sharply 02394 ## chozqah {khoz-kaw'} ; feminine of 02392 ; vehemence (usually in a bad sense) : -- force , mightily , repair , {sharply} .

sharply 02782 ## charats {khaw-rats'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to point {sharply} , i . e . (literally) to wound ; figuratively , to be alert , to decide : -- bestir self , decide , decree , determine , maim , move .

sharply 03851 ## lahab {lah'- hab} ; from an usused root meaning to gleam ; a flash ; figuratively , a {sharply} polished blade or point of a weapon : -- blade , bright , flame , glittering .

sharply 07688 ## shagach {shaw-gakh'} ; a primitive root ; to peep , i . e . glance {sharply} at : -- look (narrowly) .

sharply 0664 - apotomos {ap-ot-om'-oce}; adverb from a derivative of a comparative of 0575 and temno (to cut); abruptly, i.e. peremptorily: -- {sharply}(-ness).

sharpness 05876 ## ` Eyn Chaddah {ane khad-daw'} ; from 05869 and the feminine of a derivative from 02300 ; fountain of {sharpness} ; En-Chaddah , a place in Palestine : -- En-haddah .

sharpness 3789 - ophis {of'-is}; probably from 3700 (through the idea of {sharpness} of vision); a snake, figuratively (as a type of sly cunning) an artful malicious person, especially Satan: -- serpent.