Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

2568 + havens + The fair +/ . Kaloi Limenes {kal-oy' lee-men'-es}; plural of 2570 + good + a good + honest + in well + as good + in good + is good + of good + the good + in a good + as a good + That good + It is good + for honest + it is good + For a good + and of good + and to good + is not good + that worthy + of for good + in an honest + it is better + things honest + out of a good + But it is good + It is not meet + that it is good + things are good + unto you ; good + For it is a good + for that is good + unto me It is good + that which is good + for it is not meet + it out it is better + that which is honest + I say that it is good + it from thee it is better + them from thee it is better + things thou shalt be a good +/ and 3040 + which is an haven + And because the haven +/ ; Good Harbors, i .e . Fairhaven, a bay of Crete: --fair havens .

3040 + which is an haven + And because the haven +/ . limen {lee-mane'}; apparently a primary word; a harbor: --haven . Compare 2568 + havens + The fair +/ .