

hazarsusim -2702 {hazarsusim} ,






Hazarsusim 004 031 ICh /^{Hazarsusim /and at
Bethbirei , and at Shaaraim . These were their cities unto the
reign of David .



hazarsusim , 1CH , 4:31



Hazarsusim Interlinear Index Study

Hazarsusim 1CH 004 031 And at Bethmarcaboth <01024 +Beyth ham -
Marka - bowth > , and {Hazarsusim} <02702 +Chatsar Cuwciym > ,
and at Bethbirei <01011 +Beyth Bir , and at Shaaraim <08189
+Sha . These <00428 +>el - leh > [ were ] their cities
<05892 + unto the reign <04427 +malak > of David <01732
+David > .


hazarsusim <1CH4 -31> And at Bethmarcaboth, and {Hazarsusim},
and at

Bethbirei, and at Shaaraim. These [were] their cities unto the

of David.
