be 2328 # thermaino {ther-mah'-ee-no}; from 2329; to heat
(oneself): -- ({be}) warm(-ed, self).[ql

heat 2742 # kauson {kow'-sone}; from 2741; a glare: --
(burning) {heat}.[ql

heat 2329 # therme {ther'-may}; from the base of 2330; warmth: -
- {heat}.[ql

heat 2741 # kausoo {kow-so'-o}; from 2740; to set on fire: --
fervent {heat}.[ql

heat 2738 # kauma {kow'-mah}; from 2545; properly, a burn
(concretely), but used (abstractly) of a glow: -- {heat}.[ql

self 2328 # thermaino {ther-mah'-ee-no}; from 2329; to heat
(oneself): -- (be) warm(-ed, {self}).[ql

warm 2328 # thermaino {ther-mah'-ee-no}; from 2329; to heat
(oneself): -- (be) {warm}(-ed, self).[ql

wheat 4621 # sitos {see'-tos}; plural irregular neuter sita
{see'-tah}; of uncertain derivation; grain, especially wheat: --
corn, {wheat}.[ql
