Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
heavens ^ 47_2CO_05_01 For <1063> we know <1492> (5758) that <3754> if <1437> our <2257> earthly <1919> house <3614> of this tabernacle <4636> were dissolved <2647> (5686), we have <2192> (5719) a building <3619> of <1537> God <2316>, an house <3614> not made with hands <0886>, eternal <0166> in <1722> the {heavens} <3772>.

heavens ^ 61_2PE_03_05 For <1063> this <5124> they <0846> willingly <2309> (5723) are ignorant of <2990> (5719), that <3754> by the word <3056> of God <2316> the {heavens} <3772> were <2258> (5713) of old <1597>, and <2532> the earth <1093> standing <4921> (5761) out of <1537> the water <5204> and <2532> in <1223> the water <5204>:

heavens ^ 61_2PE_03_07 But <1161> the {heavens} <3772> and <2532> the earth <1093>, which are now <3568>, by the same <0846> word <3056> are <1526> (5748) kept in store <2343> (5772), reserved <5083> (5746) unto fire <4442> against <1519> the day <2250> of judgment <2920> and <2532> perdition <0684> of ungodly <0765> men <0444>.

heavens ^ 58_HEB_04_14 Seeing <2192> <0> then <3767> that we have <2192> (5723) a great <3173> high priest <0749>, that is passed into <1330> (5756) the {heavens} <3772>, Jesus <2424> the Son <5207> of God <2316>, let us hold fast <2902> (5725) our profession <3671>.

heavens ^ 61_2PE_03_10 But <1161> the day <2250> of the Lord <2962> will come <2240> (5692) as <5613> a thief <2812> in <1722> the night <3571>; in <1722> the which <3739> the {heavens} <3772> shall pass away <3928> (5695) with a great noise <4500>, and <1161> the elements <4747> shall melt <3089> (5701) with fervent heat <2741> (5746), the earth <1093> also <2532> and <2532> the works <2041> that are therein <1722> <0846> shall be burned up <2618> (5691).

heavens ^ 61_2PE_03_12 Looking for <4328> (5723) and <2532> hasting <4692> (5723) unto the coming <3952> of the day <2250> of God <2316>, wherein <1223> <3739> the {heavens} <3772> being on fire <4448> (5746) shall be dissolved <3089> (5701), and <2532> the elements <4747> shall melt <5080> (5743) with fervent heat <2741> (5746)?

heavens ^ 61_2PE_03_13 Nevertheless <1161> we <4328> <0>, according to <2596> his <0846> promise <1862>, look for <4328> (5719) new <2537> {heavens} <3772> and <2532> a new <2537> earth <1093>, wherein <1722> <3739> dwelleth <2730> (5719) righteousness <1343>.

heavens ^ 44_ACT_02_34 For <1063> David <1138> is not <3756> ascended <0305> (5627) into <1519> the {heavens} <3772>: but <1161> he saith <3004> (5719) himself <0846>, The LORD <2962> said <2036> (5627) unto my <3450> Lord <2962>, Sit thou <2521> (5737) on <1537> my <3450> right hand <1188>,

heavens ^ 44_ACT_07_56 And <2532> said <2036> (5627), Behold <2400> (5628), I see <2334> (5719) the {heavens} <3772> opened <0455> (5772), and <2532> the Son <5207> of man <0444> standing <2476> (5761) on <1537> the right hand <1188> of God <2316>.

heavens ^ 49_EPH_04_10 He <0846> that descended <2597> (5631) is <2076> (5748) the same also <2532> that ascended up <0305> (5631) far above <5231> all <3956> {heavens} <3772>, that <2443> he might fill <4137> (5661) all things <3956>.)

heavens ^ 58_HEB_07_26 For <1063> such <5108> an high priest <0749> became <4241> (5707) us <2254>, who is holy <3741>, harmless <0172>, undefiled <0283>, separate <5563> (5772) from <0575> sinners <0268>, and <2532> made <1096> (5637) higher than <5308> the {heavens} <3772>;

heavens ^ 58_HEB_09_23 It was therefore <3767> necessary <0318> that the patterns <5262> of things <3303> in <1722> the {heavens} <3772> should be purified <2511> (5745) with these <5125>; but <1161> the heavenly things <2032> themselves <0846> with better <2909> sacrifices <2378> than <3844> these <5025>.

heavens ^ 66_REV_12_12 Therefore <1223> <5124> rejoice <2165> (5744), ye {heavens} <3772>, and <2532> ye that dwell <4637> (5723) in <1722> them <0846>. Woe <3759> to the inhabiters <2730> (5723) of the earth <1093> and <2532> of the sea <2281>! for <3754> the devil <1228> is come down <2597> (5627) unto <4314> you <5209>, having <2192> (5723) great <3173> wrath <2372>, because he knoweth <1492> (5761) that <3754> he hath <2192> (5719) but a short <3641> time <2540>.

heavens ^ 58_HEB_08_01 Now <1161> of <1909> the things which we have spoken <3004> (5746) this is the sum <2774>: We have <2192> (5719) such <5108> an high priest <0749>, who <3739> is set <2523> (5656) on <1722> the right hand <1188> of the throne <2362> of the Majesty <3172> in <1722> the {heavens} <3772>;

heavens ^ 42_LUK_12_33 Sell <4453> (5657) that ye <5216> have <5224> (5723), and <2532> give <1325> (5628) alms <1654>; provide <4160> (5657) yourselves <1438> bags <0905> which wax <3822> <0> not <3361> old <3822> (5746), a treasure <2344> in <1722> the {heavens} <3772> that faileth not <0413>, where <3699> no <3756> thief <2812> approacheth <1448> (5719), neither <3761> moth <4597> corrupteth <1311> (5719).

heavens ^ 40_MAT_24_29 Immediately <1161> <2112> after <3326> the tribulation <2347> of those <1565> days <2250> shall the sun <2246> be darkened <4654> (5701), and <2532> the moon <4582> shall <1325> <0> not <3756> give <1325> (5692) her <0846> light <5338>, and <2532> the stars <0792> shall fall <4098> (5699) from <0575> heaven <3772>, and <2532> the powers <1411> of the {heavens} <3772> shall be shaken <4531> (5701):

heavens ^ 58_HEB_01_10 And <2532>, Thou <4771>, Lord <2962>, in <2596> the beginning <0746> hast laid the foundation <2311> (5656) of the earth <1093>; and <2532> the {heavens} <3772> are <1526> (5748) the works <2041> of thine <4675> hands <5495>:

heavens ^ 41_MAR_01_10 And <2532> straightway <2112> coming up <0305> (5723) out of <0575> the water <5204>, he saw <1492> (5627) the {heavens} <3772> opened <4977> (5746), and <2532> the Spirit <4151> like <5616> a dove <4058> descending <2597> (5723) upon <1909> him <0846>:

heavens ^ 40_MAT_03_16 And <2532> Jesus <2424>, when he was baptized <0907> (5685), went up <0305> (5627) straightway <2117> out of <0575> the water <5204>: and <2532>, lo <2400> (5628), the {heavens} <3772> were opened <0455> (5681) unto him <0846>, and <2532> he saw <1492> (5627) the Spirit <4151> of God <2316> descending <2597> (5723) like <5616> a dove <4058>, and <2532> lighting <2064> (5740) upon <1909> him <0846>: