approacheth ......... approacheth 1448 -eggizo->

catcheth ......... catcheth 0726 -harpazo->

catcheth ......... one , and catcheth 0726 -harpazo->

cherisheth ......... and cherisheth 2282 -thalpo->

cherisheth ......... cherisheth 2282 -thalpo->

gnasheth ......... and gnasheth 5149 -trizo->

nourisheth ......... but nourisheth 1625 -ektrepho->

perisheth ......... of it perisheth 0622 -apollumi->

perisheth ......... perisheth 0622 -apollumi->

perisheth ......... that perisheth 0622 -apollumi->

preacheth ......... preacheth 2097 -euaggelizo->

preacheth ......... preacheth 2784 -kerusso->

searcheth ......... And he that searcheth 2045 -ereunao->

searcheth ......... searcheth 2045 -ereunao->

stablisheth ......... he which stablisheth 0950 -bebaioo->

teacheth ......... he that teacheth 1321 -didasko->

teacheth ......... teacheth 1318 -didaktos->

teacheth ......... teacheth 1321 -didasko->

teacheth ......... that teacheth 1321 -didasko->

teacheth ......... unto him that teacheth 2727 -katecheo->

thresheth ......... and that he that thresheth 0248 -aloao->

toucheth ......... is that toucheth 0680 -haptomai->

toucheth ......... one toucheth 0680 -haptomai->

vanisheth ......... vanisheth 0853 -aphanizo->

watcheth ......... is he that watcheth 1127 -gregoreuo->

whether ......... And whether 1535 -eite->

whether ......... and whether 5037 -te->

whether ......... but whether 1535 -eite->

whether ......... by him , I say , whether 1535 -eite->

whether ......... for us , that , whether 1535 -eite->

whether ......... For whether 1535 -eite->

whether ......... For whether 5037 -te->

whether ......... For whether 5101 -tis->

whether ......... for whether 5101 -tis->

whether ......... him , whether 1487 -ei->

whether ......... him whether 1487 -ei->

whether ......... me whether 1487 -ei->

whether ......... not whether 1487 -ei->

whether ......... of you , whether 1487 -ei->

whether ......... sake : whether 1535 -eite->

whether ......... that , whether 1535 -eite->

whether ......... that whether 1535 -eite->

whether ......... to us , whether 1535 -eite->

Whether ......... unto them , Whether 1487 -ei->

Whether ......... unto them , Whether 5101 -tis->

whether ......... us whether 1487 -ei->

Whether ......... Whether 1487 -ei->

whether ......... whether 1487 -ei->

whether ......... whether 1520 -heis->

Whether ......... Whether 1535 -eite->

whether ......... whether 1535 -eite->

whether ......... whether 2273 -etoi->

whether ......... whether 3379 -mepote->

whether ......... whether 4220 -poteron->

whether ......... whether 5037 -te->

Whether ......... Whether 5101 -tis->

whether ......... whether I speak 2980 -laleo->

whether ......... whether in the body 4983 -soma->
