approacheth Luk_12_33 /${approacheth /neither moth
corrupteth .

catcheth Lev_17_13 /^{catcheth /any beast or fowl
that may be eaten ; he shall even pour out the blood thereof,
and cover it with dust .

catcheth Mat_13_19 /${catcheth /away that which
was sown in his heart . This is he which received seed by the
way side .

catcheth Joh_10_12 /${catcheth /them , and
scattereth the sheep .

cherisheth 1Th_02_07 /${cherisheth /her children :

cherisheth Eph_05_29 /${cherisheth /it , even as
the Lord the church :

CHETH Psa_119_005 /^{CHETH /Thou art my
portion , O LORD : I have said that I would keep thy words .

coucheth Deu_33_13 /^{coucheth /beneath ,

croucheth Psa_10_10 /^{croucheth /and humbleth
himself, that the poor may fall by his strong ones .

Dabbasheth Jos_19_11 /^{Dabbasheth /and reached to
the river that is before Jokneam ;

dasheth Nah_02_01 /^{dasheth /in pieces is come
up before thy face : keep the munition , watch the way , make
thy loins strong , fortify thy power mightily .

dasheth Psa_137_09 /^{dasheth /thy little ones
against the stones .

establisheth Num_30_14 /^{establisheth /all her vows ,
or all her bonds , which are upon her: he confirmeth them,
because he held his peace at her in the day that he heard them.

establisheth Dan_06_15 /^{establisheth /may be
changed .

establisheth Pro_29_04 /^{establisheth /the land :
but he that receiveth gifts overthroweth it.

fetcheth Deu_19_05 /^{fetcheth /a stroke with the
axe to cut down the tree , and the head slippeth from the helve ,
and lighteth upon his neighbour , that he die ; he shall flee
unto one of those cities , and live :

flourisheth Psa_90_06 /^{flourisheth /and groweth up
; in the evening it is cut down , and withereth .

gnasheth Psa_37_12 /^{gnasheth /upon him with his
teeth .

gnasheth Job_16_09 /^{gnasheth /upon me with his
teeth ; mine enemy sharpeneth his eyes upon me.

gnasheth Mar_09_18 /${gnasheth /with his teeth ,
and pineth away : and I spake to thy disciples that they should
cast him out ; and they could not .

Harosheth Jud_04_02 /^{Harosheth /of the Gentiles .

Harosheth Jud_04_16 /^{Harosheth /of the Gentiles :
and all the host of Sisera fell upon the edge of the sword ;
and there was not a man left .

Harosheth Jud_04_13 /^{Harosheth /of the Gentiles
unto the river of Kishon .

hatcheth Jer_17_11 /^{hatcheth /them not; so he
that getteth riches , and not by right , shall leave them in the
midst of his days , and at his end shall be a fool .

Heth Gen_23_10 /^{Heth /and Ephron the
Hittite answered Abraham in the audience of the children of Heth
, even of all that went in at the gate of his city , saying ,

Heth Gen_23_05 /^{Heth /answered Abraham ,
saying unto him,

Heth Gen_23_18 /^{Heth /before all that went
in at the gate of his city .

Heth Gen_23_10 /^{Heth /even of all that went
in at the gate of his city , saying ,

Heth Gen_23_16 /^{Heth /four hundred shekels
of silver , current money with the merchant .

Heth Gen_27_46 /^{Heth /if Jacob take a wife
of the daughters of Heth , such as these which are of the
daughters of the land , what good shall my life do me?

Heth Gen_23_03 /^{Heth /saying ,

Heth Gen_27_46 /^{Heth /such as these which
are of the daughters of the land , what good shall my life do me?

Heth Gen_25_10 /^{Heth /there was Abraham
buried , and Sarah his wife .

Hethlon Eze_47_15 /^{Hethlon /as men go to Zedad

Hethlon Eze_48_01 /^{Hethlon /as one goeth to
Hamath , Hazarenan , the border of Damascus northward , to the
coast of Hamath ; for these are his sides east and west ; a
portion for Dan .

Ishbosheth 2Sa_04_12 /^{Ishbosheth /and buried it in
the sepulchre of Abner in Hebron .

Ishbosheth 2Sa_03_08 /^{Ishbosheth /and said , Am I
a dog's head , which against Judah do shew kindness this day
unto the house of Saul thy father , to his brethren , and to his
friends , and have not delivered thee into the hand of David ,
that thou chargest me to day with a fault concerning this woman ?

Ishbosheth 2Sa_03_07 /^{Ishbosheth /said to Abner ,
Wherefore hast thou gone in unto my father's concubine ?

Ishbosheth 2Sa_03_14 /^{Ishbosheth /Saul's son ,
saying , Deliver me my wife Michal , which I espoused to me for
an hundred foreskins of the Philistines .

Ishbosheth 2Sa_02_10 /^{Ishbosheth /Saul's son was
forty years old when he began to reign over Israel , and reigned
two years . But the house of Judah followed David .

Ishbosheth 2Sa_03_15 /^{Ishbosheth /sent , and took
her from her husband , even from Phaltiel the son of Laish .

Ishbosheth 2Sa_02_08 /^{Ishbosheth /the son of Saul ,
and brought him over to Mahanaim ;

Ishbosheth 2Sa_02_15 /^{Ishbosheth /the son of Saul ,
and twelve of the servants of David .

Ishbosheth 2Sa_02_12 /^{Ishbosheth /the son of Saul ,
went out from Mahanaim to Gibeon .

Ishbosheth 2Sa_04_08 /^{Ishbosheth /the son of Saul
thine enemy , which sought thy life ; and the LORD hath avenged
my lord the king this day of Saul , and of his seed .

Ishbosheth 2Sa_04_08 /^{Ishbosheth /unto David to
Hebron , and said to the king , Behold the head of Ishbosheth
the son of Saul thine enemy , which sought thy life ; and the
LORD hath avenged my lord the king this day of Saul , and of his
seed .

Ishbosheth 2Sa_04_05 /^{Ishbosheth /who lay on a bed
at noon .

Japheth Gen_09_18 /^{Japheth /and Ham is the
father of Canaan .

Japheth Gen_09_27 /^{Japheth /and he shall dwell
in the tents of Shem ; and Canaan shall be his servant .

Japheth Gen_10_01 /^{Japheth /and unto them were
sons born after the flood .

Japheth 1Ch_01_05 /^{Japheth /Gomer , and Magog ,
and Madai , and Javan , and Tubal , and Meshech , and Tiras .

Japheth Gen_10_02 /^{Japheth /Gomer , and Magog ,
and Madai , and Javan , and Tubal , and Meshech , and Tiras .

Japheth Gen_10_21 /^{Japheth /the elder , even
to him were children born .

Japheth Gen_07_13 /^{Japheth /the sons of Noah ,
and Noah's wife , and the three wives of his sons with them,
into the ark ;

Japheth Gen_09_23 /^{Japheth /took a garment ,
and laid it upon both their shoulders , and went backward , and
covered the nakedness of their father ; and their faces were
backward , and they saw not their father's nakedness .

Jerubbesheth 2Sa_11_21 /^{Jerubbesheth /did not a
woman cast a piece of a millstone upon him from the wall , that
he died in Thebez ? why went ye nigh the wall ? then say thou,
Thy servant Uriah the Hittite is dead also.

languisheth Isa_24_07 /^{languisheth /all the
merryhearted do sigh .

languisheth Nah_01_04 /^{languisheth /and Carmel ,
and the flower of Lebanon languisheth .

languisheth Isa_24_04 /^{languisheth /and fadeth
away , the haughty people of the earth do languish .

languisheth Isa_33_09 /^{languisheth /Lebanon is
ashamed and hewn down : Sharon is like a wilderness ; and Bashan
and Carmel shake off their fruits.

languisheth Jer_15_09 /^{languisheth /she hath given
up the ghost ; her sun is gone down while it was yet day : she
hath been ashamed and confounded : and the residue of them will
I deliver to the sword before their enemies , saith the LORD .

languisheth Joe_01_12 /^{languisheth /the
pomegranate tree, the palm tree also, and the apple tree , even
all the trees of the field , are withered : because joy is
withered away from the sons of men .

laugheth Job_41_29 /^{laugheth /at the shaking of
a spear .

loatheth Pro_27_07 /^{loatheth /an honeycomb ;
but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet .

loatheth Num_21_05 /^{loatheth /this light bread .

lotheth Eze_16_45 /^{lotheth /her husband and
her children ; and thou art the sister of thy sisters , which
lothed their husbands and their children : your mother was an
Hittite , and your father an Amorite .

Manahethites 1Ch_02_54 /^{Manahethites /the Zorites .

Mephibosheth 2Sa_09_06 /^{Mephibosheth /And he
answered , Behold thy servant !

Mephibosheth 2Sa_21_08 /^{Mephibosheth /and the five
sons of Michal the daughter of Saul , whom she brought up for
Adriel the son of Barzillai the Meholathite :

Mephibosheth 2Sa_16_04 /^{Mephibosheth /And Ziba said ,
I humbly beseech thee that I may find grace in thy sight , my
lord , O king .

Mephibosheth 2Sa_09_13 /^{Mephibosheth /dwelt in
Jerusalem : for he did eat continually at the king's table ; and
was lame on both his feet .

Mephibosheth 2Sa_09_12 /^{Mephibosheth /had a young
son , whose name was Micha . And all that dwelt in the house of
Ziba were servants unto Mephibosheth .

Mephibosheth 2Sa_16_01 /^{Mephibosheth /met him, with
a couple of asses saddled , and upon them two hundred loaves of
bread , and an hundred bunches of raisins , and an hundred of
summer fruits , and a bottle of wine .

Mephibosheth 2Sa_09_11 /^{Mephibosheth /said the king,
he shall eat at my table , as one of the king's sons .

Mephibosheth 2Sa_19_30 /^{Mephibosheth /said unto the
king , Yea, let him take all, forasmuch as my lord the king is
come again in peace unto his own house .

Mephibosheth 2Sa_09_06 /^{Mephibosheth /the son of
Jonathan , the son of Saul , was come unto David , he fell on
his face , and did reverence . And David said , Mephibosheth .
And he answered , Behold thy servant !

Mephibosheth 2Sa_21_07 /^{Mephibosheth /the son of
Jonathan the son of Saul , because of the LORD'S oath that was
between them, between David and Jonathan the son of Saul .

Mephibosheth 2Sa_19_24 /^{Mephibosheth /the son of
Saul came down to meet the king , and had neither dressed his
feet , nor trimmed his beard , nor washed his clothes , from the
day the king departed until the day he came again in peace .

Mephibosheth 2Sa_09_10 /^{Mephibosheth /thy master's
son shall eat bread alway at my table . Now Ziba had fifteen
sons and twenty servants .

Moreshethgath Mic_01_14 /^{Moreshethgath /the houses
of Achzib shall be a lie to the kings of Israel .

nourisheth Eph_05_29 /${nourisheth /and cherisheth
it , even as the Lord the church :

perisheth Jer_09_12 /^{perisheth /and is burned up
like a wilderness , that none passeth through ?

perisheth Isa_57_01 /^{perisheth /and no man
layeth it to heart : and merciful men are taken away , none
considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to

perisheth Joh_06_27 /${perisheth /but for that
meat which endureth unto everlasting life , which the Son of man
shall give unto you : for him hath God the Father sealed .

perisheth Job_04_11 /^{perisheth /for lack of prey
, and the stout lion's whelps are scattered abroad .

perisheth Jer_48_46 /^{perisheth /for thy sons are
taken captives , and thy daughters captives .

perisheth Ecc_07_15 /^{perisheth /in his
righteousness , and there is a wicked man that prolongeth his
life in his wickedness .

perisheth Jam_01_11 /${perisheth /so also shall
the rich man fade away in his ways .

perisheth 1Pe_01_07 /${perisheth /though it be
tried with fire , might be found unto praise and honour and
glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ :

preacheth 2Co_11_04 /${preacheth /another Jesus ,
whom we have not preached , or if ye receive another spirit ,
which ye have not received , or another gospel , which ye have
not accepted , ye might well bear with him.

preacheth Gal_01_23 /${preacheth /the faith which
once he destroyed .

publisheth Jer_04_15 /^{publisheth /affliction from
mount Ephraim .

publisheth Nah_01_15 /^{publisheth /peace ! O Judah
, keep thy solemn feasts , perform thy vows : for the wicked
shall no more pass through thee; he is utterly cut off .

publisheth Isa_52_07 /^{publisheth /peace ; that
bringeth good tidings of good , that publisheth salvation ; that
saith unto Zion , Thy God reigneth !

publisheth Isa_52_07 /^{publisheth /salvation ;
that saith unto Zion , Thy God reigneth !

reacheth Pro_31_20 /^{reacheth /forth her hands
to the needy .

reacheth Jos_19_34 /^{reacheth /to Asher on the
west side , and to Judah upon Jordan toward the sunrising .

reacheth Jos_19_26 /^{reacheth /to Carmel
westward , and to Shihorlibnath ;

reacheth Jos_19_22 /^{reacheth /to Tabor , and
Shahazimah , and Bethshemesh ; and the outgoings of their border
were at Jordan : sixteen cities with their villages .

reacheth Jos_19_27 /^{reacheth /to Zebulun , and
to the valley of Jiphthahel toward the north side of Bethemek ,
and Neiel , and goeth out to Cabul on the left hand ,

reacheth Jos_19_34 /^{reacheth /to Zebulun on the
south side , and reacheth to Asher on the west side , and to
Judah upon Jordan toward the sunrising .

reacheth Jer_51_09 /^{reacheth /unto heaven , and
is lifted up even to the skies .

reacheth Dan_04_22 /^{reacheth /unto heaven , and
thy dominion to the end of the earth .

reacheth Num_21_30 /^{reacheth /unto Medeba .

reacheth Psa_108_04 /^{reacheth /unto the clouds .

reacheth Psa_36_05 /^{reacheth /unto the clouds .

reacheth Jer_04_10 /^{reacheth /unto the soul .

reacheth Jer_04_18 /^{reacheth /unto thine heart .

reacheth 2Ch_28_09 /^{reacheth /up unto heaven .

refresheth Pro_25_13 /^{refresheth /the soul of his
masters .

reproacheth Psa_44_16 /^{reproacheth /and
blasphemeth ; by reason of the enemy and avenger .

reproacheth Pro_17_05 /^{reproacheth /his Maker :
and he that is glad at calamities shall not be unpunished .

reproacheth Pro_14_31 /^{reproacheth /his Maker :
but he that honoureth him hath mercy on the poor .

reproacheth Pro_27_11 /^{reproacheth /me.

reproacheth Psa_119_004 /^{reproacheth /me: for I
trust in thy word .

reproacheth Num_15_30 /^{reproacheth /the LORD ; and
that soul shall be cut off from among his people .

reproacheth Psa_74_22 /^{reproacheth /thee daily .

rusheth Jer_08_06 /^{rusheth /into the battle .

searcheth Job_39_08 /^{searcheth /after every
green thing .

searcheth 1Ch_28_09 /^{searcheth /all hearts , and
understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts : if thou
seek him, he will be found of thee; but if thou forsake him, he
will cast thee off for ever .

searcheth 1Co_02_10 /${searcheth /all things , yea
, the deep things of God .

searcheth Pro_28_11 /^{searcheth /him out .

searcheth Pro_18_17 /^{searcheth /him.

searcheth Job_28_03 /^{searcheth /out all
perfection : the stones of darkness , and the shadow of death .

searcheth Rom_08_27 /${searcheth /the hearts
knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit , because he maketh
intercession for the saints according to the will of God .

searcheth Rev_02_23 /${searcheth /the reins and
hearts : and I will give unto every one of you according to your
works .

Shallecheth 1Ch_26_16 /^{Shallecheth /by the
causeway of the going up , ward against ward .

Sheth 1Ch_01_01 /^{Sheth /Enosh ,

Shethar Est_01_14 /^{Shethar /Admatha , Tarshish
, Meres , Marsena , and Memucan , the seven princes of Persia
and Media , which saw the king's face , and which sat the first
in the kingdom ;

Shetharboznai Ezr_05_06 /^{Shetharboznai /and his
companions the Apharsachites , which were on this side the river
, sent unto Darius the king :

Shetharboznai Ezr_06_13 /^{Shetharboznai /and their
companions , according to that which Darius the king had sent ,
so they did speedily .

Shetharboznai Ezr_05_03 /^{Shetharboznai /and their
companions , and said thus unto them , Who hath commanded you to
build this house , and to make up this wall ?

Shetharboznai Ezr_06_06 /^{Shetharboznai /and your
companions the Apharsachites , which are beyond the river , be
ye far from thence :

sigheth Lam_01_08 /^{sigheth /and turneth
backward .

smootheth Isa_41_07 /^{smootheth /with the hammer
him that smote the anvil , saying , It is ready for the sodering
: and he fastened it with nails , that it should not be moved .

stablisheth Hab_02_12 /^{stablisheth /a city by
iniquity !

stablisheth 2Co_01_21 /${stablisheth /us with you in
Christ , and hath anointed us , is God ;

stretcheth Zec_12_01 /^{stretcheth /forth the
heavens , and layeth the foundation of the earth , and formeth
the spirit of man within him.

stretcheth Isa_44_24 /^{stretcheth /forth the
heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;

stretcheth Pro_31_20 /^{stretcheth /out her hand to
the poor ; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy .

stretcheth Job_15_25 /^{stretcheth /out his hand
against God , and strengtheneth himself against the Almighty .

stretcheth Isa_44_13 /^{stretcheth /out his rule ;
he marketh it out with a line ; he fitteth it with planes , and
he marketh it out with the compass , and maketh it after the
figure of a man , according to the beauty of a man ; that it may
remain in the house .

stretcheth Isa_40_22 /^{stretcheth /out the heavens
as a curtain , and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in :

stretcheth Job_26_07 /^{stretcheth /out the north
over the empty place , and hangeth the earth upon nothing .

teacheth Act_21_28 /${teacheth /all men every
where against the people , and the law , and this place : and
further brought Greeks also into the temple , and hath polluted
this holy place .

teacheth 1Co_02_13 /${teacheth /but which the
Holy Ghost teacheth ; comparing spiritual things with spiritual .

teacheth 1Co_02_13 /${teacheth /comparing
spiritual things with spiritual .

teacheth Pro_16_23 /^{teacheth /his mouth , and
addeth learning to his lips .

teacheth Gal_06_06 /${teacheth /in all good
things .

teacheth Isa_09_15 /^{teacheth /lies , he is the
tail .

teacheth Job_36_22 /^{teacheth /like him?

teacheth Psa_94_10 /^{teacheth /man knowledge ,
shall not he know?

teacheth Psa_144_01 /^{teacheth /my hands to war ,
and my fingers to fight :

teacheth Psa_18_34 /^{teacheth /my hands to war ,
so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms .

teacheth 2Sa_22_35 /^{teacheth /my hands to war ;
so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms .

teacheth Rom_12_07 /${teacheth /on teaching ;

teacheth Isa_48_17 /^{teacheth /thee to profit ,
which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go .

teacheth Job_35_11 /^{teacheth /us more than the
beasts of the earth , and maketh us wiser than the fowls of
heaven ?

teacheth Pro_06_13 /^{teacheth /with his fingers ;

teacheth 1Jo_02_27 /${teacheth /you of all things
, and is truth , and is no lie , and even as it hath taught you ,
ye shall abide in him .

thresheth 1Co_09_10 /${thresheth /in hope should
be partaker of his hope .

Topheth 2Ki_23_10 /^{Topheth /which is in the
valley of the children of Hinnom , that no man might make his
son or his daughter to pass through the fire to Molech .

toucheth Lev_22_05 /^{toucheth /any creeping
thing , whereby he may be made unclean , or a man of whom he may
take uncleanness , whatsoever uncleanness he hath;

toucheth Lev_22_04 /^{toucheth /any thing that is
unclean by the dead , or a man whose seed goeth from him;

toucheth Lev_15_22 /^{toucheth /any thing that
she sat upon shall wash his clothes , and bathe himself in water
, and be unclean until the even .

toucheth Lev_15_10 /^{toucheth /any thing that
was under him shall be unclean until the even : and he that
beareth any of those things shall wash his clothes , and bathe
himself in water , and be unclean until the even .

toucheth Lev_07_19 /^{toucheth /any unclean thing
shall not be eaten ; it shall be burnt with fire : and as for
the flesh , all that be clean shall eat thereof.

toucheth Hos_04_02 /^{toucheth /blood .

toucheth Lev_15_21 /^{toucheth /her bed shall
wash his clothes , and bathe himself in water , and be unclean
until the even .

toucheth Lev_15_19 /^{toucheth /her shall be
unclean until the even .

toucheth Pro_06_29 /^{toucheth /her shall not be
innocent .

toucheth Luk_07_39 /${toucheth /him : for she is
a sinner .

toucheth 1Jo_05_18 /${toucheth /him not .

toucheth Lev_15_05 /^{toucheth /his bed shall
wash his clothes , and bathe himself in water , and be unclean
until the even .

toucheth Num_19_22 /^{toucheth /it shall be
unclean until even .

toucheth Lev_15_23 /^{toucheth /it, he shall be
unclean until the even .

toucheth Eze_17_10 /^{toucheth /it? it shall
wither in the furrows where it grew .

toucheth Num_19_16 /^{toucheth /one that is slain
with a sword in the open fields , or a dead body , or a bone of
a man , or a grave , shall be unclean seven days .

toucheth Num_19_22 /^{toucheth /shall be unclean ;
and the soul that toucheth it shall be unclean until even .

toucheth Lev_15_11 /^{toucheth /that hath the
issue , and hath not rinsed his hands in water , he shall wash
his clothes , and bathe himself in water , and be unclean until
the even .

toucheth Exo_29_37 /^{toucheth /the altar shall
be holy .

toucheth Zec_02_08 /^{toucheth /the apple of his
eye .

toucheth Lev_11_24 /^{toucheth /the carcase of
them shall be unclean until the even .

toucheth Lev_11_39 /^{toucheth /the carcase
thereof shall be unclean until the even .

toucheth Num_19_11 /^{toucheth /the dead body of
any man shall be unclean seven days .

toucheth Num_19_13 /^{toucheth /the dead body of
any man that is dead , and purifieth not himself, defileth the
tabernacle of the LORD ; and that soul shall be cut off from
Israel : because the water of separation was not sprinkled upon
him, he shall be unclean ; his uncleanness is yet upon him.

toucheth Jud_16_09 /^{toucheth /the fire . So his
strength was not known .

toucheth Lev_15_07 /^{toucheth /the flesh of him
that hath the issue shall wash his clothes , and bathe himself
in water , and be unclean until the even .

toucheth Psa_104_32 /^{toucheth /the hills , and
they smoke .

toucheth Amo_09_05 /^{toucheth /the land , and it
shall melt , and all that dwell therein shall mourn : and it
shall rise up wholly like a flood ; and shall be drowned , as by
the flood of Egypt .

toucheth Exo_19_12 /^{toucheth /the mount shall
be surely put to death :

toucheth Num_19_21 /^{toucheth /the water of
separation shall be unclean until even .

toucheth Job_04_05 /^{toucheth /thee, and thou
art troubled .

toucheth Lev_11_36 /^{toucheth /their carcase
shall be unclean .

toucheth Lev_11_27 /^{toucheth /their carcase
shall be unclean until the even .

toucheth Exo_30_29 /^{toucheth /them shall be
holy .

toucheth Lev_06_18 /^{toucheth /them shall be
holy .

toucheth Lev_11_26 /^{toucheth /them shall be
unclean .

toucheth Gen_26_11 /^{toucheth /this man or his
wife shall surely be put to death .

toucheth Lev_15_27 /^{toucheth /those things
shall be unclean , and shall wash his clothes , and bathe
himself in water , and be unclean until the even .

toucheth Lev_15_12 /^{toucheth /which hath the
issue , shall be broken : and every vessel of wood shall be
rinsed in water .

toucheth Zec_02_08 /^{toucheth /you toucheth the
apple of his eye .

vanisheth Jam_04_01 /${vanisheth /away .

vanisheth Job_07_09 /^{vanisheth /away : so he
that goeth down to the grave shall come up no more.

watcheth Rev_16_15 /${watcheth /and keepeth his
garments , lest he walk naked , and they see his shame .

watcheth Eze_07_06 /^{watcheth /for thee; behold,
it is come .

watcheth Psa_37_32 /^{watcheth /the righteous ,
and seeketh to slay him.

weigheth Pro_16_02 /^{weigheth /the spirits .

weigheth Job_28_25 /^{weigheth /the waters by
measure .

whether Jer_30_06 /^{whether /a man doth travail
with child ? wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his
loins , as a woman in travail , and all faces are turned into
paleness ?

Whether 2Co_08_23 /${Whether /any do enquire of
Titus , he is my partner and fellowhelper concerning you : or
our brethren be enquired of, they are the messengers of the
churches , and the glory of Christ .

whether 1Ki_20_33 /^{whether /any thing would
come from him, and did hastily catch it: and they said , Thy
brother Benhadad . Then he said , Go ye, bring him. Then
Benhadad came forth to him; and he caused him to come up into
the chariot .

whether 2Th_02_15 /${whether /by word , or our
epistle .

whether Mat_27_49 /${whether /Elias will come to
save him .

whether Mar_15_36 /${whether /Elias will come to
take him down .

whether Job_37_13 /^{whether /for correction ,
or for his land , or for mercy .

whether 2Sa_12_22 /^{whether /GOD will be
gracious to me, that the child may live ?

Whether Joh_09_25 /${Whether /he be a sinner or
no, I know not : one thing I know , that , whereas I was blind ,
now I see .

whether Exo_12_19 /^{whether /he be a stranger ,
or born in the land .

whether Luk_14_31 /${whether /he be able with
ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty
thousand ?

whether Eph_06_08 /${whether /he be bond or free

whether Num_15_30 /^{whether /he be born in the
land , or a stranger , the same reproacheth the LORD ; and that
soul shall be cut off from among his people .

whether Deu_24_14 /^{whether /he be of thy
brethren , or of thy strangers that are in thy land within thy
gates :

whether Ecc_05_12 /^{whether /he eat little or
much : but the abundance of the rich will not suffer him to
sleep .

whether Mar_15_44 /${whether /he had been any
while dead .

whether Lev_05_01 /^{whether /he hath seen or
known of it; if he do not utter it, then he shall bear his
iniquity .

Whether Exo_21_31 /^{Whether /he have gored a
son , or have gored a daughter , according to this judgment
shall it be done unto him.

whether Exo_22_08 /^{whether /he have put his
hand unto his neighbour's goods .

whether Luk_14_28 /${whether /he have sufficient
to finish it?

whether Pro_29_09 /^{whether /he rage or laugh ,
there is no rest .

whether Ecc_02_19 /^{whether /he shall be a wise
man or a fool ? yet shall he have rule over all my labour
wherein I have laboured , and wherein I have shewed myself wise
under the sun . This is also vanity .

whether Luk_03_15 /${whether /he were the Christ
, or not ;

whether Act_25_20 /${whether /he would go to
Jerusalem , and there be judged of these matters .

whether Mar_03_02 /${whether /he would heal him
on the sabbath day ; that they might accuse him .

whether Luk_06_07 /${whether /he would heal on
the sabbath day ; that they might find an accusation against him

whether Lev_15_03 /^{whether /his flesh run with
his issue , or his flesh be stopped from his issue , it is his
uncleanness .

whether Pro_20_11 /^{whether /his work be pure ,
and whether it be right .

whether 1Co_01_16 /${whether /I baptized any
other .

whether Php_01_27 /${whether /I come and see you
, or else be absent , I may hear of your affairs , that ye stand
fast in one spirit , with one mind striving together for the
faith of the gospel ;

whether 2Ki_01_02 /^{whether /I shall recover of
this disease .

whether Joh_07_17 /${whether /I speak of myself .

whether Lev_13_48 /^{whether /in a skin , or in
any thing made of skin ;

whether 2Sa_15_21 /^{whether /in death or life ,
even there also will thy servant be.

whether 1Co_08_05 /${whether /in heaven or in
earth , gods many , and lords many ,

whether Php_01_18 /${whether /in pretence , or
in truth , Christ is preached ; and I therein do rejoice , yea ,
and will rejoice .

whether Num_13_19 /^{whether /in tents , or in
strong holds ;

Whether Jud_09_02 /^{Whether /is better for you,
either that all the sons of Jerubbaal , which are threescore and
ten persons , reign over you, or that one reign over you?
remember also that I am your bone and your flesh .

whether Mat_09_05 /${whether /is easier , to say
, Thy sins be forgiven thee ; or to say , Arise , and walk ?

Whether Luk_05_23 /${Whether /is easier , to say
, Thy sins be forgiven thee ; or to say , Rise up and walk ?

whether Luk_22_27 /${whether /is greater , he
that sitteth at meat , or he that serveth ? is not he that
sitteth at meat ? but I am among you as he that serveth .

whether Mat_23_19 /${whether /is greater , the
gift , or the altar that sanctifieth the gift ?

whether Mat_23_17 /${whether /is greater , the
gold , or the temple that sanctifieth the gold ?

Whether Mar_02_09 /${Whether /is it easier to
say to the sick of the palsy , Thy sins be forgiven thee ; or to
say , Arise , and take up thy bed , and walk ?

whether Lev_05_02 /^{whether /it be a carcase of
an unclean beast , or a carcase of unclean cattle , or the
carcase of unclean creeping things , and if it be hidden from
him; he also shall be unclean , and guilty .

whether Lev_03_01 /^{whether /it be a male or
female , he shall offer it without blemish before the LORD .

whether Lev_13_47 /^{whether /it be a woollen
garment , or a linen garment ;

whether Lev_11_32 /^{whether /it be any vessel
of wood , or raiment , or skin , or sack , whatsoever vessel it
be, wherein any work is done , it must be put into water , and
it shall be unclean until the even ; so it shall be cleansed .

whether Lev_13_55 /^{whether /it be bare within
or without .

whether Exo_19_13 /^{whether /it be beast or man
, it shall not live : when the trumpet soundeth long , they
shall come up to the mount .

whether Php_01_20 /${whether /it be by life , or
by death .

whether Lev_22_28 /^{whether /it be cow or ewe ,
ye shall not kill it and her young both in one day .

whether Job_34_29 /^{whether /it be done against
a nation , or against a man only :

whether Jer_42_06 /^{whether /it be evil , we
will obey the voice of the LORD our God , to whom we send thee;
that it may be well with us, when we obey the voice of the LORD
our God .

whether Ecc_12_14 /^{whether /it be evil .

whether Num_13_20 /^{whether /it be fat or lean ,
whether there be wood therein, or not. And be ye of good
courage , and bring of the fruit of the land . Now the time was
the time of the firstripe grapes .

whether Exo_22_09 /^{whether /it be for ox , for
ass , for sheep , for raiment , or for any manner of lost thing ,
which another challengeth to be his, the cause of both parties
shall come before the judges ; and whom the judges shall condemn
, he shall pay double unto his neighbour .

whether Eze_44_31 /^{whether /it be fowl or
beast .

Whether Jer_42_06 /^{Whether /it be good , or
whether it be evil , we will obey the voice of the LORD our God ,
to whom we send thee; that it may be well with us, when we obey
the voice of the LORD our God .

whether Ecc_12_14 /^{whether /it be good , or
whether it be evil .

whether Lev_27_33 /^{whether /it be good or bad ,
neither shall he change it: and if he change it at all , then
both it and the change thereof shall be holy ; it shall not be
redeemed .

whether 2Co_05_10 /${whether /it be good or bad .

whether Lev_27_14 /^{whether /it be good or bad :
as the priest shall estimate it, so shall it stand .

whether Lev_27_12 /^{whether /it be good or bad :
as thou valuest it, who art the priest , so shall it be.

whether Num_13_19 /^{whether /it be good or bad ;
and what cities they be that they dwell in , whether in tents ,
or in strong holds ;

Whether Lev_13_48 /^{Whether /it be in the warp ,
or woof ; of linen , or of woollen ; whether in a skin , or in
any thing made of skin ;

whether Lev_07_26 /^{whether /it be of fowl or
of beast , in any of your dwellings .

whether Joh_07_17 /${whether /it be of God , or
whether I speak of myself .

whether Num_18_15 /^{whether /it be of men or
beasts , shall be thine: nevertheless the firstborn of man shalt
thou surely redeem , and the firstling of unclean beasts shalt
thou redeem .

whether Lev_17_15 /^{whether /it be one of your
own country , or a stranger , he shall both wash his clothes ,
and bathe himself in water , and be unclean until the even :
then shall he be clean .

whether Lev_16_29 /^{whether /it be one of your
own country , or a stranger that sojourneth among you:

whether Lev_11_35 /^{whether /it be oven , or
ranges for pots, they shall be broken down : for they are
unclean , and shall be unclean unto you.

whether Exo_22_04 /^{whether /it be ox , or ass ,
or sheep ; he shall restore double .

whether Lev_27_26 /^{whether /it be ox , or
sheep : it is the LORD'S .

whether Deu_18_03 /^{whether /it be ox or sheep ;
and they shall give unto the priest the shoulder , and the two
cheeks , and the maw .

whether Pro_20_11 /^{whether /it be right .

Whether Act_04_19 /${Whether /it be right in the
sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God , judge ye .

whether Ezr_05_17 /^{whether /it be so, that a
decree was made of Cyrus the king to build this house of God at
Jerusalem , and let the king send his pleasure to us concerning
this matter .

whether Gen_37_32 /^{whether /it be thy son's
coat or no.

whether 1Pe_02_13 /${whether /it be to the king ,
as supreme ;

whether Ezr_07_26 /^{whether /it be unto death ,
or to banishment , or to confiscation of goods , or to
imprisonment .

whether Gen_37_14 /^{whether /it be well with
thy brethren , and well with the flocks ; and bring me word
again . So he sent him out of the vale of Hebron , and he came
to Shechem .

whether Num_09_21 /^{whether /it was by day or
by night that the cloud was taken up , they journeyed .

whether 1Co_15_11 /${whether /it were I or they ,
so we preach , and so ye believed .

whether Num_09_22 /^{whether /it were two days ,
or a month , or a year , that the cloud tarried upon the
tabernacle , remaining thereon, the children of Israel abode in
their tents, and journeyed not: but when it was taken up , they
journeyed .

whether Est_04_11 /^{whether /man or woman ,
shall come unto the king into the inner court , who is not
called , there is one law of his to put him to death , except
such to whom the king shall hold out the golden sceptre , that
he may live : but I have not been called to come in unto the
king these thirty days .

whether 2Ch_15_13 /^{whether /man or woman .

whether Est_03_04 /^{whether /Mordecai's matters
would stand : for he had told them that he was a Jew .

whether Num_11_23 /^{whether /my word shall come
to pass unto thee or not.

whether Rom_06_16 /${whether /of sin unto death ,
or of obedience unto righteousness ?

whether Lev_27_30 /^{whether /of the seed of the
land , or of the fruit of the tree , is the LORD'S : it is holy
unto the LORD .

Whether Mat_27_21 /${Whether /of the twain will
ye that I release unto you ? They said , Barabbas .

Whether Mat_21_31 /${Whether /of them twain did
the will of his father ? They say unto him , The first . Jesus
saith unto them , Verily I say unto you , That the publicans and
the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you .

whether Act_01_24 /${whether /of these two thou
hast chosen ,

whether 1Co_12_26 /${whether /one member suffer ,
all the members suffer with it ; or one member be honoured ,
all the members rejoice with it .

whether Jud_18_05 /^{whether /our way which we
go shall be prosperous .

whether 2Co_12_02 /${whether /out of the body , I
cannot tell : God knoweth ; such an one caught up to the third
heaven .

whether Exo_34_19 /^{whether /ox or sheep , that
is male .

Whether 1Co_03_22 /${Whether /Paul , or Apollos ,
or Cephas , or the world , or life , or death , or things
present , or things to come ; all are yours ;

whether 1Co_14_07 /${whether /pipe or harp ,
except they give a distinction in the sounds , how shall it be
known what is piped or harped ?

whether Rut_03_10 /^{whether /poor or rich .

whether 2Co_05_09 /${whether /present or absent ,
we may be accepted of him .

whether Rom_12_06 /${whether /prophecy , let us
prophesy according to the proportion of faith ;

whether Ecc_11_06 /^{whether /shall prosper ,
either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good .

whether Lev_18_09 /^{whether /she be born at
home , or born abroad , even their nakedness thou shalt not
uncover .

whether Act_10_18 /${whether /Simon , which was
surnamed Peter , were lodged there .

whether 2Ch_15_13 /^{whether /small or great ,
whether man or woman .

whether Gen_31_39 /^{whether /stolen by day , or
stolen by night .

whether 027 015 Jos /^{whether /the gods which
your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood ,
or the gods of the Amorites , in whose land ye dwell : but as
for me and my house , we will serve the LORD .

whether Gen_24_21 /^{whether /the LORD had made
his journey prosperous or not.

whether Luk_23_06 /${whether /the man were a
Galilaean .

whether Son_07_12 /^{whether /the tender grape
appear , and the pomegranates bud forth : there will I give thee
my loves .

whether Son_06_11 /^{whether /the vine
flourished , and the pomegranates budded .

whether Act_19_02 /${whether /there be any Holy
Ghost .

whether Gen_42_16 /^{whether /there be any truth
in you: or else by the life of Pharaoh surely ye are spies .

whether 1Co_13_08 /${whether /there be knowledge
, it shall vanish away .

whether 1Co_13_08 /${whether /there be
prophecies , they shall fail ; whether there be tongues , they
shall cease ; whether there be knowledge , it shall vanish away .

whether 1Co_13_08 /${whether /there be tongues ,
they shall cease ; whether there be knowledge , it shall vanish
away .

whether Num_13_20 /^{whether /there be wood
therein, or not. And be ye of good courage , and bring of the
fruit of the land . Now the time was the time of the firstripe
grapes .

whether Deu_04_32 /^{whether /there hath been
any such thing as this great thing is, or hath been heard like

Whether 1Co_10_31 /${Whether /therefore ye eat ,
or drink , or whatsoever ye do , do all to the glory of God .

whether 1Jo_04_01 /${whether /they are of God :
because many false prophets are gone out into the world .

Whether 1Ki_20_18 /^{Whether /they be come out
for peace , take them alive ; or whether they be come out for
war , take them alive .

whether 1Ki_20_18 /^{whether /they be come out
for war , take them alive .

whether Num_13_18 /^{whether /they be strong or
weak , few or many ;

whether Col_01_20 /${whether /they be things in
earth , or things in heaven .

whether Col_01_16 /${whether /they be thrones ,
or dominions , or principalities , or powers : all things were
created by him , and for him :

whether Exo_04_18 /^{whether /they be yet alive .
And Jethro said to Moses , Go in peace .

whether Deu_22_06 /^{whether /they be young ones
, or eggs , and the dam sitting upon the young , or upon the
eggs , thou shalt not take the dam with the young :

whether Ecc_11_06 /^{whether /they both shall be
alike good .

whether Gen_18_21 /^{whether /they have done
altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me;
and if not, I will know .

whether Act_09_02 /${whether /they were men or
women , he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem .

whether Neh_07_61 /^{whether /they were of
Israel .

whether Ezr_02_59 /^{whether /they were of
Israel :

whether Eze_02_05 /^{whether /they will forbear ,
yet shall know that there hath been a prophet among them.

whether Eze_03_11 /^{whether /they will forbear .

whether Eze_02_07 /^{whether /they will forbear :
for they are most rebellious .

whether Eze_02_05 /^{whether /they will hear ,
or whether they will forbear , yet shall know that there hath
been a prophet among them.

whether Eze_03_11 /^{whether /they will hear ,
or whether they will forbear .

whether Eze_02_07 /^{whether /they will hear ,
or whether they will forbear : for they are most rebellious .

whether Jud_02_22 /^{whether /they will keep the
way of the LORD to walk therein, as their fathers did keep it,
or not.

whether Exo_16_04 /^{whether /they will walk in
my law , or no.

whether Jud_03_04 /^{whether /they would hearken
unto the commandments of the LORD , which he commanded their
fathers by the hand of Moses .

whether Act_17_11 /${whether /those things were
so .

whether Est_04_14 /^{whether /thou art come to
the kingdom for such a time as this?

whether Gen_27_21 /^{whether /thou be my very
son Esau or not.

whether Mat_26_63 /${whether /thou be the Christ
, the Son of God .

whether Job_34_33 /^{whether /thou choose ; and
not I: therefore speak what thou knowest .

whether Job_34_33 /^{whether /thou refuse , or
whether thou choose ; and not I: therefore speak what thou
knowest .

whether 1Co_07_16 /${whether /thou shalt save
thy husband ? or how knowest thou , O man , whether thou shalt
save thy wife ?

whether 1Co_07_16 /${whether /thou shalt save
thy wife ?

whether Deu_08_02 /^{whether /thou wouldest keep
his commandments , or no.

whether Lev_13_52 /^{whether /warp or woof , in
woollen or in linen , or any thing of skin , wherein the plague
is: for it is a fretting leprosy ; it shall be burnt in the fire

whether 2Co_01_06 /${whether /we be afflicted ,
it is for your consolation and salvation , which is effectual in
the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer : or
whether we be comforted , it is for your consolation and
salvation .

whether 2Co_05_13 /${whether /we be beside
ourselves , it is to God : or whether we be sober , it is for
your cause .

whether 1Co_12_13 /${whether /we be bond or free
; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit .

whether 2Co_01_06 /${whether /we be comforted ,
it is for your consolation and salvation .

whether 1Co_12_13 /${whether /we be Jews or
Gentiles , whether we be bond or free ; and have been all made
to drink into one Spirit .

whether 2Co_05_13 /${whether /we be sober , it is
for your cause .

whether Rom_14_08 /${whether /we die , we die
unto the Lord : whether we live therefore , or die , we are the
Lord's .

whether Rom_14_08 /${whether /we live , we live
unto the Lord ; and whether we die , we die unto the Lord :
whether we live therefore , or die , we are the Lord's .

whether Rom_14_08 /${whether /we live therefore ,
or die , we are the Lord's .

whether 1Th_05_10 /${whether /we wake or sleep ,
we should live together with him .

whether 2Ch_14_11 /^{whether /with many , or with
them that have no power : help us, O LORD our God ; for we rest
on thee, and in thy name we go against this multitude . O LORD ,
thou art our God ; let not man prevail against thee.

whether 2Co_13_05 /${whether /ye be in the faith ;
prove your own selves . Know ye not your own selves , how that
Jesus Christ is in you , except ye be reprobates ?

whether 2Co_02_09 /${whether /ye be obedient in
all things .

whether Gen_43_06 /^{whether /ye had yet a
brother ?

whether Deu_13_03 /^{whether /ye love the LORD
your God with all your heart and with all your soul .

whether Act_05_08 /${whether /ye sold the land
for so much ? And she said , Yea , for so much .

Zoheth 1Ch_04_20 /^{Zoheth /and Benzoheth .
