Bible Quick Find Phrase Concordance for fast finding of phrases

Bible Quick Find Phrase Concordance for fast finding of phrases
himself ^ 11_1KI_18_06 / himself /^

himself ^ 09_1SA_24_08 / himself /^

himself ^ 09_1SA_28_14 / himself /^

himself ^ 14_2CH_32_01 / himself /^

himself ^ 10_2SA_06_20 / himself /^

himself ^ 55_2TI_02_13 / himself /^

himself ^ 44_ACT_26_01 / himself /^

himself ^ 44_ACT_27_03 / himself /^

himself ^ 30_AMO_02_14 / himself /^

himself ^ 30_AMO_02_15 / himself /^

himself ^ 27_DAN_01_08 / himself /^

himself ^ 21_ECC_10_12 / himself /^

himself ^ 49_EPH_01_09 / himself /^

himself ^ 49_EPH_05_28 / himself /^

himself ^ 02_EXO_21_04 / himself /^

himself ^ 48_GAL_06_03 / himself /^

himself ^ 58_HEB_06_13 / himself /^

himself ^ 58_HEB_07_27 / himself /^

himself ^ 58_HEB_09_26 / himself /^

himself ^ 18_JOB_22_02 / himself /^

himself ^ 43_JOH_05_26 / himself /^

himself ^ 43_JOH_09_21 / himself /^

himself ^ 43_JOH_13_04 / himself /^

himself ^ 43_JOH_18_18 / himself /^

himself ^ 43_JOH_21_01 / himself /^

himself ^ 07_JUD_09_05 / himself /^

himself ^ 25_LAM_01_09 / himself /^

himself ^ 03_LEV_09_08 / himself /^

himself ^ 03_LEV_16_11 / himself /^

himself ^ 03_LEV_21_04 / himself /^

himself ^ 03_LEV_25_49 / himself /^

himself ^ 42_LUK_24_27 / himself /^

himself ^ 41_MAR_03_21 / himself /^

himself ^ 40_MAT_27_05 / himself /^

himself ^ 04_NUM_31_53 / himself /^

himself ^ 50_PHP_03_21 / himself /^

himself ^ 20_PRO_11_25 / himself /^

himself ^ 20_PRO_14_14 / himself /^

himself ^ 66_REV_19_12 / himself /^

himself ^ 45_ROM_14_07 / himself /^

himself ^ 56_TIT_03_11 / himself /^

himself ^ 20_PRO_09_07 / himself /^a blot.

himself ^ 22_SON_03_09 / himself /^a chariot of the wood of Lebanon.

himself ^ 49_EPH_05_27 / himself /^a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

himself ^ 43_JOH_19_12 / himself /^a king speaketh against Caesar.

himself ^ 42_LUK_19_12 / himself /^a kingdom, and to return.

himself ^ 01_GEN_22_08 / himself /^a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.

himself ^ 56_TIT_02_14 / himself /^a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

himself ^ 10_2SA_18_18 / himself /^a pillar, which [is] in the king's dale: for he said, I have no son to keep my name in remembrance: and he called the pillar after his own name: and it is called unto this day, Absalom's place.

himself ^ 23_ISA_59_15 / himself /^a prey: and the LORD saw [it], and it displeased him that [there was] no judgment.

himself ^ 24_JER_29_27 / himself /^a prophet to you?

himself ^ 24_JER_29_26 / himself /^a prophet, that thou shouldest put him in prison, and in the stocks.

himself ^ 54_1TI_02_06 / himself /^a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

himself ^ 11_1KI_01_52 / himself /^a worthy man, there shall not an hair of him fall to the earth: but if wickedness shall be found in him, he shall die.

himself ^ 01_GEN_42_24 / himself /^about from them, and wept; and returned to them again, and communed with them, and took from them Simeon, and bound him before their eyes.

himself ^ 05_DEU_07_06 / himself /^above all people that [are] upon the face of the earth.

himself ^ 53_2TH_02_04 / himself /^above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

himself ^ 05_DEU_14_02 / himself /^above all the nations that [are] upon the earth.

himself ^ 27_DAN_11_37 / himself /^above all.

himself ^ 27_DAN_11_36 / himself /^above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.

himself ^ 49_EPH_01_05 / himself /^according to the good pleasure of his will,

himself ^ 28_HOS_10_01 / himself /^according to the multitude of his fruit he hath increased the altars; according to the goodness of his land they have made goodly images.

himself ^ 43_JOH_21_01 / himself /^again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias; and on this wise showed he [himself].

himself ^ 18_JOB_09_04 / himself /^against him, and hath prospered?

himself ^ 14_2CH_17_01 / himself /^against Israel.

himself ^ 26_EZE_24_02 / himself /^against Jerusalem this same day.

himself ^ 19_PSA_55_12 / himself /^against me; then I would have hid myself from him:

himself ^ 18_JOB_15_25 / himself /^against the Almighty.

himself ^ 18_JOB_17_08 / himself /^against the hypocrite.

himself ^ 24_JER_48_42 / himself /^against the LORD.

himself ^ 24_JER_48_26 / himself /^against the LORD: Moab also shall wallow in his vomit, and he also shall be in derision.

himself ^ 01_GEN_14_15 / himself /^against them, he and his servants, by night, and smote them, and pursued them unto Hobah, which [is] on the left hand of Damascus.

himself ^ 44_ACT_01_03 / himself /^alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God:

himself ^ 48_GAL_06_04 / himself /^alone, and not in another.

himself ^ 43_JOH_06_15 / himself /^alone.

himself ^ 07_JUD_03_20 / himself /^alone. And Ehud said, I have a message from God unto thee. And he arose out of [his] seat.

himself ^ 58_HEB_05_02 / himself /^also is compassed with infirmity.

himself ^ 62_1JO_02_06 / himself /^also so to walk, even as he walked.

himself ^ 42_LUK_23_07 / himself /^also was at Jerusalem at that time.

himself ^ 28_HOS_07_08 / himself /^among the people; Ephraim is a cake not turned.

himself ^ 09_1SA_10_22 / himself /^among the stuff.

himself ^ 23_ISA_44_14 / himself /^among the trees of the forest: he planteth an ash, and the rain doth nourish [it].

himself ^ 23_ISA_63_12 / himself /^an everlasting name?

himself ^ 41_MAR_03_26 / himself /^and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.

himself ^ 50_PHP_02_08 / himself /^and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

himself ^ 40_MAT_27_03 / himself /^and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders,

himself ^ 14_2CH_32_05 / himself /^and built up all the wall that was broken, and raised [it] up to the towers, and another wall without, and repaired Millo [in] the city of David, and made darts and shields in abundance.

himself ^ 10_2SA_12_20 / himself /^and changed his apparel, and came into the house of the LORD, and worshipped: then he came to his own house; and when he required, they set bread before him, and he did eat.

himself ^ 01_GEN_41_14 / himself /^and changed his raiment, and came in unto Pharaoh.

himself ^ 09_1SA_23_23 / himself /^and come ye again to me with the certainty, and I will go with you: and it shall come to pass, if he be in the land, that I will search him out throughout all the thousands of Judah.

himself ^ 10_2SA_17_23 / himself /^and died, and was buried in the sepulchre of his father.

himself ^ 20_PRO_25_09 / himself /^and discover not a secret to another:

himself ^ 26_EZE_45_22 / himself /^and for all the people of the land a bullock [for] a sin offering.

himself ^ 03_LEV_16_11 / himself /^and for his house, and shall kill the bullock of the sin offering which [is] for himself:

himself ^ 03_LEV_16_06 / himself /^and for his house.

himself ^ 03_LEV_16_17 / himself /^and for his household, and for all the congregation of Israel.

himself ^ 03_LEV_16_24 / himself /^and for the people.

himself ^ 01_GEN_43_32 / himself /^and for them by themselves, and for the Egyptians, which did eat with him, by themselves: because the Egyptians might not eat bread with the Hebrews; for that [is] an abomination unto the Egyptians.

himself ^ 53_2TH_02_16 / himself /^and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given [us] everlasting consolation and good hope through grace,

himself ^ 59_JAM_01_24 / himself /^and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.

himself ^ 20_PRO_05_22 / himself /^and he shall be holden with the cords of his sins.

himself ^ 43_JOH_04_12 / himself /^and his children, and his cattle?

himself ^ 09_1SA_30_31 / himself /^and his men were wont to haunt.

himself ^ 42_LUK_12_21 / himself /^and is not rich toward God.

himself ^ 01_GEN_30_36 / himself /^and Jacob: and Jacob fed the rest of Laban's flocks.

himself ^ 20_PRO_12_09 / himself /^and lacketh bread.

himself ^ 14_2CH_25_11 / himself /^and led forth his people, and went to the valley of salt, and smote of the children of Seir ten thousand.

himself ^ 27_DAN_11_36 / himself /^and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.

himself ^ 03_LEV_16_06 / himself /^and make an atonement for himself, and for his house.

himself ^ 42_LUK_12_37 / himself /^and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them.

himself ^ 45_ROM_14_07 / himself /^and no man dieth to himself.

himself ^ 11_1KI_18_06 / himself /^and Obadiah went another way by himself.

himself ^ 52_1TH_03_11 / himself /^and our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, direct our way unto you.

himself ^ 09_1SA_28_08 / himself /^and put on other raiment, and he went, and two men with him, and they came to the woman by night: and he said, I pray thee, divine unto me by the familiar spirit, and bring me [him] up, whom I shall name unto thee.

himself ^ 43_JOH_08_07 / himself /^and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

himself ^ 01_GEN_43_31 / himself /^and said, Set on bread.

himself ^ 10_2SA_09_08 / himself /^and said, What [is] thy servant, that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I [am]?

himself ^ 23_ISA_44_16 / himself /^and saith, Aha, I am warm, I have seen the fire:

himself ^ 01_GEN_48_02 / himself /^and sat upon the bed.

himself ^ 43_JOH_08_10 / himself /^and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?

himself ^ 27_DAN_06_14 / himself /^and set [his] heart on Daniel to deliver him: and he laboured till the going down of the sun to deliver him.

himself ^ 03_LEV_16_11 / himself /^and shall make an atonement for himself, and for his house, and shall kill the bullock of the sin offering which [is] for himself:

himself ^ 43_JOH_13_32 / himself /^and shall straightway glorify him.

himself ^ 14_2CH_21_04 / himself /^and slew all his brethren with the sword, and [divers] also of the princes of Israel.

himself ^ 46_1CO_11_28 / himself /^and so let him eat of [that] bread, and drink of [that] cup.

himself ^ 42_LUK_09_23 / himself /^and take up his cross daily, and follow me.

himself ^ 41_MAR_08_34 / himself /^and take up his cross, and follow me.

himself ^ 40_MAT_16_24 / himself /^and take up his cross, and follow me.

himself ^ 10_2SA_14_22 / himself /^and thanked the king: and Joab said, To day thy servant knoweth that I have found grace in thy sight, my lord, O king, in that the king hath fulfilled the request of his servant.

himself ^ 62_1JO_05_18 / himself /^and that wicked one toucheth him not.

himself ^ 27_DAN_09_26 / himself /^and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof [shall be] with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

himself ^ 49_EPH_05_33 / himself /^and the wife [see] that she reverence [her] husband.

himself ^ 40_MAT_12_45 / himself /^and they enter in and dwell there: and the last [state] of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.

himself ^ 42_LUK_11_26 / himself /^and they enter in, and dwell there: and the last [state] of that man is worse than the first.

himself ^ 14_2CH_18_29 / himself /^and they went to the battle.

himself ^ 24_JER_16_20 / himself /^and they [are] no gods?

himself ^ 46_1CO_14_28 / himself /^and to God.

himself ^ 10_2SA_07_23 / himself /^and to make him a name, and to do for you great things and terrible, for thy land, before thy people, which thou redeemedst to thee from Egypt, [from] the nations and their gods?

himself ^ 14_2CH_23_01 / himself /^and took the captains of hundreds, Azariah the son of Jeroham, and Ishmael the son of Jehohanan, and Azariah the son of Obed, and Maaseiah the son of Adaiah, and Elishaphat the son of Zichri, into covenant with him.

himself ^ 04_NUM_19_19 / himself /^and wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and shall be clean at even.

himself ^ 11_1KI_22_30 / himself /^and went into the battle.

himself ^ 02_EXO_10_06 / himself /^and went out from Pharaoh.

himself ^ 43_JOH_08_59 / himself /^and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.

himself ^ 17_EST_05_10 / himself /^and when he came home, he sent and called for his friends, and Zeresh his wife.

himself ^ 58_HEB_09_07 / himself /^and [for] the errors of the people:

himself ^ 23_ISA_08_13 / himself /^and [let] him [be] your fear, and [let] him [be] your dread.

himself ^ 05_DEU_29_13 / himself /^and [that] he may be unto thee a God, as he hath said unto thee, and as he hath sworn unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.

himself ^ 08_RUT_03_08 / himself /^and, behold, a woman lay at his feet.

himself ^ 19_PSA_135_04 / himself /^and] Israel for his peculiar treasure.

himself ^ 22_SON_05_06 / himself /^and] was gone: my soul failed when he spake: I sought him, but I could not find him; I called him, but he gave me no answer.

himself ^ 04_NUM_23_24 / himself /^as a young lion: he shall not lie down until he eat [of] the prey, and drink the blood of the slain.

himself ^ 05_DEU_28_09 / himself /^as he hath sworn unto thee, if thou shalt keep the commandments of the LORD thy God, and walk in his ways.

himself ^ 11_1KI_20_11 / himself /^as he that putteth it off.

himself ^ 40_MAT_18_04 / himself /^as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

himself ^ 42_LUK_24_12 / himself /^at that which was come to pass.

himself ^ 41_MAR_14_54 / himself /^at the fire.

himself ^ 43_JOH_05_13 / himself /^away, a multitude being in [that] place.

himself ^ 43_JOH_04_02 / himself /^baptized not, but his disciples,]

himself ^ 03_LEV_25_26 / himself /^be able to redeem it;

himself ^ 46_1CO_15_28 / himself /^be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.

himself ^ 43_JOH_08_22 / himself /^because he saith, Whither I go, ye cannot come.

himself ^ 23_ISA_19_17 / himself /^because of the counsel of the LORD of hosts, which he hath determined against it.

himself ^ 05_DEU_33_21 / himself /^because there, [in] a portion of the lawgiver, [was he] seated; and he came with the heads of the people, he executed the justice of the LORD, and his judgments with Israel.

himself ^ 07_JUD_06_31 / himself /^because [one] hath cast down his altar.

himself ^ 01_GEN_45_01 / himself /^before all them that stood by him; and he cried, Cause every man to go out from me. And there stood no man with him, while Joseph made himself known unto his brethren.

himself ^ 14_2CH_36_12 / himself /^before Jeremiah the prophet [speaking] from the mouth of the LORD.

himself ^ 11_1KI_21_29 / himself /^before me, I will not bring the evil in his days: [but] in his son's days will I bring the evil upon his house.

himself ^ 11_1KI_21_29 / himself /^before me? because he humbleth himself before me, I will not bring the evil in his days: [but] in his son's days will I bring the evil upon his house.

himself ^ 10_2SA_24_20 / himself /^before the king on his face upon the ground.

himself ^ 11_1KI_01_23 / himself /^before the king with his face to the ground.

himself ^ 14_2CH_33_23 / himself /^before the LORD, as Manasseh his father had humbled himself; but Amon trespassed more and more.

himself ^ 18_JOB_02_01 / himself /^before the LORD.

himself ^ 01_GEN_23_12 / himself /^before the people of the land.

himself ^ 03_LEV_27_08 / himself /^before the priest, and the priest shall value him; according to his ability that vowed shall the priest value him.

himself ^ 14_2CH_25_14 / himself /^before them, and burned incense unto them.

himself ^ 42_LUK_03_23 / himself /^began to be about thirty years of age, being [as was supposed] the son of Joseph, which was [the son] of Heli,

himself ^ 49_EPH_02_20 / himself /^being the chief corner [stone];

himself ^ 03_LEV_21_04 / himself /^being] a chief man among his people, to profane himself.

himself ^ 44_ACT_08_13 / himself /^believed also: and when he was baptized, he continued with Philip, and wondered, beholding the miracles and signs which were done.

himself ^ 43_JOH_04_53 / himself /^believed, and his whole house.

himself ^ 20_PRO_29_15 / himself /^bringeth his mother to shame.

himself ^ 14_2CH_33_23 / himself /^but Amon trespassed more and more.

himself ^ 43_JOH_11_51 / himself /^but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation;

himself ^ 40_MAT_13_21 / himself /^but dureth for a while: for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended.

himself ^ 58_HEB_05_04 / himself /^but he that is called of God, as [was] Aaron.

himself ^ 46_1CO_14_04 / himself /^but he that prophesieth edifieth the church.

himself ^ 20_PRO_21_13 / himself /^but shall not be heard.

himself ^ 20_PRO_22_03 / himself /^but the simple pass on, and are punished.

himself ^ 43_JOH_05_19 / himself /^but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

himself ^ 43_JOH_16_13 / himself /^but whatsoever he shall hear, [that] shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.

himself ^ 09_1SA_25_31 / himself /^but when the LORD shall have dealt well with my lord, then remember thine handmaid.

himself ^ 45_ROM_15_03 / himself /^but, as it is written, The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me.

himself ^ 20_PRO_27_12 / himself /^but] the simple pass on, [and] are punished.

himself ^ 51_COL_01_20 / himself /^by him, [I say], whether [they be] things in earth, or things in heaven.

himself ^ 47_2CO_05_18 / himself /^by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;

himself ^ 23_ISA_44_05 / himself /^by the name of Israel.

himself ^ 23_ISA_44_05 / himself /^by the name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe [with] his hand unto the LORD, and surname [himself] by the name of Israel.

himself ^ 41_MAR_12_37 / himself /^calleth him Lord; and whence is he [then] his son? And the common people heard him gladly.

himself ^ 13_1CH_12_01 / himself /^close because of Saul the son of Kish: and they [were] among the mighty men, helpers of the war.

himself ^ 43_JOH_11_38 / himself /^cometh to the grave. It was a cave, and a stone lay upon it.

himself ^ 19_PSA_135_14 / himself /^concerning his servants.

himself ^ 44_ACT_25_16 / himself /^concerning the crime laid against him.

himself ^ 04_NUM_19_13 / himself /^defileth the tabernacle of the LORD; and that soul shall be cut off from Israel: because the water of separation was not sprinkled upon him, he shall be unclean; his uncleanness [is] yet upon him.

himself ^ 43_JOH_05_20 / himself /^doeth: and he will show him greater works than these, that ye may marvel.

himself ^ 15_EZR_10_01 / himself /^down before the house of God, there assembled unto him out of Israel a very great congregation of men and women and children: for the people wept very sore.

himself ^ 11_1KI_18_42 / himself /^down upon the earth, and put his face between his knees,

himself ^ 42_LUK_24_15 / himself /^drew near, and went with them.

himself ^ 11_1KI_16_09 / himself /^drunk in the house of Arza steward of [his] house in Tirzah.

himself ^ 11_1KI_20_16 / himself /^drunk in the pavilions, he and the kings, the thirty and two kings that helped him.

himself ^ 44_ACT_18_19 / himself /^entered into the synagogue, and reasoned with the Jews.

himself ^ 28_HOS_08_09 / himself /^Ephraim hath hired lovers.

himself ^ 43_JOH_05_18 / himself /^equal with God.

himself ^ 62_1JO_03_03 / himself /^even as he is pure.

himself ^ 27_DAN_08_11 / himself /^even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily [sacrifice] was taken away, and the place of his sanctuary was cast down.

himself ^ 14_2CH_26_08 / himself /^exceedingly.

himself ^ 48_GAL_02_12 / himself /^fearing them which were of the circumcision.

himself ^ 44_ACT_26_24 / himself /^Festus said with a loud voice, Paul, thou art beside thyself; much learning doth make thee mad.

himself ^ 10_2SA_03_31 / himself /^followed the bier.

himself ^ 09_1SA_08_11 / himself /^for his chariots, and [to be] his horsemen; and [some] shall run before his chariots.

himself ^ 03_LEV_21_11 / himself /^for his father, or for his mother;

himself ^ 20_PRO_16_26 / himself /^for his mouth craveth it of him.

himself ^ 05_DEU_32_36 / himself /^for his servants, when he seeth that [their] power is gone, and [there is] none shut up, or left.

himself ^ 49_EPH_05_25 / himself /^for it;

himself ^ 48_GAL_02_20 / himself /^for me.

himself ^ 48_GAL_01_04 / himself /^for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father:

himself ^ 23_ISA_31_04 / himself /^for the noise of them: so shall the LORD of hosts come down to fight for mount Zion, and for the hill thereof.

himself ^ 14_2CH_32_26 / himself /^for the pride of his heart, [both] he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that the wrath of the LORD came not upon them in the days of Hezekiah.

himself ^ 49_EPH_05_02 / himself /^for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.

himself ^ 56_TIT_02_14 / himself /^for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

himself ^ 09_1SA_17_16 / himself /^forty days.

himself ^ 20_PRO_18_24 / himself /^friendly: and there is a friend [that] sticketh closer than a brother.

himself ^ 26_EZE_14_07 / himself /^from me, and setteth up his idols in his heart, and putteth the stumblingblock of his iniquity before his face, and cometh to a prophet to inquire of him concerning me; I the LORD will answer him by myself:

himself ^ 18_JOB_04_02 / himself /^from speaking?

himself ^ 07_JUD_04_11 / himself /^from the Kenites, and pitched his tent unto the plain of Zaanaim, which [is] by Kedesh.

himself ^ 28_HOS_05_06 / himself /^from them.

himself ^ 43_JOH_12_36 / himself /^from them.

himself ^ 40_MAT_12_15 / himself /^from thence: and great multitudes followed him, and he healed them all;

himself ^ 55_2TI_02_21 / himself /^from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, [and] prepared unto every good work.

himself ^ 04_NUM_06_03 / himself /^from wine and strong drink, and shall drink no vinegar of wine, or vinegar of strong drink, neither shall he drink any liquor of grapes, nor eat moist grapes, or dried.

himself ^ 53_2TH_03_16 / himself /^give you peace always by all means. The Lord [be] with you all.

himself ^ 42_LUK_18_11 / himself /^God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men [are], extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.

himself ^ 14_2CH_33_12 / himself /^greatly before the God of his fathers,

himself ^ 11_1KI_15_15 / himself /^had dedicated, into the house of the LORD, silver, and gold, and vessels.

himself ^ 14_2CH_15_18 / himself /^had dedicated, silver, and gold, and vessels.

himself ^ 41_MAR_06_17 / himself /^had sent forth and laid hold upon John, and bound him in prison for Herodias' sake, his brother Philip's wife: for he had married her.

himself ^ 14_2CH_26_20 / himself /^hasted also to go out, because the LORD had smitten him.

himself ^ 44_ACT_25_25 / himself /^hath appealed to Augustus, I have determined to send him.

himself ^ 23_ISA_38_15 / himself /^hath done [it]: I shall go softly all my years in the bitterness of my soul.

himself ^ 58_HEB_02_18 / himself /^hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted.

himself ^ 41_MAR_15_31 / himself /^he cannot save.

himself ^ 40_MAT_27_42 / himself /^he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him.

himself ^ 14_2CH_12_01 / himself /^he forsook the law of the LORD, and all Israel with him.

himself ^ 42_LUK_15_17 / himself /^he said, How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!

himself ^ 44_ACT_12_11 / himself /^he said, Now I know of a surety, that the Lord hath sent his angel, and hath delivered me out of the hand of Herod, and [from] all the expectation of the people of the Jews.

himself ^ 02_EXO_21_03 / himself /^he shall go out by himself: if he were married, then his wife shall go out with him.

himself ^ 12_2KI_23_16 / himself /^he spied the sepulchres that [were] there in the mount, and sent, and took the bones out of the sepulchres, and burned [them] upon the altar, and polluted it, according to the word of the LORD which the man of God proclaimed, who proclaimed these words.

himself ^ 62_1JO_05_10 / himself /^he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.

himself ^ 09_1SA_14_47 / himself /^he vexed [them].

himself ^ 24_JER_49_10 / himself /^his seed is spoiled, and his brethren, and his neighbours, and he [is] not.

himself ^ 18_JOB_34_14 / himself /^his spirit and his breath;

himself ^ 42_LUK_11_18 / himself /^how shall his kingdom stand? because ye say that I cast out devils through Beelzebub.

himself ^ 40_MAT_12_26 / himself /^how shall then his kingdom stand?

himself ^ 47_2CO_11_20 / himself /^if a man smite you on the face.

himself ^ 46_1CO_03_18 / himself /^If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise.

himself ^ 42_LUK_23_35 / himself /^if he be Christ, the chosen of God.

himself ^ 02_EXO_21_03 / himself /^if he were married, then his wife shall go out with him.

himself ^ 10_2SA_12_18 / himself /^if we tell him that the child is dead?

himself ^ 23_ISA_22_16 / himself /^in a rock?

himself ^ 19_PSA_36_04 / himself /^in a way [that is] not good; he abhorreth not evil.

himself ^ 18_JOB_18_04 / himself /^in his anger: shall the earth be forsaken for thee? and shall the rock be removed out of his place?

himself ^ 27_DAN_08_25 / himself /^in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

himself ^ 05_DEU_29_19 / himself /^in his heart, saying, I shall have peace, though I walk in the imagination of mine heart, to add drunkenness to thirst:

himself ^ 19_PSA_36_02 / himself /^in his own eyes, until his iniquity be found to be hateful.

himself ^ 19_PSA_52_07 / himself /^in his wickedness.

himself ^ 23_ISA_44_23 / himself /^in Israel.

himself ^ 28_HOS_13_01 / himself /^in Israel; but when he offended in Baal, he died.

himself ^ 23_ISA_28_20 / himself /^in it].

himself ^ 14_2CH_12_13 / himself /^in Jerusalem, and reigned: for Rehoboam [was] one and forty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem, the city which the LORD had chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, to put his name there. And his mother's name [was] Naamah an Ammonitess.

himself ^ 24_JER_23_24 / himself /^in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the LORD. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the LORD.

himself ^ 45_ROM_14_22 / himself /^in that thing which he alloweth.

himself ^ 18_JOB_27_10 / himself /^in the Almighty? will he always call upon God?

himself ^ 14_2CH_16_14 / himself /^in the city of David, and laid him in the bed which was filled with sweet odours and divers kinds [of spices] prepared by the apothecaries' art: and they made a very great burning for him.

himself ^ 23_ISA_65_16 / himself /^in the earth shall bless himself in the God of truth; and he that sweareth in the earth shall swear by the God of truth; because the former troubles are forgotten, and because they are hid from mine eyes.

himself ^ 09_1SA_20_24 / himself /^in the field: and when the new moon was come, the king sat him down to eat meat.

himself ^ 23_ISA_65_16 / himself /^in the God of truth; and he that sweareth in the earth shall swear by the God of truth; because the former troubles are forgotten, and because they are hid from mine eyes.

himself ^ 09_1SA_26_01 / himself /^in the hill of Hachilah, [which is] before Jeshimon?

himself ^ 26_EZE_07_13 / himself /^in the iniquity of his life.

himself ^ 09_1SA_30_06 / himself /^in the LORD his God.

himself ^ 03_LEV_15_05 / himself /^in water, and be unclean until the even.

himself ^ 03_LEV_15_06 / himself /^in water, and be unclean until the even.

himself ^ 03_LEV_15_07 / himself /^in water, and be unclean until the even.

himself ^ 03_LEV_15_08 / himself /^in water, and be unclean until the even.

himself ^ 03_LEV_15_10 / himself /^in water, and be unclean until the even.

himself ^ 03_LEV_15_11 / himself /^in water, and be unclean until the even.

himself ^ 03_LEV_15_21 / himself /^in water, and be unclean until the even.

himself ^ 03_LEV_15_22 / himself /^in water, and be unclean until the even.

himself ^ 03_LEV_15_27 / himself /^in water, and be unclean until the even.

himself ^ 03_LEV_17_15 / himself /^in water, and be unclean until the even: then shall he be clean.

himself ^ 04_NUM_19_19 / himself /^in water, and shall be clean at even.

himself ^ 03_LEV_14_08 / himself /^in water, that he may be clean: and after that he shall come into the camp, and shall tarry abroad out of his tent seven days.

himself ^ 20_PRO_28_10 / himself /^into his own pit: but the upright shall have good [things] in possession.

himself ^ 19_PSA_35_08 / himself /^into that very destruction let him fall.

himself ^ 43_JOH_21_07 / himself /^into the sea.

himself ^ 44_ACT_19_31 / himself /^into the theatre.

himself ^ 42_LUK_05_16 / himself /^into the wilderness, and prayed.

himself ^ 47_2CO_10_18 / himself /^is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth.

himself ^ 42_LUK_23_02 / himself /^is Christ a King.

himself ^ 46_1CO_02_15 / himself /^is judged of no man.

himself ^ 41_MAR_12_33 / himself /^is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.

himself ^ 21_ECC_05_09 / himself /^is served by the field.

himself ^ 47_2CO_11_14 / himself /^is transformed into an angel of light.

himself ^ 14_2CH_13_12 / himself /^is] with us for [our] captain, and his priests with sounding trumpets to cry alarm against you. O children of Israel, fight ye not against the LORD God of your fathers; for ye shall not prosper.

himself ^ 24_JER_10_23 / himself /^it is] not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

himself ^ 43_JOH_06_06 / himself /^knew what he would do.

himself ^ 01_GEN_45_01 / himself /^known unto his brethren.

himself ^ 14_2CH_32_09 / himself /^laid siege] against Lachish, and all his power with him,] unto Hezekiah king of Judah, and unto all Judah that [were] at Jerusalem, saying,

himself ^ 58_HEB_12_03 / himself /^lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.

himself ^ 19_PSA_37_35 / himself /^like a green bay tree.

himself ^ 07_JUD_07_05 / himself /^likewise every one that boweth down upon his knees to drink.

himself ^ 58_HEB_02_14 / himself /^likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;

himself ^ 01_GEN_32_21 / himself /^lodged that night in the company.

himself ^ 43_JOH_16_27 / himself /^loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God.

himself ^ 09_1SA_21_13 / himself /^mad in their hands, and scrabbled on the doors of the gate, and let his spittle fall down upon his beard.

himself ^ 45_ROM_12_03 / himself /^more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

himself ^ 09_1SA_18_30 / himself /^more wisely than all the servants of Saul; so that his name was much set by.

himself ^ 44_ACT_25_08 / himself /^Neither against the law of the Jews, neither against the temple, nor yet against Caesar, have I offended any thing at all.

himself ^ 42_LUK_12_47 / himself /^neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many [stripes].

himself ^ 30_AMO_02_15 / himself /^neither shall he that rideth the horse deliver himself.

himself ^ 05_DEU_17_16 / himself /^nor cause the people to return to Egypt, to the end that he should multiply horses: forasmuch as the LORD hath said unto you, Ye shall henceforth return no more that way.

himself ^ 46_1CO_11_29 / himself /^not discerning the Lord's body.

himself ^ 47_2CO_05_19 / himself /^not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

himself ^ 20_PRO_25_14 / himself /^of a false gift [is like] clouds and wind without rain.

himself ^ 50_PHP_02_07 / himself /^of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:

himself ^ 09_1SA_18_04 / himself /^of the robe that [was] upon him, and gave it to David, and his garments, even to his sword, and to his bow, and to his girdle.

himself ^ 09_1SA_18_04 / himself /^of the robe that [was] upon him, and gave it to David, and his garments, even to his sword, and to his bow, and to his girdle.

himself ^ 24_JER_34_09 / himself /^of them, [to wit], of a Jew his brother.

himself ^ 49_EPH_02_15 / himself /^of twain one new man, [so] making peace;

himself ^ 58_HEB_09_25 / himself /^often, as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year with blood of others;

himself ^ 10_2SA_14_33 / himself /^on his face to the ground before the king: and the king kissed Absalom.

himself ^ 23_ISA_28_20 / himself /^on it]: and the covering narrower than that he can wrap himself [in it].

himself ^ 18_JOB_23_09 / himself /^on the right hand, that I cannot see [him]:

himself ^ 18_JOB_23_09 / himself /^on the right hand, that I cannot see [him]:

himself ^ 42_LUK_09_25 / himself /^or be cast away?

himself ^ 44_ACT_08_34 / himself /^or of some other man?

himself ^ 10_2SA_15_23 / himself /^passed over the brook Kidron, and all the people passed over, toward the way of the wilderness.

himself ^ 20_PRO_13_07 / himself /^poor, yet [hath] great riches.

himself ^ 23_ISA_03_05 / himself /^proudly against the ancient, and the base against the honourable.

himself ^ 58_HEB_01_03 / himself /^purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;

himself ^ 01_GEN_27_42 / himself /^purposing] to kill thee.

himself ^ 18_JOB_01_12 / himself /^put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the LORD.

himself ^ 18_JOB_32_02 / himself /^rather than God.

himself ^ 64_3JO_01_10 / himself /^receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth [them] out of the church.

himself ^ 06_JOS_22_23 / himself /^require [it];

himself ^ 20_PRO_13_07 / himself /^rich, yet [hath] nothing: [there is] that maketh himself poor, yet [hath] great riches.

himself ^ 41_MAR_12_36 / himself /^said by the Holy Ghost, The LORD said to my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool.

himself ^ 42_LUK_10_29 / himself /^said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour?

himself ^ 42_LUK_20_42 / himself /^saith in the book of Psalms, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,

himself ^ 30_AMO_06_08 / himself /^saith the LORD the God of hosts, I abhor the excellency of Jacob, and hate his palaces: therefore will I deliver up the city with all that is therein.

himself ^ 09_1SA_10_19 / himself /^saved you out of all your adversities and your tribulations; and ye have said unto him, [Nay], but set a king over us. Now therefore present yourselves before the LORD by your tribes, and by your thousands.

himself ^ 11_1KI_01_05 / himself /^saying, I will be king: and he prepared him chariots and horsemen, and fifty men to run before him.

himself ^ 42_LUK_07_39 / himself /^saying, This man, if he were a prophet, would have known who and what manner of woman [this is] that toucheth him: for she is a sinner.

himself ^ 42_LUK_12_17 / himself /^saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits?

himself ^ 24_JER_51_14 / himself /^saying], Surely I will fill thee with men, as with caterpillars; and they shall lift up a shout against thee.

himself ^ 43_JOH_07_18 / himself /^seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him.

himself ^ 43_JOH_07_04 / himself /^seeketh to be known openly. If thou do these things, show thyself to the world.

himself ^ 20_PRO_18_01 / himself /^seeketh [and] intermeddleth with all wisdom.

himself ^ 19_PSA_50_06 / himself /^Selah.

himself ^ 15_EZR_10_08 / himself /^separated from the congregation of those that had been carried away.

himself ^ 03_LEV_15_13 / himself /^seven days for his cleansing, and wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in running water, and shall be clean.

himself ^ 40_MAT_12_45 / himself /^seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last [state] of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.

himself ^ 12_2KI_05_14 / himself /^seven times in Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God: and his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.

himself ^ 42_LUK_14_11 / himself /^shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

himself ^ 42_LUK_18_14 / himself /^shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

himself ^ 40_MAT_23_12 / himself /^shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.

himself ^ 42_LUK_14_11 / himself /^shall be exalted.

himself ^ 42_LUK_18_14 / himself /^shall be exalted.

himself ^ 40_MAT_23_12 / himself /^shall be exalted.

himself ^ 46_1CO_03_15 / himself /^shall be saved; yet so as by fire.

himself ^ 66_REV_21_03 / himself /^shall be with them, [and be] their God.

himself ^ 52_1TH_04_16 / himself /^shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

himself ^ 19_PSA_87_05 / himself /^shall establish her.

himself ^ 23_ISA_07_14 / himself /^shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

himself ^ 19_PSA_132_18 / himself /^shall his crown flourish.

himself ^ 40_MAT_06_04 / himself /^shall reward thee openly.

himself ^ 04_NUM_35_19 / himself /^shall slay the murderer: when he meeteth him, he shall slay him.

himself ^ 20_PRO_09_07 / himself /^shame: and he that rebuketh a wicked [man getteth] himself a blot.

himself ^ 41_MAR_14_67 / himself /^she looked upon him, and said, And thou also wast with Jesus of Nazareth.

himself ^ 10_2SA_13_06 / himself /^sick: and when the king was come to see him, Amnon said unto the king, I pray thee, let Tamar my sister come, and make me a couple of cakes in my sight, that I may eat at her hand.

himself ^ 05_DEU_17_17 / himself /^silver and gold.

himself ^ 43_JOH_05_26 / himself /^so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself;

himself ^ 09_1SA_02_14 / himself /^So they did in Shiloh, unto all the Israelites that came thither.

himself ^ 44_ACT_19_22 / himself /^stayed in Asia for a season.

himself ^ 42_LUK_24_36 / himself /^stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace [be] unto you.

himself ^ 01_GEN_42_07 / himself /^strange unto them, and spake roughly unto them; and he said unto them, Whence come ye? And they said, From the land of Canaan to buy food.

himself ^ 10_2SA_03_06 / himself /^strong for the house of Saul.

himself ^ 14_2CH_16_09 / himself /^strong in the behalf of [them] whose heart [is] perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars.

himself ^ 44_ACT_16_27 / himself /^supposing that the prisoners had been fled.

himself ^ 43_JOH_04_44 / himself /^testified, that a prophet hath no honour in his own country.

himself ^ 23_ISA_45_18 / himself /^that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I [am] the LORD; and [there is] none else.

himself ^ 47_2CO_10_07 / himself /^that he is Christ's, let him of himself think this again, that, as he [is] Christ's, even so [are] we Christ's.

himself ^ 53_2TH_02_04 / himself /^that he is God.

himself ^ 11_1KI_19_04 / himself /^that he might die; and said, It is enough; now, O LORD, take away my life; for I [am] not better than my fathers.

himself ^ 14_2CH_35_22 / himself /^that he might fight with him, and hearkened not unto the words of Necho from the mouth of God, and came to fight in the valley of Megiddo.

himself ^ 43_JOH_06_61 / himself /^that his disciples murmured at it, he said unto them, Doth this offend you?

himself ^ 05_DEU_17_17 / himself /^that his heart turn not away: neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and gold.

himself ^ 04_NUM_19_20 / himself /^that soul shall be cut off from among the congregation, because he hath defiled the sanctuary of the LORD: the water of separation hath not been sprinkled upon him; he [is] unclean.

himself ^ 19_PSA_10_10 / himself /^that the poor may fall by his strong ones.

himself ^ 41_MAR_05_30 / himself /^that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?

himself ^ 44_ACT_02_34 / himself /^The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,

himself ^ 19_PSA_04_03 / himself /^the LORD will hear when I call unto him.

himself ^ 18_JOB_41_25 / himself /^the mighty are afraid: by reason of breakings they purify themselves.

himself ^ 03_LEV_07_08 / himself /^the skin of the burnt offering which he hath offered.

himself ^ 43_JOH_19_07 / himself /^the Son of God.

himself ^ 04_NUM_19_12 / himself /^the third day, then the seventh day he shall not be clean.

himself ^ 19_PSA_93_01 / himself /^the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved.

himself ^ 14_2CH_12_12 / himself /^the wrath of the LORD turned from him, that he would not destroy [him] altogether: and also in Judah things went well.

himself ^ 02_EXO_21_08 / himself /^then shall he let her be redeemed: to sell her unto a strange nation he shall have no power, seeing he hath dealt deceitfully with her.

himself ^ 24_JER_37_12 / himself /^thence in the midst of the people.

himself ^ 12_2KI_06_10 / himself /^there, not once nor twice.

himself ^ 23_ISA_02_09 / himself /^therefore forgive them not.

himself ^ 03_LEV_22_08 / himself /^therewith: I [am] the LORD.

himself ^ 43_JOH_18_25 / himself /^They said therefore unto him, Art not thou also [one] of his disciples? He denied [it], and said, I am not.

himself ^ 47_2CO_10_07 / himself /^think this again, that, as he [is] Christ's, even so [are] we Christ's.

himself ^ 42_LUK_18_04 / himself /^Though I fear not God, nor regard man;

himself ^ 09_1SA_20_41 / himself /^three times: and they kissed one another, and wept one with another, until David exceeded.

himself ^ 22_SON_02_09 / himself /^through the lattice.

himself ^ 24_JER_31_18 / himself /^thus]; Thou hast chastised me, and I was chastised, as a bullock unaccustomed [to the yoke]: turn thou me, and I shall be turned; for thou [art] the LORD my God.

himself ^ 42_LUK_15_15 / himself /^to a citizen of that country; and he sent him into his fields to feed swine.

himself ^ 46_1CO_14_37 / himself /^to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.

himself ^ 58_HEB_05_05 / himself /^to be made an high priest; but he that said unto him, Thou art my Son, to day have I begotten thee.

himself ^ 44_ACT_05_36 / himself /^to be somebody; to whom a number of men, about four hundred, joined themselves: who was slain; and all, as many as obeyed him, were scattered, and brought to nought.

himself ^ 48_GAL_06_03 / himself /^to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.

himself ^ 19_PSA_113_06 / himself /^to behold [the things that are] in heaven, and in the earth!

himself ^ 13_1CH_21_21 / himself /^to David with [his] face to the ground.

himself ^ 10_2SA_06_20 / himself /^to day in the eyes of the handmaids of his servants, as one of the vain fellows shamelessly uncovereth himself!

himself ^ 32_JON_04_08 / himself /^to die, and said, [It is] better for me to die than to live.

himself ^ 04_NUM_16_09 / himself /^to do the service of the tabernacle of the LORD, and to stand before the congregation to minister unto them?

himself ^ 44_ACT_20_13 / himself /^to go afoot.

himself ^ 45_ROM_14_12 / himself /^to God.

himself ^ 60_1PE_02_23 / himself /^to him that judgeth righteously:

himself ^ 43_JOH_21_14 / himself /^to his disciples, after that he was risen from the dead.

himself ^ 04_NUM_36_09 / himself /^to his own inheritance.

himself ^ 11_1KI_01_53 / himself /^to king Solomon: and Solomon said unto him, Go to thine house.

himself ^ 58_HEB_05_03 / himself /^to offer for sins.

himself ^ 09_1SA_03_21 / himself /^to Samuel in Shiloh by the word of the LORD.

himself ^ 14_2CH_20_03 / himself /^to seek the LORD, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah.

himself ^ 23_ISA_64_07 / himself /^to take hold of thee: for thou hast hid thy face from us, and hast consumed us, because of our iniquities.

himself ^ 46_1CO_14_08 / himself /^to the battle?

himself ^ 13_1CH_13_13 / himself /^to the city of David, but carried it aside into the house of Obededom the Gittite.

himself ^ 44_ACT_09_26 / himself /^to the disciples: but they were all afraid of him, and believed not that he was a disciple.

himself ^ 01_GEN_24_52 / himself /^to the earth.

himself ^ 01_GEN_33_03 / himself /^to the ground seven times, until he came near to his brother.

himself ^ 04_NUM_36_07 / himself /^to the inheritance of the tribe of his fathers.

himself ^ 23_ISA_56_03 / himself /^to the LORD, speak, saying, The LORD hath utterly separated me from his people: neither let the eunuch say, Behold, I [am] a dry tree.

himself ^ 01_GEN_23_07 / himself /^to the people of the land, [even] to the children of Heth.

himself ^ 44_ACT_05_13 / himself /^to them: but the people magnified them.

himself ^ 11_1KI_21_25 / himself /^to work wickedness in the sight of the LORD, whom Jezebel his wife stirred up.

himself ^ 23_ISA_02_20 / himself /^to worship, to the moles and to the bats;

Himself ^ 40_MAT_08_17 / Himself /^took our infirmities, and bare [our] sicknesses.

himself ^ 01_GEN_18_02 / himself /^toward the ground,

himself ^ 14_2CH_32_27 / himself /^treasuries for silver, and for gold, and for precious stones, and for spices, and for shields, and for all manner of pleasant jewels;

himself ^ 07_JUD_03_19 / himself /^turned again from the quarries that [were] by Gilgal, and said, I have a secret errand unto thee, O king: who said, Keep silence. And all that stood by him went out from him.

himself ^ 04_NUM_06_07 / himself /^unclean for his father, or for his mother, for his brother, or for his sister, when they die: because the consecration of his God [is] upon his head.

himself ^ 46_1CO_07_36 / himself /^uncomely toward his virgin, if she pass the flower of [her] age, and need so require, let him do what he will, he sinneth not: let them marry.

himself ^ 59_JAM_01_27 / himself /^unspotted from the world.

himself ^ 11_1KI_18_02 / himself /^unto Ahab. And [there was] a sore famine in Samaria.

himself ^ 04_NUM_25_03 / himself /^unto Baalpeor: and the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel.

himself ^ 11_1KI_02_19 / himself /^unto her, and sat down on his throne, and caused a seat to be set for the king's mother; and she sat on his right hand.

himself ^ 01_GEN_46_29 / himself /^unto him; and he fell on his neck, and wept on his neck a good while.

himself ^ 09_1SA_29_04 / himself /^unto his master? [should it] not [be] with the heads of these men?

himself ^ 10_2SA_18_21 / himself /^unto Joab, and ran.

himself ^ 04_NUM_06_06 / himself /^unto the LORD he shall come at no dead body.

himself ^ 04_NUM_06_05 / himself /^unto the LORD, he shall be holy, [and] shall let the locks of the hair of his head grow.

himself ^ 14_2CH_17_16 / himself /^unto the LORD; and with him two hundred thousand mighty men of valour.

himself ^ 03_LEV_25_47 / himself /^unto the stranger [or] sojourner by thee, or to the stock of the stranger's family:

himself ^ 19_PSA_10_14 / himself /^unto thee; thou art the helper of the fatherless.

himself ^ 44_ACT_07_26 / himself /^unto them as they strove, and would have set them at one again, saying, Sirs, ye are brethren; why do ye wrong one to another?

himself ^ 43_JOH_02_24 / himself /^unto them, because he knew all [men],

himself ^ 24_JER_51_03 / himself /^up in his brigandine: and spare ye not her young men; destroy ye utterly all her host.

himself ^ 14_2CH_18_34 / himself /^up in [his] chariot against the Syrians until the even: and about the time of the sun going down he died.

himself ^ 12_2KI_04_35 / himself /^upon him: and the child sneezed seven times, and the child opened his eyes.

himself ^ 01_GEN_47_31 / himself /^upon the bed's head.

himself ^ 11_1KI_01_47 / himself /^upon the bed.

himself ^ 11_1KI_17_21 / himself /^upon the child three times, and cried unto the LORD, and said, O LORD my God, I pray thee, let this child's soul come into him again.

himself ^ 12_2KI_04_34 / himself /^upon the child; and the flesh of the child waxed warm.

himself ^ 26_EZE_25_12 / himself /^upon them;

himself ^ 09_1SA_18_15 / himself /^very wisely, he was afraid of him.

himself ^ 42_LUK_23_51 / himself /^waited for the kingdom of God.

himself ^ 42_LUK_06_03 / himself /^was an hungered, and they which were with him;

himself ^ 40_MAT_27_57 / himself /^was Jesus' disciple:

himself ^ 44_ACT_08_09 / himself /^was some great one:

himself ^ 11_1KI_19_04 / himself /^went a day's journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree: and he requested for himself that he might die; and said, It is enough; now, O LORD, take away my life; for I [am] not better than my fathers.

himself ^ 42_LUK_16_03 / himself /^What shall I do? for my lord taketh away from me the stewardship: I cannot dig; to beg I am ashamed.

himself ^ 44_ACT_10_17 / himself /^what this vision which he had seen should mean, behold, the men which were sent from Cornelius had made inquiry for Simon's house, and stood before the gate,

himself ^ 43_JOH_05_37 / himself /^which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.

himself ^ 09_1SA_18_14 / himself /^wisely in all his ways; and the LORD [was] with him.

himself ^ 09_1SA_18_05 / himself /^wisely: and Saul set him over the men of war, and he was accepted in the sight of all the people, and also in the sight of Saul's servants.

himself ^ 11_1KI_11_29 / himself /^with a new garment; and they two [were] alone in the field:

himself ^ 44_ACT_28_16 / himself /^with a soldier that kept him.

himself ^ 14_2CH_13_09 / himself /^with a young bullock and seven rams, [the same] may be a priest of [them that are] no gods.

himself ^ 14_2CH_20_35 / himself /^with Ahaziah king of Israel, who did very wickedly:

himself ^ 11_1KI_20_38 / himself /^with ashes upon his face.

himself ^ 19_PSA_109_18 / himself /^with cursing like as with his garment, so let it come into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones.

himself ^ 18_JOB_34_09 / himself /^with God.

himself ^ 14_2CH_20_36 / himself /^with him to make ships to go to Tarshish: and they made the ships in Eziongaber.

himself ^ 41_MAR_03_07 / himself /^with his disciples to the sea: and a great multitude from Galilee followed him, and from Judaea,

himself ^ 01_GEN_48_12 / himself /^with his face to the earth.

himself ^ 01_GEN_19_01 / himself /^with his face toward the ground;

himself ^ 04_NUM_19_12 / himself /^with it on the third day, and on the seventh day he shall be clean: but if he purify not himself the third day, then the seventh day he shall not be clean.

himself ^ 23_ISA_61_10 / himself /^with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth [herself] with her jewels.

himself ^ 19_PSA_68_30 / himself /^with pieces of silver: scatter thou the people [that] delight in war.

himself ^ 12_2KI_19_01 / himself /^with sackcloth, and went into the house of the LORD.

himself ^ 23_ISA_37_01 / himself /^with sackcloth, and went into the house of the LORD.

himself ^ 41_MAR_05_05 / himself /^with stones.

himself ^ 55_2TI_02_04 / himself /^with the affairs of [this] life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

himself ^ 24_JER_43_12 / himself /^with the land of Egypt, as a shepherd putteth on his garment; and he shall go forth from thence in peace.

himself ^ 27_DAN_01_08 / himself /^with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.

himself ^ 44_ACT_21_26 / himself /^with them entered into the temple, to signify the accomplishment of the days of purification, until that an offering should be offered for every one of them.

himself ^ 35_HAB_02_06 / himself /^with thick clay!

himself ^ 09_1SA_23_19 / himself /^with us in strong holds in the wood, in the hill of Hachilah, which [is] on the south of Jeshimon?

himself ^ 19_PSA_54_01 / himself /^with us? Save me, O God, by thy name, and judge me by thy strength.

himself ^ 05_DEU_23_11 / himself /^with water: and when the sun is down, he shall come into the camp [again].

himself ^ 07_JUD_16_30 / himself /^with [all his] might; and the house fell upon the lords, and upon all the people that [were] therein. So the dead which he slew at his death were more than [they] which he slew in his life.

himself ^ 18_JOB_02_08 / himself /^withal; and he sat down among the ashes.

himself ^ 58_HEB_09_14 / himself /^without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?

himself ^ 44_ACT_14_17 / himself /^without witness, in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.

himself ^ 42_LUK_10_01 / himself /^would come.

himself ^ 44_ACT_25_04 / himself /^would depart shortly [thither].

himself ^ 20_PRO_16_04 / himself /^yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.

himself ^ 23_ISA_44_15 / himself /^yea, he kindleth [it], and baketh bread; yea, he maketh a god, and worshippeth [it]; he maketh it a graven image, and falleth down thereto.