Hivite 1Ch_01_15 /^{Hivite /and the Arkite ,
and the Sinite ,

Hivite Gen_10_17 /^{Hivite /and the Arkite ,
and the Sinite ,

Hivite Jos_09_01 /^{Hivite /and the Jebusite ,
heard thereof;

Hivite Exo_34_11 /^{Hivite /and the Jebusite .

Hivite Exo_33_02 /^{Hivite /and the Jebusite :

Hivite Gen_34_02 /^{Hivite /prince of the
country , saw her, he took her, and lay with her, and defiled
her .

Hivite Exo_23_28 /^{Hivite /the Canaanite , and
the Hittite , from before thee.

Hivite Jos_11_03 /^{Hivite /under Hermon in the
land of Mizpeh .

Hivites 1Ki_09_20 /^{Hivites /and Jebusites ,
which were not of the children of Israel ,

Hivites Jud_03_05 /^{Hivites /and Jebusites :

Hivites 2Sa_24_07 /^{Hivites /and of the
Canaanites : and they went out to the south of Judah , even to
Beersheba .

Hivites Deu_07_01 /^{Hivites /and the Jebusites ,
seven nations greater and mightier than thou;

Hivites Exo_03_17 /^{Hivites /and the Jebusites ,
unto a land flowing with milk and honey .

Hivites Exo_13_05 /^{Hivites /and the Jebusites ,
which he sware unto thy fathers to give thee, a land flowing
with milk and honey , that thou shalt keep this service in this
month .

Hivites 2Ch_08_07 /^{Hivites /and the Jebusites ,
which were not of Israel ,

Hivites Exo_03_08 /^{Hivites /and the Jebusites .

Hivites Jos_12_08 /^{Hivites /and the Jebusites :

Hivites Exo_23_23 /^{Hivites /and the Jebusites :
and I will cut them off .

Hivites 027 011 Jos /^{Hivites /and the
Jebusites ; and I delivered them into your hand .

Hivites Deu_20_17 /^{Hivites /and the Jebusites ;
as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee:

Hivites Jos_03_10 /^{Hivites /and the Perizzites
, and the Girgashites , and the Amorites , and the Jebusites .

Hivites Jos_09_07 /^{Hivites /Peradventure ye
dwell among us; and how shall we make a league with you?

Hivites Jud_03_03 /^{Hivites /that dwelt in
mount Lebanon , from mount Baalhermon unto the entering in of
Hamath .

Hivites Jos_11_19 /^{Hivites /the inhabitants of
Gibeon : all other they took in battle .
