Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Translation Phrase lists
-amphodon- ......... in a place where 0296 -amphodon- >

-amphodon- ......... met 0296 -amphodon- >

-amphodon- ......... two 0296 -amphodon- >

-amphodon- ......... ways 0296 -amphodon- >

-hode- ......... And here 5602 -hode- >

-hode- ......... are done here 5602 -hode- >

-hode- ......... For here 5602 -hode- >

-hode- ......... for us to be here 5602 -hode- >

-hode- ......... for we are here 5602 -hode- >

-hode- ......... he is not here 5602 -hode- >

-hode- ......... He is not here 5602 -hode- >

-hode- ......... Here 5602 -hode- >

-hode- ......... here 5602 -hode- >

-hode- ......... him hither 5602 -hode- >

-hode- ......... hither 5602 -hode- >

-hode- ......... in hither 5602 -hode- >

-hode- ......... is here 5602 -hode- >

-hode- ......... letters by them after this 3592 -hode- >

-hode- ......... manner 3592 -hode- >

-hode- ......... me here 5602 -hode- >

-hode- ......... place 5602 -hode- >

-hode- ......... such 3592 -hode- >

-hode- ......... them hither 5602 -hode- >

-hode- ......... there 5602 -hode- >

-hode- ......... These 3592 -hode- >

-hode- ......... thou here 5602 -hode- >

-hode- ......... thou hither 5602 -hode- >

-hode- ......... thou in hither 5602 -hode- >

-hode- ......... Thus 3592 -hode- >

-hode- ......... to this 5602 -hode- >

-hode- ......... unto you , That in this 5602 -hode- >

-hode- ......... up hither 5602 -hode- >

-hode- ......... ye here 5602 -hode- >

-hodegeo- ......... he will guide 3594 -hodegeo- >

-hodegeo- ......... lead 3594 -hodegeo- >

-hodegeo- ......... man should guide 3594 -hodegeo- >

-hodegeo- ......... them , and shall lead 3594 -hodegeo- >

-hodegos- ......... art a guide 3595 -hodegos- >

-hodegos- ......... guides 3595 -hodegos- >

-hodegos- ......... leaders 3595 -hodegos- >

-hodegos- ......... was guide 3595 -hodegos- >

-hodeuo- ......... as he journeyed 3593 -hodeuo- >

-hodoiporeo- ......... And that every 3596 -hodoiporeo- >

-hodoiporeo- ......... as they went 3596 -hodoiporeo- >

-hodoiporeo- ......... but in every 3596 -hodoiporeo- >

-hodoiporeo- ......... by that which every 3596 -hodoiporeo- >

-hodoiporeo- ......... every 3596 -hodoiporeo- >

-hodoiporeo- ......... in every 3596 -hodoiporeo- >

-hodoiporeo- ......... of every 3596 -hodoiporeo- >

-hodoiporeo- ......... on their journey 3596 -hodoiporeo- >

-hodoiporeo- ......... to every 3596 -hodoiporeo- >

-hodoiporeo- ......... with every 3596 -hodoiporeo- >

-hodoiporia- ......... In journeyings 3597 -hodoiporia- >

-hodoiporia- ......... with his journey 3597 -hodoiporia- >

-hodos- ......... and by the way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... and his ways 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... And the way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... and the way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... And they were in the way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... are in their ways 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... are they by the way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... are thy ways 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... as thou art in the way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... by that way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... by the highway 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... by the way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... day s journey 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... evil of that way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... for by the way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... for their journey 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... for your journey 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... his ways 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... in his journey 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... in the way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... is the way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... journey 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... my ways 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... of his way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... of my ways 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... of that way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... on his way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... our way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... that the way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... that way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... the highways 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... the way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... their way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... them in the way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... things were done in the way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... thy way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... time 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... to me the ways 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... unto him the way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... unto the way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... unto thee in the way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... unto us the way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... unto you in the way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... up , that the way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... ways 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... we know the way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... with us by the way 3598 -hodos- >

-hodos- ......... ye the way 3598 -hodos- >

-methodeia- ......... in wait 3180 -methodeia- >

-methodeia- ......... the wiles 3180 -methodeia- >

-methodeia- ......... they lie 3180 -methodeia- >

-Rhode- ......... Rhoda 4498 -Rhode- >

-Rhodos- ......... unto Rhodes 4499 -Rhodos- >

-sphodra- ......... And they were exceeding 4970 -sphodra- >

-sphodra- ......... and were sore 4970 -sphodra- >

-sphodra- ......... for he was very 4970 -sphodra- >

-sphodra- ......... for it was very 4970 -sphodra- >

-sphodra- ......... greatly 4970 -sphodra- >

-sphodra- ......... he was very 4970 -sphodra- >

-sphodra- ......... it , they were exceedingly 4970 -sphodra- >

-sphodra- ......... they were very 4970 -sphodra- >

-sphodra- ......... was exceeding 4970 -sphodra- >

-sphodra- ......... with exceeding 4970 -sphodra- >

-sphodros- ......... And we being exceedingly 4971 -sphodros- >

Rhoda ......... Rhoda 4498 -Rhode->

Rhodes ......... unto Rhodes 4499 -Rhodos->

shod ......... But be shod 5265 -hupodeo->

shod ......... shod 5265 -hupodeo->