chode Gen_31_36 /^{chode /with Laban : and
Jacob answered and said to Laban , What is my trespass ? what is
my sin , that thou hast so hotly pursued after me ?

chode Num_20_03 /^{chode /with Moses , and
spake , saying , Would God that we had died when our brethren
died before the LORD !

ephod Exo_28_31 /^{ephod /all of blue .

ephod Exo_28_04 /^{ephod /and a robe , and a
broidered coat , a mitre , and a girdle : and they shall make
holy garments for Aaron thy brother , and his sons , that he may
minister unto me in the priest's office .

ephod 1Sa_30_07 /^{ephod /And Abiathar brought
thither the ephod to David .

ephod Lev_08_07 /^{ephod /and bound it unto
him therewith.

ephod Exo_35_09 /^{ephod /and for the
breastplate .

ephod Exo_35_27 /^{ephod /and for the
breastplate ;

ephod Exo_25_07 /^{ephod /and in the
breastplate .

ephod Jud_18_14 /^{ephod /and teraphim , and a
graven image , and a molten image ? now therefore consider what
ye have to do .

ephod Jud_17_05 /^{ephod /and teraphim , and
consecrated one of his sons , who became his priest .

ephod Exo_28_28 /^{ephod /and that the
breastplate be not loosed from the ephod .

ephod Exo_39_21 /^{ephod /and that the
breastplate might not be loosed from the ephod ; as the LORD
commanded Moses .

ephod Exo_29_05 /^{ephod /and the breastplate ,
and gird him with the curious girdle of the ephod :

ephod Exo_29_05 /^{ephod /and the ephod , and
the breastplate , and gird him with the curious girdle of the
ephod :

ephod 1Sa_14_03 /^{ephod /And the people knew
not that Jonathan was gone .

ephod Jud_18_20 /^{ephod /and the teraphim ,
and the graven image , and went in the midst of the people .

ephod Jud_18_18 /^{ephod /and the teraphim ,
and the molten image . Then said the priest unto them, What do

ephod Jud_18_17 /^{ephod /and the teraphim ,
and the molten image : and the priest stood in the entering of
the gate with the six hundred men that were appointed with
weapons of war .

ephod Hos_03_04 /^{ephod /and without teraphim

ephod Exo_39_21 /^{ephod /as the LORD
commanded Moses .

ephod Exo_39_18 /^{ephod /before it .

ephod Exo_28_25 /^{ephod /before it .

ephod 1Sa_02_28 /^{ephod /before me? and did I
give unto the house of thy father all the offerings made by fire
of the children of Israel ?

ephod Exo_28_12 /^{ephod /for stones of
memorial unto the children of Israel : and Aaron shall bear
their names before the LORD upon his two shoulders for a
memorial .

ephod 1Sa_21_09 /^{ephod /if thou wilt take
that, take it: for there is no other save that here . And David
said , There is none like that; give it me.

ephod 1Sa_23_06 /^{ephod /in his hand .

ephod Exo_39_19 /^{ephod /inward .

ephod Exo_28_26 /^{ephod /inward .

ephod Exo_39_08 /^{ephod /of gold , blue , and
purple , and scarlet , and fine twined linen .

ephod Exo_39_02 /^{ephod /of gold , blue , and
purple , and scarlet , and fine twined linen .

ephod Exo_28_06 /^{ephod /of gold , of blue ,
and of purple , of scarlet , and fine twined linen , with
cunning work .

ephod 1Ch_15_27 /^{ephod /of linen .

ephod Exo_39_22 /^{ephod /of woven work , all
of blue .

ephod Exo_39_07 /^{ephod /that they should be
stones for a memorial to the children of Israel ; as the LORD
commanded Moses .

ephod Exo_39_05 /^{ephod /that was upon it,
was of the same, according to the work thereof; of gold , blue ,
and purple , and scarlet , and fine twined linen ; as the LORD
commanded Moses .

ephod Jud_08_27 /^{ephod /thereof, and put it
in his city , even in Ophrah : and all Israel went thither a
whoring after it: which thing became a snare unto Gideon , and
to his house .

ephod Exo_28_15 /^{ephod /thou shalt make it;
of gold , of blue , and of purple , and of scarlet , and of fine
twined linen , shalt thou make it.

ephod 1Sa_30_07 /^{ephod /to David .

ephod Exo_39_20 /^{ephod /underneath , toward
the forepart of it, over against the other coupling thereof,
above the curious girdle of the ephod .

ephod Exo_28_27 /^{ephod /underneath , toward
the forepart thereof, over against the other coupling thereof,
above the curious girdle of the ephod .

ephod Lev_08_07 /^{ephod /upon him, and he
girded him with the curious girdle of the ephod , and bound it
unto him therewith.

ephod Exo_28_08 /^{ephod /which is upon it,
shall be of the same, according to the work thereof; even of
gold , of blue , and purple , and scarlet , and fine twined
linen .

ephod Exo_28_28 /^{ephod /with a lace of blue ,
that it may be above the curious girdle of the ephod , and that
the breastplate be not loosed from the ephod .

ephod Exo_39_21 /^{ephod /with a lace of blue ,
that it might be above the curious girdle of the ephod , and
that the breastplate might not be loosed from the ephod ; as the
LORD commanded Moses .

Hod 1Ch_07_37 /^{Hod /and Shamma , and
Shilshah , and Ithran , and Beera .

Hodaiah 1Ch_03_24 /^{Hodaiah /and Eliashib , and
Pelaiah , and Akkub , and Johanan , and Dalaiah , and Anani ,
seven .

Hodaviah 1Ch_05_24 /^{Hodaviah /and Jahdiel ,
mighty men of valour , famous men , and heads of the house of
their fathers .

Hodaviah Ezr_02_40 /^{Hodaviah /seventy and four .

Hodaviah 1Ch_09_07 /^{Hodaviah /the son of
Hasenuah ,

Hodesh 1Ch_08_09 /^{Hodesh /his wife , Jobab ,
and Zibia , and Mesha , and Malcham ,

Hodevah Neh_07_43 /^{Hodevah /seventy and four .

Hodiah 1Ch_04_19 /^{Hodiah /the sister of Naham
, the father of Keilah the Garmite , and Eshtemoa the
Maachathite .

Hodijah Neh_10_13 /^{Hodijah /Bani , Beninu .

Hodijah Neh_10_18 /^{Hodijah /Hashum , Bezai ,

Hodijah Neh_10_10 /^{Hodijah /Kelita , Pelaiah ,
Hanan ,

Hodijah Neh_08_07 /^{Hodijah /Maaseiah , Kelita ,
Azariah , Jozabad , Hanan , Pelaiah , and the Levites , caused
the people to understand the law : and the people stood in their
place .

Hodijah Neh_09_05 /^{Hodijah /Shebaniah , and
Pethahiah , said , Stand up and bless the LORD your God for ever
and ever : and blessed be thy glorious name , which is exalted
above all blessing and praise .

Ishod 1Ch_07_18 /^{Ishod /and Abiezer , and
Mahalah .

Rhodes Act_21_01 /${Rhodes /and from thence
unto Patara :

shod Eze_16_10 /^{shod /thee with badgers'
skin , and I girded thee about with fine linen , and I covered
thee with silk .

shod 2Ch_28_15 /^{shod /them, and gave them to
eat and to drink , and anointed them, and carried all the feeble
of them upon asses , and brought them to Jericho , the city of
palm trees , to their brethren : then they returned to Samaria .

shod Mar_06_09 /${shod /with sandals ; and
not put on two coats .

shod Eph_06_15 /${shod /with the preparation
of the gospel of peace ;

Tahtimhodshi 2Sa_24_06 /^{Tahtimhodshi /and they came
to Danjaan , and about to Zidon ,

unshod Jer_02_25 /^{unshod /and thy throat from
thirst : but thou saidst , There is no hope : no; for I have
loved strangers , and after them will I go .
