beholdeth , JAS , 1:24

beholdeth , JOB , 24:18 , JOB , 41:34

beholdeth , PS , 33:13

holdeth , AM , 1:5 , AM , 1:8

holdeth , DA , 10:21

holdeth , JOB , 2:3 , JOB , 26:9

holdeth , PR , 11:12 , PR , 17:28

holdeth , PS , 66:9

holdeth , RE , 2:1

upholdeth , PS , 37:17 , PS , 37:24 , PS , 63:8 , PS , 145:14

withholdeth , 2TH , 2:6

withholdeth , JOB , 12:15

withholdeth , PR , 11:24 , PR , 11:26



holdeth Interlinear Index Study

holdeth JOB 002 003 And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > said <00559
+>amar > unto Satan <07854 +satan > , Hast thou considered my
servant <05650 + Job <00347 +>Iyowb > , that [ there is ]
none <00369 +>ayin > like <03644 +k@mow > him in the earth
<00776 +>erets > , a perfect <08535 +tam > and an upright <03477
+yashar > man <00376 +>iysh > , one that feareth <03373 +yare> >
God <00430 +>elohiym > , and escheweth <05493 +cuwr > evil
<07451 +ra< > ? and still <05750 + he {holdeth} <02388
+chazaq > fast his integrity <08538 +tummah > , although thou
movedst <05496 +cuwth > me against him , to destroy <01104
+bala< > him without <02600 +chinnam > cause <02600 +chinnam > .

holdeth JOB 026 009 He {holdeth} <00270 +>achaz > back the face
<06440 +paniym > of his throne <03678 +kicce> > , [ and ]
spreadeth <06576 +parshez > his cloud <06051 + upon it .

holdeth PSA 066 009 Which {holdeth} <07760 +suwm > our soul
<05315 +nephesh > in life <02416 +chay > , and suffereth <05414
+nathan > not our feet <07373 +ratob > to be moved <04132 +mowt
> .

holdeth PRO 011 012 . He that is void <02638 +chacer > of wisdom
<03820 +leb > despiseth <00936 +buwz > his neighbour <07453
+rea< > : but a man <00376 +>iysh > of understanding <08394
+tabuwn > {holdeth} <02790 +charash > his peace <02790 +charash
> .

holdeth PRO 017 028 Even <01571 +gam > a fool <00191 +>eviyl > ,
when he {holdeth} <02790 +charash > his peace <02790 +charash > ,
is counted <02803 +chashab > wise <02450 +chakam > : [ and ] he
that shutteth <00331 +>atam > his lips <08193 +saphah > [ is
esteemed ] a man of understanding <00995 +biyn > .

holdeth DAN 010 021 But I will shew <05046 +nagad > thee that
which is noted <07559 +rasham > in the scripture <03791 +kathab
> of truth <00571 +>emeth > : and [ there is ] none <00369
+>ayin > that {holdeth} <02388 +chazaq > with me in these <00428
+>el - leh > things , but Michael <04317 +Miyka>el > your prince
<08269 +sar > .

holdeth AMO 001 005 I will break <07665 +shabar > also the bar
<01280 +b@riyach > of Damascus <01834 +Dammeseq > , and cut
<03772 +karath > off the inhabitant <03427 +yashab > from the
plain <01237 +biq of Aven <00206 +>Aven > , and him that
{holdeth} <08551 +tamak > the sceptre <07626 +shebet > from the
house <01004 +bayith > of Eden <05731 + : and the people
<05971 + of Syria <00758 +>Aram > shall go into captivity
<01540 +galah > unto Kir <07024 +Qiyr > , saith <00559 +>amar >
the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > .

holdeth AMO 001 008 And I will cut <03772 +karath > off the
inhabitant <03427 +yashab > from Ashdod <00795 +>Ashdowd > , and
him that {holdeth} <08551 +tamak > the sceptre <07626 +shebet >
from Ashkelon <00831 +>Ashq@lown > , and I will turn <07725
+shuwb > mine hand <03027 +yad > against <05921 + Ekron
<06138 + : and the remnant <07611 +sh@>eriyth > of the
Philistines <06430 +P@lishtiy > shall perish <6> , saith <00559
+>amar > the Lord <00136 +>Adonay > GOD <03069 +Y@hovih > .

holdeth REV 002 001 . Unto the angel <0032 -aggelos -> of the
church <1577 -ekklesia -> of Ephesus <2181 -Ephesos -> write
<1125 -grapho -> ; These <3592 -hode -> things saith <3004 -lego
-> he that {holdeth} <2902 -krateo -> the seven <2033 -hepta ->
stars <0792 -aster -> in his right <1188 -dexios -> hand , who
<3588 -ho -> walketh <4043 -peripateo -> in the midst <3319 -
mesos -> of the seven <2033 -hepta -> golden <5552 -chruseos ->
candlesticks <3087 -luchnia -> ;


for he beholdeth himself

he beholdeth all

he beholdeth all high

he beholdeth not

he holdeth back

holdeth with me

lord upholdeth all

still he holdeth fast his integrity

thy right hand upholdeth me

when he holdeth his peace

which holdeth our soul

* beholdeth , 2657 ,

- beholdeth , 6437 , 7200 ,

- holdeth , 0270 , 2388 , 2790 , 7760 , 8551 ,

* holdeth , 2902 ,

- upholdeth , 5564 , 8551 ,

* withholdeth , 2722 ,

- withholdeth , 2820 , 4513 , 6113 ,

* beholdeth , 2657 katanoeo ,

* holdeth , 2902 krateo ,

* withholdeth , 2722 katecho ,


beholdeth -2657 behold, {beholdeth}, beholding, consider,
considered, considerest, discovered,

holdeth -2902 hands, held, hold, holden, holdest, {holdeth},
holding, kept, obtained, retain, retained, take, took,

withholdeth -2722 accuse, accused, accusing, fast, had, hold,
keep, let, letteth, made, possessed, possessing, retained, seize,


beholdeth -6437 appeared , aside , back , {beholdeth} , cast ,
cometh , corner , dawning , empty , goeth , lieth , look ,
looked , looketh , looking , mark , passed , prepare , prepared ,
preparedst , regard , regardeth , respect , respecteth , return
, right , turn , turned , turnest , turneth ,

beholdeth -7200 advise , appear , appeared , appeareth ,
approveth , beheld , behold , {beholdeth} , beholding , consider
, considered , considerest , considereth , discern , enjoy ,
espied , experience , foreseeth , gaze , heed , lo , look ,
looked , looketh , mark , meet , near , perceive , perceived ,
presented , provide , provided , regard , regarded , regardeth ,
respect , respecteth , saw , sawest , see , seeing , seemeth ,
seen , seer , seers , seest , seeth , shew , shewed , shewedst ,
sheweth , sight , spied , spy , stare , take , thinketh , view ,
visions ,

holdeth -0270 bar , caught , come , fastened , handle , have ,
held , hold , holden , holdest , {holdeth} , portion , possessed
, possession , possessions , rested , surprised , take , taken ,
taketh , took ,

holdeth -2388 became , behave , caught , clave , confirm ,
confirmed , constant , constrained , continued , courage ,
courageous , courageously , encourage , encouraged , established
, fasten , fastened , force , fortified , fortify , harden ,
hardened , harder , held , help , hold , holden , {holdeth} ,
leaneth , maintain , men , mend , mighty , obtain , prevail ,
prevailed , received , recovered , relieve , repair , repaired ,
retain , retained , retaineth , seized , sore , stout , strength
, strengthen , strengthened , strong , stronger , sure , take ,
taken , taketh , took , urgent , valiantly , withstand ,

holdeth -2790 cease , conceal , deaf , devise , deviseth , ear ,
graven , held , hold , holdest , {holdeth} , imagine , kept ,
left , peace , plow , plowed , plowers , plowing , plowman ,
practised , quiet , rest , secretly , silence , silent , speak ,
speaking , still , tongue , worker , wrought ,

holdeth -7760 appoint , appointed , bring , brought , called ,
cast , change , charged , commit , consider , convey ,
determined , disposed , doeth , done , gave , gavest , give ,
given , had , heap , {holdeth} , impute , laid , laidst , lay ,
layest , layeth , look , made , make , makest , maketh , mark ,
ordain , ordained , ordereth , place , placed , preserve ,
purposed , put , puttest , putteth , putting , regarding ,
rehearse , repaired , rewarded , set , settest , setteth , shed ,
shew , shewed , stedfastly , take , took , turn , turned ,
turneth , wholly , wrought ,

holdeth -8551 hold , holden , {holdeth} , holding , maintainest ,
retain , retaineth , stay , stayed , take , uphold , upholdest ,
upholdeth ,

upholdeth -5564 borne , established , hard , holden , laid , lay
, lean , leaned , lieth , put , rested , set , stand , stay ,
stayed , sustained , upheld , uphold , {upholdeth} ,

upholdeth -8551 hold , holden , holdeth , holding , maintainest ,
retain , retaineth , stay , stayed , take , uphold , upholdest ,
{upholdeth} ,

withholdeth -2820 asswage , asswaged , back , forbear , held ,
hindereth , keep , keepeth , kept , punished , refrain ,
refrained , refraineth , reserved , spare , spared , spareth ,
withheld , {withholdeth} ,

withholdeth -4513 back , denied , deny , hinder , keep , keepeth
, kept , refrain , restrained , withheld , withheldest ,
withhold , withholden , {withholdeth} ,

withholdeth -6113 able , close , closed , detain , detained ,
keep , kept , prevail , recover , refrained , reign , restrained
, retain , retained , shut , slack , stayed , stop , withhold ,
{withholdeth} ,



beholdeth ......... For he beholdeth 2657 -katanoeo->

holdeth ......... he that holdeth 2902 -krateo->

withholdeth ......... withholdeth 2722 -katecho->




beholdeth 041 034 Job /^{beholdeth /all high
things: he is a king over all the children of pride .

beholdeth 033 013 Psa /^{beholdeth /all the sons
of men .

beholdeth 001 024 Jam /${beholdeth /himself , and
goeth his way , and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he
was .

beholdeth 024 018 Job /^{beholdeth /not the way of
the vineyards .

holdeth 026 009 Job /^{holdeth /back the face of
his throne , and spreadeth his cloud upon it.

holdeth 002 003 Job /^{holdeth /fast his
integrity , although thou movedst me against him, to destroy him
without cause .

holdeth 017 028 Pro /^{holdeth /his peace , is
counted wise : and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man
of understanding .

holdeth 011 012 Pro /^{holdeth /his peace .

holdeth 066 009 Psa /^{holdeth /our soul in life
, and suffereth not our feet to be moved .

holdeth 001 008 Amo /^{holdeth /the sceptre from
Ashkelon , and I will turn mine hand against Ekron : and the
remnant of the Philistines shall perish , saith the Lord GOD .

holdeth 001 005 Amo /^{holdeth /the sceptre from
the house of Eden : and the people of Syria shall go into
captivity unto Kir , saith the LORD .

holdeth 002 001 Rev /${holdeth /the seven stars
in his right hand , who walketh in the midst of the seven golden
candlesticks ;

holdeth 010 021 Dan /^{holdeth /with me in these
things, but Michael your prince .

upholdeth 145 014 Psa /^{upholdeth /all that fall ,
and raiseth up all those that be bowed down .

upholdeth 037 024 Psa /^{upholdeth /him with his
hand .

upholdeth 063 008 Psa /^{upholdeth /me.

upholdeth 037 017 Psa /^{upholdeth /the righteous .

withholdeth 011 026 Pro /^{withholdeth /corn , the
people shall curse him: but blessing shall be upon the head of
him that selleth it.

withholdeth 011 024 Pro /^{withholdeth /more than is
meet , but it tendeth to poverty .

withholdeth 002 006 IITh /${withholdeth /that he
might be revealed in his time .

withholdeth 012 015 Job /^{withholdeth /the waters ,
and they dry up : also he sendeth them out , and they overturn
the earth .


beholdeth 4 -

holdeth 9 -

upholdeth 4 -

withholdeth 4 -


holdeth And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou
considered my servant Job, that [there is] none like him in the
earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and
escheweth evil? and still he {holdeth} fast his integrity,
although th

ou movedst me against him, to destroy him without cause.

holdeth He {holdeth} back the face of his throne,
[and] spreadeth his cloud upon it.

holdeth Which {holdeth} our soul in life, and
suffereth not our feet to be moved.

holdeth He that is void of wisdom despiseth his
neighbour: but a man of understanding {holdeth} his peace.

holdeth Even a fool, when he {holdeth} his peace, is
counted wise: [and] he that shutteth his lips [is esteemed] a
man of understanding.

holdeth But I will show thee that which is noted in
the scripture of truth: and [there is] none that {holdeth} with
me in these things, but Michael your prince.

holdeth I will break also the bar of Damascus, and cut
off the inhabitant from the plain of Aven, and him that
{holdeth} the sceptre from the house of Eden: and the people of
Syria shall go into captivity unto Kir, saith the LORD.

holdeth And I will cut off the inhabitant from Ashdod,
and him that {holdeth} the sceptre from Ashkelon, and I will
turn mine hand against Ekron: and the remnant of the Philistines
shall perish, saith the Lord GOD.

holdeth Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write;
These things saith he that {holdeth} the seven stars in his
right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden
