beholdeth Job_41_34 /^{beholdeth /all high things:
he is a king over all the children of pride .

beholdeth Psa_33_13 /^{beholdeth /all the sons of
men .

beholdeth Jam_01_24 /${beholdeth /himself , and
goeth his way , and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he
was .

beholdeth Job_24_18 /^{beholdeth /not the way of
the vineyards .

holdeth Job_26_09 /^{holdeth /back the face of
his throne , and spreadeth his cloud upon it.

holdeth Job_02_03 /^{holdeth /fast his integrity
, although thou movedst me against him, to destroy him without
cause .

holdeth Pro_17_28 /^{holdeth /his peace , is
counted wise : and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man
of understanding .

holdeth Pro_11_12 /^{holdeth /his peace .

holdeth Psa_66_09 /^{holdeth /our soul in life ,
and suffereth not our feet to be moved .

holdeth Amo_01_08 /^{holdeth /the sceptre from
Ashkelon , and I will turn mine hand against Ekron : and the
remnant of the Philistines shall perish , saith the Lord GOD .

holdeth Amo_01_05 /^{holdeth /the sceptre from
the house of Eden : and the people of Syria shall go into
captivity unto Kir , saith the LORD .

holdeth Rev_02_01 /${holdeth /the seven stars in
his right hand , who walketh in the midst of the seven golden
candlesticks ;

holdeth Dan_10_21 /^{holdeth /with me in these
things, but Michael your prince .

upholdeth Psa_145_14 /^{upholdeth /all that fall ,
and raiseth up all those that be bowed down .

upholdeth Psa_37_24 /^{upholdeth /him with his
hand .

upholdeth Psa_63_08 /^{upholdeth /me.

upholdeth Psa_37_17 /^{upholdeth /the righteous .

withholdeth Pro_11_26 /^{withholdeth /corn , the
people shall curse him: but blessing shall be upon the head of
him that selleth it.

withholdeth Pro_11_24 /^{withholdeth /more than is
meet , but it tendeth to poverty .

withholdeth 2Th_02_06 /${withholdeth /that he might
be revealed in his time .

withholdeth Job_12_15 /^{withholdeth /the waters ,
and they dry up : also he sendeth them out , and they overturn
the earth .
