hollow Isa_40_12 /^{hollow /of his hand , and
meted out heaven with the span , and comprehended the dust of
the earth in a measure , and weighed the mountains in scales ,
and the hills in a balance ?

hollow Gen_32_25 /^{hollow /of his thigh ; and
the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint , as he wrestled
with him.

hollow Gen_32_32 /^{hollow /of Jacob's thigh in
the sinew that shrank .

hollow Gen_32_25 /^{hollow /of Jacob's thigh
was out of joint , as he wrestled with him.

hollow Gen_32_32 /^{hollow /of the thigh , unto
this day : because he touched the hollow of Jacob's thigh in the
sinew that shrank .

hollow Jud_15_19 /^{hollow /place that was in
the jaw , and there came water thereout; and when he had drunk ,
his spirit came again , and he revived : wherefore he called the
name thereof Enhakkore , which is in Lehi unto this day .

hollow Lev_14_37 /^{hollow /strakes , greenish
or reddish , which in sight are lower than the wall ;

hollow Exo_38_07 /^{hollow /with boards .

Hollow Exo_27_08 /^{Hollow /with boards shalt
thou make it: as it was shewed thee in the mount , so shall they
make it.
