Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

dishonour 03639 ## k@limmah {kel-im-maw'} ; from 03637 ; disgrace : -- confusion , {dishonour} , reproach , shame .

dishonour 07036 ## qalown {kaw-lone'} ; from 07034 ; disgrace ; (by implication) the pudenda : -- confusion , {dishonour} , ignominy , reproach , shame .

dishonour 0818 - atimazo {at-im-ad'-zo}; from 0820; to render infamous, i.e. (by implication) contemn or maltreat: -- despise, {dishonour}, suffer shame, entreat shamefully.

dishonour 0819 - atimia {at-ee-mee'-ah}; from 0820; infamy, i.e. (subjectively) comparative indignity, (objectively) disgrace: -- {dishonour}, reproach, shame, vile.

dishonour 2617 - kataischuno {kat-ahee-skhoo'-no}; from 2596 and 0153; to shame down, i.e. disgrace or (by implication) put to the blush: -- confound, {dishonour}, (be a-, make a-)shame(-d).

dishonoured 0820 - atimos {at'-ee-mos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5092; (negatively) unhonoured or (positively) {dishonoured}: -- despised, without honour, less honourable [comparative degree].

honour 01921 ## hadar {haw-dar'} ; a primitive root ; to swell up (literally or figuratively , active or passive) ; by implication , to favor or honour , be high or proud : -- countenance , crooked place , glorious , {honour} , put forth .

honour 01922 ## hadar (Aramaic) {had-ar'} ; corresponding to 01921 ; to magnify (figuratively) : -- glorify , {honour} .

honour 01923 ## hadar (Aramaic) {had-ar'} ; from 01922 ; magnificence : -- {honour} , majesty .

honour 01925 ## heder {heh'- der} ; from 01921 ; {honour} ; used (figuratively) for the capital city (Jerusalem) : -- glory .

honour 01926 ## hadar {haw-dawr'} ; from 01921 ; magnificence , i . e . ornament or splendor : -- beauty , comeliness , excellency , glorious , glory , goodly , {honour} , majesty .

honour 01927 ## hadarah {had-aw-raw'} ; feminine of 01926 ; decoration : -- beauty , {honour} .

honour 01935 ## howd {hode} ; from an unused root ; grandeur (i . e . an imposing form and appearance) : -- beauty , comeliness , excellency , glorious , glory , goodly , {honour} , majesty .

honour 03366 ## y@qar {yek-awr'} ; from 03365 ; value , i . e . (concretely) wealth ; abstractly , costliness , dignity : -- {honour} , precious (things) , price .

honour 03367 ## y@qar (Aramaic) {yek-awr'} ; corresponding to 03366 : -- glory , {honour} .

honour 03513 ## kabad {kaw-bad'} ; or kabed {kaw-bade'} ; a primitive root ; to be heavy , i . e . in a bad sense (burdensome , severe , dull) or in a good sense (numerous , rich , honorable ; causatively , to make weighty (in the same two senses) : -- abounding with , more grievously afflict , boast , be chargeable , X be dim , glorify , be (make) glorious (things) , glory , (very) great , be grievous , harden , be (make) heavy , be heavier , lay heavily , (bring to , come to , do , get , be had in) honour (self) , (be) honourable (man) , lade , X more be laid , make self many , nobles , prevail , promote (to {honour}) , be rich , be (go) sore , stop .

honour 03519 ## kabowd {kaw-bode'} ; rarely kabod {kaw-bode'} ; from 03513 ; properly , weight , but only figuratively in a good sense , splendor or copiousness : -- glorious (- ly) , glory , {honour} (- able) .

honour 08597 ## tiph'arah {tif-aw-raw'} ; or tiph'ereth {tif-eh'- reth} ; from 06286 ; ornament (abstractly or concretely , literally or figuratively) : -- beauty (- iful) , bravery , comely , fair , glory (- ious) , hono ; ornament (abstractly or concretely , literally or figuratively) :-beauty (- iful) , bravery , comely , fair , glory (- ious) , {honour} , majesty .

honour 0820 - atimos {at'-ee-mos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5092; (negatively) unhonoured or (positively) dishonoured: -- despised, without {honour}, less honourable [comparative degree].

honour 1391 - doxa {dox'-ah}; from the base of 1380; glory (as very apparent), in a wide application (literal or figurative, objective or subjective): -- dignity, glory(-ious), {honour}, praise, worship.

honour 1392 - doxazo {dox-ad'-zo}; from 1391; to render (or esteem) glorious (in a wide application): -- (make) glorify(-ious), full of (have) glory, {honour}, magnify.

honour 5091 - timao {tim-ah'-o}; from 5093; to prize, i.e. fix a valuation upon; by implication, to revere: -- {honour}, value.

honour 5092 - time {tee-may'}; from 5099; a value, i.e. money paid, or (concretely and collectively) valuables; by analogy, esteem (especially of the highest degree), or the dignity itself: -- {honour}, precious, price, some.

honourable 00142 ## 'adar {aw-dar'} ; a primitive root ; to expand , i . e . be great or (figuratively) magnificent : -- (become) glorious , {honourable} .

honourable 03368 ## yaqar {yaw-kawr'} ; from 03365 ; valuable (obj . or subj .) : -- brightness , clear , costly , excellent , fat , {honourable} women , precious , reputation .

honourable 03513 ## kabad {kaw-bad'} ; or kabed {kaw-bade'} ; a primitive root ; to be heavy , i . e . in a bad sense (burdensome , severe , dull) or in a good sense (numerous , rich , honorable ; causatively , to make weighty (in the same two senses) : -- abounding with , more grievously afflict , boast , be chargeable , X be dim , glorify , be (make) glorious (things) , glory , (very) great , be grievous , harden , be (make) heavy , be heavier , lay heavily , (bring to , come to , do , get , be had in) honour (self) , (be) {honourable} (man) , lade , X more be laid , make self many , nobles , prevail , promote (to honour) , be rich , be (go) sore , stop .

honourable 06440 ## paniym {paw-neem'} ; plural (but always as singular) of an unused noun [paneh {paw-neh'} ; from 06437 ] ; the face (as the part that turns) ; used in a great variety of applications (literally and figuratively) ; also (with prepositional prefix) as a preposition (before , etc .) : -- + accept , a-(be-) fore (- time) , against , anger , X as (long as) , at , + battle , + because (of) , + beseech , countenance , edge , + employ , endure , + enquire , face , favour , fear of , for , forefront (- part) , form (- er time ,-ward) , from , front , heaviness , X him (- self) , + {honourable} , + impudent , + in , it , look [-eth ] (- s) , X me , + meet , X more than , mouth , of , off , (of) old (time) , X on , open , + out of , over against , the partial , person , + please , presence , propect , was purposed , by reason of , + regard , right forth , + serve , X shewbread , sight , state , straight , + street , X thee , X them (- selves) , through (+-out) , till , time (- s) past , (un-) to (- ward) , + upon , upside (+ down) , with (- in , +-stand) , X ye , X you .

honourable 0820 - atimos {at'-ee-mos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5092; (negatively) unhonoured or (positively) dishonoured: -- despised, without honour, less {honourable} [comparative degree].

honourable 1741 - endoxos {en'-dox-os}; from 1722 and 1391; in glory, i.e. splendid, (figuratively) noble: -- glorious, gorgeous [-ly], {honourable}.

honourable 1784 - entimos {en'-tee-mos}; from 1722 and 5092; valued (figuratively): -- dear, more {honourable}, precious, in reputation.

honourable 2158 - euschemon {yoo-skhay'-mone}; from 2095 and 4976; well-formed, i.e. (figuratively) decorous, noble (in rank): -- comely, {honourable}.

honourable 5093 - timios {tim'-ee-os}; including the comparative timioteros {tim-ee-o'-ter-os}; and the superlative timiotatos {tim-ee-o'-tat-os}; from 5092; valuable, i.e. (objectively) costly, or (subjectively) honored, esteemed, or (figuratively) beloved: -- dear, {honourable}, (more, most) precious, had in reputation.

unhonoured 0820 - atimos {at'-ee-mos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5092; (negatively) {unhonoured} or (positively) dishonoured: -- despised, without honour, less honourable [comparative degree].