horn Interlinear Index Study

horn JOS 006 005 And it shall come <01961 +hayah > to pass ,
that when they make a long <04900 +mashak > [ blast ] with the
ram s <03104 +yowbel > {horn} <07161 +qeren > , [ and ] when ye
hear <08085 +shama< > the sound <06963 +qowl > of the trumpet
<07782 +showphar > , all <03605 +kol > the people <05971 +
shall shout <07321 +ruwa< > with a great <01419 +gadowl > shout
<08643 +t@ruw ; and the wall <02346 +chowmah > of the city
<05892 + shall fall <05307 +naphal > down flat <08478
+tachath > , and the people <05971 + shall ascend <05927
+ up every man <00376 +>iysh > straight before <05048
+neged > him .

horn 1SA 002 001 . And Hannah <02584 +Channah > prayed <06419
+palal > , and said <00559 +>amar > , My heart <03820 +leb >
rejoiceth <05970 + in the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , mine
{horn} <07161 +qeren > is exalted <07311 +ruwm > in the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > : my mouth <06310 +peh > is enlarged <07337
+rachab > over <05921 + mine enemies <00341 +>oyeb > ;
because <03588 +kiy > I rejoice <08055 +samach > in thy
salvation <03444 +y@shuw .

horn 1SA 002 010 The adversaries <07378 +riyb > of the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > shall be broken <02865 +chathath > to pieces ;
out of heaven <08064 +shamayim > shall he thunder <07481 +ra > upon them : the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > shall judge <01777
+diyn > the ends <00657 +>ephec > of the earth <00776 +>erets > ;
and he shall give <05414 +nathan > strength <05797 + unto
his king <04428 +melek > , and exalt <07311 +ruwm > the {horn}
<07161 +qeren > of his anointed <04899 +mashiyach > .

horn 1SA 016 001 . And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > said <00559
+>amar > unto Samuel <08050 +Sh@muw>el > , How <05704 +
long <05704 + wilt thou mourn <56> for Saul <07586 +Sha>uwl
> , seeing I have rejected <03988 +ma>ac > him from reigning
<04427 +malak > over <05921 + Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > ?
fill <04390 +male> > thine {horn} <07161 +qeren > with oil
<08081 +shemen > , and go <03212 +yalak > , I will send <07971
+shalach > thee to Jesse <03448 +Yishay > the Bethlehemite
<01022 +Beyth hal - Lachmiy > : for I have provided <07200
+ra>ah > me a king <04428 +melek > among his sons <01121 +ben > .

horn 1SA 016 013 Then Samuel <08050 +Sh@muw>el > took <03947
+laqach > the {horn} <07161 +qeren > of oil <08081 +shemen > ,
and anointed <04886 +mashach > him in the midst <07130 +qereb >
of his brethren <00251 +>ach > : and the Spirit <07307 +ruwach >
of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > came <06743 +tsalach > upon David
<01732 +David > from that day <03117 +yowm > forward <04605
+ma . So Samuel <08050 +Sh@muw>el > rose <06965 +quwm > up ,
and went <03212 +yalak > to Ramah <07414 +Ramah > .

horn 2SA 022 003 The God <00430 +>elohiym > of my rock <06697
+tsuwr > ; in him will I trust <02620 +chacah > : [ he is ] my
shield <04043 +magen > , and the {horn} <07161 +qeren > of my
salvation <03468 +yesha< > , my high <04869 +misgab > tower
<04869 +misgab > , and my refuge <04498 +manowc > , my saviour
<03467 +yasha< > ; thou savest <03467 +yasha< > me from violence
<02555 +chamac > .

horn 1KI 001 039 And Zadok <06659 +Tsadowq > the priest <03548
+kohen > took <03947 +laqach > an {horn} <07161 +qeren > of oil
<08081 +shemen > out of the tabernacle <00168 +>ohel > , and
anointed <04886 +mashach > Solomon <08010 +Sh@lomoh > . And they
blew <08628 +taqa< > the trumpet <07782 +showphar > ; and all
<03605 +kol > the people <05971 + said <00559 +>amar > ,
God save <02421 +chayah > king <04428 +melek > Solomon <08010
+Sh@lomoh > .

horn 1CH 025 005 All <03605 +kol > these <00428 +>el - leh > [
were ] the sons <01121 +ben > of Heman <01968 +Heyman > the king
s <04428 +melek > seer <02374 +chozeh > in the words <01697
+dabar > of God <00430 +>elohiym > , to lift <07311 +ruwm > up
the {horn} <07161 +qeren > . And God <00430 +>elohiym > gave
<05414 +nathan > to Heman <01968 +Heyman > fourteen sons <01121
+ben > and three <07969 +shalowsh > daughters <01121 +ben > .

horn JOB 016 015 I have sewed <08609 +taphar > sackcloth <08242
+saq > upon my skin <01539 +geled > , and defiled <05953 + > my {horn} <07161 +qeren > in the dust <06083 + .

horn PSA 018 002 The LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > [ is ] my rock
<05553 +cela< > , and my fortress <04686 +matsuwd > , and my
deliverer <06403 +palat > ; my God <00410 +>el > , my strength
<06697 +tsuwr > , in whom I will trust <02620 +chacah > ; my
buckler <04043 +magen > , and the {horn} <07161 +qeren > of my
salvation <03468 +yesha< > , [ and ] my high <04869 +misgab >
tower <04869 +misgab > .

horn PSA 075 004 I said <00559 +>amar > unto the fools <01984
+halal > , Deal not foolishly <01984 +halal > : and to the
wicked <07563 +rasha< > , Lift <07311 +ruwm > not up the {horn}
<07161 +qeren > :

horn PSA 075 005 Lift <07311 +ruwm > not up your {horn} <07161
+qeren > on high <04791 +marowm > : speak <01696 +dabar > [ not
with ] a stiff <06277 + neck <06677 +tsavva>r > .

horn PSA 089 017 For thou [ art ] the glory <08597 +tiph>arah >
of their strength <05797 + : and in thy favour <07522
+ratsown > our {horn} <07161 +qeren > shall be exalted <07311
+ruwm > .

horn PSA 089 024 But my faithfulness <00530 +>emuwnah > and my
mercy <02617 +checed > [ shall be ] with him : and in my name
<08034 +shem > shall his {horn} <07161 +qeren > be exalted
<07311 +ruwm > .

horn PSA 092 010 But my horn <07161 +qeren > shalt thou exalt
<07311 +ruwm > like [ the {horn} of ] an unicorn <07214 +r@>em >
: I shall be anointed <01101 +balal > with fresh <07488 +ra > oil <08081 +shemen > .

horn PSA 092 010 But my {horn} <07161 +qeren > shalt thou exalt
<07311 +ruwm > like [ the horn of ] an unicorn <07214 +r@>em > :
I shall be anointed <01101 +balal > with fresh <07488 +ra
oil <08081 +shemen > .

horn PSA 112 009 He hath dispersed <06340 +pazar > , he hath
given <05414 +nathan > to the poor <34> ; his righteousness
<06666 +ts@daqah > endureth <05975 + for ever <05703 + > ; his {horn} <07161 +qeren > shall be exalted <07311 +ruwm >
with honour <03519 +kabowd > .

horn PSA 132 017 There <08033 +sham > will I make <06213 + > the {horn} <07161 +qeren > of David <01732 +David > to bud
<06779 +tsamach > : I have ordained <06186 + a lamp
<05216 +niyr > for mine anointed <04899 +mashiyach > .

horn PSA 148 014 He also exalteth <07311 +ruwm > the {horn}
<07161 +qeren > of his people <05971 + , the praise <08416
+t@hillah > of all <03605 +kol > his saints <02623 +chaciyd > ;
[ even ] of the children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > , a people <05971 + near <07138 +qarowb > unto
him . Praise <01984 +halal > ye the LORD <03050 +Yahh > .

horn JER 048 025 The {horn} <07161 +qeren > of Moab <04124
+Mow>ab > is cut <01438 +gada< > off , and his arm <02220
+z@rowa< > is broken <07665 +shabar > , saith <05002 +n@>um >
the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > .

horn LAM 002 003 He hath cut <01438 +gada< > off in [ his ]
fierce <02750 +choriy > anger <00639 +>aph > all <03605 +kol >
the {horn} <07161 +qeren > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > : he
hath drawn <07725 +shuwb > back <00268 +>achowr > his right
<03225 +yamiyn > hand <03225 +yamiyn > from before <06440
+paniym > the enemy <00341 +>oyeb > , and he burned <01197
+ba against Jacob <03290 +Ya like a flaming <03852
+lehabah > fire <00784 +>esh > , [ which ] devoureth <00398
+>akal > round <05439 +cabiyb > about .

horn LAM 002 017 The LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > hath done <06213
+ [ that ] which <00834 +>aher > he had devised <02161
+zamam > ; he hath fulfilled <01214 +batsa< > his word <00565
+>imrah > that he had commanded <06680 +tsavah > in the days
<03117 +yowm > of old <06924 +qedem > : he hath thrown <02040
+harac > down <02040 +harac > , and hath not pitied <02550
+chamal > : and he hath caused [ thine ] enemy <00341 +>oyeb >
to rejoice <08055 +samach > over <05921 + thee , he hath
set <07311 +ruwm > up the {horn} <07161 +qeren > of thine
adversaries <06862 +tsar > .

horn EZE 029 021 In that day <03117 +yowm > will I cause the
{horn} <07161 +qeren > of the house <01004 +bayith > of Israel
<03478 +Yisra>el > to bud <06779 +tsamach > forth , and I will
give <05414 +nathan > thee the opening <06610 +pithchown > of
the mouth <06310 +peh > in the midst <08432 +tavek > of them ;
and they shall know <03045 +yada< > that I [ am ] the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > .

horn DAN 007 008 I considered <07920 +s@kal > the horns <07162
+qeren > , and , behold <00431 +>aluw > , there came <05559
+c@liq > up among <00997 +beyn > them another <00317 +>ochoriy >
little <02192 +z@ horn <07162 +qeren > , before <06925
+qodam > whom there were three <08532 +t@lath > of the first
<06933 +qadmay > horns <07162 +qeren > plucked <06132 +
up by the roots <06132 + : and , behold <00431 +>aluw > ,
in this <01668 +da> > {horn} <07162 +qeren > [ were ] eyes
<05870 + like the eyes <05870 + of man <00606
+>enash > , and a mouth <06433 +pum > speaking <04449 +m@lal >
great <07260 +rabrab > things .

horn DAN 007 008 I considered <07920 +s@kal > the horns <07162
+qeren > , and , behold <00431 +>aluw > , there came <05559
+c@liq > up among <00997 +beyn > them another <00317 +>ochoriy >
little <02192 +z@ {horn} <07162 +qeren > , before <06925
+qodam > whom there were three <08532 +t@lath > of the first
<06933 +qadmay > horns <07162 +qeren > plucked <06132 +
up by the roots <06132 + : and , behold <00431 +>aluw > ,
in this <01668 +da> > horn <07162 +qeren > [ were ] eyes <05870
+ like the eyes <05870 + of man <00606 +>enash > ,
and a mouth <06433 +pum > speaking <04449 +m@lal > great <07260
+rabrab > things .

horn DAN 007 011 I beheld then <00116 +>edayin > because <04481
+min > of the voice <07032 +qal > of the great <07260 +rabrab >
words <04406 +millah > which <01768 +diy > the {horn} <07162
+qeren > spake <04449 +m@lal > : I beheld [ even <05705 + ]
till <05704 + the beast <02423 +cheyva> > was slain <06992
+q@tal > , and his body <01655 +geshem > destroyed <7> , and
given <03052 +y@hab > to the burning <03346 +y@qeda> > flame
<00785 +>esh > .

horn DAN 007 020 And of the ten <06236 + horns <07162
+qeren > that [ were ] in his head <07217 +re>sh > , and [ of ]
the other <00317 +>ochoriy > which <01768 +diy > came <05559
+c@liq > up , and before whom <04479 +man > three <08532 +t@lath
> fell <05308 +n@phal > ; even [ of ] that {horn} <07162 +qeren
> that had eyes <05870 + , and a mouth <06433 +pum > that
spake <04449 +m@lal > very <07260 +rabrab > great <07260 +rabrab
> things , whose look <02376 +chezev > [ was ] more <05750 + > stout <07229 +rab > than <04481 +min > his fellows <02273
+chabrah > .

horn DAN 007 021 I beheld , and the same <01797 +dikken > {horn}
<07162 +qeren > made <05648 + war <07129 +q@rab > with
the saints <06922 +qaddiysh > , and prevailed <03202 +y@kel >
against them ;

horn DAN 008 005 And as I was considering <00995 +biyn > ,
behold <02009 +hinneh > , an he goat <05795 + came <00935
+bow> > from the west <04628 +ma on the face <06440
+paniym > of the whole <03605 +kol > earth <00776 +>erets > ,
and touched <05060 +naga< > not the ground <00776 +>erets > :
and the goat <06842 +tsaphiyr > [ had ] a notable <02380
+chazuwth > {horn} <07161 +qeren > between <00996 +beyn > his
eyes <05869 + .

horn DAN 008 008 Therefore the he goat <06842 +tsaphiyr > waxed
very great <01431 +gadal > : and when he was strong <06105
+ , the great <01419 +gadowl > {horn} <07161 +qeren >
was broken <07665 +shabar > ; and for it came <05927 + up
four <00702 +>arba< > notable <02380 +chazuwth > ones toward the
four <00702 +>arba< > winds <07307 +ruwach > of heaven <08064
+shamayim > .

horn DAN 008 009 And out of one <00259 +>echad > of them came
<03318 +yatsa> > forth <03318 +yatsa> > a little <04704
+mitsts@ {horn} <07161 +qeren > , which waxed exceeding
<03499 +yether > great <01431 +gadal > , toward <00413 +>el >
the south <05045 +negeb > , and toward <00413 +>el > the east
<04217 +mizrach > , and toward <00413 +>el > the pleasant <06643
+ts@biy > [ land ] .

horn DAN 008 021 And the rough <08163 +sa goat <06842
+tsaphiyr > [ is ] the king <04428 +melek > of Grecia <03120
+Yavan > : and the great <01419 +gadowl > {horn} <07161 +qeren >
that [ is ] between <00996 +beyn > his eyes <05869 + [ is
] the first <07223 +ri>shown > king <04428 +melek > .

horn MIC 004 013 Arise <06965 +quwm > and thresh <01758 +duwsh >
, O daughter <01323 +bath > of Zion <06726 +Tsiyown > : for I
will make <07760 +suwm > thine {horn} <07161 +qeren > iron
<01270 +barzel > , and I will make <07760 +suwm > thy hoofs
<06541 +parcah > brass <05154 +n@chuwshah > : and thou shalt
beat <01854 +daqaq > in pieces many <07227 +rab > people <05971
+ : and I will consecrate <02763 +charam > their gain
<01214 +batsa< > unto the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , and their
substance <02428 +chayil > unto the Lord <00113 +>adown > of the
whole <03605 +kol > earth <00776 +>erets > .

horn ZEC 001 021 Then said <00559 +>amar > I , What <04100 +mah
> come <00935 +bow> > these <00428 +>el - leh > to do <06213
+ ? And he spake <00559 +>amar > , saying <00559 +>amar >
, These <00428 +>el - leh > [ are ] the horns <07161 +qeren >
which <00834 +>aher > have scattered <02219 +zarah > Judah
<03063 +Y@huwdah > , so that no <03808 +lo> > man <00376 +>iysh
> did lift <05375 +nasa> > up his head <07218 +ro>sh > : but
these <00428 +>el - leh > are come <00935 +bow> > to fray <02729
+charad > them , to cast <03034 +yadah > out the horns <07161
+qeren > of the Gentiles <01471 +gowy > , which lifted <05375
+nasa> > up [ their ] {horn} <07161 +qeren > over <00413 +>el >
the land <00776 +>erets > of Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > to scatter
<02219 +zarah > it .

horn LUK 001 069 And hath raised 1453 -egeiro - up an {horn}
2768 -keras - of salvation 4991 -soteria - for us in the house
3624 -oikos - of his servant 3816 -pais - David 1138 -Dabid - ;
