hosts Isa_28_22 /^{hosts /a consumption , even
determined upon the whole earth .

hosts Jer_46_10 /^{hosts /a day of vengeance ,
that he may avenge him of his adversaries : and the sword shall
devour , and it shall be satiate and made drunk with their blood
: for the Lord GOD of hosts hath a sacrifice in the north
country by the river Euphrates .

hosts Zec_02_08 /^{hosts /After the glory hath
he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that
toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye .

hosts Jer_33_12 /^{hosts /Again in this place ,
which is desolate without man and without beast , and in all
the cities thereof, shall be an habitation of shepherds causing
their flocks to lie down .

hosts Zec_01_16 /^{hosts /and a line shall be
stretched forth upon Jerusalem .

hosts Zec_14_21 /^{hosts /and all they that
sacrifice shall come and take of them, and seethe therein: and
in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of
the LORD of hosts .

hosts Psa_80_07 /^{hosts /and cause thy face
to shine ; and we shall be saved .

hosts Isa_14_22 /^{hosts /and cut off from
Babylon the name , and remnant , and son , and nephew , saith
the LORD .

hosts Isa_05_24 /^{hosts /and despised the
word of the Holy One of Israel .

hosts Jos_10_05 /^{hosts /and encamped before
Gibeon , and made war against it.

hosts Zec_08_14 /^{hosts /and I repented not:

hosts Nah_02_13 /^{hosts /and I will burn her
chariots in the smoke , and the sword shall devour thy young
lions : and I will cut off thy prey from the earth , and the
voice of thy messengers shall no more be heard .

hosts Nah_03_05 /^{hosts /and I will discover
thy skirts upon thy face , and I will shew the nations thy
nakedness , and the kingdoms thy shame .

hosts Zec_03_09 /^{hosts /and I will remove
the iniquity of that land in one day .

hosts Zec_01_03 /^{hosts /and I will turn unto
you, saith the LORD of hosts .

hosts Isa_13_13 /^{hosts /and in the day of
his fierce anger .

hosts Hag_02_09 /^{hosts /and in this place
will I give peace , saith the LORD of hosts .

hosts Zec_05_04 /^{hosts /and it shall enter
into the house of the thief , and into the house of him that
sweareth falsely by my name : and it shall remain in the midst
of his house , and shall consume it with the timber thereof and
the stones thereof.

hosts Mal_01_14 /^{hosts /and my name is
dreadful among the heathen .

hosts Num_10_25 /^{hosts /and over his host
was Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai .

hosts Amo_06_14 /^{hosts /and they shall
afflict you from the entering in of Hemath unto the river of the
wilderness .

hosts Zec_14_16 /^{hosts /and to keep the
feast of tabernacles .

hosts Zec_07_03 /^{hosts /and to the prophets ,
saying , Should I weep in the fifth month , separating myself,
as I have done these so many years ?

hosts Mal_01_13 /^{hosts /and ye brought that
which was torn , and the lame , and the sick ; thus ye brought
an offering : should I accept this of your hand ? saith the LORD

hosts Zec_08_14 /^{hosts /As I thought to
punish you, when your fathers provoked me to wrath , saith the
LORD of hosts , and I repented not:

hosts Hag_02_11 /^{hosts /Ask now the priests
concerning the law , saying ,

hosts Psa_69_06 /^{hosts /be ashamed for my
sake: let not those that seek thee be confounded for my sake, O
God of Israel .

hosts Isa_28_05 /^{hosts /be for a crown of
glory , and for a diadem of beauty , unto the residue of his
people ,

hosts Hag_01_09 /^{hosts /Because of mine
house that is waste , and ye run every man unto his own house .

hosts 1Ki_19_14 /^{hosts /because the children
of Israel have forsaken thy covenant , thrown down thine altars ,
and slain thy prophets with the sword ; and I, even I only, am
left ; and they seek my life , to take it away .

hosts Jer_25_08 /^{hosts /Because ye have not
heard my words ,

hosts Jer_05_14 /^{hosts /Because ye speak
this word , behold, I will make my words in thy mouth fire , and
this people wood , and it shall devour them.

hosts Jer_25_32 /^{hosts /Behold, evil shall
go forth from nation to nation , and a great whirlwind shall be
raised up from the coasts of the earth .

hosts Jer_49_35 /^{hosts /Behold, I will break
the bow of Elam , the chief of their might .

hosts Jer_09_07 /^{hosts /Behold, I will melt
them, and try them; for how shall I do for the daughter of my
people ?

hosts Jer_11_22 /^{hosts /Behold, I will
punish them: the young men shall die by the sword ; their sons
and their daughters shall die by famine :

hosts Zec_08_07 /^{hosts /Behold, I will save
my people from the east country , and from the west country ;

hosts Jer_29_17 /^{hosts /Behold, I will send
upon them the sword , the famine , and the pestilence , and will
make them like vile figs , that cannot be eaten , they are so
evil .

hosts Psa_84_12 /^{hosts /blessed is the man
that trusteth in thee.

hosts Mal_03_07 /^{hosts /But ye said ,
Wherein shall we return ?

hosts Isa_22_12 /^{hosts /call to weeping ,
and to mourning , and to baldness , and to girding with
sackcloth :

hosts Zec_08_01 /^{hosts /came to me, saying ,

hosts Zec_08_18 /^{hosts /came unto me, saying

hosts Psa_80_19 /^{hosts /cause thy face to
shine ; and we shall be saved .

hosts Isa_31_04 /^{hosts /come down to fight
for mount Zion , and for the hill thereof.

hosts Jer_27_19 /^{hosts /concerning the
pillars , and concerning the sea , and concerning the bases ,
and concerning the residue of the vessels that remain in this
city ,

hosts Jer_23_15 /^{hosts /concerning the
prophets ; Behold, I will feed them with wormwood , and make
them drink the water of gall : for from the prophets of
Jerusalem is profaneness gone forth into all the land .

hosts Jer_09_17 /^{hosts /Consider ye, and
call for the mourning women , that they may come ; and send for
cunning women, that they may come :

hosts Hag_01_07 /^{hosts /Consider your ways .

hosts Hag_01_05 /^{hosts /Consider your ways .

hosts Isa_31_05 /^{hosts /defend Jerusalem ;
defending also he will deliver it; and passing over he will
preserve it.

hosts Isa_03_01 /^{hosts /doth take away from
Jerusalem and from Judah the stay and the staff , the whole stay
of bread , and the whole stay of water ,

hosts Jer_19_11 /^{hosts /Even so will I break
this people and this city , as one breaketh a potter's vessel ,
that cannot be made whole again : and they shall bury them in
Tophet , till there be no place to bury .

hosts Zec_14_17 /^{hosts /even upon them shall
be no rain .

hosts 1Ki_19_10 /^{hosts /for the children of
Israel have forsaken thy covenant , thrown down thine altars ,
and slain thy prophets with the sword ; and I, even I only, am
left ; and they seek my life , to take it away .

hosts Jer_33_11 /^{hosts /for the LORD is good
; for his mercy endureth for ever : and of them that shall bring
the sacrifice of praise into the house of the LORD . For I will
cause to return the captivity of the land , as at the first ,
saith the LORD .

hosts Jer_50_31 /^{hosts /for thy day is come ,
the time that I will visit thee.

hosts Jer_49_05 /^{hosts /from all those that
be about thee; and ye shall be driven out every man right forth ;
and none shall gather up him that wandereth .

hosts Isa_22_15 /^{hosts /Go , get thee unto
this treasurer , even unto Shebna , which is over the house ,
and say,

hosts 2Sa_07_27 /^{hosts /God of Israel , hast
revealed to thy servant , saying , I will build thee an house :
therefore hath thy servant found in his heart to pray this
prayer unto thee.

hosts Isa_37_16 /^{hosts /God of Israel , that
dwellest between the cherubims , thou art the God , even thou
alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth : thou hast made heaven
and earth .

hosts Isa_01_09 /^{hosts /had left unto us a
very small remnant , we should have been as Sodom , and we
should have been like unto Gomorrah .

hosts Jer_46_10 /^{hosts /hath a sacrifice in
the north country by the river Euphrates .

hosts Isa_14_27 /^{hosts /hath purposed , and
who shall disannul it? and his hand is stretched out , and who
shall turn it back ?

hosts Isa_23_09 /^{hosts /hath purposed it, to
stain the pride of all glory , and to bring into contempt all
the honourable of the earth .

hosts Isa_19_12 /^{hosts /hath purposed upon
Egypt .

hosts Zec_07_12 /^{hosts /hath sent in his
spirit by the former prophets : therefore came a great wrath
from the LORD of hosts .

hosts Zec_02_11 /^{hosts /hath sent me unto

hosts Zec_04_09 /^{hosts /hath sent me unto

hosts Zec_06_15 /^{hosts /hath sent me unto
you. And this shall come to pass, if ye will diligently obey the
voice of the LORD your God .

hosts Zec_02_09 /^{hosts /hath sent me.

hosts Mic_04_04 /^{hosts /hath spoken it.

hosts Isa_14_24 /^{hosts /hath sworn , saying ,
Surely as I have thought , so shall it come to pass; and as I
have purposed , so shall it stand :

hosts Jer_51_14 /^{hosts /hath sworn by
himself , saying, Surely I will fill thee with men , as with
caterpillers ; and they shall lift up a shout against thee.

hosts Zec_10_03 /^{hosts /hath visited his
flock the house of Judah , and hath made them as his goodly
horse in the battle .

hosts Psa_24_10 /^{hosts /he is the King of
glory . Selah .

hosts Psa_84_08 /^{hosts /hear my prayer :
give ear , O God of Jacob . Selah .

hosts Jer_23_16 /^{hosts /Hearken not unto the
words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain
: they speak a vision of their own heart , and not out of the
mouth of the LORD .

hosts Isa_08_13 /^{hosts /himself; and let him
be your fear , and let him be your dread .

hosts Psa_80_04 /^{hosts /how long wilt thou
be angry against the prayer of thy people ?

hosts Zec_01_12 /^{hosts /how long wilt thou
not have mercy on Jerusalem and on the cities of Judah , against
which thou hast had indignation these threescore and ten years ?

hosts Amo_06_08 /^{hosts /I abhor the
excellency of Jacob , and hate his palaces : therefore will I
deliver up the city with all that is therein .

hosts Zec_01_14 /^{hosts /I am jealous for
Jerusalem and for Zion with a great jealousy .

hosts Isa_44_06 /^{hosts /I am the first , and
I am the last ; and beside me there is no God .

hosts 1Sa_15_02 /^{hosts /I remember that
which Amalek did to Israel , how he laid wait for him in the way
, when he came up from Egypt .

hosts 1Ch_17_07 /^{hosts /I took thee from the
sheepcote , even from following the sheep , that thou shouldest
be ruler over my people Israel :

hosts 2Sa_07_08 /^{hosts /I took thee from the
sheepcote , from following the sheep , to be ruler over my
people , over Israel :

hosts Zec_08_02 /^{hosts /I was jealous for
Zion with great jealousy , and I was jealous for her with great
fury .

hosts Mal_02_02 /^{hosts /I will even send a
curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings : yea, I have
cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart .

hosts Zec_08_21 /^{hosts /I will go also.

hosts Mal_03_10 /^{hosts /if I will not open
you the windows of heaven , and pour you out a blessing , that
there shall not be room enough to receive it.

hosts Zec_08_06 /^{hosts /If it be marvellous
in the eyes of the remnant of this people in these days , should
it also be marvellous in mine eyes ? saith the LORD of hosts .

hosts 1Sa_01_11 /^{hosts /if thou wilt indeed
look on the affliction of thine handmaid , and remember me, and
not forget thine handmaid , but wilt give unto thine handmaid a
man child , then I will give him unto the LORD all the days of
his life , and there shall no razor come upon his head .

hosts Zec_03_07 /^{hosts /If thou wilt walk in
my ways , and if thou wilt keep my charge , then thou shalt also
judge my house , and shalt also keep my courts , and I will give
thee places to walk among these that stand by .

hosts Zec_08_22 /^{hosts /in Jerusalem , and
to pray before the LORD .

hosts 1Sa_01_03 /^{hosts /in Shiloh . And the
two sons of Eli , Hophni and Phinehas , the priests of the LORD ,
were there.

hosts Mal_03_17 /^{hosts /in that day when I
make up my jewels ; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his
own son that serveth him.

hosts Psa_48_08 /^{hosts /in the city of our
God : God will establish it for ever . Selah .

hosts Isa_19_20 /^{hosts /in the land of Egypt
: for they shall cry unto the LORD because of the oppressors ,
and he shall send them a saviour , and a great one , and he
shall deliver them.

hosts Jer_50_25 /^{hosts /in the land of the
Chaldeans .

hosts Isa_22_05 /^{hosts /in the valley of
vision , breaking down the walls , and of crying to the
mountains .

hosts Zec_08_23 /^{hosts /In those days it
shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all
languages of the nations , even shall take hold of the skirt of
him that is a Jew , saying , We will go with you: for we have
heard that God is with you.

hosts Amo_09_05 /^{hosts /is he that toucheth
the land , and it shall melt , and all that dwell therein shall
mourn : and it shall rise up wholly like a flood ; and shall be
drowned , as by the flood of Egypt .

hosts Jer_32_18 /^{hosts /is his name ,

hosts Isa_47_04 /^{hosts /is his name , the
Holy One of Israel .

hosts Isa_48_02 /^{hosts /is his name .

hosts Jer_51_19 /^{hosts /is his name .

hosts Isa_51_15 /^{hosts /is his name .

hosts Amo_04_13 /^{hosts /is his name .

hosts Jer_10_16 /^{hosts /is his name .

hosts Jer_31_35 /^{hosts /is his name :

hosts Jer_50_34 /^{hosts /is his name : he
shall throughly plead their cause , that he may give rest to the
land , and disquiet the inhabitants of Babylon .

hosts Isa_54_05 /^{hosts /is his name ; and
thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel ; The God of the whole earth
shall he be called .

hosts 1Ch_17_24 /^{hosts /is the God of Israel
, even a God to Israel : and let the house of David thy servant
be established before thee.

hosts 2Sa_07_26 /^{hosts /is the God over
Israel : and let the house of thy servant David be established
before thee.

hosts Isa_05_07 /^{hosts /is the house of
Israel , and the men of Judah his pleasant plant : and he looked
for judgment , but behold oppression ; for righteousness , but
behold a cry .

hosts Isa_09_19 /^{hosts /is the land darkened
, and the people shall be as the fuel of the fire : no man shall
spare his brother .

hosts Jer_49_07 /^{hosts /Is wisdom no more in
Teman ? is counsel perished from the prudent ? is their wisdom
vanished ?

hosts Psa_46_07 /^{hosts /is with us; the God
of Jacob is our refuge . Selah .

hosts Psa_46_11 /^{hosts /is with us; the God
of Jacob is our refuge . Selah .

hosts Zec_08_20 /^{hosts /It shall yet come to
pass, that there shall come people , and the inhabitants of many
cities :

hosts Zec_08_09 /^{hosts /Let your hands be
strong , ye that hear in these days these words by the mouth of
the prophets , which were in the day that the foundation of the
house of the LORD of hosts was laid , that the temple might be
built .

hosts 1Ki_18_15 /^{hosts /liveth , before whom
I stand , I will surely shew myself unto him to day .

hosts 2Ki_03_14 /^{hosts /liveth , before whom
I stand , surely, were it not that I regard the presence of
Jehoshaphat the king of Judah , I would not look toward thee,
nor see thee.

hosts Psa_80_14 /^{hosts /look down from
heaven , and behold , and visit this vine ;

hosts Isa_25_06 /^{hosts /make unto all people
a feast of fat things , a feast of wines on the lees , of fat
things full of marrow , of wines on the lees well refined .

hosts Isa_13_04 /^{hosts /mustereth the host
of the battle .

hosts Zec_01_17 /^{hosts /My cities through
prosperity shall yet be spread abroad ; and the LORD shall yet
comfort Zion , and shall yet choose Jerusalem .

hosts Psa_84_03 /^{hosts /my King , and my God

hosts Mal_01_10 /^{hosts /neither will I
accept an offering at your hand .

hosts Isa_10_24 /^{hosts /O my people that
dwellest in Zion , be not afraid of the Assyrian : he shall
smite thee with a rod , and shall lift up his staff against thee,
after the manner of Egypt .

hosts Isa_18_07 /^{hosts /of a people
scattered and peeled , and from a people terrible from their
beginning hitherto ; a nation meted out and trodden under foot ,
whose land the rivers have spoiled , to the place of the name of
the LORD of hosts , the mount Zion .

hosts Isa_05_09 /^{hosts /Of a truth many
houses shall be desolate , even great and fair , without
inhabitant .

hosts 1Ki_02_05 /^{hosts /of Israel , unto
Abner the son of Ner , and unto Amasa the son of Jether , whom
he slew , and shed the blood of war in peace , and put the blood
of war upon his girdle that was about his loins , and in his
shoes that were on his feet .

hosts Jer_03_19 /^{hosts /of nations ? and I
said , Thou shalt call me, My father ; and shalt not turn away
from me .

hosts Jud_08_10 /^{hosts /of the children of
the east : for there fell an hundred and twenty thousand men
that drew sword .

hosts Exo_12_41 /^{hosts /of the LORD went out
from the land of Egypt .

hosts Isa_19_18 /^{hosts /one shall be called ,
The city of destruction .

hosts Jer_23_36 /^{hosts /our God .

hosts Jer_06_06 /^{hosts /said , Hew ye down
trees , and cast a mount against Jerusalem : this is the city to
be visited ; she is wholly oppression in the midst of her.

hosts Zec_06_12 /^{hosts /saying , Behold the
man whose name is The BRANCH ; and he shall grow up out of his
place, and he shall build the temple of the LORD :

hosts Zec_07_09 /^{hosts /saying , Execute
true judgment , and shew mercy and compassions every man to his
brother :

hosts Hag_01_02 /^{hosts /saying , This people
say , The time is not come , the time that the LORD'S house
should be built .

hosts Isa_10_16 /^{hosts /send among his fat
ones leanness ; and under his glory he shall kindle a burning
like the burning of a fire .

hosts Isa_05_16 /^{hosts /shall be exalted in
judgment , and God that is holy shall be sanctified in
righteousness .

hosts Isa_02_12 /^{hosts /shall be upon every
one that is proud and lofty , and upon every one that is lifted
up ; and he shall be brought low :

hosts Amo_05_14 /^{hosts /shall be with you,
as ye have spoken .

hosts Isa_19_25 /^{hosts /shall bless , saying
, Blessed be Egypt my people , and Assyria the work of my hands ,
and Israel mine inheritance .

hosts Zec_09_15 /^{hosts /shall defend them;
and they shall devour , and subdue with sling stones ; and they
shall drink , and make a noise as through wine ; and they shall
be filled like bowls , and as the corners of the altar .

hosts Isa_37_32 /^{hosts /shall do this.

hosts 2Ki_19_31 /^{hosts /shall do this.

hosts Isa_10_33 /^{hosts /shall lop the bough
with terror : and the high ones of stature shall be hewn down ,
and the haughty shall be humbled .

hosts Isa_10_23 /^{hosts /shall make a
consumption , even determined , in the midst of all the land .

hosts Isa_24_23 /^{hosts /shall reign in mount
Zion , and in Jerusalem , and before his ancients gloriously .

hosts Isa_10_26 /^{hosts /shall stir up a
scourge for him according to the slaughter of Midian at the rock
of Oreb : and as his rod was upon the sea , so shall he lift it
up after the manner of Egypt .

hosts Isa_22_25 /^{hosts /shall the nail that
is fastened in the sure place be removed , and be cut down , and
fall ; and the burden that was upon it shall be cut off : for
the LORD hath spoken it.

hosts Zec_03_10 /^{hosts /shall ye call every
man his neighbour under the vine and under the fig tree .

hosts Zec_13_07 /^{hosts /smite the shepherd ,
and the sheep shall be scattered : and I will turn mine hand
upon the little ones .

hosts Jer_46_18 /^{hosts /Surely as Tabor is
among the mountains , and as Carmel by the sea , so shall he
come .

hosts Isa_22_14 /^{hosts /Surely this iniquity
shall not be purged from you till ye die , saith the Lord GOD of
hosts .

hosts 2Sa_06_02 /^{hosts /that dwelleth between
the cherubims .

hosts Jer_30_08 /^{hosts /that I will break
his yoke from off thy neck , and will burst thy bonds , and
strangers shall no more serve themselves of him:

hosts Zec_13_02 /^{hosts /that I will cut off
the names of the idols out of the land , and they shall no more
be remembered : and also I will cause the prophets and the
unclean spirit to pass out of the land .

hosts Mal_04_01 /^{hosts /that it shall leave
them neither root nor branch .

hosts Jer_11_20 /^{hosts /that judgest
righteously , that triest the reins and the heart , let me see
thy vengeance on them: for unto thee have I revealed my cause .

hosts Jer_11_17 /^{hosts /that planted thee,
hath pronounced evil against thee, for the evil of the house of
Israel and of the house of Judah , which they have done against
themselves to provoke me to anger in offering incense unto Baal .

hosts Hab_02_13 /^{hosts /that the people
shall labour in the very fire , and the people shall weary
themselves for very vanity ?

hosts Jer_27_18 /^{hosts /that the vessels
which are left in the house of the LORD , and in the house of
the king of Judah , and at Jerusalem , go not to Babylon .

hosts Jer_20_12 /^{hosts /that triest the
righteous , and seest the reins and the heart , let me see thy
vengeance on them: for unto thee have I opened my cause .

hosts Jer_51_58 /^{hosts /The broad walls of
Babylon shall be utterly broken , and her high gates shall be
burned with fire ; and the people shall labour in vain , and the
folk in the fire , and they shall be weary .

hosts Jer_50_33 /^{hosts /The children of
Israel and the children of Judah were oppressed together : and
all that took them captives held them fast ; they refused to let
them go .

hosts Zec_08_19 /^{hosts /The fast of the
fourth month, and the fast of the fifth , and the fast of the
seventh , and the fast of the tenth , shall be to the house of
Judah joy and gladness , and cheerful feasts ; therefore love
the truth and peace .

hosts Jer_07_03 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ,
Amend your ways and your doings , and I will cause you to dwell
in this place .

hosts Psa_59_05 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ,
awake to visit all the heathen : be not merciful to any wicked
transgressors . Selah .

hosts Jer_27_21 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ,
concerning the vessels that remain in the house of the LORD ,
and in the house of the king of Judah and of Jerusalem ;

hosts Isa_21_10 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ,
have I declared unto you.

hosts Jer_29_21 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ,
of Ahab the son of Kolaiah , and of Zedekiah the son of Maaseiah
, which prophesy a lie unto you in my name ; Behold, I will
deliver them into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon ;
and he shall slay them before your eyes ;

hosts Jer_46_25 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ,
saith ; Behold, I will punish the multitude of No , and Pharaoh ,
and Egypt , with their gods , and their kings ; even Pharaoh ,
and all them that trust in him:

hosts Jer_29_25 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ,
saying , Because thou hast sent letters in thy name unto all the
people that are at Jerusalem , and to Zephaniah the son of
Maaseiah the priest , and to all the priests , saying ,

hosts Jer_28_02 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ,
saying , I have broken the yoke of the king of Babylon .

hosts Jer_44_25 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ,
saying ; Ye and your wives have both spoken with your mouths ,
and fulfilled with your hand , saying , We will surely perform
our vows that we have vowed , to burn incense to the queen of
heaven , and to pour out drink offerings unto her: ye will
surely accomplish your vows , and surely perform your vows .

hosts Zep_02_09 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ,
Surely Moab shall be as Sodom , and the children of Ammon as
Gomorrah , even the breeding of nettles , and saltpits , and a
perpetual desolation : the residue of my people shall spoil them,
and the remnant of my people shall possess them.

hosts Jer_29_04 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ,
unto all that are carried away captives , whom I have caused to
be carried away from Jerusalem unto Babylon ;

hosts Jer_42_18 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
As mine anger and my fury hath been poured forth upon the
inhabitants of Jerusalem ; so shall my fury be poured forth upon
you, when ye shall enter into Egypt : and ye shall be an
execration , and an astonishment , and a curse , and a reproach ;
and ye shall see this place no more.

hosts Jer_31_23 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
As yet they shall use this speech in the land of Judah and in
the cities thereof, when I shall bring again their captivity ;
The LORD bless thee, O habitation of justice , and mountain of
holiness .

hosts Jer_35_18 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
Because ye have obeyed the commandment of Jonadab your father ,
and kept all his precepts , and done according unto all that he
hath commanded you:

hosts Jer_19_03 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
Behold, I will bring evil upon this place , the which whosoever
heareth , his ears shall tingle .

hosts Jer_39_16 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
Behold, I will bring my words upon this city for evil , and not
for good ; and they shall be accomplished in that day before

hosts Jer_35_17 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
Behold, I will bring upon Judah and upon all the inhabitants of
Jerusalem all the evil that I have pronounced against them:
because I have spoken unto them, but they have not heard ; and I
have called unto them, but they have not answered .

hosts Jer_19_15 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
Behold, I will bring upon this city and upon all her towns all
the evil that I have pronounced against it, because they have
hardened their necks , that they might not hear my words .

hosts Jer_16_09 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
Behold, I will cause to cease out of this place in your eyes ,
and in your days , the voice of mirth , and the voice of
gladness , the voice of the bridegroom , and the voice of the
bride .

hosts Jer_09_15 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
Behold, I will feed them, even this people , with wormwood , and
give them water of gall to drink .

hosts Jer_50_18 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
Behold, I will punish the king of Babylon and his land , as I
have punished the king of Assyria .

hosts Jer_43_10 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
Behold, I will send and take Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon ,
my servant , and will set his throne upon these stones that I
have hid ; and he shall spread his royal pavilion over them.

hosts Jer_44_11 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
Behold, I will set my face against you for evil , and to cut off
all Judah .

hosts Jer_25_27 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
Drink ye, and be drunken , and spue , and fall , and rise no
more, because of the sword which I will send among you.

hosts Jer_35_13 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
Go and tell the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem ,
Will ye not receive instruction to hearken to my words ? saith
the LORD .

hosts Jer_32_15 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
Houses and fields and vineyards shall be possessed again in this
land .

hosts Jer_28_14 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
I have put a yoke of iron upon the neck of all these nations ,
that they may serve Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon ; and they
shall serve him: and I have given him the beasts of the field

hosts Jer_38_17 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
If thou wilt assuredly go forth unto the king of Babylon's
princes , then thy soul shall live , and this city shall not be
burned with fire ; and thou shalt live , and thine house :

hosts Jer_42_15 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
If ye wholly set your faces to enter into Egypt , and go to
sojourn there;

hosts Jer_35_19 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
Jonadab the son of Rechab shall not want a man to stand before
me for ever .

hosts Jer_29_08 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
Let not your prophets and your diviners , that be in the midst
of you, deceive you, neither hearken to your dreams which ye
cause to be dreamed .

hosts Jer_07_21 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
Put your burnt offerings unto your sacrifices , and eat flesh .

hosts Jer_32_14 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
Take these evidences , this evidence of the purchase , both
which is sealed , and this evidence which is open ; and put them
in an earthen vessel , that they may continue many days .

hosts Jer_51_33 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
The daughter of Babylon is like a threshingfloor , it is time to
thresh her: yet a little while , and the time of her harvest
shall come .

hosts Jer_27_04 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
Thus shall ye say unto your masters ;

hosts Jer_44_07 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
Wherefore commit ye this great evil against your souls , to cut
off from you man and woman , child and suckling , out of Judah ,
to leave you none to remain ;

hosts Jer_48_01 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
Woe unto Nebo ! for it is spoiled : Kiriathaim is confounded and
taken : Misgab is confounded and dismayed .

hosts Jer_44_02 /^{hosts /the God of Israel ;
Ye have seen all the evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem ,
and upon all the cities of Judah ; and, behold, this day they
are a desolation , and no man dwelleth therein,

hosts 1Sa_17_45 /^{hosts /the God of the
armies of Israel , whom thou hast defied .

hosts Zec_08_03 /^{hosts /the holy mountain .

hosts Amo_05_16 /^{hosts /the Lord , saith
thus; Wailing shall be in all streets ; and they shall say in
all the highways , Alas ! alas ! and they shall call the
husbandman to mourning , and such as are skilful of lamentation
to wailing .

hosts Hos_12_05 /^{hosts /the LORD is his
memorial .

hosts Isa_01_24 /^{hosts /the mighty One of
Israel , Ah , I will ease me of mine adversaries , and avenge me
of mine enemies :

hosts Isa_18_07 /^{hosts /the mount Zion .

hosts Isa_06_03 /^{hosts /the whole earth is
full of his glory .

hosts Hag_01_14 /^{hosts /their God ,

hosts Zec_12_05 /^{hosts /their God .

hosts Zec_08_04 /^{hosts /There shall yet old
men and old women dwell in the streets of Jerusalem , and every
man with his staff in his hand for very age .

hosts Mal_02_16 /^{hosts /therefore take heed
to your spirit , that ye deal not treacherously .

hosts Mal_01_04 /^{hosts /They shall build ,
but I will throw down ; and they shall call them, The border of
wickedness , and, The people against whom the LORD hath
indignation for ever .

hosts Jer_06_09 /^{hosts /They shall throughly
glean the remnant of Israel as a vine : turn back thine hand as
a grapegatherer into the baskets .

hosts Jer_51_05 /^{hosts /though their land
was filled with sin against the Holy One of Israel .

hosts Zec_01_06 /^{hosts /thought to do unto
us, according to our ways , and according to our doings , so
hath he dealt with us.

hosts Zec_01_04 /^{hosts /Turn ye now from
your evil ways , and from your evil doings : but they did not
hear , nor hearken unto me, saith the LORD .

hosts Zec_01_03 /^{hosts /Turn ye unto me,
saith the LORD of hosts , and I will turn unto you, saith the
LORD of hosts .

hosts Zec_07_04 /^{hosts /unto me, saying ,

hosts Mal_01_06 /^{hosts /unto you, O priests ,
that despise my name . And ye say , Wherein have we despised
thy name ?

hosts Zec_08_09 /^{hosts /was laid , that the
temple might be built .

hosts 2Sa_05_10 /^{hosts /was with him.

hosts 1Ch_11_09 /^{hosts /was with him.

hosts Num_02_32 /^{hosts /were six hundred
thousand and three thousand and five hundred and fifty .

hosts 1Sa_04_04 /^{hosts /which dwelleth
between the cherubims : and the two sons of Eli , Hophni and
Phinehas , were there with the ark of the covenant of God .

hosts Isa_08_18 /^{hosts /which dwelleth in
mount Zion .

hosts 1Ki_15_20 /^{hosts /which he had against
the cities of Israel , and smote Ijon , and Dan , and
Abelbethmaachah , and all Cinneroth , with all the land of
Naphtali .

hosts Isa_19_17 /^{hosts /which he hath
determined against it.

hosts Isa_19_16 /^{hosts /which he shaketh
over it.

hosts Isa_28_29 /^{hosts /which is wonderful
in counsel , and excellent in working .

hosts Psa_89_08 /^{hosts /who is a strong LORD
like unto thee? or to thy faithfulness round about thee?

hosts Amo_05_15 /^{hosts /will be gracious
unto the remnant of Joseph .

hosts Hag_02_23 /^{hosts /will I take thee, O
Zerubbabel , my servant , the son of Shealtiel , saith the LORD ,
and will make thee as a signet : for I have chosen thee, saith
the LORD of hosts .

hosts Isa_09_07 /^{hosts /will perform this.

hosts Jud_08_10 /^{hosts /with them, about
fifteen thousand men, all that were left of all the hosts of the
children of the east : for there fell an hundred and twenty
thousand men that drew sword .

hosts Jos_11_04 /^{hosts /with them, much
people , even as the sand that is upon the sea shore in
multitude , with horses and chariots very many .

hosts Isa_29_06 /^{hosts /with thunder , and
with earthquake , and great noise , with storm and tempest , and
the flame of devouring fire .

hosts Psa_103_21 /^{hosts /ye ministers of his,
that do his pleasure .

hosts Jer_25_28 /^{hosts /Ye shall certainly
drink .

hosts Hag_02_06 /^{hosts /Yet once , it is a
little while , and I will shake the heavens , and the earth ,
and the sea , and the dry land;

hosts Jer_26_18 /^{hosts /Zion shall be plowed
like a field , and Jerusalem shall become heaps , and the
mountain of the house as the high places of a forest .
