beautiful 5611 # horaios {ho-rah'-yos}; from 5610; belonging to
the right hour or season (timely), i.e. (by implication)
flourishing (beauteous [figuratively]): -- {beautiful}.[ql

hour 2256 # hemiorion {hay-mee-o'-ree-on}; from the base of
2255 and 5610; a half-hour: -- half an {hour}.[ql

hour 5610 # hora {ho'-rah}; apparently a primary word; an
"hour" (literally or figuratively): -- day, {hour}, instant,
season, X short, [even-]tide, (high) time.[ql

hour 0737 # arti {ar'-tee}; adverb from a derivative of 142
(compare 740) through the idea of suspension; just now: -- this
day ({hour}), hence[-forth], here[-after], hither[-to], (even)
now, (this) present.[ql
