Bible Word Index with Strong's Number

Language Tranliteration of original language words

hypocrisy 54_1TI_04_02 Speaking (5573 -pseudologos -) lies (5573 -pseudologos -) in {hypocrisy} (5272 -hupokrisis -) ; having their conscience (4893 -suneidesis -) seared (2743 -kauteriazo -) with a hot (2743 -kauteriazo -) iron ;

hypocrisy 23_ISA_32_06 For the vile (05036 +nabal ) person will speak (01696 +dabar ) villany (05039 +n@balah ) , and his heart (03820 +leb ) will work (06213 +(asah ) iniquity (00205 +)aven ) , to practise (06213 +(asah ) {hypocrisy} (02612 +choneph ) , and to utter (01696 +dabar ) error (08432 +tavek ) against (00413 +)el ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , to make empty (07324 +ruwq ) the soul (05315 +nephesh ) of the hungry (07456 +ra(eb ) , and he will cause the drink (04945 +mashqeh ) of the thirsty (06771 +tsame) ) to fail (02637 +chacer ) .

hypocrisy 59_JAM_03_17 But the wisdom (4678 -sophia -) that is from above (0509 -anothen -) is first (4412 -proton -) pure (0053 -hagnos -) , then (1899 -epeita -) peaceable (1516 -eirenikos -) , gentle (1933 -epieikes -) , [ and ] easy (2138 -eupeithes -) to be intreated (2138 -eupeithes -) , full (3324 -mestos -) of mercy (1656 -eleos -) and good (0018 -agathos -) fruits (2590 -karpos -) , without (0087 -adiakritos -) partiality (0087 -adiakritos -) , and without (0505 -anupokritos -) {hypocrisy} (0505 -anupokritos -) .

hypocrisy 42_LUK_12_01 . In the mean time , when there were gathered 1996 -episunago - together 1996 -episunago - an innumerable 3461 -murias - multitude 3461 -murias - of people 3793 -ochlos - , insomuch 5620 -hoste - that they trode 2662 -katapateo - one 0240 -allelon - upon another 0240 -allelon - , he began 0756 -archomai - to say 3004 -lego - unto his disciples 3101 -mathetes - first 4412 -proton - of all , Beware 4337 -prosecho - ye of the leaven 2219 -zume - of the Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios - , which 3748 -hostis - is {hypocrisy} 5272 -hupokrisis - .

hypocrisy 41_MAR_12_15 Shall we give (1325 -didomi -) , or (2228 -e -) shall we not give (1325 -didomi -) ? But he , knowing (1492 -eido -) their {hypocrisy} (5272 -hupokrisis -) , said (2036 -epo -) unto them , Why (5101 -tis -) tempt (3985 -peirazo -) ye me ? bring (5342 -phero -) me a penny (1220 -denarion -) , that I may see (1492 -eido -) [ it ] .

hypocrisy 40_MAT_23_28 Even so (3779 -houto -) ye also (2532 -kai -) outwardly (1855 -exothen -) appear (5316 -phaino -) righteous (1342 -dikaios -) unto men (0444 -anthropos -) , but within (2081 -esothen -) ye are full (3324 -mestos -) of {hypocrisy} (5272 -hupokrisis -) and iniquity (0458 -anomia -) .

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