Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
hypocrites ^ 42_LUK_12_56 Ye {hypocrites} <5273>, ye can <1492> (5758) discern <1381> (5721) the face <4383> of the sky <3772> and <2532> of the earth <1093>; but <1161> how is it <4459> that ye do not <3756> discern <1381> (5719) this <5126> time <2540>?

hypocrites ^ 42_LUK_11_44 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, scribes <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330>, {hypocrites} <5273>! for <3754> ye are <2075> (5748) as <5613> graves <3419> which <3588> appear not <0082>, and <2532> the men <0444> that walk <4043> (5723) over <1883> them are <1492> <0> not <3756> aware <1492> (5758) of them.

hypocrites ^ 40_MAT_23_29 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, scribes <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330>, {hypocrites} <5273>! because <3754> ye build <3618> (5719) the tombs <5028> of the prophets <4396>, and <2532> garnish <2885> (5719) the sepulchres <3419> of the righteous <1342>,

hypocrites ^ 40_MAT_24_51 And <2532> shall cut <1371> <0> him <0846> asunder <1371> (5692), and <2532> appoint <5087> (5692) him his <0846> portion <3313> with <3326> the {hypocrites} <5273>: there <1563> shall be <2071> (5704) weeping <2805> and <2532> gnashing <1030> of teeth <3599>.

hypocrites ^ 40_MAT_23_13 But <1161> woe <3759> unto you <5213>, scribes <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330>, {hypocrites} <5273>! for <3754> ye shut up <2808> (5719) the kingdom <0932> of heaven <3772> against <1715> men <0444>: for <1063> ye <5210> neither <3761> go in <1525> (5736) yourselves, neither <3756> suffer ye <0863> (5719) them that are entering <1525> (5740) to go in <1525> (5629).

hypocrites ^ 40_MAT_23_27 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, scribes <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330>, {hypocrites} <5273>! for <3754> ye are like <3945> (5719) unto whited <2867> (5772) sepulchres <5028>, which <3748> indeed <3303> appear <5316> (5727) beautiful <5611> outward <1855>, but <1161> are within <2081> full <1073> (5719) of dead <3498> men's bones <3747>, and <2532> of all <3956> uncleanness <0167>.

hypocrites ^ 40_MAT_23_23 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, scribes <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330>, {hypocrites} <5273>! for <3754> ye pay tithe <0586> (5719) of mint <2238> and <2532> anise <0432> and <2532> cummin <2951>, and <2532> have omitted <0863> (5656) the weightier <0926> matters of the law <3551>, judgment <2920>, <2532> mercy <1656>, and <2532> faith <4102>: these <5023> ought ye <1163> (5713) to have done <4160> (5658), and not <3361> to leave <0863> <0> the other <2548> undone <0863> (5721).

hypocrites ^ 40_MAT_23_14 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, scribes <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330>, {hypocrites} <5273>! for <3754> ye devour <2719> (5719) widows <5503> houses <3614>, and <2532> for a pretence <4392> make <4336> <0> long <3117> prayer <4336> (5740): therefore <1223> <5124> ye shall receive <2983> (5695) the greater <4055> damnation <2917>.

hypocrites ^ 40_MAT_23_15 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, scribes <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330>, {hypocrites} <5273>! for <3754> ye compass <4013> (5719) sea <2281> and <2532> land <3584> to make <4160> (5658) one <1520> proselyte <4339>, and <2532> when <3752> he is made <1096> (5638), ye make <4160> (5719) him <0846> twofold more <1362> the child <5207> of hell <1067> than yourselves <5216>.

hypocrites ^ 40_MAT_06_02 Therefore <3767> when <3752> thou doest <4160> (5725) thine alms <1654>, do <4537> <0> not <3361> sound a trumpet <4537> (5661) before <1715> thee <4675>, as <5618> the {hypocrites} <5273> do <4160> (5719) in <1722> the synagogues <4864> and <2532> in <1722> the streets <4505>, that <3704> they may have glory <1392> (5686) of <5259> men <0444>. Verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, They have <0568> (5719) their <0846> reward <3408>.

hypocrites ^ 40_MAT_22_18 But <1161> Jesus <2424> perceived <1097> (5631) their <0846> wickedness <4189>, and said <2036> (5627), Why <5101> tempt ye <3985> (5719) me <3165>, ye {hypocrites} <5273>?

hypocrites ^ 40_MAT_23_25 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, scribes <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330>, {hypocrites} <5273>! for <3754> ye make clean <2511> (5719) the outside <1855> of the cup <4221> and <2532> of the platter <3953>, but <1161> within <2081> they are full <1073> (5719) of <1537> extortion <0724> and <2532> excess <0192>.

hypocrites ^ 41_MAR_07_06 He answered <0611> (5679) and <1161> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, <3754> Well <2573> hath Esaias <2268> prophesied <4395> (5656) of <4012> you <5216> {hypocrites} <5273>, as <5613> it is written <1125> (5769), This <3778> people <2992> honoureth <5091> (5719) me <3165> with their lips <5491>, but <1161> their <0846> heart <2588> is <0568> (5719) far <4206> from <0575> me <1700>.

hypocrites ^ 40_MAT_06_05 And <2532> when <3752> thou prayest <4336> (5741), thou shalt <2071> <0> not <3756> be <2071> (5704) as <5618> the {hypocrites} <5273> are: for <3754> they love <5368> (5719) to pray <4336> (5738) standing <2476> (5761) in <1722> the synagogues <4864> and <2532> in <1722> the corners <1137> of the streets <4113>, that <3704> they may <0302> be seen <5316> (5652) of men <0444>. Verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, <3754> They have <0568> (5719) their <0846> reward <3408>.

hypocrites ^ 40_MAT_06_16 Moreover <1161> when <3752> ye fast <3522> (5725), be <1096> (5737) not <3361>, as <5618> the {hypocrites} <5273>, of a sad countenance <4659>: for <1063> they disfigure <0853> (5719) their <0846> faces <4383>, that <3704> they may appear <5316> (5652) unto men <0444> to fast <3522> (5723). Verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, <3754> They have <0568> (5719) their <0846> reward <3408>.

hypocrites ^ 40_MAT_16_03 And <2532> in the morning <4404>, It will be foul weather <5494> to day <4594>: for <1063> the sky <3772> is red <4449> (5719) and lowring <4768> (5723). O ye {hypocrites} <5273>, ye can <1097> (5719) discern <1252> (5721) <3303> the face <4383> of the sky <3772>; but <1161> can ye <1410> (5736) not <3756> discern the signs <4592> of the times <2540>?

hypocrites ^ 40_MAT_15_07 Ye {hypocrites} <5273>, well <2573> did <4395> <0> Esaias <2268> prophesy <4395> (5656) of <4012> you <5216>, saying <3004> (5723),