Bible Word Index with Strong's Number

Language Tranliteration of original language words

hypocrites 23_ISA_33_14 The sinners (02400 +chatta) ) in Zion (06726 +Tsiyown ) are afraid (06342 +pachad ) ; fearfulness (07461 +ra(ad ) hath surprised (00270 +)achaz ) the {hypocrites} . Who (04310 +miy ) among us shall dwell (01481 +guwr ) with the devouring (00398 +)akal ) fire (00784 +)esh ) ? who (04310 +miy ) among us shall dwell (01481 +guwr ) with everlasting (05769 +(owlam ) burnings (04168 +mowqed ) ?

hypocrites 18_JOB_15_34 For the congregation (05712 +(edah ) of {hypocrites} (02611 +chaneph ) [ shall be ] desolate (01565 +galmuwd ) , and fire (00784 +)esh ) shall consume (00398 +)akal ) the tabernacles (00168 +)ohel ) of bribery (07810 +shachad ) .

hypocrites 18_JOB_36_13 But the {hypocrites} (02611 +chaneph ) in heart (03820 +leb ) heap (07760 +suwm ) up wrath (00639 +)aph ):they cry (07768 +shava( ) not when (03588 +kiy ) he bindeth (00631 +)acar ) them .

hypocrites 42_LUK_11_44 Woe 3759 -ouai - unto you , scribes 1122 -grammateus - and Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios - , {hypocrites} 5273 -hupokrites - ! for ye are as graves 3419 -mnemeion - which 3588 -ho - appear 0082 -adelos - not , and the men 0444 -anthropos - that walk 4043 -peripateo - over 1883 -epano - [ them ] are not aware 1492 -eido - [ of them ] .

hypocrites 42_LUK_12_56 [ Ye ] {hypocrites} 5273 -hupokrites - , ye can 1492 -eido - discern 1381 -dokimazo - the face 4383 -prosopon - of the sky 3772 -ouranos - and of the earth 1093 -ge - ; but how 4459 -pos - is it that ye do not discern this 5126 -touton - time 2540 -kairos - ?

hypocrites 41_MAR_07_06 He answered (0611 -apokrinomai -) and said (2036 -epo -) unto them , Well (2573 -kalos -) hath Esaias (2268 -Hesaias -) prophesied (4395 -propheteuo -) of you {hypocrites} (5273 -hupokrites -) , as it is written (1125 -grapho -) , This (3778 -houtos -) people (2992 -laos -) honoureth (5091 -timao -) me with [ their ] lips (5491 -cheilos -) , but their heart (2588 -kardia -) is far (4206 -porrho -) from me .

hypocrites 40_MAT_06_02 Therefore (3767 -oun -) when (3752 -hotan -) thou doest (4160 -poieo -) [ thine ] alms (1654 -eleemosune -) , do not sound (4537 -salpizo -) a trumpet (4537 -salpizo -) before (1715 -emprosthen -) thee , as the {hypocrites} (5273 -hupokrites -) do (4160 -poieo -) in the synagogues (4864 -sunagoge -) and in the streets (4505 -rhume -) , that they may have glory (1392 -doxazo -) of men (0444 -anthropos -) . Verily (0281 -amen -) I say (3004 -lego -) unto you , They have (0568 -apecho -) their reward (3408 -misthos -) .

hypocrites 40_MAT_06_05 . And when (3752 -hotan -) thou prayest (4336 -proseuchomai -) , thou shalt not be as the {hypocrites} (5273 -hupokrites -) [ are ]:for they love (5368 -phileo -) to pray (4336 -proseuchomai -) standing (2476 -histemi -) in the synagogues (4864 -sunagoge -) and in the corners (1137 -gonia -) of the streets (4113 -plateia -) , that they may be seen (5316 -phaino -) of men (0444 -anthropos -) . Verily (0281 -amen -) I say (3004 -lego -) unto you , They have (0568 -apecho -) their reward (3408 -misthos -) .

hypocrites 40_MAT_06_16 . Moreover (1161 -de -) when (3752 -hotan -) ye fast (3522 -nesteuo -) , be not , as the {hypocrites} (5273 -hupokrites -) , of a sad (4659 -skuthropos -) countenance (4659 -skuthropos -):for they disfigure (0853 -aphanizo -) their faces (4383 -prosopon -) , that they may appear (5316 -phaino -) unto men (0444 -anthropos -) to fast (3522 -nesteuo -) . Verily (0281 -amen -) I say (3004 -lego -) unto you , They have (0568 -apecho -) their reward (3408 -misthos -) .

hypocrites 40_MAT_15_07 [ Ye ] {hypocrites} (5273 -hupokrites -) , well (2573 -kalos -) did Esaias (2268 -Hesaias -) prophesy (4395 -propheteuo -) of you , saying (3004 -lego -) ,

hypocrites 40_MAT_16_03 And in the morning (4404 -proi -) , [ It will be ] foul (5494 -cheimon -) weather (5494 -cheimon -) to day (4594 -semeron -):for the sky (3772 -ouranos -) is red (4449 -purrhazo -) and lowring (4768 -stugnazo -) . O [ ye ] {hypocrites} (5273 -hupokrites -) , ye can (1097 -ginosko -) discern (1252 -diakrino -) the face (4383 -prosopon -) of the sky (3772 -ouranos -) ; but can (1410 -dunamai -) ye not [ discern ] the signs (4592 -semeion -) of the times (2540 -kairos -) ?

hypocrites 40_MAT_22_18 But Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) perceived (1097 -ginosko -) their wickedness (4189 -poneria -) , and said (2036 -epo -) , Why (5101 -tis -) tempt (3985 -peirazo -) ye me , [ ye ] {hypocrites} (5273 -hupokrites -) ?

hypocrites 40_MAT_23_13 . But woe (3759 -ouai -) unto you , scribes (1122 -grammateus -) and Pharisees (5330 -Pharisaios -) , {hypocrites} (5273 -hupokrites -) ! for ye shut (2808 -kleio -) up the kingdom (0932 -basileia -) of heaven (3772 -ouranos -) against (1715 -emprosthen -) men (0444 -anthropos -):for ye neither (3761 -oude -) go (1525 -eiserchomai -) in [ yourselves ] , neither (3756 -ou -) suffer (0863 -aphiemi -) ye them that are entering (1525 -eiserchomai -) to go (1525 -eiserchomai -) in .

hypocrites 40_MAT_23_14 Woe (3759 -ouai -) unto you , scribes (1122 -grammateus -) and Pharisees (5330 -Pharisaios -) , {hypocrites} (5273 -hupokrites -) ! for ye devour (2719 -katesthio -) widows (5503 -chera -) houses (3614 -oikia -) , and for a pretence (4392 -prophasis -) make (4336 -proseuchomai -) long (3117 -makros -) prayer (4336 -proseuchomai -):therefore (5124 -touto -) ye shall receive (2983 -lambano -) the greater (4055 -perissoteros -) damnation (2917 -krima -) .

hypocrites 40_MAT_23_15 Woe (3759 -ouai -) unto you , scribes (1122 -grammateus -) and Pharisees (5330 -Pharisaios -) , {hypocrites} (5273 -hupokrites -) ! for ye compass (4013 -periago -) sea (2281 -thalassa -) and land (3584 -xeros -) to make (4160 -poieo -) one (1520 -heis -) proselyte (4339 -proselutos -) , and when (3752 -hotan -) he is made (1096 -ginomai -) , ye make (4160 -poieo -) him twofold (1366 -distomos -) more the child (5207 -huios -) of hell (1067 -geena -) than yourselves (5216 -humon -) .

hypocrites 40_MAT_23_23 Woe (3759 -ouai -) unto you , scribes (1122 -grammateus -) and Pharisees (5330 -Pharisaios -) , {hypocrites} (5273 -hupokrites -) ! for ye pay (0586 -apodekatoo -) tithe (0586 -apodekatoo -) of mint (2238 -heduosmon -) and anise (0432 -anethon -) and cummin (2951 -kuminon -) , and have omitted (0863 -aphiemi -) the weightier (0926 -barus -) [ matters ] of the law (3551 -nomos -) , judgment (2920 -krisis -) , mercy (1656 -eleos -) , and faith (4102 -pistis -):these (5023 -tauta -) ought (1163 -dei -) ye to have done (4160 -poieo -) , and not to leave (0863 -aphiemi -) the other (2548 -kakeinos -) undone .

hypocrites 40_MAT_23_25 Woe (3759 -ouai -) unto you , scribes (1122 -grammateus -) and Pharisees (5330 -Pharisaios -) , {hypocrites} (5273 -hupokrites -) ! for ye make (2511 -katharizo -) clean (2511 -katharizo -) the outside (1855 -exothen -) of the cup (4221 -poterion -) and of the platter (3953 -paropsis -) , but within (2081 -esothen -) they are full (1073 -gemo -) of extortion (0724 -harpage -) and excess (0192 -akrasia -) .

hypocrites 40_MAT_23_27 Woe (3759 -ouai -) unto you , scribes (1122 -grammateus -) and Pharisees (5330 -Pharisaios -) , {hypocrites} (5273 -hupokrites -) ! for ye are like (3945 -paromoiazo -) unto whited (2867 -koniao -) sepulchres (5028 -taphos -) , which (3748 -hostis -) indeed (3303 -men -) appear (5316 -phaino -) beautiful (5611 -horaios -) outward (1855 -exothen -) , but are within (2081 -esothen -) full (1073 -gemo -) of dead (3498 -nekros -) [ men s ] bones (3747 -osteon -) , and of all (3956 -pas -) uncleanness (0167 -akatharsia -) .

hypocrites 40_MAT_23_29 Woe (3759 -ouai -) unto you , scribes (1122 -grammateus -) and Pharisees (5330 -Pharisaios -) , {hypocrites} (5273 -hupokrites -) ! because (3754 -hoti -) ye build (3618 -oikodomeo -) the tombs (5028 -taphos -) of the prophets (4396 -prophetes -) , and garnish (2885 -kosmeo -) the sepulchres (3419 -mnemeion -) of the righteous (1342 -dikaios -) ,

hypocrites 40_MAT_24_51 And shall cut (1371 -dichotomeo -) him asunder (1371 -dichotomeo -) , and appoint (5087 -tithemi -) [ him ] his portion (3313 -meros -) with the {hypocrites} (5273 -hupokrites -):there (1563 -ekei -) shall be weeping (2805 -klauthmos -) and gnashing (1030 -brugmos -) of teeth (3599 -odous -) .

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