janohah , JOS , 16:6 , JOS , 16:7



Janohah Interlinear Index Study

Janohah JOS 016 006 And the border <01366 +g@buwl > went <03318
+yatsa> > out toward the sea <03220 +yam > to Michmethah <04366
+Mikm@thath > on the north <06828 +tsaphown > side ; and the
border <01366 +g@buwl > went <05437 +cabab > about <05437 +cabab
> eastward <04217 +mizrach > unto Taanathshiloh <08387 +Ta>anath
Shiloh > , and passed <05674 + by it on the east <04217
+mizrach > to {Janohah} <03239 +Yanowach > ;

Janohah JOS 016 007 And it went <03381 +yarad > down <03381
+yarad > from {Janohah} <03239 +Yanowach > to Ataroth <05852
+ , and to Naarath <05292 +Na , and came
<06293 +paga< > to Jericho <03405 +Y@riychow > , and went <03318
+yatsa> > out at Jordan <03383 +Yarden > .


- janohah , 3239 ,



janohah -3239 janoah , {janohah} ,


Janohah 3239 -- Yanowach -- Janoah, {Janohah}.




Janohah 3239 ## Yanowach {yaw-no'-akh}; or (with enclitic)
Yanowchah {yaw-no'-khaw}; from 3240; quiet; Janoach or Janochah,
a place in Palestine: -- Janoah, {Janohah}. [ql


Janohah 016 007 Jos /^{Janohah /to Ataroth ,
and to Naarath , and came to Jericho , and went out at Jordan .



janohah And the border went out toward the sea to
Michmethah on the north side; and the border went about eastward
unto Taanathshiloh, and passed by it on the east to {Janohah};

janohah And it went down from {Janohah} to Ataroth,
and to Naarath, and came to Jericho, and went out at Jordan.
