* justifieth , 1344 dikaioo ,


justifieth -1344 justified, justifier, {justifieth}, justify,


justifieth -6663 cleansed , clear , just , justice , justified ,
{justifieth} , justify , justifying , righteous , righteousness



justifieth ......... him that justifieth 1344 -dikaioo->

justifieth ......... that justifieth 1344 -dikaioo->




justifieth 050 008 Isa /^{justifieth /me; who will
contend with me? let us stand together : who is mine adversary ?
let him come near to me.

justifieth 004 005 Rom /${justifieth /the ungodly ,
his faith is counted for righteousness .

justifieth 017 015 Pro /^{justifieth /the wicked ,
and he that condemneth the just , even they both are abomination
to the LORD .


justifieth 4 -


justifieth He that {justifieth} the wicked, and he
that condemneth the just, even they both [are] abomination to
the LORD.

justifieth He is] near that {justifieth} me; who will
contend with me? let us stand together: who [is] mine adversary?
let him come near to me.

justifieth But to him that worketh not, but believeth
on him that {justifieth} the ungodly, his faith is counted for

justifieth Who shall lay any thing to the charge of
God's elect? It is] God that {justifieth}.
