Irnahash 004 012 ICh /^{Irnahash /These are the
men of Rechah .

Nahash 010 002 IISa /^{Nahash /as his father
shewed kindness unto me. And David sent to comfort him by the
hand of his servants for his father . And David's servants came
into the land of the children of Ammon .

Nahash 019 002 ICh /^{Nahash /because his
father shewed kindness to me. And David sent messengers to
comfort him concerning his father . So the servants of David
came into the land of the children of Ammon to Hanun , to
comfort him.

Nahash 011 001 ISa /^{Nahash /Make a covenant
with us, and we will serve thee.

Nahash 017 027 IISa /^{Nahash /of Rabbah of the
children of Ammon , and Machir the son of Ammiel of Lodebar ,
and Barzillai the Gileadite of Rogelim ,

Nahash 017 025 IISa /^{Nahash /sister to Zeruiah
Joab's mother .

Nahash 011 002 ISa /^{Nahash /the Ammonite
answered them, On this condition will I make a covenant with you,
that I may thrust out all your right eyes , and lay it for a
reproach upon all Israel .

Nahash 011 001 ISa /^{Nahash /the Ammonite came
up , and encamped against Jabeshgilead : and all the men of
Jabesh said unto Nahash , Make a covenant with us, and we will
serve thee.

Nahash 012 012 ISa /^{Nahash /the king of the
children of Ammon came against you, ye said unto me, Nay; but a
king shall reign over us: when the LORD your God was your king .

Nahash 019 001 ICh /^{Nahash /the king of the
children of Ammon died , and his son reigned in his stead.
