
narrower Interlinear Index Study

narrower ISA 028 020 For the bed <04702 +matstsa< > is shorter
<07114 +qatsar > than that [ a man <00376 +>iysh > ] can stretch
<08311 +sara< > himself [ on it ] : and the covering <04541
+maccekah > {narrower} <06887 +tsarar > than that he can wrap
<03664 +kanac > himself [ in it ] .


covering narrower than

- narrower , 6887 ,



narrower -6887 adversaries , adversary , afflict , afflicted ,
besiege , bind , bindeth , bound , distress , distressed ,
enemies , enemy , {narrower} , oppresseth , pangs , shut ,
strait , trouble , vex , vexed , years ,


narrower 6887 -- tsarar -- adversary, (be in) afflict(-ion),
beseige, bind (up), (bein, bring) distress, enemy, {narrower},
oppress, pangs, shut up, be in astrait (trouble), vex.




narrower 6887 ## tsarar {tsaw-rar'}; a primitive root; to cramp,
literally or figuratively, transitive or intransitive (as
follows): -- adversary, (be in) afflict(-ion), beseige, bind
(up), (be in, bring) distress, enemy, {narrower}, oppress, pangs,
shut up, be in a strait (trouble), vex.[ql


narrower 028 020 Isa /^{narrower /than that he
can wrap himself in it.


narrower 1 -


narrower For the bed is shorter than that [a man]
can stretch himself [on it]: and the covering {narrower} than
that he can wrap himself [in it].
