navel , EZE , 16:4

navel , JOB , 40:16

navel , PR , 3:8

navel , SOS , 7:2



navel Interlinear Index Study

navel JOB 040 016 Lo <02009 +hinneh > now <04994 +na> > , his
strength <03581 +koach > [ is ] in his loins <04975 +mothen > ,
and his force <00202 +>own > [ is ] in the {navel} <08306
+shariyr > of his belly <00990 +beten > .

navel PRO 003 008 It shall be health <07500 +riph>uwth > to thy
{navel} <08270 +shor > , and marrow <08250 +shiqquwy > to thy
bones <06106 + .

navel SON 007 002 Thy {navel} <08326 +shorer > [ is like ] a
round <05469 +cahar > goblet <00101 +>aggan > , [ which ]
wanteth <02637 +chacer > not liquor <04197 +mezeg > : thy belly
<00990 +beten > [ is like ] an heap <06194 + of wheat
<02406 +chittah > set <05473 +cuwg > about <05473 +cuwg > with
lilies <07799 +shuwshan > .

navel EZE 016 004 And [ as for ] thy nativity <04138 +mowledeth
> , in the day <03117 +yowm > thou wast born <03205 +yalad > thy
{navel} <08270 +shor > was not cut <03772 +karath > , neither
<03808 +lo> > wast thou washed <07364 +rachats > in water <04325
+mayim > to supple <04935 +mish [ thee ] ; thou wast not
salted <04414 +malach > at all , nor <03808 +lo> > swaddled
<02853 +chathal > at all .


day thou wast born thy navel was not cut

thy navel

thy navel

- navel , 8270 , 8306 , 8326 ,



navel -8270 fruit , {navel} ,

navel -8306 {navel} ,

navel -8326 {navel} ,


navel 8270 -- shor -- {navel}.

navel 8306 -- shariyr -- {navel}.

navel 8326 -- shorer -- {navel}.




navel 8270 ## shor {shore}; from 8324; a string (as twisted
[compare 8306]), i.e. (specifically) the umbilical cord (also
figuratively, as the centre of strength): -- {navel}.[ql

navel 8306 ## shariyr {shaw-reer'}; from 8324 in the original
sense as in 8270 (compare 8326); a cord, i.e. (by analogy) sinew:
-- {navel}.[ql

navel 8326 ## shorer {sho'-rer}; from 8324 in the sense of
twisting (compare 8270); the umbilical cord, i.e. (by extension)
a bodice: -- {navel}.[ql


navel 003 008 Pro /^{navel /and marrow to thy
bones .

navel 007 002 Son /^{navel /is like a round
goblet , which wanteth not liquor : thy belly is like an heap of
wheat set about with lilies .

navel 040 016 Job /^{navel /of his belly .

navel 016 004 Eze /^{navel /was not cut ,
neither wast thou washed in water to supple thee; thou wast not
salted at all , nor swaddled at all .



navel Lo now, his strength [is] in his loins, and
his force [is] in the {navel} of his belly.

navel It shall be health to thy {navel}, and marrow to
thy bones.

navel Thy {navel} [is like] a round goblet, [which]
wanteth not liquor: thy belly [is like] an heap of wheat set
about with lilies.

navel And [as for] thy nativity, in the day thou wast
born thy {navel} was not cut, neither wast thou washed in water
to supple [thee]; thou wast not salted at all, nor swaddled at
