Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

neck 01621 ## garg@rowth {gar-gher-owth'} ; feminine plural from 01641 ; the throat (as used in rumination) : -- {neck} .

neck 01627 ## garown {gaw-rone'} ; or (shortened) garon {gaw-rone'} ; from 01641 ; the throat [compare 01621 ] (as roughened by swallowing) : -- X aloud , mouth , {neck} , throat .

neck 02616 ## chacad {khaw-sad'} ; a primitive root ; properly , perhaps to bow (the {neck} only [compare 02603 ] in courtesy to an equal) , i . e . to be kind ; also (by euphem . [compare l288 ] , but rarely) to reprove : -- shew self merciful , put to shame .

neck 04454 ## malaq {maw-lak'} ; a primitive root ; to crack a joint ; by implication , to wring the {neck} of a fowl (without separating it) : -- wring off .

neck 04665 ## miphreketh {mif-reh'- keth} ; from 06561 ; properly , a fracture , i . e . joint (vertebrae) of the neck : -- {neck} .

neck 05923 ## ` ol {ole} ; or` owl {ole} ; from 05953 ; a yoke (as imposed on the {neck}) , literally or figuratively : -- yoke .

neck 06202 ## ` araph {aw-raf'} ; a primitive root [identical with 06201 through the idea of sloping ] ; properly , to bend downward ; but used only as a denominative from 06203 , to break the neck ; hence (figuratively) to destroy : -- that is beheaded , break down , break (cut off , strike off) {neck} .

neck 06203 ## ` oreph {o-ref'} ; from 06202 ; the nape or back of the neck (as declining) ; hence , the back generally (whether literal or figurative) : -- back ([stiff-] {neck} ([-ed) .

neck 06203 ## ` oreph {o-ref'} ; from 06202 ; the nape or back of the {neck} (as declining) ; hence , the back generally (whether literal or figurative) : -- back ([stiff-] neck ([-ed) .

neck 06676 ## tsavva'r (Aramaic) {tsav-var'} ; corresponding to 06677 : -- {neck} .

neck 06677 ## tsavva'r {tsav-vawr'} ; or tsavvar (Nehemiah 3 : 5) {tsav-vawr'} ; or tsavvaron (Song of Solomon 4 : 9) {tsav-vaw-rone'} ; or (feminine) tsavva'rah (Micah 2 : 3) {tsav-vaw-raw'} ; intensively from 06696 in the sense of binding ; the back of the neck (as that on which burdens are bound) : -- {neck} .

neck 06677 ## tsavva'r {tsav-vawr'} ; or tsavvar (Nehemiah 3 : 5) {tsav-vawr'} ; or tsavvaron (Song of Solomon 4 : 9) {tsav-vaw-rone'} ; or (feminine) tsavva'rah (Micah 2 : 3) {tsav-vaw-raw'} ; intensively from 06696 in the sense of binding ; the back of the {neck} (as that on which burdens are bound) : -- neck .

neck 06915 ## qadad {kaw-dad'} ; a primitive root ; to shrivel up , i . e . contract or bend the body (or {neck}) in deference : -- bow (down) (the) head , stoop .

neck 07242 ## rabiyd {raw-beed'} ; from 07234 ; a collar (as spread around the {neck}) : -- chain .

neck 07720 ## saharon {sah-har-one'} ; from the same as 05469 ; a round pendant for the {neck} : -- ornament , round tire like the moon .

neck 07926 ## sh@kem {shek-em'} ; from 07925 ; the {neck} (between the shoulders) as the place of burdens ; figuratively , the spur of a hill : -- back , X consent , portion , shoulder .

neck 5136 - trachelizo {trakh-ay-lid'-zo}; from 5137; to seize by the throat or {neck}, i.e. to expose the gullet of a victim for killing (generally, to lay bare): -- opened.

neck 5137 - trachelos {trakh'-ay-los}; probably from 5143 (through the idea of mobility); the throat (neck), i.e. (figuratively) life: -- {neck}.

neck 5137 - trachelos {trakh'-ay-los}; probably from 5143 (through the idea of mobility); the throat ({neck}), i.e. (figuratively) life: -- neck.

necked 07185 ## qashah {kaw-shaw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be dense , i . e . tough or severe (in various applications) : -- be cruel , be fiercer , make grievous , be ([ask a ] , be in , have , seem , would) hard (- en , [labour ] ,-ly , thing) , be sore , (be , make) stiff (- en , [{-necked} ]) .

necked 07186 ## qasheh {kaw-sheh'} ; from 07185 ; severe (in various applications) : -- churlish , cruel , grievous , hard ([-hearted ] , thing) , heavy , + impudent , obstinate , prevailed , rough (- ly) , sore , sorrowful , stiff ([{necked} ]) , stubborn , + in trouble .

necklace 02002 ## hamniyk (Aramaic) {ham-neek'} ; but the text is hamuwnek {ham-oo-nayk'} ; of foreign origin ; a {necklace} : -- chain .

necklace 06059 ## ` anaq {aw-nak'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to choke ; used only as denominative from 06060 , to collar , i . e . adorn with a {necklace} ; figuratively , to fit out with supplies : -- compass about as a chain , furnish , liberally .

necklace 06060 ## ` anaq {aw-nawk'} ; from 06059 ; a {necklace} (as if strangling) : -- chain .

stiffnecked 4644 - sklerotrachelos {sklay-rot-rakh'-ay-los}; from 4642 and 5137; hardnaped, i.e. (figuratively) obstinate: -- {stiffnecked}.