* negligent , 0272 ameleo ,


negligent -0272 light, made, neglect, {negligent}, regarded,


negligent -7952 deceive , {negligent} ,


negligent 7952 shalah -- -- deceive, be {negligent}.

negligent 0272 ** ameleo ** make light of, neglect, be
{negligent}, no regard.


negligent ......... I will not be negligent 0272 -ameleo->



negligent 7952 ## shalah {shaw-law'}; a primitive root
[probably identical with 7953 through the idea of educing]; to
mislead: -- deceive, be {negligent}.[ql

negligent 0272 # ameleo {am-el-eh'-o}; from 1 (as a negative
particle) and 3199; to be careless of: -- make light of, neglect,
be {negligent}, no regard.[ql


negligent 029 011 IICh /^{negligent /for the LORD
hath chosen you to stand before him, to serve him, and that ye
should minister unto him, and burn incense .

negligent 001 012 IIPe /${negligent /to put you
always in remembrance of these things , though ye know them, and
be established in the present truth .


negligent 2 -


negligent , 2PE , 1:12

negligent , 2CH , 29:11


negligent 0272 # ameleo {am-el-eh'-o}; from 1 (as a negative
particle) and 3199; to be careless of: -- make light of, neglect,
be {negligent}, no regard.[ql


negligent Interlinear Index Study

negligent 2CH 029 011 My sons <01121 +ben > , be not now <06258
+ {negligent} <07952 +shalah > : for the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > hath chosen <00970 +bachuwr > you to stand <05975
+ before <06440 +paniym > him , to serve <08334 +sharath
> him , and that ye should minister <08334 +sharath > unto him ,
and burn <06999 +qatar > incense <06999 +qatar > .

negligent 2PE 001 012 . Wherefore <1352 -dio -> I will not be
{negligent} <0272 -ameleo -> to put <5279 -hupomimnesko -> you
always <0104 -aei -> in remembrance <5179 -tupos -> of these
<5130 -touton -> things , though <2539 -kaiper -> ye know <1492 -
eido -> [ them ] , and be established <4741 -sterizo -> in the
present <3918 -pareimi -> truth <0225 -aletheia -> .


be not now negligent <2CH29 -:11 >

will not be negligent <2PE1 -:12 >

negligent <2CH29 -11> My sons, be not now {negligent}: for the

hath chosen you to stand before him, to serve him, and that ye

should minister unto him, and burn incense.

negligent <2PE1 -12> Wherefore I will not be {negligent} to put

always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them], and

established in the present truth.
