neighbour 022 010 Exo /^{neighbour /an ass , or an
ox , or a sheep , or any beast , to keep ; and it die , or be
hurt , or driven away , no man seeing it:

neighbour 025 015 Lev /^{neighbour /and according
unto the number of years of the fruits he shall sell unto thee:

neighbour 008 031 IKi /^{neighbour /and an oath be
laid upon him to cause him to swear , and the oath come before
thine altar in this house :

neighbour 006 022 IICh /^{neighbour /and an oath be
laid upon him to make him swear , and the oath come before thine
altar in this house ;

neighbour 008 011 Heb /${neighbour /and every man
his brother , saying , Know the Lord : for all shall know me ,
from the least to the greatest .

neighbour 031 034 Jer /^{neighbour /and every man
his brother , saying , Know the LORD : for they shall all know
me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the
LORD : for I will forgive their iniquity , and I will remember
their sin no more.

neighbour 041 006 Isa /^{neighbour /and every one
said to his brother , Be of good courage .

neighbour 023 035 Jer /^{neighbour /and every one
to his brother , What hath the LORD answered ? and, What hath
the LORD spoken ?

neighbour 011 002 Exo /^{neighbour /and every
woman of her neighbour , jewels of silver , and jewels of gold .

neighbour 005 043 Mat /${neighbour /and hate thine
enemy .

neighbour 012 011 IISa /^{neighbour /and he shall
lie with thy wives in the sight of this sun .

neighbour 006 021 Jer /^{neighbour /and his friend
shall perish .

neighbour 014 013 Zec /^{neighbour /and his hand
shall rise up against the hand of his neighbour .

neighbour 022 014 Exo /^{neighbour /and it be hurt
, or die , the owner thereof being not with it , he shall surely
make it good .

neighbour 016 029 Pro /^{neighbour /and leadeth
him into the way that is not good .

neighbour 019 011 Deu /^{neighbour /and lie in
wait for him, and rise up against him, and smite him mortally
that he die , and fleeth into one of these cities :

neighbour 008 017 Zec /^{neighbour /and love no
false oath : for all these are things that I hate , saith the

neighbour 019 017 Lev /^{neighbour /and not suffer
sin upon him.

neighbour 003 022 Exo /^{neighbour /and of her
that sojourneth in her house , jewels of silver , and jewels of
gold , and raiment : and ye shall put them upon your sons , and
upon your daughters ; and ye shall spoil the Egyptians .

neighbour 026 019 Pro /^{neighbour /and saith , Am
not I in sport ?

neighbour 022 026 Deu /^{neighbour /and slayeth
him, even so is this matter :

neighbour 004 007 Rut /^{neighbour /and this was a
testimony in Israel .

neighbour 009 004 Jer /^{neighbour /and trust ye
not in any brother : for every brother will utterly supplant ,
and every neighbour will walk with slanders .

neighbour 009 005 Jer /^{neighbour /and will not
speak the truth : they have taught their tongue to speak lies ,
and weary themselves to commit iniquity .

neighbour 034 015 Jer /^{neighbour /and ye had
made a covenant before me in the house which is called by my
name :

neighbour 024 019 Lev /^{neighbour /as he hath
done , so shall it be done to him;

neighbour 012 033 Mar /${neighbour /as himself ,
is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices .

neighbour 023 027 Jer /^{neighbour /as their
fathers have forgotten my name for Baal .

neighbour 002 008 Jam /${neighbour /as thyself ,
ye do well :

neighbour 022 039 Mat /${neighbour /as thyself .

neighbour 019 019 Mat /${neighbour /as thyself .

neighbour 013 009 Rom /${neighbour /as thyself .

neighbour 010 027 Luk /${neighbour /as thyself .

neighbour 005 014 Gal /${neighbour /as thyself .

neighbour 012 031 Mar /${neighbour /as thyself .
There is none other commandment greater than these .

neighbour 019 018 Lev /^{neighbour /as thyself : I
am the LORD .

neighbour 034 017 Jer /^{neighbour /behold, I
proclaim a liberty for you, saith the LORD , to the sword , to
the pestilence , and to the famine ; and I will make you to be
removed into all the kingdoms of the earth .

neighbour 011 012 Pro /^{neighbour /but a man of
understanding holdeth his peace .

neighbour 014 020 Pro /^{neighbour /but the rich
hath many friends .

neighbour 012 026 Pro /^{neighbour /but the way of
the wicked seduceth them.

neighbour 011 009 Pro /^{neighbour /but through
knowledge shall the just be delivered .

neighbour 049 018 Jer /^{neighbour /cities thereof,
saith the LORD , no man shall abide there, neither shall a son
of man dwell in it.

neighbour 050 040 Jer /^{neighbour /cities thereof,
saith the LORD ; so shall no man abide there, neither shall any
son of man dwell therein.

neighbour 019 002 Isa /^{neighbour /city against
city , and kingdom against kingdom .

neighbour 018 017 Pro /^{neighbour /cometh and
searcheth him.

neighbour 002 015 Hab /^{neighbour /drink , that
puttest thy bottle to him, and makest him drunken also, that
thou mayest look on their nakedness !

neighbour 028 017 ISa /^{neighbour /even to David :

neighbour 008 016 Zec /^{neighbour /execute the
judgment of truth and peace in your gates :

neighbour 021 010 Pro /^{neighbour /findeth no
favour in his eyes .

neighbour 015 002 Rom /${neighbour /for his good
to edification .

neighbour 004 025 Eph /${neighbour /for we are
members one of another .

neighbour 003 028 Pro /^{neighbour /Go , and come
again , and to morrow I will give ; when thou hast it by thee.

neighbour 025 008 Pro /^{neighbour /hath put thee
to shame .

neighbour 101 005 Psa /^{neighbour /him will I cut
off : him that hath an high look and a proud heart will not I
suffer .

neighbour 025 009 Pro /^{neighbour /himself; and
discover not a secret to another :

neighbour 019 016 Lev /^{neighbour /I am the LORD .

neighbour 019 004 Deu /^{neighbour /ignorantly ,
whom he hated not in time past ;

neighbour 006 002 Lev /^{neighbour /in that which
was delivered him to keep, or in fellowship , or in a thing
taken away by violence , or hath deceived his neighbour ;

neighbour 020 035 IKi /^{neighbour /in the word of
the LORD , Smite me, I pray thee. And the man refused to smite

neighbour 025 018 Pro /^{neighbour /is a maul ,
and a sword , and a sharp arrow .

neighbour 011 002 Exo /^{neighbour /jewels of
silver , and jewels of gold .

neighbour 009 020 Jer /^{neighbour /lamentation .

neighbour 022 007 Exo /^{neighbour /money or stuff
to keep , and it be stolen out of the man's house ; if the thief
be found , let him pay double .

neighbour 019 013 Lev /^{neighbour /neither rob
him: the wages of him that is hired shall not abide with thee
all night until the morning .

neighbour 012 004 Exo /^{neighbour /next unto his
house take it according to the number of the souls ; every man
according to his eating shall make your count for the lamb .

neighbour 015 003 Psa /^{neighbour /nor taketh up
a reproach against his neighbour .

neighbour 015 028 ISa /^{neighbour /of thine, that
is better than thou.

neighbour 025 014 Lev /^{neighbour /or buyest
ought of thy neighbour's hand , ye shall not oppress one another

neighbour 015 002 Deu /^{neighbour /or of his
brother ; because it is called the LORD'S release .

neighbour 027 024 Deu /^{neighbour /secretly . And
all the people shall say , Amen .

neighbour 003 029 Pro /^{neighbour /seeing he
dwelleth securely by thee.

neighbour 015 002 Deu /^{neighbour /shall release
it; he shall not exact it of his neighbour , or of his brother ;
because it is called the LORD'S release .

neighbour 014 021 Pro /^{neighbour /sinneth : but
he that hath mercy on the poor , happy is he.

neighbour 029 005 Pro /^{neighbour /spreadeth a
net for his feet .

neighbour 019 005 Deu /^{neighbour /that he die ;
he shall flee unto one of those cities , and live :

neighbour 027 010 Pro /^{neighbour /that is near
than a brother far off .

neighbour 003 005 Isa /^{neighbour /the child
shall behave himself proudly against the ancient , and the base
against the honourable .

neighbour 023 025 Deu /^{neighbour /then thou
mayest pluck the ears with thine hand ; but thou shalt not move
a sickle unto thy neighbour's standing corn .

neighbour 013 010 Rom /${neighbour /therefore love
is the fulfilling of the law .

neighbour 004 004 Ecc /^{neighbour /This is also
vanity and vexation of spirit .

neighbour 019 005 Deu /^{neighbour /to hew wood ,
and his hand fetcheth a stroke with the axe to cut down the tree
, and the head slippeth from the helve , and lighteth upon his
neighbour , that he die ; he shall flee unto one of those cities
, and live :

neighbour 021 014 Exo /^{neighbour /to slay him
with guile ; thou shalt take him from mine altar , that he may
die .

neighbour 004 042 Deu /^{neighbour /unawares , and
hated him not in times past ; and that fleeing unto one of these
cities he might live :

neighbour 003 010 Zec /^{neighbour /under the vine
and under the fig tree .

neighbour 010 036 Luk /${neighbour /unto him that
fell among the thieves ?

neighbour 020 005 Jos /^{neighbour /unwittingly ,
and hated him not beforetime .

neighbour 022 008 Jer /^{neighbour /Wherefore hath
the LORD done thus unto this great city ?

neighbour 012 004 Job /^{neighbour /who calleth
upon God , and he answereth him: the just upright man is laughed
to scorn .

neighbour 009 004 Jer /^{neighbour /will walk with
slanders .

neighbour 012 002 Psa /^{neighbour /with
flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak .

neighbour 009 008 Jer /^{neighbour /with his mouth
, but in heart he layeth his wait .

neighbour 024 028 Pro /^{neighbour /without cause ;
and deceive not with thy lips .

neighbour 007 027 Act /${neighbour /wrong thrust
him away , saying , Who made thee a ruler and a judge over us ?

neighbour's 031 009 Job /^{neighbour's /door ;

neighbour's 022 008 Exo /^{neighbour's /goods .

neighbour's 022 011 Exo /^{neighbour's /goods ; and
the owner of it shall accept thereof, and he shall not make it
good .

neighbour's 011 006 Zec /^{neighbour's /hand , and
into the hand of his king : and they shall smite the land , and
out of their hand I will not deliver them.

neighbour's 025 014 Lev /^{neighbour's /hand , ye
shall not oppress one another :

neighbour's 005 021 Deu /^{neighbour's /house , his
field , or his manservant , or his maidservant , his ox , or his
ass , or any thing that is thy neighbour's .

neighbour's 020 017 Exo /^{neighbour's /house , thou
shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife , nor his manservant , nor
his maidservant , nor his ox , nor his ass , nor any thing that
is thy neighbour's .

neighbour's 025 017 Pro /^{neighbour's /house ; lest
he be weary of thee, and so hate thee.

neighbour's 019 014 Deu /^{neighbour's /landmark ,
which they of old time have set in thine inheritance , which
thou shalt inherit in the land that the LORD thy God giveth thee
to possess it.

neighbour's 027 017 Deu /^{neighbour's /landmark .
And all the people shall say , Amen .

neighbour's 022 026 Exo /^{neighbour's /raiment to
pledge , thou shalt deliver it unto him by that the sun goeth
down :

neighbour's 022 013 Jer /^{neighbour's /service
without wages , and giveth him not for his work ;

neighbour's 023 025 Deu /^{neighbour's /standing
corn .

neighbour's 023 024 Deu /^{neighbour's /vineyard ,
then thou mayest eat grapes thy fill at thine own pleasure ; but
thou shalt not put any in thy vessel .

neighbour's 018 015 Eze /^{neighbour's /wife ,

neighbour's 018 011 Eze /^{neighbour's /wife ,

neighbour's 018 006 Eze /^{neighbour's /wife ,
neither hath come near to a menstruous woman ,

neighbour's 005 021 Deu /^{neighbour's /wife ,
neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour's house , his field , or
his manservant , or his maidservant , his ox , or his ass , or
any thing that is thy neighbour's .

neighbour's 020 017 Exo /^{neighbour's /wife , nor
his manservant , nor his maidservant , nor his ox , nor his ass ,
nor any thing that is thy neighbour's .

neighbour's 020 010 Lev /^{neighbour's /wife , the
adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death .

neighbour's 018 020 Lev /^{neighbour's /wife , to
defile thyself with her.

neighbour's 005 008 Jer /^{neighbour's /wife .

neighbour's 033 026 Eze /^{neighbour's /wife : and
shall ye possess the land ?

neighbour's 022 024 Deu /^{neighbour's /wife : so
thou shalt put away evil from among you.

neighbour's 022 011 Eze /^{neighbour's /wife ; and
another hath lewdly defiled his daughter in law ; and another in
thee hath humbled his sister , his father's daughter .

neighbour's 006 029 Pro /^{neighbour's /wife ;
whosoever toucheth her shall not be innocent .

neighbours 044 013 Psa /^{neighbours /a scorn and a
derision to them that are round about us.

neighbours 079 004 Psa /^{neighbours /a scorn and
derision to them that are round about us.

neighbours 031 011 Psa /^{neighbours /and a fear to
mine acquaintance : they that did see me without fled from me.

neighbours 049 010 Jer /^{neighbours /and he is not.

neighbours 001 058 Luk /${neighbours /and her
cousins heard how the Lord had shewed great mercy upon her ; and
they rejoiced with her .

neighbours 080 006 Psa /^{neighbours /and our
enemies laugh among themselves.

neighbours 009 016 Jos /^{neighbours /and that they
dwelt among them.

neighbours 028 003 Psa /^{neighbours /but mischief
is in their hearts .

neighbours 022 012 Eze /^{neighbours /by extortion ,
and hast forgotten me, saith the Lord GOD .

neighbours 023 012 Eze /^{neighbours /captains and
rulers clothed most gorgeously , horsemen riding upon horses ,
all of them desirable young men .

neighbours 004 003 IIKi /^{neighbours /even empty
vessels ; borrow not a few .

neighbours 004 017 Rut /^{neighbours /gave it a
name , saying , There is a son born to Naomi ; and they called
his name Obed : he is the father of Jesse , the father of David .

neighbours 016 026 Eze /^{neighbours /great of
flesh ; and hast increased thy whoredoms , to provoke me to
anger .

neighbours 014 012 Luk /${neighbours /lest they
also bid thee again , and a recompence be made thee .

neighbours 015 006 Luk /${neighbours /saying unto
them , Rejoice with me ; for I have found my sheep which was
lost .

neighbours 079 012 Psa /^{neighbours /sevenfold
into their bosom their reproach , wherewith they have reproached
thee, O Lord .

neighbours 012 014 Jer /^{neighbours /that touch
the inheritance which I have caused my people Israel to inherit ;
Behold, I will pluck them out of their land , and pluck out the
house of Judah from among them.

neighbours 009 008 Joh /${neighbours /therefore ,
and they which before had seen him that he was blind , said , Is
not this he that sat and begged ?

neighbours 015 009 Luk /${neighbours /together ,
saying , Rejoice with me ; for I have found the piece which I
had lost .

neighbours 029 023 Jer /^{neighbours /wives , and
have spoken lying words in my name , which I have not commanded
them; even I know , and am a witness , saith the LORD .
