Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
Boanerges ^ 41_MAR_03_17 And <2532> James <2385> the son <3588> of Zebedee <2199>, and <2532> John <2491> the brother <0080> of James <2385>; and <2532> he surnamed <2007> (5656) <3686> them <0846> {Boanerges} <0993>, which is <3603>, The sons <5207> of thunder <1027>:

complainers ^ 65_JDE_01_16 These <3778> are <1526> (5748) murmurers <1113>, {complainers} <3202>, walking <4198> (5740) after <2596> their own <0846> lusts <1939>; and <2532> their <0846> mouth <4750> speaketh <2980> (5719) great swelling <5246> words, having men's persons <4383> in admiration <2296> (5723) because <5484> of advantage <5622>.

corner ^ 60_1PE_02_06 Wherefore <1352> also <2532> it is contained <4023> (5719) in <1722> the scripture <1124>, Behold <2400> (5628), I lay <5087> (5719) in <1722> Sion <4622> a chief {corner} <0204> stone <3037>, elect <1588>, precious <1784>: and <2532> he that believeth <4100> (5723) on <1909> him <0846> shall <2617> <0> not be <3364> confounded <2617> (5686).

corner ^ 60_1PE_02_07 Unto you <5213> therefore <3767> which <3588> believe <4100> (5723) he is precious <5092>: but <1161> unto them which be disobedient <0544> (5723), the stone <3037> which <3739> the builders <3618> (5723) disallowed <0593> (5656), the same <3778> is made <1096> (5675) <1519> the head <2776> of the {corner} <1137>,

corner ^ 44_ACT_04_11 This <3778> is <2076> (5748) the stone <3037> which <3588> was set at nought <1848> (5685) of <5259> you <5216> builders <3618> (5723), which <3588> is become <1096> (5637) the head <2776> of <1519> the {corner} <1137>.

corner ^ 44_ACT_26_26 For <1063> the king <0935> knoweth <1987> (5736) of <4012> these <5130> things, before <4314> whom <3739> also <2532> I speak <2980> (5719) freely <3955> (5740): for <1063> I am persuaded <3982> (5743) that <3756> none <5100> <3762> of these things <5130> are hidden <2990> (5721) from him <0846>; for <1063> this thing <5124> was <2076> (5748) not <3756> done <4238> (5772) in <1722> a {corner} <1137>.

corner ^ 49_EPH_02_20 And are built <2026> (5685) upon <1909> the foundation <2310> of the apostles <0652> and <2532> prophets <4396>, Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> himself <0846> being <5607> (5752) the chief {corner} <0204> stone;

corner ^ 42_LUK_20_17 And <1161> he beheld <1689> (5660) them <0846>, and said <2036> (5627), What <5101> is <2076> (5748) this <5124> then <3767> that is written <1125> (5772), The stone <3037> which <3739> the builders <3618> (5723) rejected <0593> (5656), the same <3778> is become <1096> (5675) the head <2776> of <1519> the {corner} <1137>?

corner ^ 41_MAR_12_10 And have ye <0314> <0> not <3761> read <0314> (5627) this <5026> scripture <1124>; The stone <3037> which <3739> the builders <3618> (5723) rejected <0593> (5656) is <3778> <1096> (5675) become <1519> the head <2776> of the {corner} <1137>:

corner ^ 40_MAT_21_42 Jesus <2424> saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, Did ye <0314> <0> never <3763> read <0314> (5627) in <1722> the scriptures <1124>, The stone <3037> which <3739> the builders <3618> (5723) rejected <0593> (5656), the same <3778> is become <1096> (5675) <1519> the head <2776> of the {corner} <1137>: this <3778> is <3844> the Lord's <2962> doing <1096> (5633), and <2532> it is <2076> (5748) marvellous <2298> in <1722> our <2257> eyes <3788>?

corners ^ 44_ACT_11_05 I <1473> was <2252> (5713) in <1722> the city <4172> of Joppa <2445> praying <4336> (5740): and <2532> in <1722> a trance <1611> I saw <1492> (5627) a vision <3705>, A certain <5100> vessel <4632> descend <2597> (5723), as it had been <5613> a great <3173> sheet <3607>, let down <2524> (5746) from <1537> heaven <3772> by four <5064> {corners} <0746>; and <2532> it came <2064> (5627) even <0891> to me <1700>:

corners ^ 40_MAT_06_05 And <2532> when <3752> thou prayest <4336> (5741), thou shalt <2071> <0> not <3756> be <2071> (5704) as <5618> the hypocrites <5273> are: for <3754> they love <5368> (5719) to pray <4336> (5738) standing <2476> (5761) in <1722> the synagogues <4864> and <2532> in <1722> the {corners} <1137> of the streets <4113>, that <3704> they may <0302> be seen <5316> (5652) of men <0444>. Verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, <3754> They have <0568> (5719) their <0846> reward <3408>.

corners ^ 66_REV_07_01 And <2532> after <3326> these things <5023> I saw <1492> (5627) four <5064> angels <0032> standing <2476> (5761) on <1909> the four <5064> {corners} <1137> of the earth <1093>, holding <2902> (5723) the four <5064> winds <0417> of the earth <1093>, that <3363> <0> the wind <0417> should <4154> <0> not <3363> blow <4154> (5725) on <1909> the earth <1093>, nor <3383> on <1909> the sea <2281>, nor <3383> on <1909> any <3956> tree <1186>.

corners ^ 44_ACT_10_11 And <2532> saw <2334> (5719) heaven <3772> opened <0455> (5772), and <2532> a certain <5100> vessel <4632> descending <2597> (5723) unto <1909> him <0846>, as <5613> it had been a great <3173> sheet <3607> knit <1210> (5772) at the four <5064> {corners} <0746>, and <2532> let down <2524> (5746) to <1909> the earth <1093>:

dinner ^ 42_LUK_14_12 Then <1161> said he <3004> (5707) also <2532> to him that bade <2564> (5761) him <0846>, When <3752> thou makest <4160> (5725) a {dinner} <0712> or <2228> a supper <1173>, call <5455> (5720) not <3361> thy <4675> friends <5384>, nor <3366> thy <4675> brethren <0080>, neither <3366> thy <4675> kinsmen <4773>, nor <3366> thy rich <4145> neighbours <1069>; lest <3379> they <0846> also <2532> bid <0479> <0> thee <4571> again <0479> (5661), and <2532> a recompence <0468> be made <1096> (5638) thee <4671>.

dinner ^ 42_LUK_11_38 And <1161> when the Pharisee <5330> saw <1492> (5631) it, he marvelled <2296> (5656) that <3754> he had <0907> <0> not <3756> first <4412> washed <0907> (5681) before <4253> {dinner} <0712>.

dinner ^ 40_MAT_22_04 Again <3825>, he sent forth <0649> (5656) other <0243> servants <1401>, saying <3004> (5723), Tell <2036> (5628) them which are bidden <2564> (5772), Behold <2400> (5628), I have prepared <2090> (5656) my <3450> {dinner} <0712>: my <3450> oxen <5022> and <2532> my fatlings <4619> are killed <2380> (5772), and <2532> all things <3956> are ready <2092>: come <1205> (5773) unto <1519> the marriage <1062>.

discerner ^ 58_HEB_04_12 For <1063> the word <3056> of God <2316> is quick <2198> (5723), and <2532> powerful <1756>, and <2532> sharper <5114> than <5228> any <3956> twoedged <1366> sword <3162>, piercing <1338> (5740) even to <0891> the dividing asunder <3311> of soul <5590> and <5037> <2532> spirit <4151>, and <5037> <2532> of the joints <0719> and <2532> marrow <3452>, and <2532> is a {discerner} <2924> of the thoughts <1761> and <2532> intents <1771> of the heart <2588>.

executioner ^ 41_MAR_06_27 And <2532> immediately <2112> the king <0935> sent <0649> (5660) an {executioner} <4688>, and commanded <2004> (5656) his <0846> head <2776> to be brought <5342> (5683): and <1161> he went <0565> (5631) and beheaded <0607> (5656) him <0846> in <1722> the prison <5438>,

extortioner ^ 46_1CO_05_11 But <1161> now <3570> I have written <1125> (5656) unto you <5213> not <3361> to keep company <4874> (5733), if <1437> any man <5100> that is called <3687> (5746) a brother <0080> be <2228> a fornicator <4205>, or <2228> covetous <4123>, or <2228> an idolater <1496>, or <2228> a railer <3060>, or <2228> a drunkard <3183>, or <2228> an {extortioner} <0727>; with such an one <5108> no not <3366> to eat <4906> (5721).

extortioners ^ 46_1CO_05_10 Yet <2532> not <3756> altogether <3843> with the fornicators <4205> of this <5127> world <2889>, or <2228> with the covetous <4123>, or <2228> {extortioners} <0727>, or <2228> with idolaters <1496>; for <1893> then <0686> must ye needs <3784> (5719) go <1831> (5629) out of <1537> the world <2889>.

extortioners ^ 46_1CO_06_10 Nor <3777> thieves <2812>, nor <3777> covetous <4123>, nor <3777> drunkards <3183>, nor <3756> revilers <3060>, nor <3756> {extortioners} <0727>, shall inherit <3756> <2816> (5692) the kingdom <0932> of God <2316>.

extortioners ^ 42_LUK_18_11 The Pharisee <5330> stood <2476> (5685) and prayed <4336> (5711) thus <5023> with <4314> himself <1438>, God <2316>, I thank <2168> (5719) thee <4671>, that <3754> I am <1510> (5748) not <3756> as <5618> other <3062> men <0444> are, {extortioners} <0727>, unjust <0094>, adulterers <3432>, or <2228> even <2532> as <5613> this <3778> publican <5057>.

fellowprisoner ^ 51_COL_04_10 Aristarchus <0708> my <3450> {fellowprisoner} <4869> saluteth <0782> (5736) you <5209>, and <2532> Marcus <3138>, sister's son <0431> to Barnabas <0921>, (touching <4012> whom <3739> ye received <2983> (5627) commandments <1785>: if <1437> he come <2064> (5632) unto <4314> you <5209>, receive <1209> (5663) him <0846>;)

fellowprisoner ^ 57_PHM_01_23 There salute <0782> (5736) thee <4571> Epaphras <1889>, my <3450> {fellowprisoner} <4869> in <1722> Christ <5547> Jesus <2424>;

fellowprisoners ^ 45_ROM_16_07 Salute <0782> (5663) Andronicus <0408> and <2532> Junia <2458>, my <3450> kinsmen <4773>, and <2532> my <3450> {fellowprisoners} <4869>, who <3748> are <1526> (5748) of note <1978> among <1722> the apostles <0652>, who <3739> also <2532> were <1096> (5754) in <1722> Christ <5547> before <4253> me <1700>.

foreigners ^ 49_EPH_02_19 Now <3767> therefore <0686> ye are <2075> (5748) no more <3765> strangers <3581> and <2532> {foreigners} <3941>, but <0235> fellowcitizens <4847> with the saints <0040>, and <2532> of the household <3609> of God <2316>;

forerunner ^ 58_HEB_06_20 Whither <3699> the {forerunner} <4274> is <1525> <0> for <5228> us <2257> entered <1525> (5627), even Jesus <2424>, made <1096> (5637) an high priest <0749> for <1519> ever <0165> after <2596> the order <5010> of Melchisedec <3198>.

gardener ^ 43_JOH_20_15 Jesus <2424> saith <3004> (5719) unto her <0846>, Woman <1135>, why <5101> weepest thou <2799> (5719)? whom <5101> seekest thou <2212> (5719)? She <1565>, supposing <1380> (5723) <3754> him to be <2076> (5748) the {gardener} <2780>, saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Sir <2962>, if <1487> thou <4771> have borne <0941> <0> him <0846> hence <0941> (5656), tell <2036> (5628) me <3427> where <4226> thou hast laid <5087> (5656) him <0846>, and I <2504> will take <0142> <0> him <0846> away <0142> (5692).

garner ^ 42_LUK_03_17 Whose <3739> fan <4425> is in <1722> his <0846> hand <5495>, and <2532> he will throughly purge <1245> (5692) his <0846> floor <0257>, and <2532> will gather <4863> (5692) the wheat <4621> into <1519> his <0846> {garner} <0596>; but <1161> the chaff <0892> he will burn <2618> (5692) with fire <4442> unquenchable <0762>.

garner ^ 40_MAT_03_12 Whose <3739> fan <4425> is in <1722> his <0846> hand <5495>, and <2532> he will throughly purge <1245> (5692) his <0846> floor <0257>, and <2532> gather <4863> (5692) his <0846> wheat <4621> into <1519> the {garner} <0596>; but <1161> he will burn up <2618> (5692) the chaff <0892> with unquenchable <0762> fire <4442>.

general ^ 58_HEB_12_23 To the {general} assembly <3831> and <2532> church <1577> of the firstborn <4416>, which are written <0583> (5772) in <1722> heaven <3772>, and <2532> to God <2316> the Judge <2923> of all <3956>, and <2532> to the spirits <4151> of just men <1342> made perfect <5048> (5772),

generation ^ 40_MAT_23_33 Ye serpents <3789>, ye {generation} <1081> of vipers <2191>, how <4459> can ye <5343> (5632) escape <0575> the damnation <2920> of hell <1067>?

generation ^ 40_MAT_17_17 Then <1161> Jesus <2424> answered <0611> (5679) and said <2036> (5627), O <5599> faithless <0571> and <2532> perverse <1294> (5772) {generation} <1074>, how long <2193> <4219> shall I be <2071> (5704) with <3326> you <5216>? how long <2193> <4219> shall I suffer <0430> (5695) you <5216>? bring <5342> (5720) him <0846> hither <5602> to me <3427>.

generation ^ 40_MAT_24_34 Verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, This <3778> {generation} <1074> shall not <3364> pass <3928> (5632), till <0302> <2193> all <3956> these things <5023> be fulfilled <1096> (5638).

generation ^ 40_MAT_23_36 Verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, All <3956> these things <5023> shall come <2240> (5692) upon <1909> this <5026> {generation} <1074>.

generation ^ 44_ACT_02_40 And <5037> with many <4119> other <2087> words <3056> did he testify <1263> (5711) and <2532> exhort <3870> (5707), saying <3004> (5723), Save yourselves <4982> (5682) from <0575> this <5026> untoward <4646> {generation} <1074>.

generation ^ 40_MAT_12_39 But <1161> he answered <0611> (5679) and said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, An evil <4190> and <2532> adulterous <3428> {generation} <1074> seeketh after <1934> (5719) a sign <4592>; and <2532> there shall no <3756> sign <4592> be given <1325> (5701) to it <0846>, but <1508> the sign <4592> of the prophet <4396> Jonas <2495>:

generation ^ 40_MAT_12_45 Then <5119> goeth he <4198> (5736), and <2532> taketh <3880> (5719) with <3326> himself <1438> seven <2033> other <2087> spirits <4151> more wicked <4191> than himself <1438>, and <2532> they enter in <1525> (5631) and dwell <2730> (5719) there <1563>: and <2532> the last <2078> state of that <1565> man <0444> is <1096> (5736) worse than <5501> the first <4413>. Even so <3779> shall it be <2071> (5704) also <2532> unto this <5026> wicked <4190> {generation} <1074>.

generation ^ 41_MAR_13_30 Verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, that <3754> this <3778> {generation} <1074> shall <3928> <0> not <3364> pass <3928> (5632), till <3360> <3739> all <3956> these things <5023> be done <1096> (5638).

generation ^ 41_MAR_09_19 He answereth <0611> (5679) him <0846>, and <1161> saith <3004> (5719), O <5599> faithless <0571> {generation} <1074>, how long <2193> <4219> shall I be <2071> (5704) with <4314> you <5209>? how long <2193> <4219> shall I suffer <0430> (5695) you <5216>? bring <5342> (5720) him <0846> unto <4314> me <3165>.

generation ^ 44_ACT_08_33 In <1722> his <0846> humiliation <5014> his <0846> judgment <2920> was taken away <0142> (5681): and <1161> who <5101> shall declare <1334> (5695) his <0846> {generation} <1074>? for <3754> his <0846> life <2222> is taken <0142> (5743) from <0575> the earth <1093>.

generation ^ 44_ACT_13_36 For <1063> <3303> David <1138>, after he had served <5256> (5660) his own <2398> {generation} <1074> by the will <1012> of God <2316>, fell on sleep <2837> (5681), and <2532> was laid <4369> (5681) unto <4314> his <0846> fathers <3962>, and <2532> saw <1492> (5627) corruption <1312>:

generation ^ 41_MAR_08_38 Whosoever <3739> <0302> therefore <1063> shall be ashamed <1870> (5680) of me <3165> and <2532> of my <1699> words <3056> in <1722> this <5026> adulterous <3428> and <2532> sinful <0268> {generation} <1074>; of him <0846> also <2532> shall <1870> <0> the Son <5207> of man <0444> be ashamed <1870> (5700), when <3752> he cometh <2064> (5632) in <1722> the glory <1391> of his <0846> Father <3962> with <3326> the holy <0040> angels <0032>.

generation ^ 41_MAR_08_12 And <2532> he sighed deeply <0389> (5660) in his <0846> spirit <4151>, and saith <3004> (5719), Why <5101> doth <1934> <0> this <3778> {generation} <1074> seek after <1934> (5719) a sign <4592>? verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, There shall no <1487> sign <4592> be given <1325> (5701) unto this <5026> generation <1074>.

generation ^ 40_MAT_16_04 A wicked <4190> and <2532> adulterous <3428> {generation} <1074> seeketh after <1934> (5719) a sign <4592>; and <2532> there shall no <3756> sign <4592> be given <1325> (5701) unto it <0846>, but <1508> the sign <4592> of the prophet <4396> Jonas <2495>. And <2532> he left <2641> (5631) them <0846>, and departed <0565> (5627).

generation ^ 40_MAT_12_34 O {generation} <1081> of vipers <2191>, how <4459> can ye <1410> (5736), being <5607> (5752) evil <4190>, speak <2980> (5721) good things <0018>? for <1063> out of <1537> the abundance <4051> of the heart <2588> the mouth <4750> speaketh <2980> (5719).

generation ^ 42_LUK_17_25 But <1161> first <4412> must <1163> (5748) he <0846> suffer <3958> (5629) many things <4183>, and <2532> be rejected <0593> (5683) of <0575> this <5026> {generation} <1074>.

generation ^ 41_MAR_08_12 And <2532> he sighed deeply <0389> (5660) in his <0846> spirit <4151>, and saith <3004> (5719), Why <5101> doth <1934> <0> this <3778> generation <1074> seek after <1934> (5719) a sign <4592>? verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, There shall no <1487> sign <4592> be given <1325> (5701) unto this <5026> {generation} <1074>.

generation ^ 42_LUK_11_51 From <0575> the blood <0129> of Abel <6> unto <2193> the blood <0129> of Zacharias <2197>, which <3588> perished <0622> (5642) between <3342> the altar <2379> and <2532> the temple <3624>: verily <3483> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, It shall be required <1567> (5701) of <0575> this <5026> {generation} <1074>.

generation ^ 42_LUK_21_32 Verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, <3754> This <3778> {generation} <1074> shall <3928> <0> not <3364> pass away <3928> (5632), <0302> till <2193> all <3956> be fulfilled <1096> (5638).

generation ^ 40_MAT_12_41 The men <0435> of Nineveh <3536> shall rise <0450> (5698) in <1722> judgment <2920> with <3326> this <5026> {generation} <1074>, and <2532> shall condemn <2632> (5692) it <0846>: because <3754> they repented <3340> (5656) at <1519> the preaching <2782> of Jonas <2495>; and <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), a greater than <4119> Jonas <2495> is here <5602>.

generation ^ 40_MAT_12_42 The queen <0938> of the south <3558> shall rise up <1453> (5701) in <1722> the judgment <2920> with <3326> this <5026> {generation} <1074>, and <2532> shall condemn <2632> (5692) it <0846>: for <3754> she came <2064> (5627) from <1537> the uttermost parts <4009> of the earth <1093> to hear <0191> (5658) the wisdom <4678> of Solomon <4672>; and <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), a greater than <4119> Solomon <4672> is here <5602>.

generation ^ 60_1PE_02_09 But <1161> ye <5210> are a chosen <1588> {generation} <1085>, a royal <0934> priesthood <2406>, an holy <0040> nation <1484>, a peculiar <1519> <4047> people <2992>; that <3704> ye should shew forth <1804> (5661) the praises <0703> of him who hath called <2564> (5660) you <5209> out of <1537> darkness <4655> into <1519> his <0846> marvellous <2298> light <5457>:

generation ^ 58_HEB_03_10 Wherefore <1352> I was grieved <4360> (5656) with that <1565> {generation} <1074>, and <2532> said <2036> (5627), They do <4105> <0> alway <0104> err <4105> (5746) in their heart <2588>; and <1161> they <0846> have <1097> <0> not <3756> known <1097> (5627) my <3450> ways <3598>.

generation ^ 42_LUK_01_50 And <2532> his <0846> mercy <1656> is on them that fear <5399> (5740) him <0846> from <1519> generation <1074> to {generation} <1074>.

generation ^ 42_LUK_09_41 And <1161> Jesus <2424> answering <0611> (5679) said <2036> (5627), O <5599> faithless <0571> and <2532> perverse <1294> (5772) {generation} <1074>, how <2193> long <4219> shall I be <2071> (5704) with <4314> you <5209>, and <2532> suffer <0430> (5695) you <5216>? Bring <4317> (5628) thy <4675> son <5207> hither <5602>.

generation ^ 42_LUK_16_08 And <2532> the lord <2962> commended <1867> (5656) the unjust <0093> steward <3623>, because <3754> he had done <4160> (5656) wisely <5430>: for <3754> the children <5207> of this <5127> world <0165> are <1526> (5748) in <1519> their <1438> {generation} <1074> wiser <5429> than <5228> the children <5207> of light <5457>.

generation ^ 42_LUK_11_50 That <2443> the blood <0129> of all <3956> the prophets <4396>, which <3588> was shed <1632> (5746) from <0575> the foundation <2602> of the world <2889>, may be required <1567> (5686) of <0575> this <5026> {generation} <1074>;

generation ^ 40_MAT_01_01 The book <0976> of the {generation} <1078> of Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>, the son <5207> of David <1138>, the son <5207> of Abraham <0011>.

generation ^ 42_LUK_11_32 The men <0435> of Nineve <3535> shall rise up <0450> (5698) in <1722> the judgment <2920> with <3326> this <5026> {generation} <1074>, and <2532> shall condemn <2632> (5692) it <0846>: for <3754> they repented <3340> (5656) at <1519> the preaching <2782> of Jonas <2495>; and <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), a greater than <4119> Jonas <2495> is here <5602>.

generation ^ 42_LUK_03_07 Then <3767> said <3004> (5707) he to the multitude <3793> that came forth <1607> (5740) to be baptized <0907> (5683) of <5259> him <0846>, O {generation} <1081> of vipers <2191>, who <5101> hath warned <5263> (5656) you <5213> to flee <5343> (5629) from <0575> the wrath <3709> to come <3195> (5723)?

generation ^ 42_LUK_07_31 And <1161> the Lord <2962> said <2036> (5627), Whereunto <5101> then <3767> shall I liken <3666> (5692) the men <0444> of this <5026> {generation} <1074>? and <2532> to what <5101> are they <1526> (5748) like <3664>?

generation ^ 42_LUK_11_31 The queen <0938> of the south <3558> shall rise up <1453> (5701) in <1722> the judgment <2920> with <3326> the men <0435> of this <5026> {generation} <1074>, and <2532> condemn <2632> (5692) them <0846>: for <3754> she came <2064> (5627) from <1537> the utmost parts <4009> of the earth <1093> to hear <0191> (5658) the wisdom <4678> of Solomon <4672>; and <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), a greater than <4119> Solomon <4672> is here <5602>.

generation ^ 42_LUK_11_30 For <1063> as <2531> Jonas <2495> was <1096> (5633) a sign <4592> unto the Ninevites <3536>, so <3779> shall <2071> <0> also <2532> the Son <5207> of man <0444> be <2071> (5704) to this <5026> {generation} <1074>.

generation ^ 40_MAT_03_07 But <1161> when he saw <1492> (5631) many <4183> of the Pharisees <5330> and <2532> Sadducees <4523> come <2064> (5740) to <1909> his <0846> baptism <0908>, he said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, O {generation} <1081> of vipers <2191>, who <5101> hath warned <5263> (5656) you <5213> to flee <5343> (5629) from <0575> the wrath <3709> to come <3195> (5723)?

generation ^ 40_MAT_11_16 But <1161> whereunto <5101> shall I liken <3666> (5692) this <5026> {generation} <1074>? It is <2076> (5748) like <3664> unto children <3808> sitting <2521> (5740) in <1722> the markets <0058>, and <2532> calling <4377> (5723) unto their <0846> fellows <2083>,

generation ^ 42_LUK_01_50 And <2532> his <0846> mercy <1656> is on them that fear <5399> (5740) him <0846> from <1519> {generation} <1074> to generation <1074>.

generation ^ 42_LUK_11_29 And <1161> when the people <3793> were gathered thick together <1865> (5746), he began <0756> (5662) to say <3004> (5721), This <3778> is <2076> (5748) an evil <4190> {generation} <1074>: they seek <1934> (5719) a sign <4592>; and <2532> there shall <1325> <0> no <3756> sign <4592> be given <1325> (5701) it <0846>, but <1508> the sign <4592> of Jonas <2495> the prophet <4396>.

generations ^ 40_MAT_01_17 So <3767> all <3956> the {generations} <1074> from <0575> Abraham <0011> to <2193> David <1138> are fourteen <1180> generations <1074>; and <2532> from <0575> David <1138> until <2193> the carrying away <3350> into Babylon <0897> are fourteen <1180> generations <1074>; and <2532> from <0575> the carrying away <3350> into Babylon <0897> unto <2193> Christ <5547> are fourteen <1180> generations <1074>.

generations ^ 40_MAT_01_17 So <3767> all <3956> the generations <1074> from <0575> Abraham <0011> to <2193> David <1138> are fourteen <1180> generations <1074>; and <2532> from <0575> David <1138> until <2193> the carrying away <3350> into Babylon <0897> are fourteen <1180> generations <1074>; and <2532> from <0575> the carrying away <3350> into Babylon <0897> unto <2193> Christ <5547> are fourteen <1180> {generations} <1074>.

generations ^ 40_MAT_01_17 So <3767> all <3956> the generations <1074> from <0575> Abraham <0011> to <2193> David <1138> are fourteen <1180> generations <1074>; and <2532> from <0575> David <1138> until <2193> the carrying away <3350> into Babylon <0897> are fourteen <1180> {generations} <1074>; and <2532> from <0575> the carrying away <3350> into Babylon <0897> unto <2193> Christ <5547> are fourteen <1180> generations <1074>.

generations ^ 40_MAT_01_17 So <3767> all <3956> the generations <1074> from <0575> Abraham <0011> to <2193> David <1138> are fourteen <1180> {generations} <1074>; and <2532> from <0575> David <1138> until <2193> the carrying away <3350> into Babylon <0897> are fourteen <1180> generations <1074>; and <2532> from <0575> the carrying away <3350> into Babylon <0897> unto <2193> Christ <5547> are fourteen <1180> generations <1074>.

generations ^ 42_LUK_01_48 For <3754> he hath regarded <1914> (5656) <1909> the low estate <5014> of his <0846> handmaiden <1399>: for <1063>, behold <2400> (5628), from <0575> henceforth <3568> all <3956> {generations} <1074> shall call <3106> <0> me <3165> blessed <3106> (5692).

generations ^ 51_COL_01_26 Even the mystery <3466> which <3588> hath been hid <0613> (5772) from <0575> ages <0165> and <2532> from <0575> {generations} <1074>, but <1161> now <3570> is made manifest <5319> (5681) to his <0846> saints <0040>:

inner ^ 44_ACT_16_24 Who <3739>, having received <2983> (5761) such <5108> a charge <3852>, thrust <0906> (5627) them <0846> into <1519> the {inner} <2082> prison <5438>, and <2532> made <0805> <0> their <0846> feet <4228> fast <0805> (5662) in <1519> the stocks <3586>.

inner ^ 49_EPH_03_16 That <2443> he would grant <1325> (5632) (5630) you <5213>, according to <2596> the riches <4149> of his <0846> glory <1391>, to be strengthened <2901> (5683) with might <1411> by <1223> his <0846> Spirit <4151> in <1519> the {inner} <2080> man <0444>;

manner ^ 60_1PE_01_11 Searching <2045> (5723) what <1519> <5101>, or <2228> what {manner} <4169> of time <2540> the Spirit <4151> of Christ <5547> which <3588> was in <1722> them <0846> did signify <1213> (5707), when it testified beforehand <4303> (5740) the sufferings <3804> of <1519> Christ <5547>, and <2532> the glory <1391> that should follow <3326> <5023>.

manner ^ 60_1PE_03_05 For <1063> after this {manner} <3779> in the old time <4218> the holy <0040> women <1135> also <2532>, who <3588> trusted <1679> (5723) in <1909> God <2316>, adorned <2885> (5707) themselves <1438>, being in subjection <5293> (5746) unto their own <2398> husbands <0435>:

manner ^ 60_1PE_01_15 But <0235> as <2596> he which hath called <2564> (5660) you <5209> is holy <0040>, so <2532> be <1096> (5676) ye <0846> holy <0040> in <1722> all <3956> {manner} of conversation <0391>;

manner ^ 54_1TI_02_09 In like {manner} <5615> also <2532>, that women <1135> adorn <2885> (5721) themselves <1438> in <1722> modest <2887> apparel <2689>, with <3326> shamefacedness <0127> and <2532> sobriety <4997>; not <3361> with <1722> broided hair <4117>, or <2228> gold <5557>, or <2228> pearls <3135>, or <2228> costly <4185> array <2441>;

manner ^ 46_1CO_07_07 For <1063> I would <2309> (5719) that all <3956> men <0444> were <1511> (5750) even <2532> as <5613> I myself <1683>. But <0235> every man <1538> hath <2192> (5719) his proper <2398> gift <5486> of <1537> God <2316>, one <3739> <3303> after this {manner} <3779>, and <1161> another <3739> after that <3779>.

manner ^ 46_1CO_11_25 After the same {manner} <5615> also <2532> he took the cup <4221>, when <3326> he had supped <1172> (5658), saying <3004> (5723), This <5124> cup <4221> is <2076> (5748) the new <2537> testament <1242> in <1722> my <1699> blood <0129>: this <5124> do ye <4160> (5720), as oft as <3740> <0302> ye drink <4095> (5725) it, in <1519> remembrance <0364> of me <1699>.

manner ^ 46_1CO_15_32 If <1487> after the {manner} <2596> of men <0444> I have fought with beasts <2341> (5656) at <1722> Ephesus <2181>, what <5101> advantageth it <3786> me <3427>, if <1487> the dead <3498> rise <1453> (5743) not <3756>? let us eat <5315> (5632) and <2532> drink <4095> (5632); for <1063> to morrow <0839> we die <0599> (5719).

manner ^ 52_1TH_01_05 For <3754> our <2257> gospel <2098> came <1096> (5675) not <3756> unto <1519> you <5209> in <1722> word <3056> only <3440>, but <0235> also <2532> in <1722> power <1411>, and <2532> in <1722> the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151>, and <2532> in <1722> much <4183> assurance <4136>; as <2531> ye know <1492> (5758) what {manner} of men <3634> we were <1096> (5675) among <1722> you <5213> for <1223> your <5209> sake.

manner ^ 52_1TH_01_09 For <1063> they <0518> <0> themselves <0846> shew <0518> (5719) of <4012> us <2257> what {manner} <3697> of entering in <1529> we had <2192> (5719) (5625) <2192> (5627) unto <4314> you <5209>, and <2532> how <4459> ye turned <1994> (5656) to <4314> God <2316> from <0575> idols <1497> to serve <1398> (5721) the living <2198> (5723) and <2532> true <0228> God <2316>;

manner ^ 62_1JO_03_01 Behold <1492> (5628), what {manner} <4217> of love <0026> the Father <3962> hath bestowed <1325> (5758) upon us <2254>, that <2443> we should be called <2564> (5686) the sons <5043> of God <2316>: therefore <1223> <5124> the world <2889> knoweth <1097> (5719) us <2248> not <3756>, because <3754> it knew <1097> (5627) him <0846> not <3756>.

manner ^ 55_2TI_03_10 But <1161> thou <4771> hast fully known <3877> (5758) my <3450> doctrine <1319>, {manner} of life <0072>, purpose <4286>, faith <4102>, longsuffering <3115>, charity <0026>, patience <5281>,

manner ^ 47_2CO_07_09 Now <3568> I rejoice <5463> (5719), not <3756> that <3754> ye were made sorry <3076> (5681), but <0235> that <3754> ye sorrowed <3076> (5681) to <1519> repentance <3341>: for <1063> ye were made sorry <3076> (5681) after <2596> a godly {manner} <2316>, that <2443> ye might receive damage <2210> (5686) by <1537> us <2257> in <1722> nothing <3367>.

manner ^ 61_2PE_03_11 Seeing then <3767> that all <3956> these things <5130> shall be dissolved <3089> (5746), what {manner} <4217> of persons ought <1163> (5748) ye <5209> to be <5225> (5721) in <1722> all holy <0040> conversation <0391> and <2532> godliness <2150>,

manner ^ 44_ACT_26_04 My <3450> {manner} <3303> <3767> of life <0981> from <1537> my youth <3503>, which <3588> was <1096> (5637) at <0575> the first <0746> among <1722> mine <3450> own nation <1484> at <1722> Jerusalem <2414>, know <2467> (5758) all <3956> the Jews <2453>;

manner ^ 44_ACT_20_18 And <1161> when <5613> they were come <3854> (5633) to <4314> him <0846>, he said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Ye <5210> know <1987> (5736), from <0575> the first <4413> day <2250> that <0575> <3739> I came <1910> (5627) into <1519> Asia <0773>, after what {manner} <4459> I have been <1096> (5633) with <3326> you <5216> at all <3956> seasons <5550>,

manner ^ 44_ACT_25_20 And <1161> because I <1473> doubted <0639> (5734) of <1519> such <5127> {manner} <4012> of questions <2214>, I asked <3004> (5707) him whether <1487> he would <1014> (5739) go <4198> (5738) to <1519> Jerusalem <2419>, and there <2546> be judged <2919> (5745) of <4012> these matters <5130>.

manner ^ 44_ACT_25_16 To <4314> whom <3739> I answered <0611> (5662), <3754> It is <2076> (5748) not <3756> the {manner} <1485> of the Romans <4514> to deliver <5483> (5738) any <5100> man <0444> to <1519> die <0684>, before <4250> that <2228> he which is accused <2723> (5746) have <2192> (5722) the accusers <2725> face to face <2596> <4383>, <5037> and have <2983> (5630) licence <5117> to answer for himself <0627> concerning <4012> the crime laid against him <1462>.

manner ^ 44_ACT_23_25 And he wrote <1125> (5660) a letter <1992> after <4023> (5723) this <5126> {manner} <5179>:

manner ^ 44_ACT_22_03 I <1473> am <1510> (5748) verily <3303> a man <0435> which am a Jew <2453>, born <1080> (5772) in <1722> Tarsus <5019>, a city in Cilicia <2791>, yet <1161> brought up <0397> (5772) in <1722> this <5026> city <4172> at <3844> the feet <4228> of Gamaliel <1059>, and taught <3811> (5772) according <2596> to the perfect {manner} <0195> of the law <3551> of the fathers <3971>, and was <5225> (5723) zealous <2207> toward God <2316>, as <2531> ye <5210> all <3956> are <2075> (5748) this day <4594>.

manner ^ 44_ACT_15_23 And they wrote <1125> (5660) letters by <1223> them <5495> <0846> after this {manner} <3592>; The apostles <0652> and <2532> elders <4245> and <2532> brethren <0080> send greeting <5463> (5721) unto the brethren <0080> which <3588> are of <1537> the Gentiles <1484> in <2596> Antioch <0490> and <2532> Syria <4947> and <2532> Cilicia <2791>:

manner ^ 44_ACT_17_02 And <1161> Paul <3972>, as <2596> his {manner} was <1486> (5756), went in <1525> (5627) unto <4314> them <0846>, and <2532> <1909> three <5140> sabbath <4521> days reasoned <1256> (5711) with them <0846> out of <0575> the scriptures <1124>,

manner ^ 44_ACT_15_01 And <2532> certain men <5100> which came down <2718> (5631) from <0575> Judaea <2449> taught <1321> (5707) the brethren <0080>, and said, <3754> Except <3362> ye be circumcised <4059> (5747) after the {manner} <1485> of Moses <3475>, ye cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) be saved <4982> (5683).

manner ^ 44_ACT_01_11 Which <3739> also <2532> said <2036> (5627), Ye men <0435> of Galilee <1057>, why <5101> stand ye <2476> (5758) gazing up <1689> (5723) into <1519> heaven <3772>? this same <3778> Jesus <2424>, which <3588> is taken up <0353> (5685) from <0575> you <5216> into <1519> heaven <3772>, shall <2064> <0> so <3779> come <2064> (5695) in like {manner} as <3739> <5158> ye have seen <2300> (5662) him <0846> go <4198> (5740) into <1519> heaven <3772>.

manner ^ 44_ACT_10_12 Wherein <1722> <3739> were <5225> (5707) all {manner} <3956> of fourfooted beasts <5074> of the earth <1093>, and <2532> wild beasts <2342>, and <2532> creeping things <2062>, and <2532> fowls <4071> of the air <3772>.

manner ^ 48_GAL_02_14 But <0235> when <3753> I saw <1492> (5627) that <3754> they walked <3716> <0> not <3756> uprightly <3716> (5719) according to <4314> the truth <0225> of the gospel <2098>, I said <2036> (5627) unto Peter <4074> before <1715> them all <3956>, If <1487> thou <4771>, being <5225> (5723) a Jew <2453>, livest <2198> (5719) after the {manner} of Gentiles <1483>, and <2532> not <3756> as do the Jews <2452>, why <5101> compellest thou <0315> (5719) the Gentiles <1484> to live as do the Jews <2450> (5721)?

manner ^ 48_GAL_03_15 Brethren <0080>, I speak <3004> (5719) after the {manner} of <2596> men <0444>; Though it be but <3676> a man's <0444> covenant <1242>, yet if it be confirmed <2964> (5772), no man <3762> disannulleth <0114> (5719), or <2228> addeth thereto <1928> (5736).

manner ^ 58_HEB_10_25 Not <3361> forsaking <1459> (5723) the assembling <1997> <0> of ourselves <1438> together <1997>, as <2531> the {manner} <1485> of some <5100> is; but <0235> exhorting <3870> (5723) one another: and <2532> so much <5118> the more <3123>, as <3745> ye see <0991> (5719) the day <2250> approaching <1448> (5723).

manner ^ 59_JAM_01_24 For <1063> he beholdeth <2657> (5656) himself <1438>, and <2532> goeth his way <0565> (5754), and <2532> straightway <2112> forgetteth <1950> (5633) what {manner} of man <3697> he was <2258> (5713).

manner ^ 43_JOH_02_06 And <1161> there were <2258> (5713) set <2749> (5740) there <1563> six <1803> waterpots <5201> of stone <3035>, after <2596> the {manner} of the purifying <2512> of the Jews <2453>, containing <5562> (5723) two <1417> or <2228> three <5140> firkins <3355> apiece <0303>.

manner ^ 43_JOH_07_36 What <5101> {manner} of saying <3056> is <2076> (5748) this <3778> that <3739> he said <2036> (5627), Ye shall seek <2212> (5692) me <3165>, and <2532> shall <2147> <0> not <3756> find <2147> (5692) me: and <2532> where <3699> I <1473> am <1510> (5748), thither ye <5210> cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) come <2064> (5629)?

manner ^ 65_JDE_01_07 Even as <5613> Sodom <4670> and <2532> Gomorrha <1116>, and <2532> the cities <4172> about <4012> them <0846> in like <3664> <5125> {manner} <5158>, giving themselves over to fornication <1608> (5660), and <2532> going <0565> (5631) after <3694> strange <2087> flesh <4561>, are set forth for <4295> (5736) an example <1164>, suffering <5254> (5723) the vengeance <1349> of eternal <0166> fire <4442>.

manner ^ 43_JOH_19_40 Then <3767> took they <2983> (5627) the body <4983> of Jesus <2424>, and <2532> wound <1210> (5656) it <0846> in linen clothes <3608> with <3326> the spices <0759>, as <2531> the {manner} <1485> of the Jews <2453> is <2076> (5748) to bury <1779> (5721).

manner ^ 42_LUK_09_55 But <1161> he turned <4762> (5651), and rebuked <2008> (5656) them <0846>, and <2532> said <2036> (5627), Ye know <1492> (5758) not <3756> what {manner} <3634> of spirit <4151> ye <5210> are of <2075> (5748).

manner ^ 42_LUK_08_25 And <1161> he said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Where <4226> is <2076> (5748) your <5216> faith <4102>? And <1161> they being afraid <5399> (5679) wondered <2296> (5656), saying <3004> (5723) one to another <4314> <0240>, What {manner} of man <5101> <0686> is <2076> (5748) this <3778>! for <3754> he commandeth <2004> (5719) even <2532> the winds <0417> and <2532> water <5204>, and <2532> they obey <5219> (5719) him <0846>.

manner ^ 42_LUK_01_29 And <1161> when she saw <1492> (5631) him, she was troubled <1298> (5681) at <1909> his <0846> saying <3056>, and <2532> cast in her mind <1260> (5711) what {manner} <4217> of salutation <0783> this <3778> should be <1498> (5751).

manner ^ 42_LUK_01_66 And <2532> all <3956> they that heard <0191> (5660) them laid them up <5087> (5639) in <1722> their <0846> hearts <2588>, saying <3004> (5723), What <5101> {manner} <0686> of child <3813> shall <2071> <0> this <5124> be <2071> (5704)! And <2532> the hand <5495> of the Lord <2962> was <2258> (5713) with <3326> him <0846>.

manner ^ 42_LUK_06_23 Rejoice ye <5463> (5720) in <1722> that <1565> day <2250>, and <2532> leap for joy <4640> (5657): for <1063>, behold <2400> (5628), your <5216> reward <3408> is great <4183> in <1722> heaven <3772>: for <1063> in <2596> the like {manner} <5024> did <4160> (5707) their <0846> fathers <3962> unto the prophets <4396>.

manner ^ 42_LUK_07_39 Now <1161> when the Pharisee <5330> which <3588> had bidden <2564> (5660) him <0846> saw <1492> (5631) it, he spake <2036> (5627) within <1722> himself <1438>, saying <3004> (5723), This man <3778>, if <1487> he were <2258> (5713) a prophet <4396>, <0302> would have known <1097> (5707) who <5101> and <2532> what {manner} <4217> of woman <1135> this is that <3748> toucheth <0680> (5731) him <0846>: for <3754> she is <2076> (5748) a sinner <0268>.

manner ^ 42_LUK_11_42 But <0235> woe <3759> unto you <5213>, Pharisees <5330>! for <3754> ye tithe <0586> (5719) mint <2238> and <2532> rue <4076> and <2532> all {manner} <3956> of herbs <3001>, and <2532> pass over <3928> (5736) judgment <2920> and <2532> the love <0026> of God <2316>: these <5023> ought ye <1163> (5713) to have done <4160> (5658), and not <3361> to leave <0863> <0> the other <2548> undone <0863> (5721).

manner ^ 42_LUK_20_31 And <2532> the third <5154> took <2983> (5627) her <0846>; and <1161> in like {manner} <5615> the seven <2033> also <2532>: and they left <2641> (5627) no <3756> children <5043>, and <2532> died <0599> (5627).

manner ^ 42_LUK_24_17 And <1161> he said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> them <0846>, What <5101> {manner} of communications <3056> are these <3778> that <3739> ye have <0474> (5719) one to <4314> another <0240>, as ye walk <4043> (5723), and <2532> are <2075> (5748) sad <4659>?

manner ^ 40_MAT_10_01 And <2532> when he had called <4341> (5666) unto him his <0846> twelve <1427> disciples <3101>, he gave <1325> (5656) them <0846> power <1849> against unclean <0169> spirits <4151>, to <5620> cast <1544> <0> them <0846> out <1544> (5721), and <2532> to heal <2323> (5721) all manner <3956> of sickness <3554> and <2532> all {manner} <3956> of disease <3119>.

manner ^ 40_MAT_08_27 But <1161> the men <0444> marvelled <2296> (5656), saying <3004> (5723), What {manner} of man <4217> is <2076> (5748) this <3778>, that <3754> even <2532> the winds <0417> and <2532> the sea <2281> obey <5219> (5719) him <0846>!

manner ^ 40_MAT_10_01 And <2532> when he had called <4341> (5666) unto him his <0846> twelve <1427> disciples <3101>, he gave <1325> (5656) them <0846> power <1849> against unclean <0169> spirits <4151>, to <5620> cast <1544> <0> them <0846> out <1544> (5721), and <2532> to heal <2323> (5721) all {manner} <3956> of sickness <3554> and <2532> all manner <3956> of disease <3119>.

manner ^ 40_MAT_12_31 Wherefore <1223> <5124> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, All {manner} of <3956> sin <0266> and <2532> blasphemy <0988> shall be forgiven <0863> (5701) unto men <0444>: but <1161> the blasphemy <0988> against the Holy Ghost <4151> shall <0863> <0> not <3756> be forgiven <0863> (5701) unto men <0444>.

manner ^ 40_MAT_06_09 After this {manner} <3779> therefore <3767> pray <4336> (5737) ye <5210>: Our <2257> Father <3962> which <3588> art in <1722> heaven <3772>, Hallowed be <0037> (5682) thy <4675> name <3686>.

manner ^ 41_MAR_04_41 And <2532> they feared <5399> (5675) exceedingly <5401> <3173>, and <2532> said <3004> (5707) one <0240> <0> to <4314> another <0240>, What <5101> {manner} of man <0686> is <2076> (5748) this <3778>, that <3754> even <2532> the wind <0417> and <2532> the sea <2281> obey <5219> (5719) him <0846>?

manner ^ 41_MAR_13_01 And <2532> as he <0846> went <1607> (5740) out of <1537> the temple <2411>, one <1520> of his <0846> disciples <3101> saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Master <1320>, see <2396> what {manner} <4217> of stones <3037> and <2532> what <4217> buildings <3619> are here!

manner ^ 41_MAR_13_29 So <3779> ye <5210> in like {manner} <2532>, when <3752> ye shall see <1492> (5632) these things <5023> come to pass <1096> (5740), know <1097> (5720) that <3754> it is <2076> (5748) nigh <1451>, even at <1909> the doors <2374>.

manner ^ 40_MAT_04_23 And <2532> Jesus <2424> went about <4013> (5707) all <3650> Galilee <1056>, teaching <1321> (5723) in <1722> their <0846> synagogues <4864>, and <2532> preaching <2784> (5723) the gospel <2098> of the kingdom <0932>, and <2532> healing <2323> (5723) all <3956> manner of sickness <3554> and <2532> all <3956> {manner} of disease <3119> among <1722> the people <2992>.

manner ^ 40_MAT_04_23 And <2532> Jesus <2424> went about <4013> (5707) all <3650> Galilee <1056>, teaching <1321> (5723) in <1722> their <0846> synagogues <4864>, and <2532> preaching <2784> (5723) the gospel <2098> of the kingdom <0932>, and <2532> healing <2323> (5723) all <3956> {manner} of sickness <3554> and <2532> all <3956> manner of disease <3119> among <1722> the people <2992>.

manner ^ 40_MAT_05_11 Blessed <3107> are ye <2075> (5748), when <3752> men shall revile <3679> (5661) you <5209>, and <2532> persecute <1377> (5661) you, and <2532> shall say <2036> (5632) all {manner} <3956> of evil <4190> <4487> against <2596> you <5216> falsely <5574> (5730), for my sake <1752> <1700>.

manner ^ 45_ROM_07_08 But <1161> sin <0266>, taking <2983> (5631) occasion <0874> by <1223> the commandment <1785>, wrought <2716> (5662) in <1722> me <1698> all {manner} of <3956> concupiscence <1939>. For <1063> without <5565> the law <3551> sin <0266> was dead <3498>.

manner ^ 45_ROM_06_19 I speak <3004> (5719) after the {manner} of men <0442> because <1223> of the infirmity <0769> of your <5216> flesh <4561>: for <1063> as <5618> ye have yielded <3936> (5656) your <5216> members <3196> servants <1401> to uncleanness <0167> and <2532> to iniquity <0458> unto <1519> iniquity <0458>; even so <3779> now <3568> yield <3936> (5657) your <5216> members <3196> servants <1401> to righteousness <1343> unto <1519> holiness <0038>.

manner ^ 66_REV_18_12 The merchandise <1117> of gold <5557>, and <2532> silver <0696>, and <2532> precious <5093> stones <3037>, and <2532> of pearls <3135>, and <2532> fine linen <1040>, and <2532> purple <4209>, and <2532> silk <4596>, and <2532> scarlet <2847>, and <2532> all <3956> thyine <2367> wood <3586>, and <2532> all {manner} <3956> vessels <4632> of ivory <1661>, and <2532> all manner <3956> vessels <4632> of <1537> most precious <5093> wood <3586>, and <2532> of brass <5475>, and <2532> iron <4604>, and <2532> marble <3139>,

manner ^ 66_REV_21_19 And <2532> the foundations <2310> of the wall <5038> of the city <4172> were garnished with <2885> (5772) all {manner} of <3956> precious <5093> stones <3037>. The first <4413> foundation <2310> was jasper <2393>; the second <1208>, sapphire <4552>; the third <5154>, a chalcedony <5472>; the fourth <5067>, an emerald <4665>;

manner ^ 66_REV_11_05 And <2532> if any man <1536> <0846> will <2309> (5725) hurt <0091> (5658) them <0846>, fire <4442> proceedeth <1607> (5736) out of <1537> their <0846> mouth <4750>, and <2532> devoureth <2719> (5719) their <0846> enemies <2190>: and <2532> if any man <1536> will <2309> (5725) hurt <0091> (5658) them <0846>, he must <1163> (5748) in this {manner} <3779> be killed <0615> (5683).

manner ^ 66_REV_18_12 The merchandise <1117> of gold <5557>, and <2532> silver <0696>, and <2532> precious <5093> stones <3037>, and <2532> of pearls <3135>, and <2532> fine linen <1040>, and <2532> purple <4209>, and <2532> silk <4596>, and <2532> scarlet <2847>, and <2532> all <3956> thyine <2367> wood <3586>, and <2532> all manner <3956> vessels <4632> of ivory <1661>, and <2532> all {manner} <3956> vessels <4632> of <1537> most precious <5093> wood <3586>, and <2532> of brass <5475>, and <2532> iron <4604>, and <2532> marble <3139>,

manner ^ 66_REV_22_02 In <1722> the midst <3319> of the street <4113> of it <0846>, and <2532> on either <2532> side <1782> <1782> of the river <4215>, was there the tree <3586> of life <2222>, which bare <4160> (5723) twelve <1427> {manner} of fruits <2590>, and yielded <0591> (5723) her <0846> fruit <2590> every <2596> <1538> <1520> month <3376>: and <2532> the leaves <5444> of the tree <3586> were for <1519> the healing <2322> of the nations <1484>.

manners ^ 58_HEB_01_01 God <2316>, who at sundry times <4181> and <2532> in divers {manners} <4187> spake <2980> (5660) in time past <3819> unto the fathers <3962> by <1722> the prophets <4396>,

manners ^ 46_1CO_15_33 Be <4105> <0> not <3361> deceived <4105> (5744): evil <2556> communications <3657> corrupt <5351> (5719) good <5543> {manners} <2239>.

manners ^ 44_ACT_13_18 And <2532> about <5613> the time <5550> of forty years <5063> suffered he <5159> <0> their <0846> {manners} <5159> (5656) in <1722> the wilderness <2048>.

Nereus ^ 45_ROM_16_15 Salute <0782> (5663) Philologus <5378>, and <2532> Julia <2456>, {Nereus} <3517>, and <2532> his <0846> sister <0079>, and <2532> Olympas <3652>, and <2532> all <3956> the saints <0040> which are with <4862> them <0846>.

Neri ^ 42_LUK_03_27 Which was the son of Joanna <2490>, which was the son of Rhesa <4488>, which was the son of Zorobabel <2216>, which was the son of Salathiel <4528>, which was the son of {Neri} <3518>,

Nero ^ 55_2TI_04_22 The Lord <2962> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> be with <3326> thy <4675> spirit <4151>. Grace <5485> be with <3326> you <5216>. Amen <0281>. < epistle unto <4314> Timotheus <5095>, ordained <5500> (5685) the first <4413> bishop <1985> of the church <1577> of the Ephesians <2180>, was written <1125> (5648) from <0575> Rome <4516>, when <3753> Paul <3972> was brought before <3936> (5627) {Nero} <3505> <2541> the second <1537> <1208> time <2540>.>>

oftener ^ 44_ACT_24_26 He hoped <1679> (5723) also <0260> <1161> <2532> that <3754> money <5536> should have been given <1325> (5701) him <0846> of <5259> Paul <3972>, that <3704> he might loose <3089> (5661) him <0846>: wherefore <1352> he sent for <3343> (5740) him <0846> the {oftener} <4437>, and <2532> communed with <3656> (5707) him <0846>.

owner ^ 44_ACT_27_11 Nevertheless <1161> the centurion <1543> believed <3982> (5712) the master <2942> and <2532> the {owner} of the ship <3490>, more <3123> than <2228> those things which were spoken <3004> (5746) by <5259> Paul <3972>.

owners ^ 42_LUK_19_33 And <1161> as they <0846> were loosing <3089> (5723) the colt <4454>, the {owners} <2962> thereof <0846> said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> them <0846>, Why <5101> loose ye <3089> (5719) the colt <4454>?

partner ^ 57_PHM_01_17 If <1487> thou count <2192> (5719) me <1691> therefore <3767> a {partner} <2844>, receive <4355> (5640) him <0846> as <5613> myself <1691>.

partner ^ 47_2CO_08_23 Whether <1535> any do enquire of <5228> Titus <5103>, he is my <1699> {partner} <2844> and <2532> fellowhelper <4904> concerning <1519> you <5209>: or <1535> our <2257> brethren <0080> be enquired of, they are the messengers <0652> of the churches <1577>, and the glory <1391> of Christ <5547>.

partners ^ 42_LUK_05_07 And <2532> they beckoned <2656> (5656) unto their {partners} <3353>, which <3588> were in <1722> the other <2087> ship <4143>, that they should come <2064> (5631) and help <4815> (5641) them <0846>. And <2532> they came <2064> (5627), and <2532> filled <4130> (5656) both <0297> the ships <4143>, so <5620> that they <0846> began to sink <1036> (5745).

partners ^ 42_LUK_05_10 And <1161> so <3668> was also <2532> James <2385>, and <2532> John <2491>, the sons <5207> of Zebedee <2199>, which <3739> were <2258> (5713) {partners} <2844> with Simon <4613>. And <2532> Jesus <2424> said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> Simon <4613>, Fear <5399> (5737) not <3361>; from <0575> henceforth <3568> thou shalt <2071> (5704) catch <2221> (5723) men <0444>.

prisoner ^ 44_ACT_25_27 For <1063> it seemeth <1380> (5719) to me <3427> unreasonable <0249> to send <3992> (5723) a {prisoner} <1198>, and <2532> not withal <3361> to signify <4591> (5658) the crimes <0156> laid against <2596> him <0846>.

prisoner ^ 40_MAT_27_16 And <1161> they had <2192> (5707) then <5119> a notable <1978> {prisoner} <1198>, called <3004> (5746) Barabbas <0912>.

prisoner ^ 44_ACT_28_17 And <1161> it came to pass <1096> (5633), that after <3326> three <5140> days <2250> Paul <3972> called <4779> <0> the chief <4413> <5607> (5752) of the Jews <2453> together <4779> (5670): and <1161> when they <0846> were come together <4905> (5631), he said <3004> (5707) unto <4314> them <0846>, Men <0435> and brethren <0080>, though I <1473> have committed <4160> (5660) nothing <3762> against <1727> the people <2992>, or <2228> customs <1485> of our fathers <3971>, yet was I delivered <3860> (5681) {prisoner} <1198> from <1537> Jerusalem <2414> into <1519> the hands <5495> of the Romans <4514>.

prisoner ^ 49_EPH_03_01 For this <5127> cause <5484> I <1473> Paul <3972>, the {prisoner} <1198> of Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> for <5228> you <5216> Gentiles <1484>,

prisoner ^ 49_EPH_04_01 I <1473> therefore <3767>, the {prisoner} <1198> of <1722> the Lord <2962>, beseech <3870> (5719) you <5209> that ye walk <4043> (5658) worthy <0516> of the vocation <2821> wherewith <3739> ye are called <2564> (5681),

prisoner ^ 40_MAT_27_15 Now <1161> at <2596> that feast <1859> the governor <2232> was wont <1486> (5715) to release <0630> (5721) unto the people <3793> a <1520> {prisoner} <1198>, whom <3739> they would <2309> (5707).

prisoner ^ 57_PHM_01_01 Paul <3972>, a {prisoner} <1198> of Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>, and <2532> Timothy <5095> our brother <0080>, unto Philemon <5371> our <2257> dearly beloved <0027>, and <2532> fellowlabourer <4904>,

prisoner ^ 44_ACT_23_18 So <3767> <3303> he took <3880> (5631) him <0846>, and brought <0071> (5627) him to <4314> the chief captain <5506>, and <2532> said <5346> (5748), Paul <3972> the {prisoner} <1198> called <4341> (5666) me <3165> unto him, and prayed me <2065> (5656) to bring <0071> (5629) this <5126> young man <3494> unto <4314> thee <4571>, who hath <2192> (5723) something <5100> to say <2980> (5658) unto thee <4671>.

prisoner ^ 41_MAR_15_06 Now <1161> at <2596> that feast <1859> he released <0630> (5707) unto them <0846> one <1520> {prisoner} <1198>, whomsoever <3746> they desired <0154> (5710).

prisoner ^ 57_PHM_01_09 Yet for <1223> love's <0026> sake I <3870> <0> rather <3123> beseech <3870> (5719) thee, being <5607> (5752) such an one <5108> as <5613> Paul <3972> the aged <4246>, and <1161> now <3570> also <2532> a {prisoner} <1198> of Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>.

prisoner ^ 55_2TI_01_08 Be <1870> <0> not <3361> thou <1870> <0> therefore <3767> ashamed <1870> (5680) of the testimony <3142> of our <2257> Lord <2962>, nor <3366> of me <1691> his <0846> {prisoner} <1198>: but <0235> be thou partaker of the afflictions <4777> (5657) of the gospel <2098> according to <2596> the power <1411> of God <2316>;

prisoners ^ 44_ACT_28_16 And <1161> when <3753> we came <2064> (5627) to <1519> Rome <4516>, the centurion <1543> delivered <3860> (5656) the {prisoners} <1198> to the captain of the guard <4759>: but <1161> Paul <3972> was suffered <2010> (5681) to dwell <3306> (5721) by <2596> himself <1438> with <4862> a soldier <4757> that kept <5442> (5723) him <0846>.

prisoners ^ 44_ACT_16_25 And <1161> at <2596> midnight <3317> Paul <3972> and <2532> Silas <4609> prayed <4336> (5740), and sang praises <5214> (5707) unto God <2316>: and <1161> the {prisoners} <1198> heard <1874> (5711) them <0846>.

prisoners ^ 44_ACT_27_01 And <1161> when <5613> it was determined <2919> (5681) that we <2248> should sail <0636> (5721) into <1519> Italy <2482>, they delivered <3860> (5707) <5037> Paul <3972> and <2532> certain <5100> other <2087> {prisoners} <1202> unto one named <3686> Julius <2457>, a centurion <1543> of Augustus <4575> band <4686>.

prisoners ^ 44_ACT_27_42 And <1161> the soldiers <4757> counsel <1012> was <1096> (5633) to <2443> kill <0615> (5725) the {prisoners} <1202>, lest <3361> any of them <5100> should swim out <1579> (5660), and escape <1309> (5630).

prisoners ^ 44_ACT_16_27 And <1161> the keeper of the prison <1200> awaking <1096> (5637) out of his sleep <1853>, and <2532> seeing <1492> (5631) the prison <5438> doors <2374> open <0455> (5772), he drew out <4685> (5671) his sword <3162>, and would <3195> (5707) have killed <0337> (5721) himself <1438>, supposing <3543> (5723) that the {prisoners} <1198> had been fled <1628> (5755).

regeneration ^ 40_MAT_19_28 And <1161> Jesus <2424> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, That <3754> ye <5210> which <3588> have followed <0190> (5660) me <3427>, in <1722> the {regeneration} <3824> when <3752> the Son <5207> of man <0444> shall sit <2523> (5661) in <1909> the throne <2362> of his <0846> glory <1391>, ye <5210> also <2532> shall sit <2523> (5695) upon <1909> twelve <1427> thrones <2362>, judging <2919> (5723) the twelve <1427> tribes <5443> of Israel <2474>.

regeneration ^ 56_TIT_03_05 Not <3756> by <1537> works <2041> of <1722> righteousness <1343> which <3739> we <2249> have done <4160> (5656), but <0235> according to <2596> his <0846> mercy <1656> he saved <4982> (5656) us <2248>, by <1223> the washing <3067> of {regeneration} <3824>, and <2532> renewing <0342> of the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151>;

sinner ^ 60_1PE_04_18 And <2532> if <1487> the righteous <1342> scarcely <3433> be saved <4982> (5743), where <4226> shall <5316> <0> the ungodly <0765> and <2532> the {sinner} <0268> appear <5316> (5695)?

sinner ^ 43_JOH_09_25 <3767> He <1565> answered <0611> (5662) and <2532> said <2036> (5627), Whether <1487> he be <2076> (5748) a {sinner} <0268> or no, I know <1492> (5758) not <3756>: one thing <1520> I know <1492> (5758), that <3754>, whereas I was <5607> (5752) blind <5185>, now <0737> I see <0991> (5719).

sinner ^ 43_JOH_09_24 Then <3767> again <1208> <1537> called they <5455> (5656) the man <0444> that <3739> was <2258> (5713) blind <5185>, and <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Give <1325> (5628) God <2316> the praise <1391>: we <2249> know <1492> (5758) that <3754> this <3778> man <0444> is <2076> (5748) a {sinner} <0268>.

sinner ^ 43_JOH_09_16 Therefore <3767> said <3004> (5707) some <5100> of <1537> the Pharisees <5330>, This <3778> man <0444> is <2076> (5748) not <3756> of <3844> God <2316>, because <3754> he keepeth <5083> (5719) not <3756> the sabbath day <4521>. Others <0243> said <3004> (5707), How <4459> can <1410> (5736) a man <0444> that is a {sinner} <0268> do <4160> (5721) such <5108> miracles <4592>? And <2532> there was <2258> (5713) a division <4978> among <1722> them <0846>.

sinner ^ 59_JAM_05_20 Let <1097> <0> him <0846> know <1097> (5720), that <3754> he which converteth <1994> (5660) the {sinner} <0268> from <1537> the error <4106> of his <0846> way <3598> shall save <4982> (5692) a soul <5590> from <1537> death <2288>, and <2532> shall hide <2572> (5692) a multitude <4128> of sins <0266>.

sinner ^ 42_LUK_07_37 And <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), a woman <1135> in <1722> the city <4172>, which <3748> was <2258> (5713) a {sinner} <0268>, when she knew <1921> (5631) that <3754> Jesus sat at meat <0345> (5736) in <1722> the Pharisee's <5330> house <3614>, brought <2865> (5660) an alabaster box <0211> of ointment <3464>,

sinner ^ 42_LUK_07_39 Now <1161> when the Pharisee <5330> which <3588> had bidden <2564> (5660) him <0846> saw <1492> (5631) it, he spake <2036> (5627) within <1722> himself <1438>, saying <3004> (5723), This man <3778>, if <1487> he were <2258> (5713) a prophet <4396>, <0302> would have known <1097> (5707) who <5101> and <2532> what manner <4217> of woman <1135> this is that <3748> toucheth <0680> (5731) him <0846>: for <3754> she is <2076> (5748) a {sinner} <0268>.

sinner ^ 42_LUK_18_13 And <2532> the publican <5057>, standing <2476> (5761) afar off <3113>, would <2309> (5707) not <3756> lift up <1869> (5658) so much as <3761> his eyes <3788> unto <1519> heaven <3772>, but <0235> smote <5180> (5707) upon <1519> his <0846> breast <4738>, saying <3004> (5723), God <2316> be merciful <2433> (5682) to me <3427> a {sinner} <0268>.

sinner ^ 42_LUK_19_07 And <2532> when they saw <1492> (5631) it, they <1234> <0> all <0537> murmured <1234> (5707), saying <3004> (5723), That <3754> he was gone <1525> (5627) to be guest <2647> (5658) with <3844> a man <0435> that is a {sinner} <0268>.

sinner ^ 42_LUK_15_07 I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, that <3754> likewise <3779> joy <5479> shall be <2071> (5704) in <1722> heaven <3772> over <1909> one <1520> {sinner} <0268> that repenteth <3340> (5723), more than <2228> over <1909> ninety and nine <1768> just persons <1342>, which <3748> need <2192> (5719) <5532> no <3756> repentance <3341>.

sinner ^ 42_LUK_15_10 Likewise <3779>, I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, there is <1096> (5736) joy <5479> in the presence <1799> of the angels <0032> of God <2316> over <1909> one <1520> {sinner} <0268> that repenteth <3340> (5723).

sinner ^ 45_ROM_03_07 For <1063> if <1487> the truth <0225> of God <2316> hath more abounded <4052> (5656) through <1722> my <1699> lie <5582> unto <1519> his <0846> glory <1391>; why <5101> yet <2089> am <2919> <0> I also <2504> judged <2919> (5743) as <5613> a {sinner} <0268>?

sinners ^ 43_JOH_09_31 Now <1161> we know <1492> (5758) that <3754> God <2316> heareth <0191> (5719) not <3756> {sinners} <0268>: but <0235> if <1437> any man <5100> be <5600> (5753) a worshipper of God <2318>, and <2532> doeth <4160> (5725) his <0846> will <2307>, him <5127> he heareth <0191> (5719).

sinners ^ 42_LUK_05_32 I came <2064> (5754) not <3756> to call <2564> (5658) the righteous <1342>, but <0235> {sinners} <0268> to <1519> repentance <3341>.

sinners ^ 45_ROM_05_08 But <1161> God <2316> commendeth <4921> (5719) his <1438> love <0026> toward <1519> us <2248>, in that <3754>, while we <2257> were <5607> (5752) yet <2089> {sinners} <0268>, Christ <5547> died <0599> (5627) for <5228> us <2257>.

sinners ^ 48_GAL_02_15 We <2249> who are Jews <2453> by nature <5449>, and <2532> not <3756> {sinners} <0268> of <1537> the Gentiles <1484>,

sinners ^ 58_HEB_12_03 For <1063> consider <0357> (5663) him that endured <5278> (5761) such <5108> contradiction <0485> of <5259> {sinners} <0268> against <1519> himself <0846>, lest <3363> ye be wearied <2577> (5632) and faint <1590> (5746) in your <5216> minds <5590>.

sinners ^ 42_LUK_06_32 For <2532> if <1487> ye love <0025> (5719) them which love <0025> (5723) you <5209>, what <4169> thank <5485> have <2076> (5748) ye <5213>? for <1063> {sinners} <0268> also <2532> love <0025> (5723) those that love <0025> (5719) them <0846>.

sinners ^ 42_LUK_07_34 The Son <5207> of man <0444> is come <2064> (5754) eating <2068> (5723) and <2532> drinking <4095> (5723); and <2532> ye say <3004> (5719), Behold <2400> (5628) a gluttonous <5314> man <0444>, and <2532> a winebibber <3630>, a friend <5384> of publicans <5057> and <2532> {sinners} <0268>!

sinners ^ 54_1TI_01_15 This is a faithful <4103> saying <3056>, and <2532> worthy <0514> of all <3956> acceptation <0594>, that <3754> Christ <5547> Jesus <2424> came <2064> (5627) into <1519> the world <2889> to save <4982> (5658) {sinners} <0268>; of whom <3739> I <1473> am <1510> (5748) chief <4413>.

sinners ^ 58_HEB_07_26 For <1063> such <5108> an high priest <0749> became <4241> (5707) us <2254>, who is holy <3741>, harmless <0172>, undefiled <0283>, separate <5563> (5772) from <0575> {sinners} <0268>, and <2532> made <1096> (5637) higher than <5308> the heavens <3772>;

sinners ^ 59_JAM_04_08 Draw nigh <1448> (5657) to God <2316>, and <2532> he will draw nigh <1448> (5692) to you <5213>. Cleanse <2511> (5657) your hands <5495>, ye {sinners} <0268>; and <2532> purify <0048> (5657) your hearts <2588>, ye double minded <1374>.

sinners ^ 42_LUK_13_02 And <2532> Jesus <2424> answering <0611> (5679) said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Suppose ye <1380> (5719) that <3754> these <3778> Galilaeans <1057> were <1096> (5633) {sinners} <0268> above <3844> all <3956> the Galilaeans <1057>, because <3754> they suffered <3958> (5754) such things <5108>?

sinners ^ 41_MAR_02_17 When <2532> Jesus <2424> heard <0191> (5660) it, he saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, They that are whole <2480> (5723) have <2192> (5719) no <3756> need <5532> of the physician <2395>, but <0235> they that are <2192> (5723) sick <2560>: I came <2064> (5627) not <3756> to call <2564> (5658) the righteous <1342>, but <0235> {sinners} <0268> to <1519> repentance <3341>.

sinners ^ 42_LUK_13_04 Or <2228> those <1565> eighteen <1176> <2532> <3638>, upon <1909> whom <3739> the tower <4444> in <1722> Siloam <4611> fell <4098> (5627), and <2532> slew <0615> (5656) them <0846>, think ye <1380> (5719) that <3754> they <3778> were <1096> (5633) {sinners} <3781> above <3844> all <3956> men <0444> that dwelt <2730> (5723) in <1722> Jerusalem <2419>?

sinners ^ 41_MAR_02_16 And <2532> when the scribes <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330> saw <1492> (5631) him <0846> eat <2068> (5723) with <3326> publicans <5057> and <2532> {sinners} <0268>, they said <3004> (5707) unto his <0846> disciples <3101>, How <5101> is it that <3754> he eateth <2068> (5719) and <2532> drinketh <4095> (5719) with <3326> publicans <5057> and <2532> sinners <0268>?

sinners ^ 48_GAL_02_17 But <1161> if <1487>, while we seek <2212> (5723) to be justified <1344> (5683) by <1722> Christ <5547>, we <2147> <0> ourselves <0846> also <2532> are found <2147> (5681) {sinners} <0268>, is therefore <0687> Christ <5547> the minister <1249> of sin <0266>? God forbid <3361> <1096> (5636).

sinners ^ 65_JDE_01_15 To execute <4160> (5658) judgment <2920> upon <2596> all <3956>, and <2532> to convince <1827> (5658) all <3956> that are ungodly <0765> among them <0846> of <4012> all <3956> their <0846> ungodly <0763> deeds <2041> which <3739> they have ungodly committed <0764> (5656), and <2532> of <4012> all <3956> their hard <4642> speeches which <3739> ungodly <0765> {sinners} <0268> have spoken <2980> (5656) against <2596> him <0846>.

sinners ^ 42_LUK_05_30 But <2532> their <0846> scribes <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330> murmured <1111> (5707) against <4314> his <0846> disciples <3101>, saying <3004> (5723), Why <1302> do ye eat <2068> (5719) and <2532> drink <4095> (5719) with <3326> publicans <5057> and <2532> {sinners} <0268>?

sinners ^ 41_MAR_02_15 And <2532> it came to pass <1096> (5633), that <1722>, as Jesus <0846> sat at meat <2621> (5738) in <1722> his <0846> house <3614>, many <4183> publicans <5057> and <2532> {sinners} <0268> sat <4873> <0> also <2532> together with <4873> (5711) Jesus <2424> and <2532> his <0846> disciples <3101>: for <1063> there were <2258> (5713) many <4183>, and <2532> they followed <0190> (5656) him <0846>.

sinners ^ 41_MAR_02_16 And <2532> when the scribes <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330> saw <1492> (5631) him <0846> eat <2068> (5723) with <3326> publicans <5057> and <2532> sinners <0268>, they said <3004> (5707) unto his <0846> disciples <3101>, How <5101> is it that <3754> he eateth <2068> (5719) and <2532> drinketh <4095> (5719) with <3326> publicans <5057> and <2532> {sinners} <0268>?

sinners ^ 40_MAT_09_10 And <2532> it came to pass <1096> (5633), as Jesus <2424> sat at meat <0345> (5740) in <1722> the house <3614>, <2532> behold <2400> (5628), many <4183> publicans <5057> and <2532> {sinners} <0268> came <2064> (5631) and sat down <4873> (5711) with him <0846> and <2532> his <0846> disciples <3101>.

sinners ^ 40_MAT_09_11 And <2532> when the Pharisees <5330> saw <1492> (5631) it, they said <2036> (5627) unto his <0846> disciples <3101>, Why <1302> eateth <2068> (5719) your <5216> Master <1320> with <3326> publicans <5057> and <2532> {sinners} <0268>?

sinners ^ 40_MAT_26_45 Then <5119> cometh he <2064> (5736) to <4314> his <0846> disciples <3101>, and <2532> saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, Sleep on <2518> (5719) now <3063>, and <2532> take your rest <0373> (5731) (5732): behold <2400> (5628), the hour <5610> is at hand <1448> (5758), and <2532> the Son <5207> of man <0444> is betrayed <3860> (5743) into <1519> the hands <5495> of {sinners} <0268>.

sinners ^ 45_ROM_05_19 For <1063> as <5618> by <1223> one <1520> man's <0444> disobedience <3876> many <4183> were made <2525> (5681) {sinners} <0268>, so <3779> <2532> by <1223> the obedience <5218> of one <1520> shall <2525> <0> many <4183> be made <2525> (5701) righteous <1342>.

sinners ^ 42_LUK_06_33 And <2532> if <1437> ye do good <0015> (5725) to them which do good <0015> (5723) to you <5209>, what <4169> thank <5485> have <2076> (5748) ye <5213>? for <1063> {sinners} <0268> also do <4160> (5719) even <2532> the same <0846>.

sinners ^ 42_LUK_15_01 Then <1161> drew near <2258> (5713) <1448> (5723) unto him <0846> all <3956> the publicans <5057> and <2532> {sinners} <0268> for to hear <0191> (5721) him <0846>.

sinners ^ 42_LUK_15_02 And <2532> the Pharisees <5330> and <2532> scribes <1122> murmured <1234> (5707), saying <3004> (5723), This man <3754> <3778> receiveth <4327> (5736) {sinners} <0268>, and <2532> eateth <4906> (5719) with them <0846>.

sinners ^ 42_LUK_06_34 And <2532> if <1437> ye lend <1155> (5725) to them of <3844> whom <3739> ye hope <1679> (5719) (5625) <1679> (5725) to receive <0618> (5629), what <4169> thank <5485> have <2076> (5748) ye <5213>? for <1063> sinners <0268> also <2532> lend <1155> (5719) to {sinners} <0268>, to <2443> receive <0618> <0> as much <2470> again <0618> (5632).

sinners ^ 41_MAR_14_41 And <2532> he cometh <2064> (5736) the third time <5154>, and <2532> saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, Sleep on <2518> (5719) now <3063>, and <2532> take your rest <0373> (5731) (5732): it is enough <0566> (5719), the hour <5610> is come <2064> (5627); behold <2400> (5628), the Son <5207> of man <0444> is betrayed <3860> (5743) into <1519> the hands <5495> of {sinners} <0268>.

sinners ^ 40_MAT_09_13 But <1161> go ye <4198> (5679) and learn <3129> (5628) what <5101> that meaneth <2076> (5748), I will <2309> (5719) have mercy <1656>, and <2532> not <3756> sacrifice <2378>: for <1063> I am <2064> <0> not <3756> come <2064> (5627) to call <2564> (5658) the righteous <1342>, but <0235> {sinners} <0268> to <1519> repentance <3341>.

sinners ^ 40_MAT_11_19 The Son <5207> of man <0444> came <2064> (5627) eating <2068> (5723) and <2532> drinking <4095> (5723), and <2532> they say <3004> (5719), Behold <2400> (5628) a man <0444> gluttonous <5314>, and <2532> a winebibber <3630>, a friend <5384> of publicans <5057> and <2532> {sinners} <0268>. But <2532> wisdom <4678> is justified <1344> (5681) of <0575> her <0846> children <5043>.

sinners ^ 54_1TI_01_09 Knowing <1492> (5761) this <5124>, that <3754> the law <3551> is <2749> <0> not <3756> made <2749> (5736) for a righteous man <1342>, but <1161> for the lawless <0459> and <2532> disobedient <0506>, for the ungodly <0765> and <2532> for {sinners} <0268>, for unholy <0462> and <2532> profane <0952>, for murderers of fathers <3964> and <2532> murderers of mothers <3389>, for manslayers <0409>,

sinners ^ 42_LUK_06_34 And <2532> if <1437> ye lend <1155> (5725) to them of <3844> whom <3739> ye hope <1679> (5719) (5625) <1679> (5725) to receive <0618> (5629), what <4169> thank <5485> have <2076> (5748) ye <5213>? for <1063> {sinners} <0268> also <2532> lend <1155> (5719) to sinners <0268>, to <2443> receive <0618> <0> as much <2470> again <0618> (5632).

sooner ^ 58_HEB_13_19 But <1161> I beseech <3870> (5719) you the rather <4056> to do <4160> (5658) this <5124>, that <2443> I may be restored <0600> (5686) to you <5213> the {sooner} <5032>.

sooner ^ 59_JAM_01_11 For <1063> the sun <2246> is no {sooner} risen <0393> (5656) with <4862> a burning heat <2742>, but <2532> it withereth <3583> (5656) the grass <5528>, and <2532> the flower <0438> thereof <0846> falleth <1601> (5627), and <2532> the grace <2143> of the fashion <4383> of it <0846> perisheth <0622> (5639): so <3779> also <2532> shall <3133> <0> the rich man <4145> fade away <3133> (5701) in <1722> his <0846> ways <4197>.

tanner ^ 44_ACT_10_32 Send <3992> (5657) therefore <3767> to <1519> Joppa <2445>, and <2532> call hither <3333> (5669) Simon <4613>, whose <3739> surname is <1941> (5743) Peter <4074>; he <3778> is lodged <3579> (5743) in <1722> the house <3614> of one Simon <4613> a {tanner} <1038> by <3844> the sea side <2281>: who <3739>, when he cometh <3854> (5637), shall speak <2980> (5692) unto thee <4671>.

tanner ^ 44_ACT_09_43 And <1161> it came to pass <1096> (5633), that he <0846> tarried <3306> (5658) many <2425> days <2250> in <1722> Joppa <2445> with <3844> one <5100> Simon <4613> a {tanner} <1038>.

tanner ^ 44_ACT_10_06 He <3778> lodgeth <3579> (5743) with <3844> one <5100> Simon <4613> a {tanner} <1038>, whose <3739> house <3614> is <2076> (5748) by <3844> the sea side <2281>: he <3778> shall tell <2980> (5692) thee <4671> what <5101> thou <4571> oughtest <1163> (5748) to do <4160> (5721).