Anethothite 6069 -- \Anthothiy -- of Anathoth, {Anethothite},
Anetothite, Antothite.

Anetothite 6069 -- \Anthothiy -- of Anathoth, Anethothite,
{Anetothite}, Antothite.

bonnet 4021 -- migba\ah -- {bonnet}.

bonnet 6287 -- p@/er -- beauty, {bonnet}, goodly, ornament, tire.

burneth 4348 -- mikvah -- that {burneth}, burning.

cornet 4517 -- m@na\na\ -- {cornet}.

cornet 7162 qeren -- -- horn, {cornet}.

cornet 7782 showphar -- -- {cornet}, trumpet.

Epenetus 1866 ** Epainetos ** {Epenetus}.

Ginnetho 1599 -- Ginn@thown -- {Ginnetho}, Ginnethon.

Ginnethon 1599 -- Ginn@thown -- Ginnetho, {Ginnethon}.

hornet 6880 -- tsir\ah -- {hornet}.

meaneth 2076 ** esti ** are, be(-long), call, X can[-not], come,
consisteth, X durefor a while, + follow, X have, (that) is (to
say), make, {meaneth}, X mustneeds, + profit, + remaineth, +

mourneth 4553 -- micepd -- lamentation, one {mourneth}, mourning,

net 2764 -- cherem -- (ac-)curse(-d, -d thing), dedicated thing,
things which shouldhave been utterly destroyed, (appointed to)
utter destruction, devoted(thing), {net}.

net 4364 -- makmar -- {net}.

net 4365 -- mikmereth -- drag, {net}.

net 4685 -- matsowd -- bulwark, hold, munition, {net}, snare.

net 4686 -- matsuwd -- castle, defense, fort(-ress), (strong)
hold, be hunted, {net},snare, strong place.

net 7568 resheth -- -- {net}[-work].

net 7638 sabak -- -- {net}.

net 0293 ** amphiblestron ** {net}.

net 1350 ** diktuon ** {net}.

net 4522 ** sagene ** {net}.

network 4639 -- ma\aseh -- act, art, + bakemeat, business, deed,
do(-ing), labor,thing made, ware of making, occupation, thing
offered, operation,possession, X well, ([handy-, needle-, {net-
])work}(ing, -manship),wrought.

Nethaneel 5417 -- N@thane/l -- {Nethaneel}.

Nethaniah 5418 -- N@thanyah -- {Nethaniah}.

nether 8481 -- tachtown -- lower(-est), {nether}(-most).

nether 8482 -- tachtiy -- low (parts, -er, -er parts, -est),
{nether} (part).

Nethinims 5411 -- Nathiyn -- {Nethinims}.

Nethinims 5412 -- N@thiyn -- {Nethinims}.

Netophah 5199 -- N@tophah -- {Netophah}.

Netophathite 5200 -- N@tophathiy -- {Netophathite}.

nettle 2738 -- charuwl -- {nettle}.

nettle 7057 qimmowsh -- -- {nettle}.

network 2355 -- chowr -- {network}.

network 7639 s@bakah -- -- checker, lattice, {network}, snare,

ninety 8673 -- tish\iym -- {ninety}.

ninety 1768 ** ennenekontaennea ** {ninety} and nine.

openeth 6363 -- peter -- firstling, {openeth}, such as open.

peneth 4745 -- miqreh -- something befallen, befalleth, chance,

pertaineth 3627 -- k@liy -- armour ([-bearer]), artillery, bag,
carriage, + furnish,furniture, instrument, jewel, that is made
of, X one from another, thatwhich {pertaineth}, pot, + psaltery,
sack, stuff, thing, tool, vessel,ware, weapon, + whatsoever

planet 4208 -- mazzalah -- {planet}.

remaineth 3117 -- yowm -- age, + always, + chronicals,
continually(-ance), daily,([birth-], each, to) day, (now a, two)
days (agone), + elder, X end, + evening, + (for) ever(-lasting, -
- more), X full, life, as (so) long as(live), (even) now, + old,
+ outlived, + perpetually, presently, +{remaineth}, X required,
season, X since, space, then, (process of) time, +as at other
times, + in trouble, weather, (as) when, (a, the, within a)while
(that), X whole (+ age), (full) year(-ly), + younger.

remaineth 2076 ** esti ** are, be(-long), call, X can[-not],
come, consisteth, Xdure for a while, + follow, X have, (that) is
(to say), make, meaneth, Xmust needs, + profit, + {remaineth}, +

remaineth 3063 ** loipon ** besides, finally, furthermore,
(from) henceforth,moreover, now, + it {remaineth}, then.

runneth 7310 r@vayah -- -- {runneth} over, wealthy.

signet 2368 -- chowtham -- seal, {signet}.

signet 2858 -- chothemeth -- {signet}.

signet 5824 -- \izqa/ -- {signet}.
