Anethothite 6069 ## {an-ne-tho-thee'}; patrial from 6068; a Antothite or inhabitant
of Anathoth: -- of Anathoth, {Anethothite}, Anetothite,

Anetothite 6069 ## {an-ne-tho-thee'}; patrial from 6068; a Antothite or inhabitant
of Anathoth: -- of Anathoth, Anethothite, {Anetothite},

bonnet 4021 ## migba cap (as hemispherical): -- {bonnet}.[ql

bonnet 6287 ## p@>er {peh-ayr'}; from 6286; an embellishment, i.
e. fancy head-dress: -- beauty, {bonnet}, goodly, ornament, tire.

burneth 4348 ## mikvah {mik-vaw'}; from 3554; a burn: -- that
{burneth}, burning.[ql

cornet 4517 ## m@na called from its rattling sound): -- {cornet}.[ql

cornet 7162 ## qeren (Aramaic) {keh'-ren}; corresponding to 7161;
a horn (literally or for sound): -- horn, {cornet}.[ql

cornet 7782 ## showphar {sho-far'}; or shophar {sho-far'}; from
8231 in the original sense of incising; a cornet (as giving a
clear sound) or curved horn: -- {cornet}, trumpet.[ql

Epenetus 1866 # Epainetos {ep-a'-hee-net-os}; from 1867; praised;
Epaenetus, a Christian: -- {Epenetus}.[ql

Ginnetho 1599 ## Ginn@thown {ghin-neth-one}; or Ginn@thow {ghin-
neth-o'}; from 1598; gardener; Ginnethon or Ginnetho, an
Israelite: -- {Ginnetho}, Ginnethon. [ql

Ginnethon 1599 ## Ginn@thown {ghin-neth-one}; or Ginn@thow {ghin-
neth-o'}; from 1598; gardener; Ginnethon or Ginnetho, an
Israelite: -- Ginnetho, {Ginnethon}. [ql

hornet 6880 ## tsir stinging): -- {hornet}.[ql

meaneth 2076 # esti {es-tee'}; third person singular present
indicative of 1510; he (she or it) is; also (with neuter plural)
they are: -- are, be(-long), call, X can[-not], come, consisteth,
X dure for a while, + follow, X have, (that) is (to say), make,
{meaneth}, X must needs, + profit, + remaineth, + wrestle.[ql

mourneth 4553 ## micepd {mis-pade'}; from 5594; a lamentation: --
lamentation, one {mourneth}, mourning, wailing.[ql

net 2764 ## cherem {khay'-rem}; or (Zecheriah 14:11) cherem
{kheh'-rem}; from 2763; physical (as shutting in) a net (either
literally or figuratively); usually a doomed object; abstr.
extermination: -- (ac-)curse(-d, -d thing), dedicated thing,
things which should have been utterly destroyed, (appointed to)
utter destruction, devoted (thing), {net}. [ql

net 4364 ## makmar {mak-mawr'}; or mikmor {mik-more'}; from 3648
in the sense of blackening by heat; a (hunter's) net (as dark
from concealment): -- {net}.[ql

net 4365 ## mikmereth {mik-meh'-reth}; or mikmoreth {mik-mo'-
reth}; feminine of 4364; a (fisher's) net: -- drag, {net}.[ql

net 4685 ## matsowd {maw-tsode'}; or (feminine) m@tsowdah {mets-
o-daw'}; or m@tsodah {mets-o-daw'}; from 6679; a net (for
capturing animals or fishes): -also (by interchange for 4679) a
fastness or (beseiging) tower: -- bulwark, hold, munition, {net},

net 4686 ## matsuwd {maw-tsood'}; or (feminine) m@tsuwdah {mets-
oo-daw'}; or m@tsudah {mets-oo-daw'}; for 4685; a net, or
(abstractly) capture; also a fastness; -- castle, defense, fort(-
ress), (strong) hold, be hunted, {net}, snare, strong place.[ql

net 7568 ## resheth {reh'-sheth}; from 3423; a net (as catching
animals): -- {net}[-work].[ql

net 7638 ## sabak {saw-bawk'}; from an unused root meaning to
intwine; a netting (ornament to the capital of a column): --

net 0293 # amphiblestron {am-fib'-lace-tron}; from a compound of
the base of 297 and 906; a (fishing) net (as thrown about the
fish): -- {net}.[ql

net 1350 # diktuon {dik'-too-on}; probably from a primary verb
diko (to cast); a seine (for fishing): -- {net}.[ql

net 4522 # sagene {sag-ay'-nay}; from a derivative of satto (to
equip) meaning furniture, especially a pack-saddle (which in the
East is merely a bag of netted rope); a "seine" for fishing: --

net-])work 4639 ## ma (good or bad); generally, a transaction; abstractly, activity;
by implication, a product (specifically, a poem) or (generally)
property: -- act, art, + bakemeat, business, deed, do(-ing),
labor, thing made, ware of making, occupation, thing offered,
operation, possession, X well, ([handy-, needle-, {net-
])work}(ing, -manship), wrought.[ql

Nethaneel 5417 ## N@thane>l {neth-an-ale'}; from 5414 and 410;
given of God; Nethanel, the name of ten Israelites: --

Nethaniah 5418 ## N@thanyah {neth-an-yaw'}; or N@thanyahuw {neth-
an-yaw'-hoo}; from 5414 and 3050; given of Jah; Nethanjah, the
name of four Israelites: -- {Nethaniah}.[ql

nether 8481 ## tachtown {takh-tone'}; or tachton {takh-tone'};
from 8478; bottommost: -- lower(-est), {nether}(-most).[ql

nether 8482 ## tachtiy {takh-tee'}; from 8478; lowermost; as
noun (feminine plural) the depths (figuratively, a pit, the
womb): -- low (parts, -er, -er parts, -est), {nether} (part).[ql

Nethinims 5411 ## Nathiyn {naw-theen'}; or Nathuwn (Ezra 8:17)
{naw-thoon'} (the proper form as passive participle), from 5414;
one given, i.e. (in the plural only) the Nethinim, or Temple-
servants (as given to that duty): -- {Nethinims}.[ql

Nethinims 5412 ## N@thiyn (Aramaic) {netheen'}; corresponding to
5411: -- {Nethinims}.[ql

Netophah 5199 ## N@tophah {net-o-faw'}; from 5197; distillation;
Netophah, a place in Palestine: -- {Netophah}.[ql

Netophathite 5200 ## N@tophathiy {net-o-faw-thee'}; patronymic
from 5199; a Netophathite, or inhabitant of Netophah: --

nettle 2738 ## charuwl {khaw-rool'}; or (shortened) charul {khaw-
rool'}; apparently, a passive participle of an unused root
probably meaning to be prickly; properly, pointed, i.e. a
bramble or other thorny weed: -- {nettle}. [ql

nettle 7057 ## qimmowsh {kim-moshe'}; or qiymowsh {kee-moshe'};
from an unused root meaning to sting; a prickly plant: --
{nettle}. Compare 7063.[ql

network 2355 ## chowr {khore}; the same as 2353; white linen: --
{network}. Compare 2715. [ql

network 7639 ## s@bakah {seb-aw-kaw'}; feminine of 7638; a net-
work, i.e (in hunting) a snare, (in architecture) a ballustrade;
also a reticulated ornament to a pillar: -- checker, lattice,
{network}, snare, wreath(-enwork).[ql

ninety 8673 ## tish -- {ninety}.[ql

ninety 1768 # ennenekontaennea {en-nen-ay-kon-tah-en-neh'-ah};
from a (tenth) multiple of 1767 and 1767 itself; ninety-nine: --
{ninety} and nine.[ql

openeth 6363 ## peter {peh'-ter}; or pitrah {pit-raw'}; from
6362; a fissure, i.e. (concretely) firstling (as opening the
matrix): -- firstling, {openeth}, such as open.[ql

peneth 4745 ## miqreh {mik-reh'}; from 7136; something met with,
i.e. an accident or fortune: -- something befallen, befalleth,
chance, event, hap({-peneth}).[ql

pertaineth 3627 ## k@liy {kel-ee'}; from 3615; something
prepared, i.e . any apparatus (as an implement, utensil, dress,
vessel or weapon): -- armour ([-bearer]), artillery, bag,
carriage, + furnish, furniture, instrument, jewel, that is made
of, X one from another, that which {pertaineth}, pot, + psaltery,
sack, stuff, thing, tool, vessel, ware, weapon, + whatsoever [ql

planet 4208 ## mazzalah {maz-zaw-law'}; apparently from 5140 in
the sense of raining; a constellation, i.e. Zodiacal sign
(perhaps as affecting the weather): -- {planet}. Compare 4216.[ql

remaineth 3117 ## yowm {yome}; from an unused root meaning to be
hot; a day (as the warm hours), whether literal (from sunrise to
sunset, or from one sunset to the next), or figurative (a space
of time defined by an associated term), [often used adverb]: --
age, + always, + chronicals, continually(-ance), daily, ([birth-
], each, to) day, (now a, two) days (agone), + elder, X end, +
evening, + (for) ever(-lasting, -- more), X full, life, as (so)
long as (. . live), (even) now, + old, + outlived, + perpetually,
presently, + {remaineth}, X required, season, X since, space,
then, (process of) time, + as at other times, + in trouble,
weather, (as) when, (a, the, within a) while (that), X whole (+
age), (full) year(-ly), + younger. [ql

remaineth 2076 # esti {es-tee'}; third person singular present
indicative of 1510; he (she or it) is; also (with neuter plural)
they are: -- are, be(-long), call, X can[-not], come, consisteth,
X dure for a while, + follow, X have, (that) is (to say), make,
meaneth, X must needs, + profit, + {remaineth}, + wrestle.[ql

remaineth 3063 # loipon {loy-pon'}; neuter singular of the same
as 3062; something remaining (adverbially): -- besides, finally,
furthermore, (from) henceforth, moreover, now, + it {remaineth},

runneth 7310 ## r@vayah {rev-aw-yaw'}; from 7301; satisfaction: -
- {runneth} over, wealthy.[ql

signet 2368 ## chowtham {kho-thawm'}; or chotham {kho-thawm'};
from 2856; a signature-ring: -- seal, {signet}. [ql

signet 2858 ## chothemeth {kho-the-meth}; feminine active
participle of 2856; a seal: -- {signet}. [ql

signet 5824 ## (Aramaic) {iz-kaw'}; from a root
corresponding to 5823; a signet-ring (as engraved): -- {signet}.
