Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
next ^ 44_ACT_04_03 And <2532> they laid <1911> (5627) hands <5495> on them <0846>, and <2532> put <5087> (5639) them in <1519> hold <5084> unto <1519> the {next} day <0839>: for <1063> it was <2258> (5713) now <2235> eventide <2073>.

next ^ 44_ACT_07_26 And <5037> the {next} <1966> (5752) day <2250> he shewed himself <3700> (5681) unto them <0846> as they strove <3164> (5736), and <2532> would have set <4900> (5656) them <0846> at <1519> one again <1515>, saying <2036> (5631), Sirs <0435>, ye <5210> are <2075> (5748) brethren <0080>; why <2444> do ye wrong <0091> (5719) one to another <0240>?

next ^ 44_ACT_13_42 And <1161> when the Jews <2453> were gone <1826> (5654) out of <1537> the synagogue <4864>, the Gentiles <1484> besought <3870> (5707) that these <5023> words <4487> might be preached <2980> (5683) to them <0846> <1519> the {next} <3342> sabbath <4521>.

next ^ 44_ACT_13_44 And <1161> the {next} <2064> (5740) sabbath day <4521> came <4863> <0> almost <4975> the whole <3956> city <4172> together <4863> (5681) to hear <0191> (5658) the word <3056> of God <2316>.

next ^ 44_ACT_14_20 Howbeit <1161>, as the disciples <3101> stood round about <2944> (5660) him <0846>, he rose up <0450> (5631), and came <1525> (5627) into <1519> the city <4172>: and <2532> the {next} day <1887> he departed <1831> (5627) with <4862> Barnabas <0921> to <1519> Derbe <1191>.

next ^ 44_ACT_16_11 Therefore <3767> loosing <0321> (5685) from <0575> Troas <5174>, we came with a straight course <2113> (5656) to <1519> Samothracia <4543>, and <5037> the {next} <1966> (5752) day to <1519> Neapolis <3496>;

next ^ 44_ACT_20_15 And <2547> <0> we sailed <0636> (5660) thence <2547>, and came <2658> (5656) the next <1966> (5752) day over against <0481> Chios <5508>; and <1161> the next <2087> day we arrived <3846> (5627) at <1519> Samos <4544>, and <2532> tarried <3306> (5660) at <1722> Trogyllium <5175>; and the {next} <2192> (5746) day we came <2064> (5627) to <1519> Miletus <3399>.

next ^ 44_ACT_20_15 And <2547> <0> we sailed <0636> (5660) thence <2547>, and came <2658> (5656) the next <1966> (5752) day over against <0481> Chios <5508>; and <1161> the {next} <2087> day we arrived <3846> (5627) at <1519> Samos <4544>, and <2532> tarried <3306> (5660) at <1722> Trogyllium <5175>; and the next <2192> (5746) day we came <2064> (5627) to <1519> Miletus <3399>.

next ^ 44_ACT_20_15 And <2547> <0> we sailed <0636> (5660) thence <2547>, and came <2658> (5656) the {next} <1966> (5752) day over against <0481> Chios <5508>; and <1161> the next <2087> day we arrived <3846> (5627) at <1519> Samos <4544>, and <2532> tarried <3306> (5660) at <1722> Trogyllium <5175>; and the next <2192> (5746) day we came <2064> (5627) to <1519> Miletus <3399>.

next ^ 44_ACT_21_08 And <1161> the {next} <1887> day we that were of <4012> <0> Paul's <3972> company <4012> departed <1831> (5631), and came <2064> (5627) (5625) <2064> (5627) unto <1519> Caesarea <2542>: and <2532> we entered <1525> (5631) into <1519> the house <3624> of Philip <5376> the evangelist <2099>, which was <5607> (5752) one of <1537> the seven <2033>; and abode <3306> (5656) with <3844> him <0846>.

next ^ 44_ACT_21_26 Then <5119> Paul <3972> took <3880> (5631) the men <0435>, and the {next} <2192> (5746) day <2250> purifying himself <0048> (5685) with <4862> them <0846> entered <1524> (5715) into <1519> the temple <2411>, to signify <1229> (5723) the accomplishment <1604> of the days <2250> of purification <0049>, until <2193> that <3739> an offering <4376> should be offered <4374> (5681) for <5228> every <1538> one <1520> of them <0846>.

next ^ 44_ACT_25_06 And <1161> when he had tarried <1304> (5660) among <1722> them <0846> more <4119> than <2228> ten <1176> days <2250>, he went down <2597> (5631) unto <1519> Caesarea <2542>; and the {next} day <1887> sitting <2523> (5660) on <1909> the judgment seat <0968> commanded <2753> (5656) Paul <3972> to be brought <0071> (5683).

next ^ 44_ACT_27_03 And <5037> the {next} <2087> day we touched <2609> (5648) at <1519> Sidon <4605>. And <5037> Julius <2457> courteously <5364> entreated <5530> (5666) Paul <3972>, and gave him liberty <2010> (5656) to go <4198> (5679) unto <4314> his friends <5384> to refresh himself <5177> (5629) <1958>.

next ^ 44_ACT_27_18 And <1161> we <2257> being exceedingly <4971> tossed with a tempest <5492> (5746), the {next} <1836> day they lightened the ship <1546> <4160> (5710);

next ^ 44_ACT_28_13 And from thence <3606> we fetched a compass <4022> (5631), and came <2658> (5656) to <1519> Rhegium <4484>: and <2532> after <3326> one <3391> day <2250> the south wind <3558> blew <1920> (5637), and we came <2064> (5627) the {next} day <1206> to <1519> Puteoli <4223>:

next ^ 43_JOH_01_29 The {next} day <1887> John <2491> seeth <0991> (5719) Jesus <2424> coming <2064> (5740) unto <4314> him <0846>, and <2532> saith <3004> (5719), Behold <2396> the Lamb <0286> of God <2316>, which <3588> taketh away <0142> (5723) the sin <0266> of the world <2889>.

next ^ 43_JOH_01_35 Again <3825> the {next} day after <1887> John <2491> stood <2476> (5715), and <2532> two <1417> of <1537> his <0846> disciples <3101>;

next ^ 43_JOH_12_12 On the {next} day <1887> much <4183> people <3793> that were come <2064> (5631) to <1519> the feast <1859>, when they heard <0191> (5660) that <3754> Jesus <2424> was coming <2064> (5736) to <1519> Jerusalem <2414>,

next ^ 42_LUK_09_37 And <1161> it came to pass <1096> (5633), that on <1722> the {next} <1836> day <2250>, when they <0846> were come down <2718> (5631) from <0575> the hill <3735>, much <4183> people <3793> met <4876> (5656) him <0846>.

next ^ 41_MAR_01_38 And <2532> he said <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, Let us go <0071> (5725) into <1519> the {next} <2192> (5746) towns <2969>, that <2443> I may preach <2784> (5661) there also <2546>: for <1063> therefore <1519> <5124> came I forth <1831> (5758).

next ^ 40_MAT_27_62 Now <1161> the {next} day <1887>, that <3748> followed <2076> (5748) <3326> the day of the preparation <3904>, the chief priests <0749> and <2532> Pharisees <5330> came together <4863> (5681) unto <4314> Pilate <4091>,