Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

feminine 00071 ## 'Abanah {ab-aw-naw'} ; perhaps {feminine} of 00068 ; stony ; Abanah , a river near Damascus : -- Abana . Compare 00549 .

feminine 00081 ## 'abaqah {ab-aw-kaw'} ; {feminine} of 00080 : -- powder .

feminine 00084 ## 'ebrah {eb-raw'} ; {feminine} of 00083 : -- feather , wing .

feminine 00092 ## 'aguddah {ag-ood-daw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of an unused root (meaning to bind) ; a band , bundle , knot , or arch : -- bunch , burden , troop .

feminine 00107 ## 'iggereth {ig-eh'- reth} ; {feminine} of 00104 ; an epistle : -- letter .

feminine 00155 ## 'addereth {ad-deh'- reth} ; {feminine} of 00117 ; something ample (as a large vine , a wide dress) ; also the same as 00145 : -- garment , glory , goodly , mantle , robe .

feminine 00160 ## 'ahabah {a-hab-aw} ; {feminine} of 00158 and meaning the same : -- love .

feminine 00170 ## 'Oholah {o-hol-aw'} ; in form a {feminine} of 00168 , but in fact for'Oholahh {o-hol-aw'} ; from 00168 ; her tent (i . e . idolatrous sanctuary) ; Oholah , a symbol . name for Samaria : -- Aholah .

feminine 00190 ## 'owyah {o-yaw'} ; {feminine} of 00188 : -- woe .

feminine 00219 ## 'owrah {o-raw'} ; {feminine} of 00216 ; luminousness , i . e . (figuratively) prosperity ; also a plant (as being bright) : -- herb , light .

feminine 00269 ## 'achowth {aw-khoth'} ; irregular {feminine} of 00251 ; a sister (used very widely [like 00250 ] , literally and figuratively) : -- (an-) other , sister , together .

feminine 00272 ## 'achuzzah {akh-ooz-zaw'} ; {feminine} passive participle from 00270 ; something seized , i . e . a possession (especially of land) : -- possession .

feminine 00355 ## 'ayalah {ah-yaw-law'} ; {feminine} of 00354 ; a doe or female deer : -- hind .

feminine 00360 ## 'eyaluwth {eh-yaw-looth'} ; {feminine} of 00353 ; power ; by implication , protection : -- strength .

feminine 00396 ## 'akiylah {ak-ee-law'} ; {feminine} from 00398 ; something eatable , i . e . food : -- meat .

feminine 00402 ## 'oklah {ok-law'} ; {feminine} of 00401 ; food : -- consume , devour , eat , food , meat .

feminine 00424 ## 'elah {ay-law'} ; {feminine} of 00352 ; an oak or other strong tree : -- elm , oak , teil-tree .

feminine 00491 ## 'almanuwth {al-maw-nooth'} ; {feminine} of 00488 ; concrete , a widow ; abstract , widowhood : -- widow , widowhood .

feminine 00530 ## 'emuwnah {em-oo-naw') ; or (shortened)'emunah {em-oo-naw'} ; {feminine} of 00529 ; literally firmness ; figuratively security ; morally fidelity : -- faith (- ful ,-ly ,-ness , [man ]) , set office , stability , steady , truly , truth , verily .

feminine 00545 ## 'omnah {om-naw'} ; {feminine} of 00544 (in the specific sense of training) ; tutelage : -- brought up .

feminine 00546 ## 'omnah {om-naw'} ; {feminine} form of 00544 (in its usual sense) ; adverb , surely : -- indeed .

feminine 00547 ## 'om@nah {om-me-naw'} ; {feminine} active participle of 00544 (in the original sense of supporting) ; a column : -- pillar .

feminine 00548 ## 'amanah {am-aw-naw'} ; {feminine} of 00543 ; something fixed , i . e . a covenant . an allowance : -- certain portion , sure .

feminine 00565 ## 'imrah {im-raw'} ; or'emrah {em-raw'} ; {feminine} of 00561 , and meaning the same : -- commandment , speech , word .

feminine 00591 ## 'oniyah {on-ee-yaw'} ; {feminine} of 00590 ; a ship : -- ship ([-men ]) .

feminine 00642 ## 'ephuddah {ay-food-daw'} ; {feminine} of 00646 ; a girding on (of the ephod) ; hence , generally , a plating (of metal) : -- ephod , ornament .

feminine 00653 ## 'aphelah {af-ay-law'} ; {feminine} of 00651 ; duskiness , figuratively , misfortune ; concrete , concealment : -- dark , darkness , gloominess , X thick .

feminine 00664 ## 'Apheqah {af-ay-kaw'} ; {feminine} of 00663 ; fortress ; Aphekah , a place in Palestine : -- Aphekah .

feminine 00698 ## 'orobah {or-ob-aw'} ; {feminine} of 00696 (only in the plural) ; ambuscades : -- spoils .

feminine 00699 ## 'arubbah {ar-oob-baw'} ; {feminine} participle passive of 00693 (as if for lurking) ; a lattice ; (by implication) a window , dove-cot (because of the pigeon-holes) , chimney (with its apertures for smoke) , sluice (with openings for water) : -- chimney , window .

feminine 00724 ## 'aruwkah {ar-oo-kaw'} ; or'arukah {ar-oo-kaw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 00748 (in the sense of restoring to soundness) ; wholeness (literally or figuratively) : -- health , made up , perfected .

feminine 00736 ## 'or@chah {o-rekh-aw'} ; {feminine} active participle of 00732 ; a caravan : -- (travelling) company .

feminine 00737 ## 'aruchah {ar-oo-khaw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 00732 (in the sense of appointing) ; a ration of food : -- allowance , diet , dinner , victuals .

feminine 00762 ## 'Aramiyth {ar-aw-meeth'} ; {feminine} of 00761 ; (only adverbial) in Aramean : -- in the Syrian language (tongue) , in Syriac .

feminine 00773 ## 'ar` iyth (Aramaic) {arh-eeth'} ; {feminine} of 00772 ; the bottom : -- bottom .

feminine 00794 ## 'ashedah {ash-ay-daw'} ; {feminine} of 00793 ; a ravine : -- springs .

feminine 00797 ## 'Ashdowdiyth {ash-do-deeth'} ; {feminine} of 00796 ; (only adverb) in the language of Ashdod : -- in the speech of Ashdod .

feminine 00800 ## 'eshshah {esh-shaw'} ; {feminine} of 00784 ; fire : -- fire .

feminine 00802 ## 'ishshah {ish-shaw'} ; {feminine} of 00376 or 00582 ; irregular plural , nashiym {naw-sheem'} ; a woman (used in the same wide sense as 00582) : -- [adulter ] ess , each , every , female , X many , + none , one , + together , wife , woman . Often unexpressed in English .

feminine 00803 ## 'ashuwyah {ash-oo-yah'} ; {feminine} passive participle from an unused root meaning to found ; foundation : -- foundation .

feminine 00809 ## 'ashiyshah {ash-ee-shaw'} ; {feminine} of 00808 ; something closely pressed together , i . e . a cake of raisins or other comfits : -- flagon .

feminine 00819 ## 'ashmah {ash-maw'} ; {feminine} of 00817 ; guiltiness , a fault , the presentation of a sin-offering : -- offend , sin , (cause of) trespass (- ing , offering) .

feminine 00821 ## 'ashmurah {ash-moo-raw'} ; or'ashmuwrah {ash-moo-raw'} ; or'ashmoreth {ash-mo'- reth} ; ({feminine}) from 08104 ; a night watch : -- watch .

feminine 00827 ## 'ashpah {ash-paw'} ; perhaps ({feminine}) from the same as 00825 (in the sense of covering) ; a quiver or arrow-case : -- quiver .

feminine 00859 ## 'attah {at-taw'} ; or (shortened) ;'atta {at-taw'} ; or'ath {ath} ; {feminine} (irregular) sometimes'attiy {at-tee'} ; plural masculine'attem {at-tem'} ; feminine'atten {at-ten'} ; or'attenah {at-tay'naw} ; or'attennah {at-tane'- naw} ; a primitive pronoun of the second person ; thou and thee , or (plural) ye and you : -- thee , thou , ye , you .

feminine 00881 ## B@'erowth {be-ay-rohth'} ; {feminine} plural of 00875 ; wells ; Beeroth , a place in Palestine : -- Beeroth .

feminine 00885 ## B@eroth B@ney-Ya` aqan {be-ay-roth'be-nay'yah-a-can'} ; from the {feminine} plural of 00875 , and the plural contraction of 01121 , and 03292 ; wells of (the) sons of Jaakan ; Beeroth-Bene-Jaakan , a place in the Desert : -- Beeroth of the children of Jaakan .

feminine 00890 ## bo'shah {bosh-aw'} ; {feminine} of 00889 ; stink-weed or any other noxious or useless plant : -- cockle .

feminine 00892 ## babah {baw-baw'} ; {feminine} active participle of an unused root meaning to hollow out ; something hollowed (as a gate) , i . e . pupil of the eye : -- apple [of the eye ] .

feminine 00900 ## bog@dowth {bohg-ed-ohth} ; {feminine} plural active participle of 00898 ; treacheries : -- treacherous .

feminine 00934 ## bohereth {bo-heh'- reth} ; {feminine} active participle of the same as 00925 ; a whitish spot on the skin : -- bright spot .

feminine 00939 ## buwzah {boo-zaw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 00936 ; something scorned ; an object of contempt : -- despised .

feminine 00950 ## buwqah {boo-kaw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of an unused root (meaning to be hollow) ; emptiness (as adjective) : -- empty .

feminine 00955 ## buwshah {boo-shaw'} ; {feminine} participle passive of 00954 ; shame : -- shame .

feminine 00961 ## bizzah {biz-zaw'} ; {feminine} of 00957 ; booty : -- prey , spoil .

feminine 00979 ## b@churowth {bekh-oo-rothe'} ; or b@chuwrowth {bekh-oo-roth'} ; {feminine} plural of 00970 ; also (masculine plural) b@churiym {bekh-oo-reem'} ; youth (collectively and abstractly) : -- young men , youth .

feminine 00985 ## bitchah {bit-khaw'} ; {feminine} of 00984 ; trust : -- confidence .

feminine 00987 ## battuchowth {bat-too-khoth'} ; {feminine} plural from 00982 ; security : -- secure .

feminine 00996 ## beyn {bane} (sometimes in the plural masculine or {feminine}) ; properly , the constructive form of an otherwise unused noun from 00995 ; a distinction ; but used only as a prep , between (repeated before each noun , often with other particles) ; also as a conjunction , either . . . or : -- among , asunder , at , between (- twixt . . . and) , + from (the widest) , X in , out of , whether (it be . . . or) , within .

feminine 01036 ## Beyth l@ -` Aphrah {bayth le-af-raw'} ; from 01004 and the {feminine} of 06083 (with preposition interposed) ; house to (i . e . of) dust ; Beth-le-Aphrah , a place in Palestine : -- house of Aphrah .

feminine 01039 ## Beyth Nimrah {bayth nim-raw'} ; from 01004 and the {feminine} of 05246 ; house of (the) leopard ; Beth-Nimrah , a place east of the Jordan : -- Beth-Nimrah . Compare 05247 .

feminine 01062 ## b@kowrah {bek-o-raw'} ; or (short) b@korah {bek-o-raw'} ; {feminine} of 01060 ; the firstling of man or beast ; abstractly primogeniture : -- birthright , firstborn (- ling) .

feminine 01063 ## bikkuwrah {bik-koo-raw'} ; {feminine} of 01061 ; the early fig : -- firstripe (fruit) .

feminine 01064 ## B@kowrath {bek-o-rath'} ; {feminine} of 01062 ; primogeniture ; Bekorath , an Israelite : -- Bechorath .

feminine 01067 ## bekiyrah {bek-ee-raw'} ; {feminine} from 01069 ; the eldest daughter : -- firstborn .

feminine 01072 ## bikrah {bik-raw'} ; {feminine} of 01070 ; a young she-camel : -- dromedary .

feminine 01088 ## Balah {baw-law'} ; {feminine} of 01087 ; failure ; Balah , a place in Palestine : -- Balah .

feminine 01115 ## biltiy {bil-tee'} ; constructive {feminine} of 01086 (equivalent to 01097) ; properly , a failure of , i . e . (used only as a negative particle , usually with a prepositional prefix) not , except , without , unless , besides , because not , until , etc . : -- because un [satiable ] , beside , but , + continual , except , from , lest , neither , no more , none , not , nothing , save , that no , without .

feminine 01140 ## binyah {bin-yaw'} ; {feminine} from 01129 ; a structure : -- building .

feminine 01172 ## ba` alah {bah-al-aw'} ; {feminine} of 01167 ; a mistress : -- that hath , mistress .

feminine 01223 ## botsrah {bots-raw'} ; {feminine} from 01219 ; an enclosure , i . e . sheep fold : -- Bozrah .

feminine 01226 ## batstsoreth {bats-tso'- reth} ; {feminine} intensive from 01219 ; restraint (of rain) , i . e . drought : -- dearth , drought .

feminine 01269 ## Birzowth {beer-zoth'} ; probably {feminine} plural from an unused root (apparently mean to pierce) ; holes ; Birzoth , an Israelite : -- Birzavith [from the marg . ] .

feminine 01278 ## b@riy'ah {ber-ee-aw'} ; {feminine} from 01254 ; a creation , i . e . a novelty : -- new thing .

feminine 01279 ## biryah {beer-yaw'} ; {feminine} from 01262 ; food : -- meat .

feminine 01283 ## B@riy` ah {ber-ee'- aw} ; apparently from the {feminine} of 07451 with a prepositional prefix ; in trouble ; Beriah , the name of four Israelites : -- Beriah .

feminine 01287 ## boriyth {bo-reeth'} ; {feminine} of 01253 ; vegetable alkali : -- sope .

feminine 01309 ## b@sowrah {bes-o-raw'} ; or (shortened) b@sorah {bes-o-raw'} ; {feminine} from 01319 ; glad tidings ; by implication , reward for good news : -- reward for tidings .

feminine 01315 ## Bosmath {bos-math'} ; {feminine} of 01314 (the second form) ; fragrance ; Bosmath , the name of a wife of Esau , and of a daughter of Solomon : -- Bashemath , Basmath .

feminine 01317 ## boshnah {bosh-naw'} ; {feminine} from 00954 ; shamefulness : -- shame .

feminine 01323 ## bath {bath} ; from 01129 (as {feminine} of 01121) ; a daughter (used in the same wide sense as other terms of relationship , literally and figuratively) : -- apple [of the eye ] , branch , company , daughter , X first , X old , + owl , town , village .

feminine 01327 ## battah {bat-taw'} ; {feminine} from an unused root (meaning to break in pieces) ; desolation : -- desolate .

feminine 01330 ## b@thuwlah {beth-oo-law'} ; {feminine} passive participle of an unused root meaning to separate ; a virgin (from her privacy) ; sometimes (by continuation) a bride ; also (figuratively) a city or state : -- maid , virgin .

feminine 01344 ## ge'ah {gay-aw'} ; {feminine} from 01342 ; arrogance : -- pride .

feminine 01353 ## g@ullah {gheh-ool-law'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 01350 ; redemption (including the right and the object) ; by implication , relationship : -- kindred , redeem , redemption , right .

feminine 01367 ## g@buwlah {gheb-oo-law'} ; or (shortened) g@bulah {gheb-oo-law'} ; {feminine} of 01366 ; a boundary , region : -- border , bound , coast , landmark . place .

feminine 01369 ## g@buwrah {gheb-oo-raw'} ; {feminine} passive participle from the same as 01368 ; force (literally or figuratively) ; by implication , valor , victory : -- force , mastery , might , mighty (act , power) , power , strength .

feminine 01377 ## g@biyrah {gheb-ee-raw'} ; {feminine} of 01376 ; a mistress : -- queen .

feminine 01385 ## g@binah {gheb-ee-naw'} ; {feminine} from the same as 01384 ; curdled milk : -- cheese .

feminine 01389 ## gib` ah {ghib-aw'} ; {feminine} from the same as 01387 ; a hillock : -- hill , little hill .

feminine 01404 ## g@bereth {gheb-eh'- reth} ; {feminine} of 01376 ; mistress : -- lady , mistress .

feminine 01417 ## g@duwd {ghed-ood'} ; or ({feminine}) g@dudah {ghed-oo-daw'} ; from 01413 ; a furrow (as cut) : -- furrow .

feminine 01418 ## g@duwdah {ghed-oo-daw'} ; {feminine} participle passive of 01413 ; an incision : -- cutting .

feminine 01420 ## g@duwlah {ghed-oo-law'} ; or (shortened) g@dullah {ghed-ool-law'} ; or (less accurately) g@duwllah {ghed-ool-law'} ; {feminine} of 01419 ; greatness ; (concretely) mighty acts : -- dignity , great things (- ness) , majesty .

feminine 01421 ## gidduwph {ghid-doof'} ; or (shortened) gidduph {ghid-doof'} ; and ({feminine}) gidduphah {ghid-doo-faw'} ; or gidduphah {ghid-doo-faw'} ; from 01422 ; vilification : -- reproach , reviling .

feminine 01422 ## g@duwphah {ghed-oo-faw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 01442 ; a revilement : -- taunt .

feminine 01429 ## g@diyah {ghed-ee-yaw'} ; {feminine} of 01423 ; a young female goat : -- kid .

feminine 01448 ## g@derah {ghed-ay-raw'} ; {feminine} of 01447 ; enclosure (especially for flocks) : -- [sheep-] cote (fold) hedge , wall .

feminine 01465 ## gevah {gay-vaw'} ; {feminine} of 01460 ; the back , i . e . (by extensive) the person : -- body .

feminine 01473 ## gowlah {go-law'} ; or (shortened) golah {go-law'} ; active participle {feminine} of 01540 ; exile ; concretely and collectively exiles : -- (carried away) , captive (- ity) , removing .

feminine 01484 ## gowr {gore} ; or ({feminine}) gorah {go-raw'} ; a variation of 01482 : -- whelp .

feminine 01492 ## gazzah {gaz-zaw'} ; {feminine} from 01494 ; a fleece : -- fleece .

feminine 01500 ## g@zelah {ghez-ay-law'} ; {feminine} of 01498 and mean the same : -- that (he had robbed) [which he took violently away ] , spoil , violence .

feminine 01508 ## gizrah {ghiz-raw'} ; {feminine} of 01506 ; the figure or person (as if cut out) ; also an inclosure (as separated) : -- polishing , separate place .

feminine 01513 ## gechel {geh'- khel} ; or ({feminine}) gacheleth {gah-kheh'- leth} ; from an unused root meaning to glow or kindle ; an ember : -- (burning) coal .

feminine 01525 ## giylah {ghee-law'} ; or giylath {ghee-lath'} ; {feminine} of 01524 ; joy : -- joy , rejoicing .

feminine 01543 ## gullah {gool-law'} ; {feminine} from 01556 ; a fountain , bowl or globe (all as round) : -- bowl , pommel , spring .

feminine 01546 ## galuwth {gaw-looth'} ; {feminine} from 01540 ; captivity ; concretely , exiles (collectively) : -- (they that are carried away) captives (- ity) .

feminine 01552 ## g@liylah {ghel-ee-law'} ; {feminine} of 01550 ; a circuit or region : -- border , coast , country .

feminine 01578 ## g@muwlah {ghem-oo-law'} ; {feminine} of 01576 ; meaning the same : -- deed , recompense , such a reward .

feminine 01593 ## gannah {gan-naw'} ; {feminine} of 01588 ; a garden : -- garden .

feminine 01601 ## Go` ah {go-aw'} ; {feminine} active participle of 01600 ; lowing ; Goah , a place near Jerusalem : -- Goath .

feminine 01614 ## gophriyth {gof-reeth'} ; probably {feminine} of 01613 ; properly , cypress-resin ; by analogy , sulphur (as equally inflammable) : -- brimstone .

feminine 01621 ## garg@rowth {gar-gher-owth'} ; {feminine} plural from 01641 ; the throat (as used in rumination) : -- neck .

feminine 01646 ## g@rushah {gher-oo-shaw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 01644 ; (abstractly) dispossession : -- exaction .

feminine 01665 ## Gittiyth {ghit-teeth'} ; {feminine} of 01663 ; a Gittite harp : -- Gittith .

feminine 01700 ## dibrah {dib-raw'} ; {feminine} of 01697 ; a reason , suit or style : -- cause , end , estate , order , regard .

feminine 01702 ## dob@rah {do-ber-aw'} ; {feminine} active participle of 01696 in the sense of driving [compare 01699 ] ; a raft : -- float .

feminine 01710 ## dagah {daw-gaw'} ; {feminine} of 01709 , and meaning the same : -- fish .

feminine 01729 ## duwgah {doo-gaw'} ; {feminine} from the same as 01728 ; properly , fishery , i . e . a hook for fishing : -- fish [hook ] .

feminine 01733 ## dowdah {do-daw'} ; {feminine} of 01730 ; an aunt : -- aunt , father's sister , uncle's wife .

feminine 01776 ## Diymownah {dee-mo-naw'} ; {feminine} of 01775 ; Dimonah , a place in Palestine : -- Dimonah .

feminine 01783 ## Diynah {dee-naw'} ; {feminine} of 01779 ; justice ; Dinah , the daughter of Jacob : -- Dinah .

feminine 01827 ## d@mamah {dem-aw-maw'} ; {feminine} from 01826 ; quiet : -- calm , silence , still .

feminine 01829 ## Dimnah {dim-naw'} ; {feminine} from the same as 01828 ; a dung-heap ; Dimnah , a place in Palestine : -- Dimnah .

feminine 01832 ## dim` ah {dim-aw'} ; {feminine} of 01831 ; weeping : -- tears .

feminine 01844 ## de` ah {day-aw'} ; {feminine} of 01843 ; knowledge : -- knowledge .

feminine 01919 ## Hadaccah {had-as-saw'} ; {feminine} of 01918 ; Hadassah (or Esther) : -- Hadassah .

feminine 01927 ## hadarah {had-aw-raw'} ; {feminine} of 01926 ; decoration : -- beauty , honour .

feminine 01931 ## huw'{hoo} ; of which the {feminine} (beyond the Pentateuch) is hiy'{he} ; a primitive word , the third person pronoun singular , he (she or it) ; only expressed when emphatic or without a verb ; also (intensively) self , or (especially with the article) the same ; sometimes (as demonstrative) this or that ; occasionally (instead of copula) as or are : -- he , as for her , him (- self) , it , the same , she (herself) , such , that (. . . it) , these , they , this , those , which (is) , who .

feminine 01932 ## huw (Aramaic) {hoo} ; or ({feminine}) hiy'(Aramaic) {he} ; corresponding to 01931 : -- X are , it , this .

feminine 01940 ## Howdiyah {ho-dee-yaw'} ; a form for the {feminine} of 03064 ; a Jewess : -- Hodiah .

feminine 01947 ## howlelah {ho-lay-law'} ; {feminine} active participle of 01984 ; folly : -- madness .

feminine 01979 ## haliykah {hal-ee-kaw'} ; {feminine} of 01978 ; a walking ; by implication , a procession or march , a caravan : -- company , going , walk , way .

feminine 01997 ## Hamownah {ham-o-naw'} ; {feminine} of 01995 ; multitude ; hamonah , the same as 01996 : -- Hamonah .

feminine 01999 ## hamullah {ham-ool-law'} ; or (too fully) hamuwllah (Jer . ll : l6) {ham-ool-law'} ; {feminine} passive participle of an unused root meaning to rush (as rain with a windy roar) ; a sound : -- speech , tumult .

feminine 02004 ## hen {hane} ; {feminine} plural from 01931 ; they (only used when emphatic) : -- X in , such like , (with) them , thereby , therein , (more than) they , wherein , in which , whom , withal .

feminine 02018 ## haphekah {haf-ay-kaw'} ; {feminine} of 02016 ; destruction : -- overthrow .

feminine 02028 ## haregah {har-ay-gaw'} ; {feminine} of 02027 ; slaughter : -- slaughter .

feminine 02063 ## zo'th {zothe'} ; irregular {feminine} of 02089 ; this (often used adverb) : -- hereby (- in ,-- with) , it , likewise , the one (other , same) , she , so (much) , such (deed) , that , therefore , these , this (thing) , thus .

feminine 02080 ## Z@biydah {zeb-ee-daw'} ; {feminine} from 02064 ; giving ; Zebidah , an Israelitess : -- Zebudah .

feminine 02120 ## Zocheleth {zo-kheh'- leth} ; {feminine} active participle of 02119 ; crawling (i . e . serpent) ; Zocheleth , a boundary stone in . Palestine : -- Zoheleth .

feminine 02129 ## Ziyphah {zee-faw'} ; {feminine} of 02128 ; a flowing ; Ziphah , an Israelite : -- Ziphah .

feminine 02131 ## ziyqah (Isa . 50 : ll) {zee-kaw'} ({feminine}) ; and ziq {zeek} ; or zeq {zake} ; from 02187 ; properly , what leaps forth , i . e . flash of fire , or a burning arrow ; also (from the original sense of the root) a bond : -- chain , fetter , firebrand , spark .

feminine 02156 ## z@mowrah {zem-o-raw'} ; or z@morah {zem-o-raw'} ({feminine}) ; and z@mor {zem-ore'} (masculine) ; from 02168 ; a twig (as pruned) : -- vine , branch , slip .

feminine 02158 ## zamiyr {zaw-meer'} ; or zamir {zaw-meer'} ; and ({feminine}) z@mirah {zem-ee-raw'} ; from 02167 ; a song to be accompanied with instrumental music : -- psalm (- ist) , singing , song .

feminine 02160 ## Z@miyrah {zem-ee-raw'} ; {feminine} of 02158 ; song ; Zemirah , an Israelite : -- Zemira .

feminine 02185 ## zonowth {zo-noth'} ; regarded by some as if from 02109 or an unused root , and applied to military equipments ; but evidently the {feminine} plural active participle of 02181 ; harlots : -- armour .

feminine 02201 ## za` aq {zah'- ak} ; and ({feminine}) z@` aqah {zeh-aw-kaw'} ; from 02199 ; a shriek or outcry : -- cry (- ing) .

feminine 02209 ## ziqnah {zik-naw'} ; {feminine} of 02205 ; old age : -- old (age) .

feminine 02220 ## z@rowa` {zer-o'- ah} ; or (shortened) z@roa` {zer-o'- ah} ; and ({feminine}) z@row` ah {zer-o-aw'} ; or z@ro` ah {zer-o-aw'} ; from 02232 ; the arm (as stretched out) , or (of animals) the foreleg ; figuratively , force : -- arm , + help , mighty , power , shoulder , strength .

feminine 02231 ## zirmah {zir-maw'} ; {feminine} of 02230 ; a gushing of fluid (semen) : -- issue .

feminine 02258 ## chabol {khab-ole'} ; or ({feminine}) chabolah {khab-o-law'} ; from 02254 ; a pawn (as security for debt) : -- pledge .

feminine 02273 ## chabrah (Aramaic) {khab-raw'} ; {feminine} of 02269 ; an associate : -- other .

feminine 02274 ## chebrah {kheb-raw'} ; {feminine} of 02267 ; association : -- company .

feminine 02278 ## chabereth {khab-eh'- reth} ; {feminine} of 02270 ; a consort : -- companion .

feminine 02279 ## chobereth {kho-beh'- reth} ; {feminine} active participle of 02266 ; a joint : -- which coupleth , coupling .

feminine 02286 ## Chagaba'{khag-aw-baw'} ; or Chagabah {khag-aw-baw'} ; {feminine} of 02285 ; locust ; Chagaba or Chagabah , one of the Nethinim : -- Hagaba , Hagabah .

feminine 02290 ## chagowr {khag-ore'} ; or chagor {khag-ore'} ; and ({feminine}) chagowrah {khag-o-raw'} ; or chagorah {khag-o-raw'} ; from 02296 ; a belt (for the waist) : -- apron , armour , gird (- le) .

feminine 02294 ## Chaggiyith {khag-gheeth'} ; {feminine} of 02291 ; festive ; Chaggith , a wife of David : -- Haggith .

feminine 02322 ## Chadashah {khad-aw-shaw'} ; {feminine} of 02319 ; new ; Chadashah , a place in Palestine : -- Hadashah .

feminine 02327 ## chowbah {kho-baw'} ; {feminine} active participle of 02247 ; hiding place ; Chobah , a place in Syria : -- Hobah .

feminine 02346 ## chowmah {kho-maw'} ; {feminine} active participle of an unused root apparently meaning to join ; a wall of protection : -- wall , walled .

feminine 02351 ## chuwts {khoots} ; or (shortened) chuts {khoots} ; (both forms {feminine} in the plural) from an unused root meaning to sever ; properly , separate by a wall , i . e . outside , outdoors : -- abroad , field , forth , highway , more , out (- side ,-- ward) , street , without .

feminine 02393 ## chezqah {khez-kaw'} ; {feminine} of 02391 ; prevailing power : -- strength (- en self) , (was) strong .

feminine 02394 ## chozqah {khoz-kaw'} ; {feminine} of 02392 ; vehemence (usually in a bad sense) : -- force , mightily , repair , sharply .

feminine 02401 ## chata'ah {khat-aw-aw'} ; {feminine} of 02399 ; an offence , or a sacrifice for it : -- sin (offering) .

feminine 02405 ## chatubah {khat-oo-baw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 02404 ; properly , a carving ; hence , a tapestry (as figured) : -- carved .

feminine 02416 ## chay {khah'- ee} ; from 02421 ; alive ; hence , raw (flesh) ; fresh (plant , water , year) , strong ; also (as noun , especially in the {feminine} singular and masculine plural) life (or living thing) , whether literally or figuratively : -- + age , alive , appetite , (wild) beast , company , congregation , life (- time) , live (- ly) , living (creature , thing) , maintenance , + merry , multitude , + (be) old , quick , raw , running , springing , troop .

feminine 02427 ## chiyl {kheel} ; and ({feminine}) chiylah {khee-law'} ; from 02342 ; a throe (expectant of childbirth) : -- pain , pang , sorrow .

feminine 02430 ## cheylah {khay-law'} ; {feminine} of 02428 ; an intrenchment : -- bulwark .

feminine 02462 ## Chelbah {khel-baw'} ; {feminine} of 02459 ; fertility : Chelbah , a place in Palestine : -- Helbah .

feminine 02468 ## Chuldah {khool-daw'} ; {feminine} of 02467 ; Chuldah , an Israelitess : -- Huldah .

feminine 02476 ## chaluwshah {khal-oo-shaw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 02522 ; defeat : -- being overcome .

feminine 02479 ## chalchalah {khal-khaw-law'} ; {feminine} from the same as 02478 ; writhing (in childbirth) ; by implication , terror : -- (great , much) pain .

feminine 02484 ## chelyah {khel-yaw'} ; {feminine} of 02481 ; a trinket : -- jewel .

feminine 02513 ## chelqah {khel-kaw'} ; {feminine} of 02506 ; properly , smoothness ; figuratively , flattery ; also an allotment : -- field , flattering (- ry) , ground , parcel , part , piece of land [ground ] , plat , portion , slippery place , smooth (thing) .

feminine 02514 ## chalaqqah {khal-ak-kaw'} ; {feminine} from 02505 ; flattery : -- flattery .

feminine 02515 ## chaluqqah {khal-ook-kaw'} ; {feminine} of 02512 ; a distribution : -- division .

feminine 02532 ## chemdah {khem-daw'} ; {feminine} of 02531 ; delight : -- desire , goodly , pleasant , precious .

feminine 02545 ## chamowth {kham-oth'} ; or (shortened) chamoth {kham-oth'} ; {feminine} of 02524 ; a mother-in-law : -- mother in law .

feminine 02547 ## Chumtah {khoom-taw'} ; {feminine} of 02546 ; low ; Chumtah , a place in Palestine : -- Humtah .

feminine 02613 ## chanuphah {khan-oo-faw'} ; {feminine} from 02610 ; impiety : -- profaneness .

feminine 02624 ## chaciydah {khas-ee-daw'} ; {feminine} of 02623 ; the kind (maternal) bird , i . e . a stork : -- X feather , stork .

feminine 02675 ## Chatsowr Chadattah {khaw-tsore'khad-at-taw'} ; from 02674 and a Aramaizing form of the {feminine} of 02319 [compare 02323 ] ; new Chatsor , a place in Palestine : -- Hazor , Hadattah [as if two places ] .

feminine 02691 ## chatser {khaw-tsare'} (masculine and {feminine}) ; from 02690 in its original sense ; a yard (as inclosed by a fence) ; also a hamlet (as similarly surrounded with walls) : -- court , tower , village .

feminine 02693 ## Chatsar Gaddah {khats-ar'gad-daw'} ; from 02691 and a {feminine} of 01408 ; (the) village of (female) Fortune ; Chatsar-Gaddah , a place in Palestine : -- Hazar-gaddah .

feminine 02698 ## Chatserowth {khats-ay-roth'} ; {feminine} plural of 02691 ; yards ; Chatseroth , a place in Palestine : -- Hazeroth .

feminine 02708 ## chuqqah {khook-kaw'} ; {feminine} of 02706 , and meaning substantially the same : -- appointed , custom , manner , ordinance , site , statute .

feminine 02723 ## chorbah {khor-baw'} ; {feminine} of 02721 ; properly , drought , i . e . (by implication) a desolation : -- decayed place , desolate (place ,-- tion) , destruction , (laid) waste (place) .

feminine 02724 ## charabah {khaw-raw-baw'} ; {feminine} of 02720 ; a desert : -- dry (ground , land) .

feminine 02731 ## charadah {khar-aw-daw'} ; {feminine} of 02730 ; fear , anxiety : -- care , X exceedingly , fear , quaking , trembling .

feminine 02742 ## charuwts {khaw-roots'} ; or charuts {khaw-roots'} ; passive participle of 02782 ; properly , incised or (active) incisive ; hence (as noun masculine or {feminine}) a trench (as dug) , gold (as mined) , a threshing-sledge (having sharp teeth) ; (figuratively) determination ; also eager : -- decision , diligent , (fine) gold , pointed things , sharp , threshing instrument , wall .

feminine 02759 ## chariyshiy {khar-ee-shee'} ; from 02790 in the sense of silence ; quiet , i . e . sultry (as {feminine} noun , the sirocco or hot east wind) : -- vehement .

feminine 02812 ## Chashabnah {khash-ab-naw'} ; {feminine} of 02808 ; inventiveness ; Chashnah , an Israelite : -- Hashabnah .

feminine 02832 ## Chashmonah {khash-mo-naw'} ; {feminine} of 02831 ; fertile ; Chasmonah , a place in the Desert : -- Hashmonah .

feminine 02858 ## chothemeth {kho-the-meth} ; {feminine} active participle of 02856 ; a seal : -- signet .

feminine 02878 ## tibehah {tib-khaw'} ; {feminine} of 02874 and meaning the same : -- flesh , slaughter .

feminine 02879 ## tabbachah {tab-baw-khaw'} ; {feminine} of 02876 ; a female cook : -- cook .

feminine 02893 ## tohorah {toh-or-aw'} ; {feminine} of 02892 ; ceremonial purification ; moral purity : -- X is cleansed , cleansing , purification (- fying) .

feminine 02896 ## towb {tobe} ; from 02895 ; good (as an adjective) in the widest sense ; used likewise as a noun , both in the masculine and the {feminine} , the singular and the plural (good , a good or good thing , a good man or woman ; the good , goods or good things , good men or women) , also as an adverb (well) : -- beautiful , best , better , bountiful , cheerful , at ease , X fair (word) , (be in) favour , fine , glad , good (deed ,-lier ,-liest ,-ly ,-ness ,-s) , graciously , joyful , kindly , kindness , liketh (best) , loving , merry , X most , pleasant , + pleaseth , pleasure , precious , prosperity , ready , sweet , wealth , welfare , (be) well ([-favoured ]) .

feminine 02918 ## tiyrah {tee-raw'} ; {feminine} of (an equivalent to) 02905 ; a wall ; hence , a fortress or a hamlet : -- (goodly) castle , habitation , palace , row .

feminine 02966 ## t@rephah {ter-ay-faw'} ; {feminine} (collectively) of 02964 ; prey , i . e . flocks devoured by animals : -- ravin , (that which was) torn (of beasts , in pieces) .

feminine 02994 ## Y@bemeth {yeb-ay'- meth} ; {feminine} participle of 02992 ; a sister-in-law : -- brother's wife , sister in law .

feminine 03011 ## Yogb@hah {yog-beh-haw'} ; {feminine} from 01361 ; hillock ; Jogbehah , a place East of the Jordan : -- Jogbehah .

feminine 03024 ## y@gi` ah {yeg-ee-aw'} ; {feminine} of 03019 ; fatigue : -- weariness .

feminine 03040 ## Y@diydah {yed-ee-daw'} ; {feminine} of 03039 ; beloved ; Jedidah , an Israelitess : -- Jedidah .

feminine 03057 ## Y@hudiyah {yeh-hoo-dee-yaw'} ; {feminine} of 03064 ; Jehudijah , a Jewess : -- Jehudijah .

feminine 03066 ## Y@huwdiyth {yeh-hoo-deeth'} ; {feminine} of 03064 ; the Jewish (used adverbially) language : -- in the Jews'language .

feminine 03096 ## Yahats {yah'- hats} ; or Yahtsah {yah'- tsaw ; or ({feminine}) Yahtsah {yah-tsaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to stamp ; perhaps threshing-floor ; Jahats or Jahtsah , a place East of the Jordan : -- Jahaz , Jahazah , Jahzah .

feminine 03127 ## yowneqeth {yo-neh'- keth} ; {feminine} of 03126 ; a sprout : -- (tender) branch , young twig .

feminine 03132 ## Yow` e'lah {yo-ay-law'} ; perhaps {feminine} active participle of 03276 ; furthermore ; Joelah , an Israelite : -- Joelah .

feminine 03159 ## Yizr@` e'liyth {yiz-reh-ay-leeth'} ; {feminine} of 03158 ; a Jezreelitess : -- Jezreelitess .

feminine 03173 ## yachiyd {yaw-kheed'} ; from 03161 ; properly , united , i . e . sole ; by implication , beloved ; also lonely ; ({feminine}) the life (as not to be replaced) : -- darling , desolate , only (child , son) , solitary .

feminine 03207 ## yaldah {yal-daw'} ; {feminine} of 03206 ; a lass : -- damsel , girl .

feminine 03215 ## y@lalah {yel-aw-law'} ; {feminine} of 03214 ; a howling : -- howling .

feminine 03248 ## y@cuwdah {yes-oo-daw'} ; {feminine} of 03246 ; a foundation : -- foundation .

feminine 03280 ## ya` alah {yah-al-aw'} ; {feminine} of 03277 : -- roe

feminine 03284 ## ya` anah {yah-an-aw'} ; {feminine} of 03283 , and meaning the same : -- + owl .

feminine 03295 ## ya` arah {yah-ar-aw'} ; {feminine} of 03293 , and meaning the same : -- [honey-] comb , forest .

feminine 03333 ## y@tsukah {yets-oo-kaw'} ; passive participle {feminine} of 03332 ; poured out , i . e . run into a mould : -- when it was cast .

feminine 03374 ## yir'ah {yir-aw'} ; {feminine} of 03373 ; fear (also used as infinitive) ; morally , reverence : -- X dreadful , X exceedingly , fear (- fulness) .

feminine 03388 ## Y@ruwsha'{yer-oo-shaw'} ; or Yaruwshah {yer-oo-shaw'} {feminine} passive participle of 03423 ; possessed ; Jerusha or Jerushah , as Israelitess : -- Jerusha , Jerushah .

feminine 03406 ## Y@riymowth {yer-ee-mohth'} ; or Y@reymowth {yer-ay-mohth'} ; or Y@remowth {yer-ay-mohth'} ; {feminine} plural from 07311 ; elevations ; Jerimoth or Jeremoth , the name of twelve Israelites : -- Jermoth , Jerimoth , and Ramoth [from the margin ] .

feminine 03411 ## y@rekah {yer-ay-kaw'} ; {feminine} of 03409 ; properly , the flank ; but used only figuratively , the rear or recess : -- border , coast , part , quarter , side .

feminine 03444 ## y@shuw` ah {yesh-oo'- aw} ; {feminine} passive participle of 03467 ; something saved , i . e . (abstractly) deliverance ; hence , aid , victory , prosperity : -- deliverance , health , help (- ing) , salvation , save , saving (health) , welfare .

feminine 03466 ## Y@shanah {yesh-aw-naw'} ; {feminine} of 03465 ; Jeshanah , a place in Palestine : -- Jeshanah .

feminine 03482 ## Yisr@'eliyth {yis-reh-ay-leeth'} ; {feminine} of 03481 ; a Jisreelitess or female descendant of Jisrael : -- Israelitish .

feminine 03483 ## yishrah {yish-raw'} ; {feminine} or 03477 ; rectitude : -- uprightness .

feminine 03502 ## yithrah {yith-raw'} ; {feminine} of 03499 ; properly , excellence , i . e . (by implication) wealth : -- abundance , riches .

feminine 03508 ## yothereth {yo-theh'- reth} ; {feminine} active participle of 03498 ; the lobe or flap of the liver (as if redundant or outhanging) : -- caul .

feminine 03517 ## k@beduth {keb-ay-dooth'} ; {feminine} of 03515 ; difficulty : -- X heavily

feminine 03520 ## k@buwddah {keb-ood-daw'} ; irreg . {feminine} passive participle of 03513 ; weightiness , i . e . magnificence , wealth : -- carriage , all glorious , stately .

feminine 03530 ## kibrah {kib-raw'} ; {feminine} of 03528 ; properly , length , i . e 0 . measure (of uncertain dimension) : -- X little .

feminine 03535 ## kibsah {kib-saw'} ; or kabsah {kab-saw'} ; {feminine} of 03532 ; a ewe : -- (ewe) lamb .

feminine 03545 ## kehah {kay-haw'} ; {feminine} of 03544 ; properly , a weakening ; figuratively , alleviation , i . e . cure : -- healing .

feminine 03571 ## Kuwshiyth {koo-sheeth'} ; {feminine} of 03569 ; a Cushite woman : -- Ethiopian .

feminine 03575 ## Kuwth {kooth} ; or ({feminine}) Kuwthah {koo-thaw'} ; of foreign origin ; Cuth or Cuthah , a province of Assyria : -- Cuth .

feminine 03629 ## kilyah {kil-yaw'} ; {feminine} of 03627 (only in the plural) ; a kidney (as an essential organ) ; figuratively , the mind (as the interior self) : -- kidneys , reins .

feminine 03668 ## K@na` anah {ken-ah-an-aw'} ; {feminine} of 03667 ; Kenaanah , the name of two Israelites : -- Chenaanah .

feminine 03672 ## Kinn@rowth {kin-ner-oth'} ; or Kinnereth {kin-neh'- reth} ; respectively plural and singular {feminine} from the same as 03658 ; perhaps harp-shaped ; Kinneroth or Kinnereth , a place in Palestine : -- Chinnereth , Chinneroth , Cinneroth .

feminine 03690 ## kiclah {kis-law'} ; {feminine} of 03689 ; in a good sense , trust ; in a bad one , silliness : -- confidence , folly .

feminine 03694 ## K@cullowth {kes-ool-loth'} ; {feminine} plural of passive participle of 03688 ; fattened ; Kesulloth , a place in Palestine : -- Chesulloth .

feminine 03696 ## Kicloth Tabor {kis-loth'taw-bore'} ; from the {feminine} plural of 03689 and 08396 ; flanks of Tabor ; Kisloth-Tabor , a place in Palestine : -- Chisloth-tabor .

feminine 03706 ## k@` eneth (Aramaic) {keh-eh'- neth} ; or k@` eth (Aramaic) {keh-eth'} ; {feminine} of 03705 ; thus (only in the formula " and so forth ") : -- at such a time .

feminine 03712 ## kippah {kip-paw'} ; {feminine} of 03709 ; a leaf of a palm-tree : -- branch .

feminine 03716 ## K@phiyrah {kef-ee-raw'} ; {feminine} of 03715 ; the village (always with the art .) ; Kephirah , a place in Palestine : -- Chephirah .

feminine 03741 ## karah {kaw-raw'} ; {feminine} of 03733 ; a meadow : -- cottage .

feminine 03762 ## Karm@liyth {kar-mel-eeth'} ; {feminine} of 03761 ; a Karmelitess or female inhabitant of Karmel : -- Carmelitess .

feminine 03773 ## karuthah {kaw-rooth-aw'} ; passive participle {feminine} of 03772 ; something cut , i . e . a hewn timber : -- beam .

feminine 03776 ## kisbah {kis-baw'} ; {feminine} of 03775 ; a young ewe : -- lamb .

feminine 03805 ## kothereth {ko-theh'- reth} ; {feminine} active participle of 03803 ; the capital of a column : -- chapiter .

feminine 03826 ## libbah {lib-baw'} ; {feminine} of 03820 ; the heart : -- heart .

feminine 03833 ## labiy'{law-bee'} ; or (Ezek . 19 : 2) l@biya'{leb-ee-yaw'} ; irreg . masculine plural l@ba'iym {leb-aw-eem'} ; irreg . {feminine} plural l@ba'owth {leb-aw-oth'} ; from an unused root men . to roar ; a lion (properly , a lioness as the fiercer [although not a roarer ; compare 00738 ]) : -- (great , old , stout) lion , lioness , young [lion ] .

feminine 03852 ## lehabah {leh-aw-baw'} ; or lahebeth {lah-eh'- beth} ; {feminine} of 03851 , and meaning the same : -- flame (- ming) , head [of a spear ] .

feminine 03941 ## Lappiydowth {lap-pee-doth'} ; {feminine} plural of 03940 ; Lappidoth , the husband of Deborah : -- Lappidoth .

feminine 03956 ## lashown {law-shone'} ; or lashon {law-shone'} ; also (in plural) {feminine} l@shonah {lesh-o-naw'} ; from 03960 ; the tongue (of man or animals) , used literally (as the instrument of licking , eating , or speech) , and figuratively (speech , an ingot , a fork of flame , a cove of water) : -- + babbler , bay , + evil speaker , language , talker , tongue , wedge .

feminine 03974 ## ma'owr {maw-ore'} ; or ma'or {maw-ore'} ; also (in plural) {feminine} m@'owrah {meh-o-raw'} ; or m@orah {meh-o-raw'} ; from 002l5 ; properly , a luminous body or luminary , i . e . (abstractly) light (as an element) : figuratively , brightness , i . e . cheerfulness ; specifically , a chandelier : -- bright , light

feminine 03975 ## m@uwrah {meh-oo-raw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 00215 ; something lighted , i . e . an aperture ; by implication , a crevice or hole (of a serpent) : -- den .

feminine 03991 ## ma'phel@yah {mah-af-ay-leh-yaw'} ; prol . {feminine} of 03990 ; opaqueness : -- darkness .

feminine 03997 ## m@bowah {meb-o-aw'} ; {feminine} of 03996 ; a haven : -- entry .

feminine 04013 ## mibtsar {mib-tsawr'} ; also (in plural) {feminine} (Dan . 11 : l5) mibtsarah {mib-tsaw-raw'} ; from 01219 ; a fortification , castle , or fortified city ; figuratively , a defender : -- (de-, most) fenced , fortress , (most) strong (hold) .

feminine 04026 ## migdal {mig-dawl'} ; also (in plural) {feminine} migdalah {mig-daw-law'} ; from 01431 ; a tower (from its size or height) ; by analogy , a rostrum ; figuratively , a (pyramidal) bed of flowers : -- castle , flower , tower . Compare the names following .

feminine 04034 ## m@gowrah {meg-o-raw'} ; {feminine} of 04032 ; affright : -- fear .

feminine 04035 ## m@guwrah {meg-oo-raw'} ; {feminine} of 04032 or of 04033 ; a fright ; also a granary : -- barn , fear .

feminine 04043 ## magen {maw-gane'} ; also (in plural) {feminine} m@ginnah {meg-in-naw'} ; from 01598 ; a shield (i . e . the small one or buckler) ; figuratively , a protector ; also the scaly hide of the crocodile : -- X armed , buckler , defence , ruler , + scale , shield .

feminine 04054 ## migrash {mig-rawsh'} ; also (in plural) {feminine} (Ezek . 27 : 28) migrashah {mig-raw-shaw'} ; from 01644 ; a suburb (i . e . open country whither flocks are driven from pasture) ; hence , the area around a building , or the margin of the sea : -- cast out , suburb .

feminine 04060 ## middah {mid-daw'} ; {feminine} of 04055 ; properly , extension , i . e . height or breadth ; also a measure (including its standard) ; hence a portion (as measured) or a vestment ; specifically , tribute (as measured) : -- garment , measure (- ing , meteyard , piece , size , (great) stature , tribute , wide .

feminine 04087 ## madmenah {mad-may-naw'} ; {feminine} from the same as 01828 ; a dunghill : -- dunghill .

feminine 04120 ## m@herah {meh-hay-raw'} ; {feminine} of 04118 ; properly , a hurry ; hence (adverbially) promptly : -- hastily , quickly , shortly , soon , make (with) speed (- ily) , swiftly .

feminine 04125 ## Mow'abiy {mo-aw-bee'} ; {feminine} Mow'abiyah {mo-aw-bee-yaw'} ; or Mowabiyth {mo-aw-beeth'} ; patronymical from 04124 ; a Moabite or Moabitess , i . e . a descendant from Moab : -- (woman) of Moab , Moabite (- ish ,-ss) .

feminine 04133 ## mowtah {mo-taw'} ; {feminine} of 04132 ; a pole ; by implication , an ox-bow ; hence , a yoke (either literal or figurative) : -- bands , heavy , staves , yoke .

feminine 04142 ## muwcabbah {moo-sab-baw'} ; or mucabbah {moo-sab-baw'} ; {feminine} of 04141 ; a reversal , i . e . the backside (of a gem) , fold (of a double-leaved door) , transmutation (of a name) : -- being changed , inclosed , be set , turning .

feminine 04145 ## muwcadah {moo-saw-daw'} ; {feminine} of 04143 ; a foundation ; figuratively , an appointment : -- foundation , grounded . Compare 04328 .

feminine 04146 ## mowcadah {mo-saw-daw'} ; or mocadah {mo-saw-daw'} ; {feminine} of 04144 ; a foundation : -- foundation .

feminine 04147 ## mowcer {mo-sare'} ; also (in plural) {feminine} mowcerah {mo-say-raw'} ; or moc@rah {mo-ser-aw'} ; from 03256 ; properly , chastisement , i . e . (by implication) a halter ; figuratively , restraint : -- band , bond .

feminine 04149 ## Mowcerah {mo-say-raw'} ; or (plural) Moc@rowth {mo-ser-othe'} {feminine} of 04147 ; correction or corrections ; Moserah or Moseroth , a place in the Desert : -- Mosera , Moseroth .

feminine 04150 ## mow` ed {mo-ade'} ; or mo` ed {mo-ade'} ; or ({feminine}) mow` adah (2 Chronicles 8 : 13) {mo-aw-daw'} ; from 03259 ; properly , an appointment , i . e . a fixed time or season ; specifically , a festival ; conventionally a year ; by implication , an assembly (as convened for a definite purpose) ; technically the congregation ; by extension , the place of meeting ; also a signal (as appointed beforehand) : -- appointed (sign , time) , (place of , solemn) assembly , congregation , (set , solemn) feast , (appointed , due) season , solemn (- ity) , synogogue , (set) time (appointed) .

feminine 04154 ## muw` edeth {moo-ay'- deth} ; {feminine} passive participle of 04571 ; properly , made to slip , i . e . dislocated : -- out of joint .

feminine 04163 ## mowtsa'ah {mo-tsaw-aw'} ; {feminine} of 04161 ; a family descent ; also a sewer [marg . ; compare 06675 ] : -- draught house ; going forth .

feminine 04169 ## mowq@dah {mo-ked-aw'} ; {feminine} of 04168 ; fuel : -- burning .

feminine 04181 ## mowrashah {mo-raw-shaw'} ; {feminine} of 04180 ; a possession : -- heritage , inheritance , possession .

feminine 04189 ## mowsh@kah {mo-shek-aw'} ; act participle {feminine} of 04900 ; something drawing , i . e . (figuratively) a cord : -- band .

feminine 04207 ## mazleg {maz-layg'} ; or ({feminine}) mizlagah {miz-law-gaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to draw up ; a fork : -- fleshhook .

feminine 04238 ## Machaziy'owth {makh-az-ee-oth'} ; {feminine} plural from 02372 ; visions ; Machazioth , an Israelite : -- Mahazioth .

feminine 04245 ## machaleh {makh-al-eh'} ; or ({feminine}) machalah {makk-al-aw'} ; from 02470 ; sickness : -- disease , infirmity , sickness .

feminine 04246 ## m@chowlah {mek-o-law'} ; {feminine} of 04284 ; a dance : -- company , dances (- cing) .

feminine 04283 ## mochorath {mokh-or-awth'} ; or mochoratham (1 Sam . 30 : 17) {mokh-or-aw-thawm'} ; {feminine} from the same as 04279 ; the morrow or (adverbially) tomorrow : -- morrow , next day .

feminine 04294 ## matteh {mat-teh'} ; or ({feminine}) mattah {mat-taw'} ; from 05186 ; a branch (as extending) ; figuratively , a tribe ; also a rod , whether for chastising (figuratively , correction) , ruling (a sceptre) , throwing (a lance) , or walking (a staff ; figuratively , a support of life , e . g . bread) : -- rod , staff , tribe .

feminine 04303 ## mat` am {mat-am'} ; or ({feminine}) mat` ammah {mat-am-maw'} ; from 02938 ; a delicacy : -- dainty (meat) , savoury meat .

feminine 04328 ## m@yuccadah {meh-yoos-saw-daw'} ; properly , {feminine} passive participle of 03245 ; something founded , i . e . a foundation : -- foundation .

feminine 04341 ## mak'ob {mak-obe'} ; sometimes mak'owb {mak-obe'} ; also ({feminine} Isaiah 53 : 3) mak'obah {mak-o-baw'} ; from 03510 ; anguish or (figuratively) affliction : -- grief , pain , sorrow .

feminine 04350 ## m@kownah {mek-o-naw'} ; or m@konah {mek-o-naw'} ; {feminine} of 04349 ; a pedestal , also a spot : -- base .

feminine 04365 ## mikmereth {mik-meh'- reth} ; or mikmoreth {mik-mo'- reth} ; {feminine} of 04364 ; a (fisher's) net : -- drag , net .

feminine 04373 ## mikcah {mik-saw'} ; {feminine} of 04371 ; an enumeration ; by implication , a valuation : -- number , worth .

feminine 04384 ## makshelah {mak-shay-law'} ; {feminine} from 03782 ; a stumbling-block , but only figuratively (fall , enticement [idol ]) : -- ruin , stumbling-block .

feminine 04395 ## m@le'ah {mel-ay-aw'} ; {feminine} of 04392 ; something fulfilled , i . e . abundance (of produce) : -- (first of ripe) fruit , fulness .

feminine 04396 ## millu'ah {mil-loo-aw'} ; {feminine} of 04394 ; a filling , i . e . setting (of gems) : -- inclosing , setting .

feminine 04410 ## m@luwkah {mel-oo-kaw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 04427 ; something ruled , i . e . a realm : -- kingsom , king's , X royal .

feminine 04412 ## m@luwnah {mel-oo-naw'} ; {feminine} from 03885 ; a hut , a hammock : -- cottage , lodge .

feminine 04436 ## malkah {mal-kaw'} ; {feminine} of 04428 ; a queen : -- queen .

feminine 04447 ## Moleketh {mo-leh'- keth} ; {feminine} active participle of 04427 ; queen ; Moleketh , an Israelitess : -- Hammoleketh [including the article ] .

feminine 04466 ## mimkereth {mim-keh'- reth} ; {feminine} of 04465 ; a sale : -- + sold as .

feminine 04475 ## memshalah {mem-shaw-law'} ; {feminine} of 04474 ; rule ; also (concretely in plural) a realm or a ruler : -- dominion , government , power , to rule .

feminine 04496 ## m@nuwchah {men-oo-khaw'} ; or m@nuchah {men-oo-khaw'} ; {feminine} of 04495 ; repose or (adverbially) peacefully ; figuratively , consolation (specifically , matrimony) ; hence (concretely) an abode : -- comfortable , ease , quiet , rest (- ing place) , still .

feminine 04499 ## m@nuwcah {men-oo-saw'} ; or m@nucah {men-oo-saw'} ; {feminine} of 04498 ; retreat : -- fleeing , flight .

feminine 04501 ## m@nowrah {men-o-raw'} ; or m@norah {men-o-raw'} ; {feminine} of 04500 (in the original sense of 05216) ; a chandelier : -- candlestick .

feminine 04524 ## mecab {may-sab'} ; plural masculine m@cibbiym {mes-ib-beem'} ; or {feminine} m@cibbowth {mes-ib-bohth'} ; from 05437 ; a divan (as enclosing the room) ; abstractly (adverbial) around : -- that compass about , (place) round about , at table .

feminine 04548 ## macmer {mas-mare'} ; or micmer {mis-mare'} ; also ({feminine}) macm@rah {mas-mer-aw'} ; or micm@rah {mis-mer-aw'} ; or even masm@rah (Eccles . 12 : 11) {mas-mer-aw'} ; from 05568 ; a peg (as bristling from the surface) : -- nail .

feminine 04559 ## Micpereth {mis-peh'- reth} ; {feminine} of 04437 ; enumeration ; Mispereth , an Israelite : -- Mispereth . Compare 04458 .

feminine 04569 ## ma` abar {mah-ab-awr'} ; or {feminine} ma` abarah {mah-ab-aw-raw'} ; from 05674 ; a crossing-place (of a river , a ford ; of a mountain , a pass) ; abstractly , a transit , i . e . (figuratively) overwhelming : -- ford , place where . . . pass , passage .

feminine 04570 ## ma` gal {mah-gawl'} ; or {feminine} ma` galah {mah-gaw-law'} ; from the same as 05696 ; a track (literally or figuratively) ; also a rampart (as circular) : -- going , path , trench , way ([-side ]) .

feminine 04574 ## ma` adan {mah-ad-awn'} ; or ({feminine}) ma` adannah {mah-ad-an-naw'} ; from 05727 ; a delicacy or (abstractly) pleasure (adverbially , cheerfully) : -- dainty , delicately , delight .

feminine 04579 ## me` ah {may-aw'} ; {feminine} of 04578 ; the belly , i . e . (figuratively) interior : -- gravel .

feminine 04585 ## m@` ownah {meh-o-naw'} ; or m@` onah {meh-o-naw'} ; {feminine} of 04583 , and meaning the same : -- den , habitation , (dwelling) place , refuge .

feminine 04599 ## ma` yan {mah-yawn'} ; or ma` y@now (Psa . 00114 : 8) {mah-yen-o'} ; or ({feminine}) ma` yanah {mah-yaw-naw'} ; from 05869 (as a denominative in the sense of a spring) ; a fountain (also collectively) , figuratively , a source (of satisfaction) : -- fountain , spring , well .

feminine 04609 ## ma` alah {mah-al-aw'} ; {feminine} of 04608 ; elevation , i . e . the act (literally , a journey to a higher place , figuratively , a thought arising) , or (concretely) the condition (literally , a step or grade-mark , figuratively , a superiority of station) ; specifically a climactic progression (in certain Psalms) : -- things that come up , (high) degree , deal , go up , stair , step , story .

feminine 04628 ## ma` arab {mah-ar-awb'} ; or ({feminine}) ma` arabah {mah-ar-aw-baw'} ; from 06150 , in the sense of shading ; the west (as a region of the evening sun) : -- west .

feminine 04630 ## ma` arah {mah-ar-aw'} ; {feminine} of 04629 ; an open spot : -- army [from the margin ] .

feminine 04634 ## ma` arakah {mah-ar-aw-kaw'} ; {feminine} of 04633 ; an arrangement ; concretely , a pile ; specifically a military array : -- army , fight , be set in order , ordered place , rank , row .

feminine 04643 ## ma` aser {mah-as-ayr'} ; or ma` asar {mah-as-ar'} ; and (in plural) {feminine} ma` asrah {mah-as-raw'} ; from 06240 ; a tenth ; especially a tithe : -- tenth (part) , tithe (- ing) .

feminine 04659 ## miph` al {mif-awl'} ; or ({feminine}) miph` alah {mif-aw-law'} ; from 06466 ; a performance : -- work .

feminine 04675 ## matstsabah {mats-tsaw-baw'} ; or mitstsabah {mits-tsaw-baw'} ; {feminine} of 04673 ; a military guard : -- army , garrison .

feminine 04676 ## matstsebah {mats-tsay-baw'} ; {feminine} (causatively) participle of 05324 ; something stationed , i . e . a column or (memorial stone) ; by analogy , an idol : -- garrison , (standing) image , pillar .

feminine 04679 ## m@tsad {mets-ad'} ; or m@tsad {mets-awd'} ; or ({feminine}) m@tsadah {mets-aw-daw'} ; from 06679 ; a fastness (as a covert of ambush) : -- castle , fort , (strong) hold , munition .

feminine 04681 ## Motsah {mo-tsaw'} ; active participle {feminine} of 04680 ; drained ; Motsah , a place in Palestine : -- Mozah .

feminine 04685 ## matsowd {maw-tsode'} ; or ({feminine}) m@tsowdah {mets-o-daw'} ; or m@tsodah {mets-o-daw'} ; from 06679 ; a net (for capturing animals or fishes) :-also (by interchange for 04679) a fastness or (beseiging) tower : -- bulwark , hold , munition , net , snare .

feminine 04686 ## matsuwd {maw-tsood'} ; or ({feminine}) m@tsuwdah {mets-oo-daw'} ; or m@tsudah {mets-oo-daw'} ; for 04685 ; a net , or (abstractly) capture ; also a fastness ;-- castle , defense , fort (- ress) , (strong) hold , be hunted , net , snare , strong place .

feminine 04691 ## m@tsuwqah {mets-oo-kaw'} ; or m@tsuqah {mets-oo-kaw'} ; {feminine} of 04690 ; narrowness , i . e . (figuratively) trouble : -- anguish , distress .

feminine 04694 ## m@tsuwrah {mets-oo-raw'} ; or m@tsurah {mets-oo-raw'} ; {feminine} of 04692 ; a hemming in , i . e . (objectively) a mound (of siege) , or (subjectively) a rampart (of protection) , (abstractly) fortification : -- fenced (city , fort , munition , strong hold .

feminine 04704 ## mitsts@` iyrah {mits-tseh-ee-raw'} ; {feminine} of 04705 ; properly , littleness ; concretely , diminutive : -- little .

feminine 04709 ## Mitspah {mits-paw'} ; {feminine} of 04708 ; Mitspah , the name of two places in Palestine : -- Mitspah . [This seems rather to be only an orthographic variation of 04708 when " in pause " . ]

feminine 04721 ## maqhel {mak-hale'} ; or ({feminine}) maqhelah {mak-hay-law'} ; from 06950 ; an assembly : -- congregation .

feminine 04722 ## Maqheloth {mak-hay-loth'} ; plural of 04721 ({feminine}) ; assemblies ; Makheloth , a place in the Desert : -- Makheloth .

feminine 04724 ## miqvah {mik-vaw'} ; {feminine} of 04723 ; a collection , i . e . (of water) a reservoir : -- ditch .

feminine 04725 ## maqowm {maw-kome'} ; or maqom {maw-kome'} ; also ({feminine}) m@qowmah {mek-o-mah'} ; or m@qomah {mek-o-mah'} ; from 06965 ; properly , a standing , i . e . a spot ; but used widely of a locality (general or specific) ; also (figuratively) of a condition (of body or mind) : -- country , X home , X open , place , room , space , X whither [-soever ] .

feminine 04730 ## miqtereth {mik-teh'- reth} ; {feminine} of 04729 ; something to fume (incense) in , i . e . a coal-pan : -- censer .

feminine 04731 ## maqqel {mak-kale ;} ; or ({feminine}) maqq@lah {mak-kel-aw'} ; from an unused root meaning apparently to germinate ; a shoot , i . e . stick (with leaves on , or for walking , striking , guiding , divining) : -- rod , ([hand-]) staff .

feminine 04732 ## Miqlowth {mik-lohth'} ; (or perhaps mik-kel-ohth') plural of ({feminine}) 04731 ; rods ; Mikloth , a place in the Desert : -- Mikloth .

feminine 04736 ## miqnah {mik-naw'} ; {feminine} of 04735 ; properly , a buying , i . e . acquisition ; concretely , a piece of property (land or living) ; also the sum paid : -- (he that is) bought , possession , piece , purchase .

feminine 04740 ## maqtsowa` {mak-tso'- ah} ; or maqtsoa` {mak-tso-ah} ; or ({feminine}) maqtso` ah {mak-tso-aw'} ; from 07106 in the denominative sense of bending ; an angle or recess : -- corner , turning .

feminine 04749 ## miqshah {mik-shaw'} ; {feminine} of 04748 ; rounded work , i . e . moulded by hammering (repousse) : -- beaten (out of one piece , work) , upright , whole piece .

feminine 04751 ## mar {mar} ; or ({feminine}) marah {maw-raw'} ; from 04843 ; bitter (literally or figuratively) ; also (as noun) bitterness , or (adverbially) bitterly : -- + angry , bitter (- ly ,-ness) , chafed , discontented , X great , heavy .

feminine 04755 ## Mara'{maw-raw'} ; for 04751 {feminine} ; bitter ; Mara , a symbolic name of Naomi : -- Mara .

feminine 04759 ## mar'ah {mar-aw'} ; {feminine} of 04758 ; a vision ; also (causatively) a mirror : -- looking glass , vision .

feminine 04760 ## mur'ah {moor-aw'} ; apparently {feminine} passive causative participle of 07200 ; something conspicuous , i . e . the craw of a bird (from its prominence) : -- crop .

feminine 04785 ## Marah {maw-raw'} ; the same as 04751 {feminine} ; bitter ; Marah , a place in the Desert : -- Marah .

feminine 04794 ## m@ruwtsah {mer-oo-tsaw'} ; or m@rutsah {mer-oo-tsaw'} ; {feminine} of 04793 ; a race (the act) , whether the manner or the progress : -- course , running . Compare 04835 .

feminine 04796 ## Marowth {maw-rohth'} ; plural of 04751 {feminine} ; bitter springs ; Maroth , a place in Palestine : -- Maroth .

feminine 04818 ## merkabah {mer-kaw-baw'} ; {feminine} of 04817 ; a chariot : -- chariot . See also 01024 .

feminine 04841 ## merqachah {mer-kaw-khaw'} ; {feminine} of 04840 ; abstractly , a seasoning (with spicery) ; concretely , an unguent-kettle (for preparing spiced oil) : -- pot of ointment , X well .

feminine 04850 ## M@rathayim {mer-aw-thah'- yim} ; dual of 04751 {feminine} ; double bitterness ; Merathajim , an epithet of Babylon : -- Merathaim .

feminine 04859 ## mashsha'ah {mash-shaw-aw'} ; {feminine} of 04855 ; a loan : -- X any [-thing ] , debt .

feminine 04917 ## mishlachath {mish-lakh'- ath} ; {feminine} of 04916 ; a mission , i . e . (abstractly) and favorable) release , or (concretely and unfavorable) an army : -- discharge , sending .

feminine 04922 ## M@shullemeth {mesh-ool-leh'- meth'} ; {feminine} of 04918 ; Meshullemeth , an Israelitess : -- Meshullemeth .

feminine 04930 ## masm@rah {mas-mer-aw'} ; for 04548 {feminine} ; a peg : -- nail .

feminine 04931 ## mishmereth {mish-meh'- reth} ; {feminine} of 04929 ; watch , i . e . the act (custody) or (transitively) the sentry , the post ; objectively , preservation , or (concretely) safe ; figuratively , observance , i . e . (abstractly) duty , or (objectively) a usage or party : -- charge , keep , to be kept , office , ordinance , safeguard , ward , watch .

feminine 04938 ## mish` enah {mish-ay-naw'} ; or mish` eneth {mish-eh'- neth} ; {feminine} of 04937 ; support (abstractly) , i . e . (figuratively) sustenance or (concretely) a walking-stick : -- staff .

feminine 04949 ## mishqeleth {mish-keh'- leth} ; or mishqoleth {mish-ko'- leth} ; {feminine} of 04948 or 04947 ; a weight , i . e . a plummet (with line attached) : -- plummet .

feminine 04979 ## mattanah {mat-taw-naw'} ; {feminine} of 04976 ; a present ; specifically (in a good sense) , a sacrificial offering , (in a bad sense) a bribe : -- gift .

feminine 04989 ## Mithqah {mith-kaw'} ; {feminine} of 04987 ; sweetness ; Mithkah , a place in the Desert : -- Mithcah .

feminine 04991 ## mattath {mat-tawth'} ; {feminine} of 04976 abbreviated form ; a present : -- gift .

feminine 04997 ## no'd {node} ; or no'wd {node} ; also ({feminine}) no'dah {no-daw'} ; from an unused root of uncertain signification ; a (skin or leather) bag (for fluids) : -- bottle .

feminine 05022 ## Nabowth {naw-both'} ; {feminine} plural from the same as 05011 ; fruits ; Naboth , an Israelite : -- Naboth .

feminine 05031 ## n@biy'ah {neb-ee-yaw'} ; {feminine} of 05030 ; a prophetess or (generally) inspired woman ; by implication , a poetess ; by association a prophet's wife : -- prophetess .

feminine 05032 ## N@bayowth {neb-aw-yoth'} ; or N@bayoth {neb-aw-yoth'} ; {feminine} plural from 05107 ; fruitfulnesses ; Nebajoth , a son of Ismael , and the country settled by him : -- Nebaioth , Nebajoth .

feminine 05039 ## n@balah {neb-aw-law'} ; {feminine} of 05036 ; foolishness , i . e . (morally) wickedness ; concretely , a crime ; by extension , punishment : -- folly , vile , villany .

feminine 05054 ## n@gohah {neg-o-haw'} ; {feminine} of 05051 ; splendor : -- brightness .

feminine 05082 ## n@diybah {ned-ee-baw'} ; {feminine} of 05081 ; properly , nobility , i . e . reputation : -- soul .

feminine 05093 ## nihyah {nih-yaw'} ; {feminine} of 05092 ; lamentation : -- doleful .

feminine 05100 ## n@hamah {neh-haw-maw'} ; {feminine} of 05099 ; snarling : -- disquietness , roaring .

feminine 05116 ## naveh {naw-veh'} ; or ({feminine}) navah {naw-vaw'} ; from 05115 ; (adjectively) at home ; hence (by implication of satisfaction) lovely ; also (noun) a home , of God (temple) , men (residence) , flocks (pasture) , or wild animals (den) : -- comely , dwelling (place) , fold , habitation , pleasant place , sheepcote , stable , tarried .

feminine 05119 ## Nowchah {no-chaw'} ; {feminine} of 05118 ; quietude ; Nochah , an Israelite : -- Nohah .

feminine 05133 ## nowtsah {no-tsaw'} ; or notsah {no-tsaw'} ; {feminine} active participle of 05327 in the sense of flying ; a pinion (or wing feather) ; often (collectively) plumage : -- feather (- s) , ostrich .

feminine 05154 ## n@chuwshah {nekh-oo-shaw'} ; or n@chushah {nekh-oo-shaw'} ; {feminine} of 05153 ; copper : -- brass , steel . Compare 05176 .

feminine 05158 ## nachal {nakh'- al} ; or ({feminine}) nachlah (Psalm 124 : 4) {nakh'- law} ; or nachalah (Ezekiel 47 : 19 ; 48 : 28) {nakh-al-aw'} ; from 05157 in its original sense ; a stream , especially a winter torrent ; (by implication) a (narrow) valley (in which a brook runs) ; also a shaft (of a mine) : -- brook , flood , river , stream , valley .

feminine 05170 ## nachar {nakh'- ar} ; and ({feminine}) nacharah {nakh-ar-aw'} ; from an unused root meaning to snort or snore ; a snorting : -- nostrils , snorting .

feminine 05206 ## niydah {nee-daw'} ; {feminine} of 05205 ; removal , i . e . exile : -- removed .

feminine 05216 ## niyr {neer} or nir {neer} ; also neyr {nare} ; or ner {nare} ; or ({feminine}) nerah {nay-raw'} ; from a primitive root [see 05214 ; 05135 ] properly , meaning to glisten ; a lamp (i . e . the burner) or light (literally or figuratively) : -- candle , lamp , light .

feminine 05229 ## n@kochah {nek-o-khaw'} ; {feminine} of 05228 ; properly , straightforwardness , i . e . (figuratively) integrity , or (concretely) a truth : -- equity , right (thing) , uprightness .

feminine 05244 ## n@malah {nem-aw-law'} ; {feminine} from 05243 ; an ant (probably from its almost bisected form) : -- ant .

feminine 05252 ## n@cibbah {nes-ib-baw'} ; {feminine} participle passive of 05437 ; properly , an environment , i . e . circumstance or turn of affairs : -- cause .

feminine 05271 ## na` uwr {naw-oor'} ; or na` ur {naw-oor'} ; and ({feminine}) n@` urah {neh-oo-raw'} ; properly , passive participle from 05288 as denominative ; (only in plural collectively or emphatic form) youth , the state (juvenility) or the persons (young people) : -- childhood , youth .

feminine 05275 ## na` al {nah'- al} ; or ({feminine}) na` alah {nah-al-aw'} ; from 05274 ; properly , a sandal tongue ; by extens . a sandal or slipper (sometimes as a symbol of occupancy , a refusal to marry , or of something valueless) : -- dryshod , (pair of) shoe ([-latchet ] ,-s) .

feminine 05279 ## Na` amah {nah-am-aw'} ; {feminine} of 05277 ; pleasantness ; Naamah , the name of an antediluvian woman , of an Ammonitess , and of a place in Palestine : -- Naamah .

feminine 05291 ## na` arah {nah-ar-aw'} ; {feminine} of 05288 ; a girl (from infancy to adolescence) : -- damsel , maid (- en) , young (woman) .

feminine 05328 ## nitstsah {nits-tsaw'} ; {feminine} of 05322 ; a blossom ;-- flower .

feminine 05351 ## n@quddah {ned-ood-daw'} ; {feminine} of 05348 ; a boss : -- stud .

feminine 05353 ## N@qowda'{nek-o-daw'} ; {feminine} of 05348 (in the figurative sense of marked) ; distinction ; Nekoda , a Temple-servant : -- Nekoda .

feminine 05360 ## n@qamah {nek-aw-maw'} ; {feminine} of 05359 ; avengement , whether the act of the passion : -- + avenge , revenge (- ing) , vengeance .

feminine 05379 ## nisse'th {nis-sayth'} ; passive participle {feminine} of 05375 ; something taken , i . e . a present : -- gift .

feminine 05385 ## n@suw'ah {nes-oo-aw'} ; or rather , n@su'ah {nes-oo-aw'} ; {feminine} . passive participle of 05375 ; something borne , i . e . a load : -- carriage .

feminine 05389 ## nashiyn (Aramaic) {naw-sheen'} ; irregular plural {feminine} of 00606 : -- women .

feminine 05410 ## nathiyb {naw-theeb'} ; or ({feminine}) n@thiybah {neth-ee-baw'} ; or n@thibah (Jeremiah 6 : 16) {neth-ee-baw'} ; from an unused root meaning to tramp ; a (beaten) track : -- path ([-way ]) , X travel [-ler ] , way .

feminine 05439 ## cabiyb {saw-beeb'} ; or ({feminine}) c@biybah {seb-ee-baw'} ; from 05437 ; (as noun) a circle , neighbour , or environs ; but chiefly (as adverb , with or without preposition) around : -- (place , round) about , circuit , compass , on every side .

feminine 05459 ## c@gullah {seg-ool-law'} ; {feminine} passive participle of an unused root meaning to shut up ; wealth (as closely shut up) : -- jewel , peculiar (treasure) , proper good , special .

feminine 05484 ## cuwcah {soo-saw'} ; {feminine} of 05483 ; a mare : -- company of horses .

feminine 05507 ## cocherah {so-khay-raw'} ; properly , active participle {feminine} of 05503 ; something surrounding the person , i . e . a shield : -- buckler .

feminine 05518 ## ciyr {seer} ; or ({feminine}) ciyrah {see-raw'} ; or cirah (Jeremiah 52 : 18) {see-raw'} ; from a primitive root meaning to boil up ; a pot ; also a thorn (as springing up rapidly) ; by implication , a hook : -- caldron , fishhook , pan , ([wash-]) pot , thorn .

feminine 05522 ## cikkuwth {sik-kooth'} ; {feminine} of 05519 ; an (idolatrous) booth : -- tabernacle .

feminine 05550 ## col@lah {so-lel-aw'} ; or cowl@lah {so-lel-aw'} ; active participle {feminine} of 05549 , but used passively ; a military mound , i . e . rampart of besiegers : -- bank , mount .

feminine 05578 ## Cancannah {san-san-naw'} ; {feminine} of a form of 05577 ; a bough ; Sansannah , a place in Palestine : -- Sansannah .

feminine 05589 ## c@` appah {seh-ap-paw'} ; {feminine} of 05585 ; a twig : -- bough , branch . Compare 05634 .

feminine 05591 ## ca` ar {sah'- ar} ; or ({feminine}) c@` arah {seh-aw-raw'} ; from 05590 ; a hurricane : -- storm (- y) , tempest , whirlwind .

feminine 05612 ## cepher {say'- fer} ; or ({feminine}) ciphrah (Psa . 56 : 8 [9 ]) {sif-raw'} ; from 05608 ; properly , writing (the art or a document) ; by implication , a book : -- bill , book , evidence , X learn [-ed ] (- ing) , letter , register , scroll .

feminine 05618 ## Cophereth {so-feh'- reth} ; {feminine} active participle of 05608 ; a scribe (properly , female) ; Sophereth , a temple servant : -- Sophereth .

feminine 05643 ## cether {say'- ther} ; or ({feminine}) cithrah (Deut . 32 : 38) , {sith-raw'} ; from 05641 ; a cover (in a good or a bad , a literal or a figurative sense) : -- backbiting , covering , covert , X disguise [-th ] , hiding place , privily , protection , secret (- ly , place) .

feminine 05645 ## ` ab {awb} (masculine and {feminine}) ; from 05743 ; properly , an envelope , i . e . darkness (or density , 2 Chron . 4 : 17) ; specifically , a (scud) cloud ; also a copse : -- clay , (thick) cloud , X thick , thicket . Compare 05672 .

feminine 05678 ## ` ebrah {eb-raw'} ; {feminine} of 05676 ; an outburst of passion : -- anger , rage , wrath .

feminine 05684 ## ` Ebronah {eb-raw-naw'} ; {feminine} of 05683 ; Ebronah , place in the Desert : -- Ebronah .

feminine 05697 ## ` eglah {eg-law'} ; {feminine} of 05695 ; a (female) calf , especially one nearly grown (i . e . a heifer) : -- calf , cow , heifer .

feminine 05712 ## ` edah {ay-daw'} ; {feminine} of 05707 in the original sense of fixture ; a stated assemblage (specifically , a concourse , or generally , a family or crowd) : -- assembly , company , congregation , multitude , people , swarm . Compare 05713 .

feminine 05713 ## ` edah {ay-daw'} ; {feminine} of 05707 in its techn . sense ; testimony : -- testimony , witness . Compare 05712 .

feminine 05715 ## ` eduwth {ay-dooth'} ; {feminine} of 05707 ; testimony : -- testimony , witness .

feminine 05723 ## ` Adiythayim {ad-ee-thah'- yim} ; dual of a {feminine} of 05706 ; double prey ; Adithajim , a place in Palestine : -- Adithaim .

feminine 05777 ## ` owphereth {o-feh'- reth} ; or` ophereth {o-feh'- reth} ; {feminine} participle active of 06080 ; lead (from its dusty color) : -- lead .

feminine 05798 ## ` Uzza'{ooz-zaw'} ; or` Uzzah {ooz-zaw'} ; {feminine} of 05797 ; strength ; Uzza or Uzzah , the name of five Israelites : -- Uzza , Uzzah .

feminine 05804 ## ` Azzah {az-zaw'} ; {feminine} of 05794 ; strong ; Azzah , a place in Palestine : -- Azzah , Gaza .

feminine 05805 ## ` azuwbah {az-oo-baw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 05800 ; desertion (of inhabitants) : -- forsaking .

feminine 05822 ## ` ozniyah {oz-nee-yaw'} ; probably {feminine} of 05797 ; probably the sea-eagle (from its strength) : -- ospray .

feminine 05833 ## ` ezrah {ez-raw'} ; or` ezrath (Psa . 60 : 11 [13 ] ; 00108 : 12 [13 ]) {ez-rawth'} ; {feminine} of 05828 ; aid : -- help (- ed ,-er) .

feminine 05876 ## ` Eyn Chaddah {ane khad-daw'} ; from 05869 and the {feminine} of a derivative from 02300 ; fountain of sharpness ; En-Chaddah , a place in Palestine : -- En-haddah .

feminine 05890 ## ` eyphah {ay-faw'} ; {feminine} from 05774 ; obscurity (as if from covering) : -- darkness .

feminine 05915 ## ` Akcah {ak-saw'} ; {feminine} of 05914 ; anklet ; Aksah , an Israelitess : -- Achsah .

feminine 05925 ## ` Ulla'{ool-law'} ; {feminine} of 05923 ; burden ; Ulla , an Israelite : -- Ulla .

feminine 05930 ## ` olah {o-law'} ; or` owlah {o-law'} ; {feminine} active participle of 05927 ; a step or (collectively , stairs , as ascending) ; usually a holocaust (as going up in smoke) : -- ascent , burnt offering (sacrifice) , go up to . See also 05766 .

feminine 05931 ## ` illah (Aramaic) {il-law'} ; {feminine} from a root corresponding to 05927 ; a pretext (as arising artificially) : -- occasion .

feminine 05936 ## ` aluwqah {al-oo-kaw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of an unused root meaning to suck ; the leech : -- horse-leech .

feminine 05939 ## ` alatah {al-aw-taw'} ; {feminine} from an unused root meaning to cover ; dusk : -- dark , twilight .

feminine 05944 ## ` aliyah {al-ee-yaw'} ; {feminine} from 05927 ; something lofty , i . e . a stair-way ; also a second-story room (or even one on the roof) ; figuratively , the sky : -- ascent , (upper) chamber , going up , loft , parlour .

feminine 05955 ## ` olelah {o-lay-law'} ; {feminine} active participle of 05953 ; only in plural gleanings ; by extens . gleaning-time : -- (gleaning) (of the) grapes , grapegleanings .

feminine 05959 ## ` almah {al-maw'} ; {feminine} of 05958 ; a lass (as veiled or private) : -- damsel , maid , virgin .

feminine 05985 ## 'Ammowniyth {am-mo-neeth'} ; {feminine} of 05984 ; an Ammonitess : -- Ammonite (- ss) .

feminine 06037 ## ` anvah {an-vaw'} ; {feminine} of 06035 ; mildness (royal) ; also (concretely) oppressed : -- gentleness , meekness .

feminine 06053 ## ` ananah {an-aw-naw'} ; {feminine} of 06051 ; cloudiness : -- cloud .

feminine 06084 ## ` Ophrah {of-raw'} ; {feminine} of 06082 ; female fawn ; Ophrah , the name of an Israelite and of two places in Palestine : -- Ophrah .

feminine 06097 ## ` etsah {ay-tsaw'} ; {feminine} of 06086 ; timber : -- trees .

feminine 06103 ## ` atslah {ats-law'} ; {feminine} of 06102 ; (as abstractly) indolence : -- slothfulness .

feminine 06109 ## ` otsmah {ots-maw'} ; {feminine} of 06108 ; powerfulness ; by extension , numerousness : -- abundance , strength .

feminine 06110 ## ` atstsumah {ats-tsoo-maw'} ; {feminine} of 06099 ; a bulwark , i . e . (figuratively) argument : -- strong .

feminine 06122 ## ` oqbah {ok-baw'} ; {feminine} of an unused form from 06117 meaning a trick ; trickery : -- subtilty .

feminine 06161 ## ` arubbah {ar-oob-baw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 06048 in the sense of a bargain or exchange ; something given as security , i . e . (literally) a token (of safety) or (metaphorically) a bondsman : -- pledge , surety .

feminine 06169 ## ` arah {aw-raw'} ; {feminine} from 06168 ; a naked (i . e . level) plot : -- paper reed .

feminine 06170 ## ` aruwgah {ar-oo-gaw'} ; or` arugah {ar-oo-gaw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 06165 ; something piled up (as if [figuratively ] raised by mental aspiration) , i . e . a paterre : -- bed , furrow .

feminine 06190 ## ` orlah {or-law'} ; {feminine} of 06189 ; the prepuce : -- foreskin , + uncircumcised .

feminine 06195 ## ` ormah {or-maw'} ; {feminine} of 06193 ; trickery ; or (in a good sense) discretion : -- guile , prudence , subtilty , wilily , wisdom .

feminine 06204 ## ` Orpah {or-paw'} ; {feminine} of 06203 ; mane ; Orpah , a Moabites : -- Orpah .

feminine 06224 ## ` asiyriy {as-ee-ree'} ; from 06235 ; tenth ; by abbreviation , tenth month or ({feminine}) part : -- tenth (part) .

feminine 06234 ## ` oshqah {osh-kaw'} ; {feminine} of 06233 ; anguish : -- oppressed .

feminine 06264 ## ` athiyd {aw-theed'} ; from 06257 ; prepared ; by implication , skilful ; {feminine} plural the future ; also treasure : -- things that shall come , ready , treasures .

feminine 06285 ## pe'ah {pay-aw'} ; {feminine} of 06311 ; properly , mouth in a figurative sense , i . e . direction , region , extremity : -- corner , end , quarter , side .

feminine 06345 ## pachdah {pakh-daw'} ; {feminine} of 06343 ; alarm (i . e . awe) : -- fear .

feminine 06366 ## peyah {pay-aw'} ; or piyah {pee-yaw'} ; {feminine} of 06310 ; an edge : -- (two-) edge (- d) .

feminine 06367 ## Pi ha-Chiyroth {pee hah-khee-roth'} ; from 06310 and the {feminine} plural of a noun (from the same root as 02356) , with the article interpolated ; mouth of the gorges ; Pi-ha-Chiroth , a place in Egypt : -- Pi-hahiroth . [In Numbers 14 : 19 without Pi-. ]

feminine 06380 ## Pokereth Ts@bayiym {po-keh'- reth tseb-aw-yeem'} ; from the active participle (of the same form as the first word) {feminine} of an unused root (meaning to entrap) and plural of 06643 ; trap of gazelles ; Pokereth-Tsebajim , one of the " servants of Solomon " : -- Pochereth of Zebaim .

feminine 06413 ## p@leytah {pel-ay-taw'} ; or p@letah {pel-ay-taw'} ; {feminine} of 06412 ; deliverance ; concretely , an escaped portion : -- deliverance , (that is) escape (- d) , remnant .

feminine 06415 ## p@liylah {pel-ee-law'} ; {feminine} of 06414 ; justice : -- judgment .

feminine 06417 ## p@liyliyah {pel-ee-lee-yaw'} ; {feminine} of 064l6 ; judicature : -- judgment .

feminine 06438 ## pinnah {pin-naw'} ; {feminine} of 06434 ; an angle ; by implication , a pinnacle ; figuratively , a chieftain : -- bulwark , chief , corner , stay , tower .

feminine 06444 ## P@ninnah {pen-in-naw'} ; probably {feminine} from 06443 contr . ; Peninnah , an Israelitess : -- Peninnah .

feminine 06468 ## p@` ullah {peh-ool-law'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 06466 ; (abstractly) work : -- labour , reward , wages , work .

feminine 06471 ## pa` am {pah'- am} ; or ({feminine}) pa` amah {pah-am-aw'} ; from 06470 ; a stroke , literally or figuratively (in various applications , as follow) : -- anvil , corner , foot (- step) , going , [hundred-] fold , X now , (this) + once , order , rank , step , + thrice , ([often-]) , second , this , two) time (- s) , twice , wheel .

feminine 06486 ## p@quddah {pek-ood-daw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 06485 ; visitation (in many senses , chiefly official) : -- account , (that have the) charge , custody , that which . . . laid up , numbers , office (- r) , ordering , oversight , + prison , reckoning , visitation .

feminine 06506 ## pirdah {pir-daw'} ; {feminine} of 06505 ; a she-mule : -- mule .

feminine 06507 ## p@rudah {per-oo-daw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 06504 ; something separated , i . e . a kernel : -- seed .

feminine 06510 ## parah {paw-raw'} ; {feminine} of 06499 ; a heifer : -- cow , heifer , kine .

feminine 06532 ## poreketh {po-reh'- keth} ; {feminine} active participle of the same as 06531 ; a separatrix , i . e . (the sacred) screen : -- vail .

feminine 06541 ## parcah {par-saw'} ; {feminine} of 06538 ; a claw or split hoof : -- claw , [cloven-] footed , hoof .

feminine 06546 ## par` ah {par-aw'} ; {feminine} of 06545 (in the sense of beginning) ; leadership (plural concretely , leaders) : -- + avenging , revenge .

feminine 06594 ## pishtah {pish-taw'} ; {feminine} of 06593 ; flax ; by implication , a wick : -- flax , tow .

feminine 06635 ## tsaba'{tsaw-baw'} ; or ({feminine}) ts@ba'ah {tseb-aw-aw'} ; from 06633 ; a mass of persons (or figuratively , things) , especially reg . organized for war (an army) ; by implication , a campaign , literally or figuratively (specifically , hardship , worship) : -- appointed time , (+) army , (+) battle , company , host , service , soldiers , waiting upon , war (- fare) .

feminine 06637 ## Tsobebah {tso-bay-baw'} ; {feminine} active participle of the same as 06632 ; the canopier (with the article) ; Tsobebah , an Israelitess : -- Zobebah .

feminine 06646 ## ts@biyah {tseb-ee-yaw'} ; {feminine} of 06643 ; a female gazelle : -- roe .

feminine 06675 ## tsow'ah {tso-aw'} ; or tso'ah {tso-aw'} : {feminine} of 06674 ; excrement ; generally , dirt ; figuratively , pollution : -- dung , filth (- iness) . Marg . for 02716 .

feminine 06677 ## tsavva'r {tsav-vawr'} ; or tsavvar (Nehemiah 3 : 5) {tsav-vawr'} ; or tsavvaron (Song of Solomon 4 : 9) {tsav-vaw-rone'} ; or ({feminine}) tsavva'rah (Micah 2 : 3) {tsav-vaw-raw'} ; intensively from 06696 in the sense of binding ; the back of the neck (as that on which burdens are bound) : -- neck .

feminine 06695 ## tsowq {tsoke} ; or ({feminine}) tsuwqah {tsoo-kaw'} ; from 06693 ; a strait , i . e . (figuratively) distress : -- anguish , X troublous .

feminine 06699 ## tsuwrah {tsoo-raw'} ; {feminine} of 06697 ; a rock (Job 28 : 10) ; also a form (as if pressed out) : -- form , rock .

feminine 06707 ## ts@chiychah {tsekh-ee-khaw'} ; {feminine} of 06706 ; a parched region , i . e . the desert : -- dry land .

feminine 06720 ## tseydah {tsay-daw'} ; or tsedah {tsay-daw'} ; {feminine} of 06718 ; food : -- meat , provision , venison , victuals .

feminine 06727 ## Tsiycha'{tsee-khaw'} ; or Tsicha'{tsee-khaw'} ; as if {feminine} of 06704 ; drought ; Tsicha , the name of two Nethinim : -- Ziha .

feminine 06733 ## tsiytsah {tsee-tsaw'} ; {feminine} of 06731 ; a flower : -- flower .

feminine 06734 ## tsiytsith {tsee-tseeth'} ; {feminine} of 06731 ; a floral or wing-like projection , i . e . a forelock of hair , a tassel : -- fringe , lock .

feminine 06741 ## Tsillah {tsil-law'} ; {feminine} of 06738 ; Tsillah , an antediluvian woman : -- Zillah .

feminine 06758 ## Tsalmonah {tsal-mo-naw'} ; {feminine} of 06757 ; shadiness ; Tsalmonah , a place in the Desert : -- Zalmonah .

feminine 06763 ## tsela` {tsay-law'} ; or ({feminine}) tsal` ah {tsal-aw'} ; from 06760 ; a rib (as curved) , literally (of the body) or figuratively (of a door , i . e . leaf) ; hence , a side , literally (of a person) or figuratively (of an object or the sky , i . e . quarter) ; architecturally , a (especially floor or ceiling) timber or plank (single or collective , i . e . a flooring) : -- beam , board , chamber , corner , leaf , plank , rib , side (chamber) .

feminine 06769 ## Tsill@thay {tsil-leth-ah'- ee} ; from the {feminine} of 06738 ; shady ; Tsillethai , the name of two Israelites : -- Zilthai .

feminine 06773 ## tsim'ah {tsim-aw'} ; {feminine} of 06772 ; thirst (figuratively , of libidinousnes) : -- thirst .

feminine 06793 ## tsinnah {tsin-naw'} ; {feminine} of 06791 ; a hook (as pointed) ; also a (large) shield (as if guarding by prickliness) ; also cold (as piercing) : -- buckler , cold , hook , shield , target .

feminine 06797 ## tsaniyph {tsaw-neef'} ; or tsanowph {tsaw-nofe'} ; or ({feminine}) tsaniyphah {tsaw-nee-faw'} ; from 06801 ; a head-dress (i . e . piece of cloth wrapped around) : -- diadem , hood , mitre .

feminine 06807 ## ts@` adah {tseh-aw-daw'} ; {feminine} of 06806 ; a march ; (concretely) an (ornamental) ankle-chain : -- going , ornament of the legs .

feminine 06812 ## ts@` iyrah {tseh-ee-raw'} ; {feminine} of 06810 ; smallness (of age) , i . e . juvenility : -- youth .

feminine 06843 ## ts@phiyrah {tsef-ee-raw'} ; {feminine} formed like 06842 ; a crown (as encircling the head) ; also a turn of affairs (i . e . mishap) : -- diadem , morning .

feminine 06849 ## ts@phi` ah {tsef-ee-aw'} ; {feminine} from the same as 06848 ; an outcast thing : -- issue .

feminine 06855 ## Tsipporah {tsip-po-raw'} ; {feminine} of 06833 ; bird ; Tsipporah , Moses'wife : -- Zipporah .

feminine 06869 ## tsarah {tsaw-raw'} ; {feminine} of 06862 ; tightness (i . e . figuratively , trouble) ; transitively , a female rival : -- adversary , adversity , affliction , anguish , distress , tribulation , trouble .

feminine 06870 ## Ts@ruwyah {tser-oo-yaw'} ; {feminine} passive participle from the same as 06875 ; wounded ; Tserujah , an Israelitess : -- Zeruiah .

feminine 06871 ## Ts@ruw` ah {tser-oo-aw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 06879 ; leprous ; Tseruah , an Israelitess : -- Zeruah .

feminine 06900 ## q@buwrah {keb-oo-raw'} ; or q@burah {keb-oo-raw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 06912 ; sepulture ; (concretely) a sepulchre : -- burial , burying place , grave , sepulchre .

feminine 06910 ## q@butsah {keb-oo-tsaw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 06908 ; a hoard : -- X gather .

feminine 06913 ## qeber {keh'- ber} ; or ({feminine}) qibrah {kib-raw'} ; from 06912 ; a sepulchre : -- burying place , grave , sepulchre .

feminine 06914 ## Qibrowth hat-Ta'a-vah {kib-roth'hat-tah-av-aw'} ; from the {feminine} plural of 06913 and 08378 with the article interposed ; graves of the longing ; Kibroth-hat-Taavh , a place in the Desert : -- Kibroth-hattaavah .

feminine 06926 ## qidmah {kid-maw'} ; {feminine} of 06924 ; the forward part (or relatively) East (often adverbially , on the east or in front) : -- east (- ward) .

feminine 06948 ## q@deshah {ked-ay-shaw'} ; {feminine} of 06945 ; a female devotee (i . e . prostitute) : -- harlot , whore .

feminine 06953 ## qoheleth {ko-heh'- leth} ; {feminine} of active participle from 06950 ; a (female) assembler (i . e . lecturer) : abstractly , preaching (used as a " nom de plume " , Koheleth) : -- preacher .

feminine 06977 ## q@vutstsah {kev-oots-tsaw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 06972 in its original sense ; a forelock (as shorn) : -- lock .

feminine 06989 ## Q@tuwrah {ket-oo-raw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 06999 ; perfumed ; Keturah , a wife of Abraham : -- Keturah .

feminine 07023 ## qiyr {keer} ; or qir (Isa . 22 : 5) {keer} ; or ({feminine}) qiyrah {kee-raw'} ; from 06979 ; a wall (as built in a trench) : -- + mason , side , town , X very , wall .

feminine 07025 ## Qiyr Cheres {keer kheh'- res} ; or ({feminine} of the latter word) Qiyr Chareseth {keer khar-eh'- seth} ; from 07023 and 02789 ; fortress of earthenware ; Kir-Cheres or Kir-Chareseth , a place in Moab : -- Kir-haraseth , Kir-hareseth , Kir-haresh , Kir-heres .

feminine 07054 ## qamah {kuw-maw'} ; {feminine} of active participle of 06965 ; something that rises , i . e . a stalk of grain : -- (standing) corn , grown up , stalk .

feminine 07071 ## Qanah {kaw-naw'} ; {feminine} of 07070 ; reediness ; Kanah , the name of a stream and of a place in Palestine : -- Kanah .

feminine 07098 ## qatsah {kaw-tsaw'} ; {feminine} of 07097 ; a termination (used like 07097) : -- coast , corner , (selv-) edge , lowest , (uttermost) participle

feminine 07099 ## qetsev {keh'- tsev} ; and ({feminine}) qitsvah {kits-vaw'} ; from 07096 ; a limit (used like 07097 , but with less variety) : -- end , edge , uttermost participle

feminine 07135 ## qarah {kaw-raw'} ; {feminine} of 07119 ; coolness : -- cold .

feminine 07155 ## Qiryath Chutsowth {keer-yath'khoo-tsoth'} ; from 07151 and the {feminine} plural of 02351 ; city of streets ; Kirjath-Chutsoth , a place in Moab : -- Kirjath-huzoth .

feminine 07158 ## Qiryath Cannah {keer-yath'san-naw'} ; or Qiryath Cepher {keer-yath'say-fer} ; from 07151 and a simpler {feminine} from the same as 05577 , or (for the latter name) 05612 ; city of branches , or of a book ; Kirjath-Sannah or Kirjath-Sepher , a place in Palestine : -- Kirjath-sannah , Kirjath-sepher .

feminine 07208 ## R@'uwmah {reh-oo-maw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 07213 ; raised ; Reumah , a Syrian woman : -- Reumah .

feminine 07222 ## ro'shah {ro-shaw'} ; {feminine} of 07218 ; the head : -- head [-stone ] .

feminine 07237 ## Rabbah {rab-baw'} ; {feminine} of 07227 ; great ; Rabbah , the name of two places in Palestine , East and West : -- Rabbah , Rabbath .

feminine 07269 ## rogzah {rog-zaw'} ; {feminine} of 07267 ; trepidation : -- trembling .

feminine 07277 ## rigmah {rig-maw'} ; {feminine} of the same as 07276 ; a pile (of stones) , i . e . (figuratively) a throng : -- council .

feminine 07285 ## regesh {reh'- ghesh} ; or ({feminine}) rigshah {rig-shaw'} ; from 07283 ; a tumultuous crowd : -- company , insurrection .

feminine 07309 ## r@vachah {rev-aw-khaw'} ; {feminine} of 07305 ; relief : -- breathing , respite .

feminine 07317 ## rowmah {ro-maw'} ; {feminine} of 07315 ; elation , i . e . (adverbially) proudly : -- haughtily .

feminine 07319 ## rowm@mah {ro-mem-aw'} ; {feminine} active participle of 07426 ; exaltation , i . e . praise : -- high .

feminine 07360 ## racham {raw-khawm'} ; or ({feminine}) rachamah {raw-khaw-maw'} ; from 07355 ; a kind of vulture (supposed to be tender towards its young) : -- gier-eagle .

feminine 07361 ## rachamah {rakh-am-aw'} ; {feminine} of 07356 ; a maiden : -- damsel .

feminine 07367 ## rachtsah {rakh-tsaw'} ; {feminine} of 07366 ; a bathing place : -- washing .

feminine 07396 ## rikbah {rik-baw'} ; {feminine} of 07393 ; a chariot (collectively) : -- chariots .

feminine 07397 ## Rekah {ray-kaw'} ; probably {feminine} from 07401 ; softness ; Rekah , a place in Palestine : -- Rechah .

feminine 07404 ## r@kullah {rek-ool-law'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 07402 ; trade (as peddled) : -- merchandise , traffic .

feminine 07413 ## ramah {raw-maw'} ; {feminine} active participle of 07311 ; a height (as a seat of idolatry) : -- high place .

feminine 07451 ## ra` {rah} ; from 07489 ; bad or (as noun) evil (natural or moral) : -- adversity , affliction , bad , calamity , + displease (- ure) , distress , evil ([-favouredness ] , man , thing) , + exceedingly , X great , grief (- vous) , harm , heavy , hurt (- ful) , ill (favoured) , + mark , mischief (- vous) , misery , naught (- ty) , noisome , + not please , sad (- ly) , sore , sorrow , trouble , vex , wicked (- ly ,-ness , one) , worse (- st) , wretchedness , wrong . [Incl . {feminine} ra` ah ; as adjective or noun . ] .

feminine 07461 ## ra` ad {rah'- ad} ; or ({feminine}) r@adah {reh-aw-daw'} ; from 07460 ; a shudder : -- trembling .

feminine 07464 ## re` ah {ray'- aw} ; {feminine} of 07453 ; a female associate : -- companion , fellow .

feminine 07474 ## ra` yah {rah-yaw'} ; {feminine} of 07453 ; a female associate : -- fellow , love .

feminine 07479 ## ra` alah {rah-al-aw'} ; {feminine} of 07478 ; a long veil (as fluttering) : -- muffler .

feminine 07483 ## ra` mah {rah-maw'} ; {feminine} of 07482 ; the mane of a horse (as quivering in the wind) : -- thunder .

feminine 07499 ## r@phu'ah {ref-oo-aw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 07495 ; a medicament : -- heal [-ed ] , medicine .

feminine 07531 ## ritspah {rits-paw'} ; {feminine} of 07529 ; a hot stone ; also a tessellated pavement : -- live coal , pavement .

feminine 07541 ## raqqah {rak-kaw'} ; {feminine} of 07534 ; properly , thinness , i . e . the side of the head : -- temple .

feminine 07548 ## raqqachah {rak-kaw-khaw'} ; {feminine} of 07547 ; a female perfumer : -- confectioner .

feminine 07564 ## rish` ah {rish-aw'} ; {feminine} of 07562 ; wrong (especially moral) : -- fault , wickedly (- ness) .

feminine 07575 ## Rithmah {rith-maw'} ; {feminine} of 07574 ; Rithmah , a place in the Desert : -- Rithmah .

feminine 07577 ## r@thuqah {reth-oo-kaw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 07576 ; something fastened , i . e . a chain : -- chain .

feminine 07608 ## sha'arah {shah-ar-aw'} ; {feminine} of 07607 ; female kindred by blood : -- near kinswomen .

feminine 07620 ## shabuwa` {shaw-boo'- ah} ; or shabua` {shaw-boo'- ah} ; also ({feminine}) sh@bu` ah {sheb-oo-aw'} ; properly , passive participle of 07650 as a denominative of 07651 ; literal , sevened , i . e . a week (specifically , of years) : -- seven , week .

feminine 07621 ## sh@buw` ah {sheb-oo-aw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 07650 ; properly , something sworn , i . e . an oath : -- curse , oath , X sworn .

feminine 07633 ## shibyah {shib-yaw'} ; {feminine} of 07628 ; exile (abstractly or concretely and collectively) : -- captives (- ity) .

feminine 07634 ## Shobyah {shob-yaw'} ; {feminine} of the same as 07629 ; captivation ; Shobjah , an Israelite : -- Shachia [from the margin ] .

feminine 07639 ## s@bakah {seb-aw-kaw'} ; {feminine} of 07638 ; a net-work , i . e (in hunting) a snare , (in architecture) a ballustrade ; also a reticulated ornament to a pillar : -- checker , lattice , network , snare , wreath (- enwork) .

feminine 07641 ## shibbol {shib-bole} ; or ({feminine}) shibboleth {shib-bo'- leth} ; from the same as 07640 ; a stream (as flowing) ; also an ear of grain (as growing out) ; by analogy , a branch : -- branch , channel , ear (of corn) , ([water-]) flood , Shibboleth . Compare 05451 .

feminine 07643 ## S@bam {seb-awm'} ; or ({feminine}) Sibmah {sib-maw'} ; probably from 01313 ; spice ; Sebam or Sibmah , a place in Moab : -- Shebam , Shibmah , Sibmah .

feminine 07653 ## sib` ah {sib-aw'} ; {feminine} of 07647 ; satiety : -- fulness .

feminine 07654 ## sob` ah {sob-aw'} ; {feminine} of 07648 ; satiety : -- (to have) enough , X till . . . be full , [un-] satiable , satisfy , X sufficiently .

feminine 07722 ## show'{sho} ; or ({feminine}) show'ah {sho-aw'} ; or sho'ah {sho-aw'} ; from an unused root meaning to rush over ; a tempest ; by implication , devastation : -- desolate (- ion) , destroy , destruction , storm , wasteness .

feminine 07754 ## sowk {soke} ; or ({feminine}) sowkah {so-kaw'} ; from 07753 ; a branch (as interleaved) : -- bough .

feminine 07756 ## Suwkathiy {soo-kaw-thee'} ; probably patronymic from a name corresponding to 07754 ({feminine}) ; a Sukathite or descendant of an unknown Israelite named Sukah : -- Suchathite .

feminine 07775 ## shav` ah {shav-aw'} ; {feminine} of 07773 ; a hallooing : -- crying .

feminine 07799 ## shuwshan {shoo-shan'} ; or showshan {sho-shawn'} ; or shoshan {sho-shawn'} ; and ({feminine}) showshannah {sho-shan-naw'} ; from 07797 ; a lily (from its whiteness) , as a flower of arch . ornament ; also a (straight) trumpet (from the tubular shape) : -- lily , Shoshannim .

feminine 07848 ## shittah {shit-taw'} ; {feminine} of a derivative [only in the plural shittiym {shit-teem'} ; meaning the sticks of wood ] from the same as 07850 ; the acacia (from its scourging thorns) : -- shittah , shittim . See also 01029 .

feminine 07872 ## seybah {say-baw'} ; {feminine} of 07869 ; old age : -- (be) gray (grey hoar ,-y) hairs (head ,-ed) , old age .

feminine 07881 ## siychah {see-khaw'} ; {feminine} of 07879 ; reflection ; be extension , devotion : -- meditation , prayer .

feminine 07892 ## shiyr {sheer} ; or {feminine} shiyrah {shee-raw'} ; from 07891 ; a song ; abstractly , singing : -- musical (- ick) , X sing (- er ,-ing) , song .

feminine 07905 ## sukkah {sook-kaw'} ; {feminine} of 07900 in the sense of 07899 ; a dart (as pointed like a thorn) : -- barbed iron .

feminine 07914 ## s@kiyah {sek-ee-yaw'} ; {feminine} from the same as 07906 ; a conspicuous object : -- picture .

feminine 07917 ## s@kiyrah {sek-ee-raw'} ; {feminine} of 07916 ; a hiring : -- that is hired .

feminine 07929 ## shikmah {shik-maw'} ; {feminine} of 07926 ; the shoulder-bone : -- shoulder blade .

feminine 07961 ## shalev {shaw-lave'} ; or shaleyv {shaw-lave'} ; {feminine} sh@levah {shel-ay-vaw'} ; from 07951 ; tranquil ; (in a bad sense) careless ; abstractly , security : -- (being) at ease , peaceable , (in) prosper (- ity) , quiet (- ness) , wealthy .

feminine 07976 ## shilluchah {shil-loo-khaw'} ; {feminine} of 07964 ; a shoot : -- branch .

feminine 07986 ## shalleteth {shal-leh'- teth} ; {feminine} from 07980 ; a vixen : -- imperious .

feminine 07988 ## shilyah {shil-yaw'} ; {feminine} from 07953 ; a fetus or babe (as extruded in birth) : -- young one .

feminine 07992 ## sh@liyshiy {shel-ee-shee'} ; ordinal from 07969 ; third ; {feminine} a third (part) ; by extension , a third (day , year or time) ; specifically , a third-story cell) : -- third (part , rank , time) , three (years old) .

feminine 08011 ## shillumah {shil-loo-maw'} ; {feminine} of 07966 ; retribution : -- recompense .

feminine 08013 ## Sh@lomowth {shel-o-moth'} ; {feminine} plural of 07965 ; pacifications ; Shelomoth , the name of two Israelites : -- Shelomith [from the margin ] , Shelomoth . Compare 08019 .

feminine 08030 ## Shilshah {shil-shaw'} ; {feminine} from the same as 08028 ; triplication ; Shilshah , an Israelite : -- Shilshah .

feminine 08031 ## Shalishah {shaw-lee-shaw'} ; {feminine} from 08027 ; trebled land ; Shalishah , a place in Palestine : -- Shalisha .

feminine 08052 ## sh@muw` ah {sehm-oo-aw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 08074 ; something heard , i . e . an announcement : -- bruit , doctrine , fame , mentioned , news , report , rumor , tidings .

feminine 08067 ## sh@miyniyth {shem-ee-neeth'} ; {feminine} of 08066 ; probably an eight-stringed lyre : -- Sheminith .

feminine 08071 ## simlah {sim-law'} ; perhaps by permutation for the {feminine} of 05566 (through the idea of a cover assuming the shape of the object beneath) ; a dress , especially a mantle : -- apparel , cloth (- es ,-ing) , garment , raiment . Compare 08008 .

feminine 08077 ## sh@mamah {shem-aw-maw'} ; or shimamah {shee-mam-aw'} ; {feminine} of 08076 ; devastation ; figuratively , astonishment : -- (laid , X most) desolate (- ion) , waste .

feminine 08083 ## sh@moneh {shem-o-neh'} ; or sh@mowneh {shem-o-neh'} ; {feminine} sh@monah {shem-o-naw'} ; or sh@mownah {shem-o-naw'} ; apparently from 08082 through the idea of plumpness ; a cardinal number , eight (as if a surplus above the " perfect " seven) ; also (as ordinal) eighth : -- eight ([-een ,-eenth ]) , eighth .

feminine 08093 ## Shim` ah {shim-aw'} ; {feminine} of 08088 ; annunciation ; Shimah , an Israelite : -- Shimeah .

feminine 08100 ## Shim` ath {shim-awth'} ; {feminine} of 08088 ; annunciation ; Shimath , an Ammonitess : -- Shimath .

feminine 08103 ## shimtsah {shim-tsaw'} ; {feminine} of 08102 ; scornful whispering (of hostile spectators) : -- shame .

feminine 08108 ## shomrah {shom-raw'} ; {feminine} of an unused noun from 08104 meaning a guard ; watchfulness : -- watch .

feminine 08109 ## sh@murah {shem-oo-raw'} ; {feminine} of passive participle of 08104 ; something guarded , i . e . an eye-lid : -- waking .

feminine 08116 ## Shimriyth {shim-reeth'} ; {feminine} of 08113 ; female guard ; Shimrith , a Moabitess : -- Shimrith .

feminine 08141 ## shaneh (in plural only) , {shaw-neh'} ; or ({feminine}) shanah {shaw-naw'} ; from 08138 ; a year (as a revolution of time) : -- + whole age , X long , + old , year (X-ly) .

feminine 08147 ## sh@nayim {shen-ah'- yim} ; dual of 08145 ; {feminine} sh@ttayim {shet-tah'- yim} ; two ; also (as ordinal) twofold : -- both , couple , double , second , twain , + twelfth , + twelve , + twenty (sixscore) thousand , twice , two .

feminine 08161 ## sha` atah {shah'- at-aw} ; {feminine} from an unused root meaning to stamp ; a clatter (of hoofs) : -- stamping .

feminine 08166 ## s@` iyrah {seh-ee-raw'} ; {feminine} of 08163 ; a she-goat : -- kid .

feminine 08183 ## s@` arah {seh-aw-raw'} ; {feminine} of 08178 ; a hurricane : -- storm , tempest .

feminine 08184 ## s@` orah {seh-o-raw'} ; or s@` owrah {seh-o-raw'} ({feminine} meaning the plant) ; and (masculine meaning the grain) ; also s@` or {seh-ore'} ; or s@` owr {seh-ore'} ; from 08175 in the sense of roughness ; barley (as villose) : -- barley .

feminine 08185 ## sa` arah {sah-ar-aw'} ; {feminine} of 08181 ; hairiness : -- hair .

feminine 08186 ## sha` aruwrah {shah-ar-oo-raw'} ; or sha` ariyriyah {shah-ar-ee-ree-yaw'} ; or sha` arurith {shah-ar-oo-reeth'} ; {feminine} from 08176 in the sense of 08175 ; something fearful : -- horrible thing .

feminine 08198 ## shiphchah {shif-khaw'} ; {feminine} from an unused root meaning to spread out (as a family ; see 04940) ; a female slave (as a member of the household) : -- (bond-, hand-) maid (- en ,-servant) , wench , bondwoman , womanservant .

feminine 08212 ## shophkah {shof-kaw'} ; {feminine} of a derivative from 08210 ; a pipe (for pouring forth , e . g . wine) , i . e . the penis : -- privy member .

feminine 08218 ## shiphlah {shif-law'} ; {feminine} of 08216 ; depression : -- low place .

feminine 08224 ## Siphmowth {sif-moth'} ; {feminine} plural of 0822l ; Siphmoth , a place in Palestine : -- Siphmoth .

feminine 08229 ## shiph` ah {shif-aw'} ; {feminine} of 08228 ; copiousness : -- abundance , company , multitude .

feminine 08256 ## shaqam {shaw-kawm'} ; or ({feminine}) shiqmah {shik-maw'} ; of uncertain derivation ; a sycamore (usually the tree) : -- sycamore (fruit , tree) .

feminine 08282 ## sarah {saw-raw'} ; {feminine} of 08269 ; a mistress , i . e . female noble : -- lady , princess , queen .

feminine 08284 ## sharah {shaw-raw'} ; probably {feminine} of 07791 ; a fortification (literally or figuratively) : -- sing [by mistake for 07891 ] , wall .

feminine 08292 ## sh@ruwqah {sher-oo-kaw'} ; or (by permutation) sh@riyqah {sher-ee-kaw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 08319 ; a whistling (in scorn) ; by analogy , a piping : -- bleating , hissing .

feminine 08302 ## shiryown {shir-yone'} ; or shiryon {shir-yone'} ; and shiryan {shir-yawn'} ; also ({feminine}) shiryah {shir-yaw'} ; and shiryonah {shir-yo-naw'} ; from 08281 in the original sense of turning ; a corslet (as if twisted) : -- breastplate , coat of mail , habergeon , harness . See 05630 .

feminine 08321 ## soreq {so-rake'} ; or sowreq {so-rake'} ; and ({feminine}) soreqah {so-ray-kaw'} ; from 08319 in the sense of redness (compare 08320) ; a vine stock (properly , one yielding purple grapes , the richest variety) : -- choice (- st , noble) wine . Compare 08291 .

feminine 08345 ## shishshiy {shish-shee'} ; from 08337 ; sixth , ord . or ({feminine}) fractional : -- sixth (part) .

feminine 08360 ## sh@thiyah {sheth-ee-yaw'} ; {feminine} of 08358 ; potation : -- drinking .

feminine 08372 ## ta'{taw} ; and ({feminine}) ta'ah (Ezek . 40 : 12) {taw-aw'} ; from (the base of) 08376 ; a room (as circumscribed) : -- (little) chamber .

feminine 08384 ## t@'en {teh-ane'} ; or (in the singular , {feminine}) t@'enah {teh-ay-naw'} ; perhaps of foreign derivation ; the fig (tree or fruit) : -- fig (tree) .

feminine 08394 ## tabuwn {taw-boon'} ; and ({feminine}) t@buwnah {teb-oo-naw'} ; or towbunah {to-boo-naw'} ; from 00995 ; intelligence ; by implication , an argument ; by extension , caprice : -- discretion , reason , skilfulness , understanding , wisdom .

feminine 08415 ## t@howm {teh-home'} ; or t@hom {teh-home'} ; (usually {feminine}) from 01949 ; an abyss (as a surging mass of water) , especially the deep (the main sea or the subterranean water-supply) : -- deep (place) , depth .

feminine 08417 ## toholah {to-hol-aw'} ; {feminine} of an unused noun (apparently from 01984) meaning bluster ; braggadocio , i . e . (by implication) fatuity : -- folly .

feminine 08438 ## towla` {to-law'} ; and ({feminine}) towle` ah {to-lay-aw'} ; or towla` ath {to-lah'- ath} ; or tola` ath {to-lah'- ath} ; from 03216 ; a maggot (as voracious) ; specifically (often with ellipsis of 08144) the crimson-grub , but used only (in this connection) of the color from it , and cloths dyed therewith : -- crimson , scarlet , worm .

feminine 08441 ## tow` ebah {to-ay-baw'} ; or to` ebah {to-ay-baw'} ; {feminine} active participle of 08581 ; properly , something disgusting (morally) , i . e . (as noun) an abhorrence ; especially idolatry or (concretely) an idol : -- abominable (custom , thing) , abomination .

feminine 08442 ## tow` ah {to-aw'} ; {feminine} active participle of 08582 ; mistake , i . e . (morally) impiety , or (political) injury : -- error , hinder .

feminine 08452 ## towrah {to-raw'} ; probably {feminine} of 08448 ; a custom : -- manner .

feminine 08469 ## tachanuwn {takh-an-oon'} ; or ({feminine}) tachanuwnah {takh-an-oo-naw'} ; from 02603 ; earnest prayer : -- intreaty , supplication .

feminine 08482 ## tachtiy {takh-tee'} ; from 08478 ; lowermost ; as noun ({feminine} plural) the depths (figuratively , a pit , the womb) : -- low (parts ,-er ,-er parts ,-est) , nether (part) .

feminine 08498 ## t@kuwnah {tek-oo-naw'} ; {feminine} passive participle of 08505 ; adjustment , i . e . structure ; by implication , equipage : -- fashion , store .

feminine 08521 ## Tel Charsha'{tale khar-shaw'} ; from 08510 and the {feminine} of 02798 ; mound of workmanship ; Tel-Charsha , a place in Babylonia : -- Tel-haresha , Tel-harsa .

feminine 08530 ## talpiyah {tal-pee-yaw'} ; {feminine} from an unused root meaning to tower ; something tall , i . e . (plural collective) slenderness : -- armoury .

feminine 08538 ## tummah {toom-maw'} ; {feminine} of 08537 ; innocence : -- integrity .

feminine 08561 ## timmor (plural only) {tim-more'} ; or ({feminine}) timmorah (singular and plural) {tim-mo-raw'} ; from the same root as 08558 ; (arch .) a palm-like pilaster (i . e . umbellate) : -- palm tree .

feminine 08568 ## tannah {tan-naw'} ; probably {feminine} of 08565 ; a female jackal : -- dragon .

feminine 08575 ## tanchuwm {tan-khoom'} ; or tanchum {tan-khoom'} ; and ({feminine}) tanchuwmah {tan-khoo-maw'} ; from 05162 ; compassion , solace : -- comfort , consolation .

feminine 08576 ## Tanchumeth {tan-khoo'- meth} ; for 08575 ({feminine}) ; Tanchumeth , an Israelite : -- Tanhumeth .

feminine 08588 ## ta` anuwg {tah-an-oog'} ; or ta` anug {tah-an-oog'} ; and ({feminine}) ta` anugah {tah-ah-oog-aw'} ; from 06026 ; luxury : -- delicate , delight , pleasant .

feminine 08648 ## t@reyn (Aramaic) {ter-ane'} ; {feminine} tarteyn {tar-tane'} ; corresponding to 08147 ; two : -- second , + twelve , two .

feminine 0646 - apostasia {ap-os-tas-ee'-ah}; {feminine} of the same as 0647; defection from truth (properly, the state) [ " apostasy " ]: -- falling away, forsake.

feminine 0938 - basilissa {bas-il'-is-sah}; {feminine} from 0936; a queen: -- queen.

feminine 1079 - genete {ghen-et-ay}; {feminine} of a presumed derivative of the base of 1074; birth: -- birth.

feminine 1134 - gunaikeios {goo-nahee-ki'-os}; from 1135; {feminine}: -- wife.

feminine 1181 - dekate {dek-at'-ay}; {feminine} of 1182; a tenth, i.e. as a percentage or (tech.) tithe: -- tenth (part), tithe.

feminine 1188 - dexios {dex-ee-os'}; from 1209; the right side or ({feminine}) hand (as that which usually takes): -- right (hand, side).

feminine 1219 - demosios {day-mos'ee-os}; from 1218; public; ({feminine} singular dative case as adverb) in public: -- common, openly, publickly.

feminine 1399 - doule {doo'-lay}; {feminine} of 1401; a female slave (involuntarily or voluntarily): -- handmaid(-en).

feminine 1409 - Drousilla {droo'-sil-lah}; a {feminine} diminutive of Drusus (a Roman name); Drusilla, a member of the Herodian family: -- Drusilla. ***. dumi. See 1416.

feminine 1636 - elaia {el-ah'-yah}; {feminine} of a presumed derivative from an obsolete primary; an olive (the tree or the fruit): -- olive (berry, tree).

feminine 1674 - Hellenis {hel-lay-nis'}; {feminine} of 1672; a Grecian (i.e. non-Jewish) woman: -- Greek.

feminine 1711 - emporia {em-por-ee'-ah}; {feminine} from 1713; traffic: -- merchandise.

feminine 1747 - enedra {en-ed'-rah}; {feminine} from 1722 and the base of 1476; an ambuscade, i.e. (figuratively) murderous purpose: -- lay wait. See also 1749.

feminine 1824 - exautes {ex-ow'-tace}; from 1537 and the genitive case singular {feminine} of 0846 (5610 being understood); from that hour, i.e. instantly: -- by and by, immediately, presently, straightway.

feminine 1966 - epiousa {ep-ee-oo'-sah}; {feminine} singular participle of a comparative of 1909 and heimi (to go); supervening, i.e. (2250 or 3571 being expressed or implied) the ensuing day or night: -- following, next.

feminine 1967 - epiousios {ep-ee-oo'-see-os}; perhaps from the same as 1966; tomorrow's; but more probably from 1909 and a derivative of the present participle {feminine} of 1510; for subsistence, i.e. needful: -- daily.

feminine 2073 - hespera {hes-per'-ah}; {feminine} of an adjective hesperos (evening); the eve (5610 being implied): -- evening(-tide).

feminine 2105 - eudia {yoo-dee'-ah}; {feminine} from 2095 and the alternate of 2203 (as the god of the weather); a clear sky, i.e. fine weather: -- fair weather.

feminine 2189 - echthra {ekh'-thrah}; {feminine} of 2190; hostility; by implication, a reason for opposition: -- enmity, hatred.

feminine 2202 - zeukteria {dzook-tay-ree'-ah}; {feminine} of a derivative (at the second stage) from the same as 2218; a fastening (tiller-rope): -- band.

feminine 2250 - hemera {hay-mer'-ah}; {feminine} (with 5610 implied) of a derivative of hemai (to sit; akin to the base of 1476) meaning tame, i.e. gentle; day, i.e. (literally) the time space between dawn and dark, or the whole 24 hours (but several days were usually reckoned by the Jews as inclusive of the parts of both extremes); figuratively, a period (always defined more or less clearly by the context): -- age, + alway, (mid-)day (by day, [-ly]), + for ever, judgment, (day) time, while, years.

feminine 2271 - hesuchia {hay-soo-khee'-ah}; {feminine} of 2272; (as noun) stillness, i.e. desistance from bustle or language: -- quietness, silence.

feminine 2287 - thanatephoros {than-at-ay'-for-os}; from (the {feminine} form of) 2288 and 5342; death-bearing, i.e. fatal: -- deadly.

feminine 2299 - thea {theh-ah'}; {feminine} of 2316; a female deity: -- goddess.

feminine 2449 - Ioudaia {ee-oo-dah'-yah}; {feminine} of 2453 (with 1093 implied); the Judaean land (i.e. Judaea), a region of Palestine: -- Judaea.

feminine 2456 - Ioulia {ee-oo-lee'-ah}; {feminine} of the same as 2457; Julia, a Christian woman: -- Julia.

feminine 2489 - Ioanna {ee-o-an'-nah}; {feminine} of the same as 2491; Joanna, a Christian: -- Joanna.

feminine 2562 - kalame {kal-am'-ay}; {feminine} of 2563; a stalk of grain, i.e. (collectively) stubble: -- stubble.

feminine 2651 - katamonas {kat-am-on'-as}; from 2596 and accusative case plural {feminine} of 3441 (with 5561 implied); according to sole places, i.e. (adverbially) separately: -- alone.

feminine 2762 - keraia {ker-ah'-yah}; {feminine} of a presumed derivative of the base of 2768; something horn-like, i.e. (specially) the apex of a Hebrew letter (figuratively, the least particle): -- tittle.

feminine 2803 - Klaudia {klow-dee'-ah}; {feminine} of 2804; Claudia, a Christian woman: -- Claudia.

feminine 2857 - Kolossai {kol-os-sah'-ee}; apparently {feminine} plural of kolossos ( " colossal " ); Colossae, a place in Asia Minor: -- Colosse.

feminine 2926 - krupte {kroop-tay'}; {feminine} of 2927; a hidden place, i.e. cellar ( " crypt " ): -- secret.

feminine 2959 - Kuria {koo-ree'-ah}; {feminine} of 2962; Cyria, a Christian woman: -- lady.

feminine 3070 - Ludia {loo-dee'-ah}; properly, {feminine} of Ludios [of foreign origin] (a Lydian, in Asia Minor); Lydia, a Christian woman: -- Lydia.

feminine 3094 - Magdalene {mag-dal-ay-nay'}; {feminine} of a derivative of 3093; a female Magdalene, i.e. inhabitant of Magdala: -- Magdalene.

feminine 3102 - mathetria {math-ay'-tree-ah}; {feminine} from 3101; a female pupil: -- disciple.

feminine 3112 - makran {mak-ran'}; {feminine} accusative case singular of 3117 (3598 being implied); at a distance (literally or figuratively): -- (a-)far (off), good (great) way off.

feminine 3162 - machaira {makh'-ahee-rah}; probably {feminine} of a presumed derivative of 3163; a knife, i.e. dirk; figuratively, war, judicial punishment: -- sword.

feminine 3173 - megas {meg'-as}; [including the prolonged forms, {feminine} megale, plural megaloi, etc.; compare also 3176, 3187]; big (literally or figuratively, in a very wide application): -- (+ fear) exceedingly, great(-est), high, large, loud, mighty, + (be) sore (afraid), strong, X to years.

feminine 3310 - meris {mer-ece'}; {feminine} of 3313; a portion, i.e. province, share or (abstractly) participation: -- part (X -akers).

feminine 3367 - medeis {may-dice'}; including the irregular {feminine} medemia {may-dem-ee'-ah}; and the neuter meden {may-den'}; from 3361 and 1520; not even one (man, woman, thing): -- any (man, thing), no (man), none, not (at all, any man, a whit), nothing, + without delay.

feminine 3391 - mia {mee'-ah}; irregular {feminine} of 1520; one or first: -- a (certain), + agree, first, one, X other.

feminine 3428 - moichalis {moy-khal-is'}; a prolonged form of the {feminine} of 3432; an adulteress (literally or figuratively): -- adulteress(-ous, -y).

feminine 3542 - nome {nom-ay'}; {feminine} from the same as 3551; pasture, i.e. (the act) feeding (figuratively, spreading of a gangrene), or (the food) pasturage: -- X eat, pasture.

feminine 3561 - noumenia {noo-may-nee'-ah}; {feminine} of a compound of 3501 and 3376 (as noun by implication of 2250); the festival of new moon: -- new moon.

feminine 3588 - ho {ho}; including the {feminine} he {hay}; and the neuter to {to}; in all their inflections; the def. article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom): -- the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc. . ***. ho. See 3739.

feminine 3592 - hode {hod'-eh}; including the {feminine} hede {hay'-deh}; and the neuter tode {tod'-e}; from 3588 and 1161; the same, i.e. this or that one (plural these or those); often used as person pronoun: -- he, she, such, these, thus.

feminine 3619 - oikodome {oy-kod-om-ay'}; {feminine} (abstract) of a compound of 3624 and the base of 1430; architecture, i.e. (concretely) a structure; figuratively, confirmation: -- building, edify(-ication, -ing).

feminine 3625 - oikoumene {oy-kou-men'-ay}; {feminine} participle present passive of 3611 (as noun, by implication of 1093); land, i.e. the (terrene part of the) globe; specifically, the Roman empire: -- earth, world.

feminine 3714 - oreinos {or-i-nos}; from 3735; mountainous, i.e. ({feminine} by implication of 5561) the Highlands (of Judaea): -- hill country.

feminine 3739 - hos {hos}; including {feminine} he {hay}; and neuter ho {ho}; probably a primary word (or perhaps a form of the article 3588); the relatively (sometimes demonstrative) pronoun, who, which, what, that: -- one, (an-, the) other, some, that, what, which, who(-m, -se), etc. See also 3757.

feminine 3748 - hostis {hos'-tis}; including the {feminine} hetis {hay'-tis}; and the neuter ho,ti {hot'-ee}; from 3739 and 5100; which some, i.e. any that; also (def.) which same: -- X and (they), (such) as, (they) that, in that they, what(-soever), whereas ye, (they) which, who(-soever). Compare 3754.

feminine 3753 - hote {hot'-eh}; from 3739 and 5037; at which (thing) too, i.e. when: -- after (that), as soon as, that, when, while. ho, te (ho,t'-eh); also {feminine} he, te (hay'-teh); and neuter to, te (tot'-eh); simply the article 3588 followed by 5037; so written (in some editions) to distinguish them from 3752 and 5119.

feminine 3760 - oudamos {oo-dam-oce'}; adverb from (the {feminine}) of 3762; by no means: -- not.

feminine 3762 - oudeis {oo-dice'}; including {feminine} oudemia {oo-dem-ee'-ah}; and neuter ouden {oo-den'}; from 3761 and 1520; not even one (man, woman or thing), i.e. none, nobody, nothing: -- any (man), aught, man, neither any (thing), never (man), no (man), none (+ of these things), not (any, at all, -thing), nought.

feminine 3776 - ousia {oo-see'-ah}; from the {feminine} of 5607; substance, i.e. property (possessions): -- goods, substance.

feminine 3778 - houtos {hoo'-tos}; including nominative masculine plural houtoi {hoo'-toy}; nominative {feminine} singular haute {how'-tay}; and nominative feminine plural hautai {how'-tahee}; from the article 3588 and 0846; the he (she or it), i.e. this or that (often with article repeated): -- he (it was that), hereof, it, she, such as, the same, these, they, this (man, same, woman), which, who.

feminine 3778 - houtos {hoo'-tos}; including nominative masculine plural houtoi {hoo'-toy}; nominative feminine singular haute {how'-tay}; and nominative {feminine} plural hautai {how'-tahee}; from the article 3588 and 0846; the he (she or it), i.e. this or that (often with article repeated): -- he (it was that), hereof, it, she, such as, the same, these, they, this (man, same, woman), which, who.

feminine 3798 - opsios {op'-see-os}; from 3796; late; {feminine} (as noun) afternoon (early eve) or nightfall (later eve): -- even(-ing, [-tide]).

feminine 3814 - paidiske {pahee-dis'-kay}; {feminine} diminutive of 3816; a girl, i.e. (specifically) a female slave or servant: -- bondmaid(-woman), damsel, maid(-en).

feminine 3818 - Pakatiane {pak-at-ee-an-ay'}; {feminine} of an adjective of uncertain derivation; Pacatianian, a section of Phrygia: -- Pacatiana.

feminine 3917 - pardalis {par'-dal-is}; {feminine} of pardos (a panther); a leopard: -- leopard.

feminine 3965 - patria {pat-ree-ah'}; as if {feminine} of a derivative of 3962; paternal descent., i.e. (concretely) a group of families or a whole race (nation): -- family, kindred, lineage.

feminine 3979 - peze {ped-zay'}; dative case {feminine} of a derivative of 4228 (as adverb); foot-wise, i.e. by walking: -- a- (on) foot.

feminine 3994 - penthera {pen-ther-ah'}; {feminine} of 3995; a wife's mother: -- mother in law, wife's mother.

feminine 4005 - pentekoste {pen-tay-kos-tay'}; {feminine} of the ord. of 4004; fiftieth (2250 being implied) from Passover, i.e. the festival of " Pentecost " : -- Pentecost.

feminine 4030 - perikephalaia {per-ee-kef-al-ah'-yah}; {feminine} of a compound of 4012 and 2776; encirclement of the head, i.e. a helmet: -- helmet.

feminine 4041 - periousios {per-ee-oo'-see-os}; from the present participle {feminine} of a compound of 4012 and 1510; being beyond usual, i.e. special (one's own): -- peculiar.

feminine 4073 - petra {pet'-ra}; {feminine} of the same as 4074; a (mass of) rock (literally or figuratively): -- rock.

feminine 4080 - pelikos {pay-lee'-kos}; a quantitative form (the {feminine}) of the base of 4225; how much (as an indefinite), i.e. in size or (figuratively) dignity: -- how great (large).

feminine 4106 - plane {plan'-ay}; {feminine} of 4108 (as abstractly); objectively, fraudulence; subjectively, a straying from orthodoxy or piety: -- deceit, to deceive, delusion, error.

feminine 4113 - plateia {plat-i'-ah}; {feminine} of 4116; a wide " plat " or " place " , i.e. open square: -- street.

feminine 4204 - porne {por'-nay}; {feminine} of 4205; a strumpet; figuratively, an idolater: -- harlot, whore.

feminine 4211 - porphuropolis {por-foo-rop'-o-lis}; {feminine} of a compound of 4209 and 4453; a female trader in purple cloth: -- seller of purple.

feminine 4247 - presbutis {pres-boo'-tis}; {feminine} of 4246; an old woman: -- aged woman. ***. pretho. See 4092.

feminine 4251 - Priska {pris'-kah}; of Latin origin; {feminine} of Priscus, ancient; Priska, a Christian woman: -- Prisca. See also 4252.

feminine 4287 - prothesmios {proth-es'-mee-os}; from 4253 and a derivative of 5087; fixed beforehand, i.e. ({feminine} with 2250 implied) a designated day: -- time appointed.

feminine 4368 - prostatis {pros-tat'-is}; {feminine} of a derivative of 4291; a patroness, i.e. assistant: -- succourer.

feminine 4398 - prophetis {prof-ay'-tis}; {feminine} of 4396; a female foreteller or an inspired woman: -- prophetess.

feminine 4403 - prumna {proom'-nah}; {feminine} of prumnus (hindmost); the stern of a ship: -- hinder part, stern.

feminine 4405 - proia {pro-ee'-ah}; {feminine} of a derivative of 4404 as noun; day-dawn: -- early, morning.

feminine 4408 - prora {pro'-ra}; {feminine} of a presumed derivative of 4253 as noun; the prow, i.e. forward part of a vessel: -- forepart(-ship).

feminine 4519 - sabaoth {sab-ah-owth'}; of Hebrew origin [6635 in {feminine} plural]; armies; sabaoth (i.e. tsebaoth), a military epithet of God: -- sabaoth.

feminine 4539 - Salome {sal-o'-may}; probably of Hebrew origin [{feminine} from 7965]; Salome (i.e. Shelomah), an Israelitess: -- Salome.

feminine 4542 - Samareitis {sam-ar-i'-tis}; {feminine} of 4541; a Samaritess, i.e. woman of Samaria: -- of Samaria.

feminine 4551 - Sappheire {sap-fi'-ray}; {feminine} of 4552; Sapphire, an Israelitess: -- Sapphira.

feminine 4641 - sklerokardia {sklay-rok-ar-dee'-ah}; {feminine} of a compound of 4642 and 2588; hard-heartedness, i.e. (specifically) destitution of (spiritual) perception: -- hardness of heart.

feminine 4677 - Sousanna {soo-san'-nah}; of Hebrew origin [7799 {feminine}]; lily; Susannah (i.e. Shoshannah), an Israelitess: -- Susanna.

feminine 4743 - stigme {stig-may'}; {feminine} of 4742; a point of time, i.e. an instant: -- moment.

feminine 4756 - stratia {strat-ee'-ah} {feminine} of a derivative of stratos (an army; from the base of 4766, as encamped); camp-likeness, i.e. an army, i.e. (figuratively) the angels, the celestial luminaries: -- host.

feminine 4949 - Surophoinissa {soo-rof-oy'-nis-sah}; {feminine} of a compound of 4948 and the same as 5403; a Syro-phoenician woman, i.e. a female native of Phoenicia in Syria: -- Syrophenician.

feminine 4974 - sphuron {sfoo-ron'}; neuter of a presumed derivative probably of the same as sphaira (a ball, " sphere " ; compare the {feminine} sphura, a hammer); the ankle (as globular): -- ancle bone.

feminine 4981 - schole {skhol-ay'}; probably {feminine} of a presumed derivative of the alternate of 2192; properly, loitering (as a withholding of oneself from work) or leisure, i.e. (by implication) a " school " (as vacation from physical employment): -- school.

feminine 4991 - soteria {so-tay-ree'-ah}; {feminine} of a derivative of 4990 as (properly, abstract) noun; rescue or safety (physically or morally): -- deliver, health, salvation, save, saving.

feminine 5016 - tarache {tar-akh-ay'}; {feminine} from 5015; disturbance, i.e. (of water) roiling, or (of a mob) sedition: -- trouble(-ing).

feminine 5025 - tautais {tow'-taheece}; and tautas {tow'-tas}; dative case and accusative case {feminine} plural respectively of 3778; (to or with or by, etc.) these: -- hence, that, then, these, those.

feminine 5026 - taute {tow'-tay}; and tauten {tow'-tane}; and tautes {tow'-tace}; dative case, accusative case and genitive case respectively of the {feminine} singular of 3778; (towards or of) this: -- her, + hereof, it, that, + thereby, the (same), this (same).

feminine 5027 - taphe {taf-ay'}; {feminine} from 2290; burial (the act): -- X bury.

feminine 5082 - telikoutos {tay-lik-oo'-tos}; {feminine} telikaute {tay-lik-ow'-tay}; from a compound of 3588 with 2245 and 3778; such as this, i.e. (in [figurative] magnitude) so vast: -- so great, so mighty.

feminine 5402 - Phoibe {foy'-bay}; {feminine} of phoibos (bright; probably akin to the base of 5457); Phoebe, a Christian woman: -- Phebe.

feminine 5503 - chera {khay'-rah}; {feminine} of a presumed derivative apparently from the base of 5490 through the idea of deficiency; a widow (as lacking a husband), literally or figuratively: -- widow.

feminine 5514 - Chloe {khlo'-ay}; {feminine} of apparently a primary word; " green " ; Chloe, a Christian female: -- Chloe.

feminine 5521 - chole {khol-ay'}; {feminine} of an equivalent perhaps akin to the same as 5514 (from the greenish hue); " gall " or bile, i.e. (by analogy) poison or an anodyne (wormwood, poppy, etc.): -- gall.

feminine 5561 - chora {kho'-rah}; {feminine} of a derivative of the base of 5490 through the idea of empty expanse; room, i.e. a space of territory (more or less extensive; often including its inhabitants): -- coast, county, fields, ground, land, region. Compare 5117.

feminine 5607 - on {oan}; including the {feminine} ousa {oo'-sah}; and the neuter on {on}; present participle of 1510; being: -- be, come, have.

feminine'atten 00859 ## 'attah {at-taw'} ; or (shortened) ;'atta {at-taw'} ; or'ath {ath} ; feminine (irregular) sometimes'attiy {at-tee'} ; plural masculine'attem {at-tem'} ; {feminine'atten} {at-ten'} ; or'attenah {at-tay'naw} ; or'attennah {at-tane'- naw} ; a primitive pronoun of the second person ; thou and thee , or (plural) ye and you : -- thee , thou , ye , you .

feminine)'ahalowth 00174 ## 'ahaliym {a-haw-leem'} ; or ({feminine)'ahalowth} {a-haw-loth'} (only used thus in the plural) ; of foreign origin ; aloe wood (i . e . sticks) : -- (tree of lign-) aloes .

feminine)'elammah 00361 ## 'eylam {ay-lawm'} ; or (shortened)'elam {ay-lawm'} ; or ({feminine)'elammah} {ay-lam-maw'} ; probably from 00352 ; a pillar-space (or colonnade) , i . e . a pale (or portico) : -- arch .

feminine)'inniyn 00581 ## 'innuwn (Aramaic) {in-noon'} ; or ({feminine)'inniyn} (Aramaic) {in-neen'} ; corresponding to 01992 ; they : -- X are , them , these .

feminine)` 05688 ## ` aboth {ab-oth'} ; or` abowth {ab-oth'} ; or ({feminine)`} abothah {ab-oth-aw'} ; the same as 05687 ; something intwined , i . e . a string , wreath or foliage : -- band , cord , rope , thick bough (branch) , wreathen (chain) .

feminine)` 05730 ## ` eden {ay'- den} ; or ({feminine)`} ednah {ed-naw'} ; from 05727 ; pleasure : -- delicate , delight , pleasure . See also 01040 .

feminine)` 05766 ## ` evel {eh'- vel} ; or` avel {aw'- vel} ; and ({feminine)`} avlah {av-law'} ; or` owlah {o-law'} ; or` olah {o-law'} ; from 05765 ; (moral) evil : -- iniquity , perverseness , unjust (- ly) , unrighteousness (- ly) ; wicked (- ness) .

feminine)` 05788 ## ` ivvarown {iv-vaw-rone'} ; and ({feminine)`} avvereth {av-veh'- reth} ; from 05787 ; blindness : -- blind (- ness) .

feminine)` 05857 ## ` Ay {ah'ee} ; or ({feminine)`} Aya'(Neh . 11 : 31) {ah-yaw'} ; or` Ayath (Isaiah 10 : 28) {ah-yawth'} ; for 05856 ; Ai , Aja or Ajath , a place in Palestine : -- Ai , Aija , Aijath , Hai .

feminine)` 06119 ## ` aqeb {aw-kabe'} ; or ({feminine)`} iqq@bah {ik-keb-aw'} ; from 06117 ; a heel (as protuberant) ; hence , a track ; figuratively , the rear (of an army) : -- heel , [horse-] hoof , last , lier in wait [by mistake for 06120 ] , (foot-) step .

feminine)` 06194 ## ` arem (Jer . 50 : 26) {aw-rame'} ; or ({feminine)`} aremah {ar-ay-maw'} ; from 06192 ; a heap ; specifically , a sheaf : -- heap (of corn) , sheaf .

nine 00281 ## 'Achiyah {akh-ee-yaw} ; or (prolonged)'Achiyahuw {akh-ee-yaw'- hoo} ; from 00251 and 03050 ; brother (i . e . worshipper) of Jah ; Achijah , the name of {nine} Israelites : -- Ahiah , Ahijah .

nine 00447 ## 'Eliy'el {el-ee-ale'} ; from 00410 repeated ; God of (his) God ; Eliel , the name of {nine} Israelites : -- Eliel .

nine 00568 ## 'Amaryah {am-ar-yaw'} ; or prolonged'Amaryahuw {am-ar-yaw'- hoo} ; from 00559 and 03050 ; Jah has said (i . e . promised) ; Amarjah , the name of {nine} Israelites : -- Amariah .

nine 02069 ## Z@badyah {zeb-ad-yaw'} ; or Z@badyahuw {zeb-ad-yaw'- hoo} ; from 02064 and 03050 ; Jah has given ; Zebadjah , the name of {nine} Israelites : -- Zebadiah .

nine 02811 ## Chashabyah {khash-ab-yaw'} ; or Chashabyahuw {khash-ab-yaw'- hoo} ; from 02803 and 03050 ; Jah has regarded ; Chashabjah , the name of {nine} Israelites : -- Hashabiah .

nine 03110 ## Yowchanan {yo-khaw-nawn'} ; a form of 03076 ; Jochanan , the name of {nine} Israelites : -- Johanan .

nine 03414 ## Yirm@yah {yir-meh-yaw'} ; or Yirm@yahuw {yir-meh-yaw'- hoo} ; from 07311 and 03050 ; Jah will rise ; Jirmejah , the name of eight or {nine} Israelites : -- Jeremiah .

nine 04317 ## Miyka'el {me-kaw-ale'} ; from 04310 and (the prefix derivative from) 03588 and 00410 ; who (is) like God ? ; Mikael , the name of an archangel and of {nine} Israelites : -- Michael .

nine 06659 ## Tsadowq {tsaw-doke'} ; from 06663 ; just ; Tsadok , the name of eight or {nine} Israelites : -- Zadok .

nine 07935 ## Sh@kanyah {shek-an-yaw'} ; or (prol .) Sh@kanyahuw {shek-an-yaw'- hoo} ; from 07931 and 03050 ; Jah has dwelt ; Shekanjah , the name of {nine} Israelites : -- Shecaniah , Shechaniah .

nine 08018 ## Shelemyah {shel-em-yaw'} ; or Shelemyahuw {shel-em-yaw'- hoo} ; from 08002 and 03050 ; thank-offering of Jah ; Shelemjah , the name of {nine} Israelites : -- Shelemiah .

nine 08304 ## S@rayah {ser-aw-yaw'} ; or S@rayahuw {ser-aw-yaw'- hoo} ; from 08280 and 03050 ; Jah has prevailed ; Serajah , the name of {nine} Israelites : -- Seraiah .

nine 08672 ## tesha` {tay'- shah} ; or (masculine) tish` ah {tish-aw'} ; perhaps from 08159 through the idea of a turn to the next or full number ten ; {nine} or (ord .) ninth : -- nine (+-teen , +-teenth ,-th) .

nine 08672 ## tesha` {tay'- shah} ; or (masculine) tish` ah {tish-aw'} ; perhaps from 08159 through the idea of a turn to the next or full number ten ; nine or (ord .) ninth : -- {nine} (+-teen , +-teenth ,-th) .

nine 1767 - ennea {en-neh'-ah}; a primary number; nine: -- {nine}.

nine 1767 - ennea {en-neh'-ah}; a primary number; {nine}: -- nine.

nine 1768 - ennenekontaennea {en-nen-ay-kon-tah-en-neh'-ah}; from a (tenth) multiple of 1767 and 1767 itself; ninety-nine: -- ninety and {nine}.

nine 4613 - Simon {see'-mone}; of Hebrew origin [8095]; Simon (i.e. Shimon), the name of {nine} Israelites: -- Simon. Compare 4826.

nine- 06240 ## ` asar {aw-sawr'} ; for 06235 ; ten (only in combination) , i . e .-teen ; also (ordinal)-teenth : -- [eigh-, fif-, four-, {nine-}, seven-, six-, thir-] teen (- th) , + eleven (- th) , + sixscore thousand , + twelve (- th) .

nineteen 05838 ## ` Azaryah {az-ar-yaw'} ; or` Azaryahuw {az-ar-yaw'- hoo} ; from 05826 and 03050 ; Jah has helped ; Azarjah , the name of {nineteen} Israelites : -- Azariah .

ninety 08673 ## tish` iym {tish-eem'} ; multiple from 08672 ; ninety : -- {ninety} .

ninety 08673 ## tish` iym {tish-eem'} ; multiple from 08672 ; {ninety} : -- ninety .

ninety 1768 - ennenekontaennea {en-nen-ay-kon-tah-en-neh'-ah}; from a (tenth) multiple of 1767 and 1767 itself; ninety-nine: -- {ninety} and nine.

ninety-nine 1768 - ennenekontaennea {en-nen-ay-kon-tah-en-neh'-ah}; from a (tenth) multiple of 1767 and 1767 itself; {ninety-nine}: -- ninety and nine.

Nineui 3535 - {Nineui} {nin-yoo-ee'}; of Hebrew origin [5210]; Ninevi (i.e. Nineveh), the capital of Assyria: -- Nineve.

Nineuites 3536 - {Nineuites} {nin-yoo-ee'-tace}; from 3535; a Ninevite, i.e. inhabitant of Nineveh: -- of Nineve, Ninevite.

Nineve 3535 - Nineui {nin-yoo-ee'}; of Hebrew origin [5210]; Ninevi (i.e. Nineveh), the capital of Assyria: -- {Nineve}.

Nineve 3536 - Nineuites {nin-yoo-ee'-tace}; from 3535; a Ninevite, i.e. inhabitant of Nineveh: -- of {Nineve}, Ninevite.

Nineveh 05210 ## Niyn@veh {nee-nev-ay'} ; of foreign origin ; Nineveh , the capital of Assyria : -- {Nineveh} .

Nineveh 05210 ## Niyn@veh {nee-nev-ay'} ; of foreign origin ; {Nineveh} , the capital of Assyria : -- Nineveh .

Nineveh 3535 - Nineui {nin-yoo-ee'}; of Hebrew origin [5210]; Ninevi (i.e. {Nineveh}), the capital of Assyria: -- Nineve.

Nineveh 3536 - Nineuites {nin-yoo-ee'-tace}; from 3535; a Ninevite, i.e. inhabitant of {Nineveh}: -- of Nineve, Ninevite.

Ninevi 3535 - Nineui {nin-yoo-ee'}; of Hebrew origin [5210]; {Ninevi} (i.e. Nineveh), the capital of Assyria: -- Nineve.

Ninevite 3536 - Nineuites {nin-yoo-ee'-tace}; from 3535; a Ninevite, i.e. inhabitant of Nineveh: -- of Nineve, {Ninevite}.

Ninevite 3536 - Nineuites {nin-yoo-ee'-tace}; from 3535; a {Ninevite}, i.e. inhabitant of Nineveh: -- of Nineve, Ninevite.

oninemi 3685 - {oninemi} {on-in'-ay-mee}; a prolonged form of an apparently primary verb (onomai, to slur); for which another prolonged form (onao) is used as an alternate in some tenses [unless indeed it be identical with the base of 3686 through the idea of notoriety]; to gratify, i.e. (middle voice) to derive pleasure or advantage from: -- have joy.

twenty-nine 02148 ## Z@karyah {zek-ar-yaw'} ; or Z@karyahuw {zek-ar-yaw'- hoo} ; from 02142 and 03050 ; Jah has remembered ; Zecarjah , the name of {twenty-nine} Israelites : -- Zachariah , Zechariah .