feminine 7451 ## ra< {rah}; from 7489; bad or (as noun) evil
(natural or moral): -- adversity, affliction, bad, calamity, +
displease(-ure), distress, evil([-favouredness], man, thing), +
exceedingly, X great, grief(-vous), harm, heavy, hurt(-ful), ill
(favoured), + mark, mischief(-vous), misery, naught(-ty),
noisome, + not please, sad(-ly), sore, sorrow, trouble, vex,
wicked(-ly, -ness, one), worse(-st), wretchedness, wrong. [Incl.
{feminine} ra
nine 8672 ## tesha< {tay'-shah}; or (masculine) tish aw'}; perhaps from 8159 through the idea of a turn to the next
or full number ten; nine or (ord.) ninth: -- {nine} (+ -teen, + -
teenth, -th).[ql

nine 1767 # ennea {en-neh'-ah}; a primary number; nine: --
{nine}.[ql nine 1768 # ennenekontaennea {en-nen-ay-kon-tah-en-
neh'-ah}; from a (tenth) multiple of 1767 and 1767 itself;
ninety-nine: -- ninety and {nine}.[ql

nine- 6240 ## combination), i.e. -teen; also (ordinal) -teenth: -- [eigh-, fif-
, four-, {nine-}, seven-, six-, thir-]teen(-th), + eleven(-th),
+ sixscore thousand, + twelve(-th).[ql

ninety 8673 ## tish -- {ninety}.[ql

ninety 1768 # ennenekontaennea {en-nen-ay-kon-tah-en-neh'-ah};
from a (tenth) multiple of 1767 and 1767 itself; ninety-nine: --
{ninety} and nine.[ql

Nineve 3535 # Nineui {nin-yoo-ee'}; of Hebrew origin [5210];
Ninevi (i.e. Nineveh), the capital of Assyria: -- {Nineve}.[ql

Nineve 3536 # Nineuites {nin-yoo-ee'-tace}; from 3535; a
Ninevite, i.e. inhabitant of Nineveh: -- of {Nineve}, Ninevite.

Nineveh 5210 ## Niyn@veh {nee-nev-ay'}; of foreign origin;
Nineveh, the capital of Assyria: -- {Nineveh}.[ql

Ninevite 3536 # Nineuites {nin-yoo-ee'-tace}; from 3535; a
Ninevite, i.e. inhabitant of Nineveh: -- of Nineve, {Ninevite}.
