nine 018 012 Mat /${nine /and goeth into the
mountains , and seeketh that which is gone astray ?

nine 015 017 IIKi /^{nine /and thirtieth year
of Azariah king of Judah began Menahem the son of Gadi to reign
over Israel , and reigned ten years in Samaria .

nine 015 013 IIKi /^{nine /and thirtieth year
of Uzziah king of Judah ; and he reigned a full month in Samaria

nine 001 009 Ezr /^{nine /and twenty knives ,

nine 011 024 Gen /^{nine /and twenty years ,
and begat Terah :

nine 029 001 IICh /^{nine /and twenty years in
Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Abijah , the daughter of
Zechariah .

nine 029 026 Num /^{nine /bullocks , two rams
, and fourteen lambs of the first year without spot :

nine 021 016 Jos /^{nine /cities out of those
two tribes .

nine 015 044 Jos /^{nine /cities with their
villages :

nine 015 054 Jos /^{nine /cities with their
villages :

nine 003 011 Deu /^{nine /cubits was the
length thereof, and four cubits the breadth of it, after the
cubit of a man .

nine 009 009 ICh /^{nine /hundred and fifty
and six . All these men were chief of the fathers in the house
of their fathers .

nine 009 029 Gen /^{nine /hundred and fifty
years : and he died .

nine 005 011 Gen /^{nine /hundred and five
years : and he died .

nine 005 014 Gen /^{nine /hundred and ten
years : and he died .

nine 007 038 Neh /^{nine /hundred and thirty .

nine 005 005 Gen /^{nine /hundred and thirty
years : and he died .

nine 005 008 Gen /^{nine /hundred and twelve
years : and he died .

nine 004 013 Jug /^{nine /hundred chariots of
iron , and all the people that were with him, from Harosheth of
the Gentiles unto the river of Kishon .

nine 004 003 Jug /^{nine /hundred chariots of
iron ; and twenty years he mightily oppressed the children of
Israel .

nine 002 008 Ezr /^{nine /hundred forty and
five .

nine 007 039 Neh /^{nine /hundred seventy and
three .

nine 002 036 Ezr /^{nine /hundred seventy and
three .

nine 005 027 Gen /^{nine /hundred sixty and
nine years : and he died .

nine 005 020 Gen /^{nine /hundred sixty and
two years : and he died .

nine 011 008 Neh /^{nine /hundred twenty and
eight .

nine 015 004 Luk /${nine /in the wilderness ,
and go after that which is lost , until he find it ?

nine 015 007 Luk /${nine /just persons ,
which need no repentance .

nine 024 008 IISa /^{nine /months and twenty
days .

nine 011 001 Neh /^{nine /parts to dwell in
other cities .

nine 038 024 Exo /^{nine /talents , and seven
hundred and thirty shekels , after the shekel of the sanctuary .

nine 017 001 Gen /^{nine /the LORD appeared
to Abram , and said unto him, I am the Almighty God ; walk
before me , and be thou perfect .

nine 002 013 Num /^{nine /thousand and three
hundred .

nine 001 023 Num /^{nine /thousand and three
hundred .

nine 014 002 Jos /^{nine /tribes , and for
the half tribe .

nine 013 007 Jos /^{nine /tribes , and the
half tribe of Manasseh ,

nine 034 013 Num /^{nine /tribes , and to the
half tribe :

nine 017 024 Gen /^{nine /when he was
circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin .

nine 018 013 Mat /${nine /which went not
astray .

nine 015 032 Jos /^{nine /with their villages

nine 011 019 Gen /^{nine /years , and begat
sons and daughters .

nine 017 001 IIKi /^{nine /years .

nine 025 008 Lev /^{nine /years .

nine 005 027 Gen /^{nine /years : and he died

nine 025 001 IICh /^{nine /years in Jerusalem .
And his mother's name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem .

nine 014 002 IIKi /^{nine /years in Jerusalem .
And his mother's name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem .

nine 018 002 IIKi /^{nine /years in Jerusalem .
His mother's name also was Abi , the daughter of Zachariah .

nineteen 019 038 Jos /^{nineteen /cities with
their villages .

nineteen 002 030 IISa /^{nineteen /men and Asahel .

nineteen 011 025 Gen /^{nineteen /years , and
begat sons and daughters .

nineteenth 025 026 ICh /^{nineteenth /to Mallothi ,
he, his sons , and his brethren , were twelve :

nineteenth 024 016 ICh /^{nineteenth /to Pethahiah ,
the twentieth to Jehezekel ,

nineteenth 025 008 IIKi /^{nineteenth /year of king
Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon , came Nebuzaradan , captain of
the guard , a servant of the king of Babylon , unto Jerusalem :

nineteenth 052 012 Jer /^{nineteenth /year of
Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon , came Nebuzaradan , captain of
the guard , which served the king of Babylon , into Jerusalem ,

ninety 007 021 Neh /^{ninety /and eight .

ninety 002 016 Ezr /^{ninety /and eight .

ninety 004 015 ISa /^{ninety /and eight years
old ; and his eyes were dim , that he could not see .

ninety 007 025 Neh /^{ninety /and five .

ninety 002 020 Ezr /^{ninety /and five .

ninety 005 030 Gen /^{ninety /and five years ,
and begat sons and daughters :

ninety 005 017 Gen /^{ninety /and five years :
and he died .

ninety 018 012 Mat /${ninety /and nine , and
goeth into the mountains , and seeketh that which is gone astray

ninety 015 004 Luk /${ninety /and nine in the
wilderness , and go after that which is lost , until he find it ?

ninety 015 007 Luk /${ninety /and nine just
persons , which need no repentance .

ninety 018 013 Mat /${ninety /and nine which
went not astray .

ninety 052 023 Jer /^{ninety /and six
pomegranates on a side ; and all the pomegranates upon the
network were an hundred round about .

ninety 008 035 Ezr /^{ninety /and six rams ,
seventy and seven lambs , twelve he goats for a sin offering :
all this was a burnt offering unto the LORD .

ninety 002 058 Ezr /^{ninety /and two .

ninety 007 060 Neh /^{ninety /and two .

ninety 041 012 Eze /^{ninety /cubits .

ninety 012 011 Dan /^{ninety /days .

ninety 004 005 Eze /^{ninety /days : so shalt
thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel .

ninety 004 009 Eze /^{ninety /days shalt thou
eat thereof.

ninety 005 009 Gen /^{ninety /years , and begat
Cainan :

ninety 017 017 Gen /^{ninety /years old , bear ?

ninety 017 001 Gen /^{ninety /years old and
nine , the LORD appeared to Abram , and said unto him, I am the
Almighty God ; walk before me , and be thou perfect .

ninety 017 024 Gen /^{ninety /years old and
nine , when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin .

Nineve 011 032 Luk /${Nineve /shall rise up in
the judgment with this generation , and shall condemn it : for
they repented at the preaching of Jonas ; and , behold , a
greater than Jonas is here .

Nineveh 002 013 Zep /^{Nineveh /a desolation ,
and dry like a wilderness .

Nineveh 003 003 Jon /^{Nineveh /according to the
word of the LORD . Now Nineveh was an exceeding great city of
three days journey .

Nineveh 010 012 Gen /^{Nineveh /and Calah : the
same is a great city .

Nineveh 003 006 Jon /^{Nineveh /and he arose
from his throne , and he laid his robe from him, and covered him
with sackcloth , and sat in ashes .

Nineveh 010 011 Gen /^{Nineveh /and the city
Rehoboth , and Calah ,

Nineveh 003 005 Jon /^{Nineveh /believed God ,
and proclaimed a fast , and put on sackcloth , from the greatest
of them even to the least of them.

Nineveh 003 007 Jon /^{Nineveh /by the decree of
the king and his nobles , saying , Let neither man nor beast ,
herd nor flock , taste any thing : let them not feed , nor drink
water :

Nineveh 003 007 Nah /^{Nineveh /is laid waste :
who will bemoan her? whence shall I seek comforters for thee?

Nineveh 002 008 Nah /^{Nineveh /is of old like a
pool of water : yet they shall flee away . Stand , stand , shall
they cry; but none shall look back .

Nineveh 003 004 Jon /^{Nineveh /shall be
overthrown .

Nineveh 012 041 Mat /${Nineveh /shall rise in
judgment with this generation , and shall condemn it : because
they repented at the preaching of Jonas ; and , behold , a
greater than Jonas is here .

Nineveh 001 002 Jon /^{Nineveh /that great city ,
and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me.

Nineveh 003 002 Jon /^{Nineveh /that great city ,
and preach unto it the preaching that I bid thee.

Nineveh 004 011 Jon /^{Nineveh /that great city ,
wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot
discern between their right hand and their left hand ; and also
much cattle ?

Nineveh 001 001 Nah /^{Nineveh /The book of the
vision of Nahum the Elkoshite .

Nineveh 003 003 Jon /^{Nineveh /was an exceeding
great city of three days journey .

Ninevites 011 030 Luk /${Ninevites /so shall also
the Son of man be to this generation .
