numbered 004 045 Num /^{numbered /according to
the word of the LORD by the hand of Moses .

numbered 004 046 Num /^{numbered /after their
families , and after the house of their fathers ,

numbered 003 006 IIKi /^{numbered /all Israel .

numbered 020 015 IKi /^{numbered /all the people ,
even all the children of Israel , being seven thousand .

numbered 002 017 IICh /^{numbered /all the
strangers that were in the land of Israel , after the numbering
wherewith David his father had numbered them; and they were
found an hundred and fifty thousand and three thousand and six
hundred .

numbered 026 062 Num /^{numbered /among the
children of Israel , because there was no inheritance given them
among the children of Israel .

numbered 002 033 Num /^{numbered /among the
children of Israel ; as the LORD commanded Moses .

numbered 001 047 Num /^{numbered /among them.

numbered 001 010 Hos /^{numbered /and it shall
come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye
are not my people , there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the
sons of the living God .

numbered 001 044 Num /^{numbered /and the princes
of Israel , being twelve men : each one was for the house of his
fathers .

numbered 020 027 IKi /^{numbered /and were all
present , and went against them: and the children of Israel
pitched before them like two little flocks of kids ; but the
Syrians filled the country .

numbered 021 009 Jug /^{numbered /and, behold,
there were none of the inhabitants of Jabeshgilead there.

numbered 003 042 Num /^{numbered /as the LORD
commanded him, all the firstborn among the children of Israel .

numbered 020 015 Jug /^{numbered /at that time
out of the cities twenty and six thousand men that drew sword ,
beside the inhabitants of Gibeah , which were numbered seven
hundred chosen men .

numbered 003 039 Num /^{numbered /at the
commandment of the LORD , throughout their families , all the
males from a month old and upward , were twenty and two thousand

numbered 014 017 ISa /^{numbered /behold,
Jonathan and his armourbearer were not there.

numbered 026 063 Num /^{numbered /by Moses and
Eleazar the priest , who numbered the children of Israel in the
plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho .

numbered 004 049 Num /^{numbered /by the hand of
Moses , every one according to his service , and according to
his burden : thus were they numbered of him, as the LORD
commanded Moses .

numbered 021 017 ICh /^{numbered /even I it is
that have sinned and done evil indeed ; but as for these sheep ,
what have they done ? let thine hand , I pray thee, O LORD my
God , be on me, and on my father's house ; but not on thy people
, that they should be plagued .

numbered 012 007 Luk /${numbered /Fear not
therefore : ye are of more value than many sparrows .

numbered 016 010 Gen /^{numbered /for multitude .

numbered 005 006 IICh /^{numbered /for multitude .

numbered 032 012 Gen /^{numbered /for multitude .

numbered 008 005 IKi /^{numbered /for multitude .

numbered 020 017 Jug /^{numbered /four hundred
thousand men that drew sword : all these were men of war .

numbered 023 003 ICh /^{numbered /from the age of
thirty years and upward : and their number by their polls , man
by man , was thirty and eight thousand .

numbered 030 014 Exo /^{numbered /from twenty
years old and above , shall give an offering unto the LORD .

numbered 023 027 ICh /^{numbered /from twenty
years old and above :

numbered 038 026 Exo /^{numbered /from twenty
years old and upward , for six hundred thousand and three
thousand and five hundred and fifty men.

numbered 030 013 Exo /^{numbered /half a shekel
after the shekel of the sanctuary : an half shekel shall be the
offering of the LORD .

numbered 002 031 Num /^{numbered /in the camp of
Dan were an hundred thousand and fifty and seven thousand and
six hundred . They shall go hindmost with their standards .

numbered 002 009 Num /^{numbered /in the camp of
Judah were an hundred thousand and fourscore thousand and six
thousand and four hundred , throughout their armies . These
shall first set forth .

numbered 002 016 Num /^{numbered /in the camp of
Reuben were an hundred thousand and fifty and one thousand and
four hundred and fifty , throughout their armies . And they
shall set forth in the second rank .

numbered 033 022 Jer /^{numbered /neither the
sand of the sea measured : so will I multiply the seed of David
my servant , and the Levites that minister unto me.

numbered 003 008 IKi /^{numbered /nor counted for
multitude .

numbered 004 049 Num /^{numbered /of him, as the
LORD commanded Moses .

numbered 026 054 Num /^{numbered /of him.

numbered 002 024 Num /^{numbered /of the camp of
Ephraim were an hundred thousand and eight thousand and an
hundred , throughout their armies . And they shall go forward in
the third rank .

numbered 002 032 Num /^{numbered /of the camps
throughout their hosts were six hundred thousand and three
thousand and five hundred and fifty .

numbered 001 045 Num /^{numbered /of the children
of Israel , by the house of their fathers , from twenty years
old and upward , all that were able to go forth to war in Israel

numbered 026 051 Num /^{numbered /of the children
of Israel , six hundred thousand and a thousand seven hundred
and thirty .

numbered 002 032 Num /^{numbered /of the children
of Israel by the house of their fathers : all those that were
numbered of the camps throughout their hosts were six hundred
thousand and three thousand and five hundred and fifty .

numbered 038 025 Exo /^{numbered /of the
congregation was an hundred talents , and a thousand seven
hundred and threescore and fifteen shekels , after the shekel of
the sanctuary :

numbered 004 037 Num /^{numbered /of the families
of the Kohathites , all that might do service in the tabernacle
of the congregation , which Moses and Aaron did number according
to the commandment of the LORD by the hand of Moses .

numbered 004 041 Num /^{numbered /of the families
of the sons of Gershon , of all that might do service in the
tabernacle of the congregation , whom Moses and Aaron did number
according to the commandment of the LORD .

numbered 004 042 Num /^{numbered /of the families
of the sons of Merari , throughout their families , by the house
of their fathers ,

numbered 004 045 Num /^{numbered /of the families
of the sons of Merari , whom Moses and Aaron numbered according
to the word of the LORD by the hand of Moses .

numbered 003 039 Num /^{numbered /of the Levites ,
which Moses and Aaron numbered at the commandment of the LORD ,
throughout their families , all the males from a month old and
upward , were twenty and two thousand .

numbered 004 046 Num /^{numbered /of the Levites ,
whom Moses and Aaron and the chief of Israel numbered , after
their families , and after the house of their fathers ,

numbered 026 057 Num /^{numbered /of the Levites
after their families : of Gershon , the family of the
Gershonites : of Kohath , the family of the Kohathites : of
Merari , the family of the Merarites .

numbered 004 038 Num /^{numbered /of the sons of
Gershon , throughout their families , and by the house of their
fathers ,

numbered 004 044 Num /^{numbered /of them after
their families , were three thousand and two hundred .

numbered 004 036 Num /^{numbered /of them by
their families were two thousand seven hundred and fifty .

numbered 026 050 Num /^{numbered /of them were
forty and five thousand and four hundred .

numbered 026 041 Num /^{numbered /of them were
forty and five thousand and six hundred .

numbered 026 007 Num /^{numbered /of them were
forty and three thousand and seven hundred and thirty .

numbered 003 022 Num /^{numbered /of them were
seven thousand and five hundred .

numbered 026 062 Num /^{numbered /of them were
twenty and three thousand , all males from a month old and
upward : for they were not numbered among the children of Israel
, because there was no inheritance given them among the children
of Israel .

numbered 003 022 Num /^{numbered /of them,
according to the number of all the males , from a month old and
upward , even those that were numbered of them were seven
thousand and five hundred .

numbered 003 034 Num /^{numbered /of them,
according to the number of all the males , from a month old and
upward , were six thousand and two hundred .

numbered 001 022 Num /^{numbered /of them,
according to the number of the names , by their polls , every
male from twenty years old and upward , all that were able to go
forth to war ;

numbered 001 041 Num /^{numbered /of them, even
of the tribe of Asher , were forty and one thousand and five
hundred .

numbered 001 037 Num /^{numbered /of them, even
of the tribe of Benjamin , were thirty and five thousand and
four hundred .

numbered 001 039 Num /^{numbered /of them, even
of the tribe of Dan , were threescore and two thousand and seven
hundred .

numbered 001 033 Num /^{numbered /of them, even
of the tribe of Ephraim , were forty thousand and five hundred .

numbered 001 025 Num /^{numbered /of them, even
of the tribe of Gad , were forty and five thousand six hundred
and fifty .

numbered 001 029 Num /^{numbered /of them, even
of the tribe of Issachar , were fifty and four thousand and four
hundred .

numbered 001 027 Num /^{numbered /of them, even
of the tribe of Judah , were threescore and fourteen thousand
and six hundred .

numbered 001 035 Num /^{numbered /of them, even
of the tribe of Manasseh , were thirty and two thousand and two
hundred .

numbered 001 043 Num /^{numbered /of them, even
of the tribe of Naphtali , were fifty and three thousand and
four hundred .

numbered 001 021 Num /^{numbered /of them, even
of the tribe of Reuben , were forty and six thousand and five
hundred .

numbered 001 023 Num /^{numbered /of them, even
of the tribe of Simeon , were fifty and nine thousand and three
hundred .

numbered 001 031 Num /^{numbered /of them, even
of the tribe of Zebulun , were fifty and seven thousand and four
hundred .

numbered 026 034 Num /^{numbered /of them, fifty
and two thousand and seven hundred .

numbered 026 018 Num /^{numbered /of them, forty
thousand and five hundred .

numbered 026 037 Num /^{numbered /of them, thirty
and two thousand and five hundred . These are the sons of Joseph
after their families .

numbered 026 025 Num /^{numbered /of them,
threescore and four thousand and three hundred .

numbered 026 022 Num /^{numbered /of them,
threescore and sixteen thousand and five hundred .

numbered 026 027 Num /^{numbered /of them,
threescore thousand and five hundred .

numbered 004 040 Num /^{numbered /of them,
throughout their families , by the house of their fathers , were
two thousand and six hundred and thirty .

numbered 004 048 Num /^{numbered /of them, were
eight thousand and five hundred and fourscore .

numbered 002 013 Num /^{numbered /of them, were
fifty and nine thousand and three hundred .

numbered 002 030 Num /^{numbered /of them, were
fifty and three thousand and four hundred .

numbered 002 015 Num /^{numbered /of them, were
forty and five thousand and six hundred and fifty .

numbered 002 028 Num /^{numbered /of them, were
forty and one thousand and five hundred .

numbered 002 019 Num /^{numbered /of them, were
forty thousand and five hundred .

numbered 002 023 Num /^{numbered /of them, were
thirty and five thousand and four hundred .

numbered 002 021 Num /^{numbered /of them, were
thirty and two thousand and two hundred .

numbered 026 043 Num /^{numbered /of them, were
threescore and four thousand and four hundred .

numbered 002 004 Num /^{numbered /of them, were
threescore and fourteen thousand and six hundred .

numbered 002 026 Num /^{numbered /of them, were
threescore and two thousand and seven hundred .

numbered 003 043 Num /^{numbered /of them, were
twenty and two thousand two hundred and threescore and thirteen .

numbered 026 047 Num /^{numbered /of them; who
were fifty and three thousand and four hundred .

numbered 014 029 Num /^{numbered /of you,
according to your whole number , from twenty years old and
upward , which have murmured against me,

numbered 007 002 Num /^{numbered /offered :

numbered 020 015 Jug /^{numbered /seven hundred
chosen men .

numbered 026 063 Num /^{numbered /the children of
Israel in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho .

numbered 026 064 Num /^{numbered /the children of
Israel in the wilderness of Sinai .

numbered 022 010 Isa /^{numbered /the houses of
Jerusalem , and the houses have ye broken down to fortify the
wall .

numbered 008 010 Jos /^{numbered /the people ,
and went up , he and the elders of Israel , before the people to
Ai .

numbered 024 010 IISa /^{numbered /the people .
And David said unto the LORD , I have sinned greatly in that I
have done : and now, I beseech thee, O LORD , take away the
iniquity of thy servant ; for I have done very foolishly .

numbered 013 015 ISa /^{numbered /the people that
were present with him, about six hundred men .

numbered 018 001 IISa /^{numbered /the people that
were with him, and set captains of thousands and captains of
hundreds over them.

numbered 004 034 Num /^{numbered /the sons of the
Kohathites after their families , and after the house of their
fathers ,

numbered 020 026 IKi /^{numbered /the Syrians ,
and went up to Aphek , to fight against Israel .

numbered 020 015 IKi /^{numbered /the young men
of the princes of the provinces , and they were two hundred and
thirty two : and after them he numbered all the people , even
all the children of Israel , being seven thousand .

numbered 003 016 Num /^{numbered /them according
to the word of the LORD , as he was commanded .

numbered 025 005 IICh /^{numbered /them from
twenty years old and above , and found them three hundred
thousand choice men, able to go forth to war , that could handle
spear and shield .

numbered 011 008 ISa /^{numbered /them in Bezek ,
the children of Israel were three hundred thousand , and the men
of Judah thirty thousand .

numbered 015 004 ISa /^{numbered /them in Telaim ,
two hundred thousand footmen , and ten thousand men of Judah .

numbered 001 019 Num /^{numbered /them in the
wilderness of Sinai .

numbered 001 008 Ezr /^{numbered /them unto
Sheshbazzar , the prince of Judah .

numbered 002 017 IICh /^{numbered /them; and they
were found an hundred and fifty thousand and three thousand and
six hundred .

numbered 002 006 Num /^{numbered /thereof, were
fifty and four thousand and four hundred .

numbered 002 008 Num /^{numbered /thereof, were
fifty and seven thousand and four hundred .

numbered 002 011 Num /^{numbered /thereof, were
forty and six thousand and five hundred .

numbered 005 026 Dan /^{numbered /thy kingdom ,
and finished it.

numbered 001 046 Num /^{numbered /were six
hundred thousand and three thousand and five hundred and fifty .

numbered 026 064 Num /^{numbered /when they
numbered the children of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai .

numbered 001 044 Num /^{numbered /which Moses and
Aaron numbered , and the princes of Israel , being twelve men :
each one was for the house of his fathers .

numbered 001 026 Act /${numbered /with the eleven
apostles .

numbered 015 028 Mar /${numbered /with the
transgressors .

numbered 053 012 Isa /^{numbered /with the
transgressors ; and he bare the sin of many , and made
intercession for the transgressors .

numbered 001 017 Act /${numbered /with us , and
had obtained part of this ministry .
