nurse 024 059 Gen /^{nurse /and Abraham's
servant , and his men .

nurse 002 007 ITh /${nurse /cherisheth her
children :

nurse 035 008 Gen /^{nurse /died , and she was
buried beneath Bethel under an oak : and the name of it was
called Allonbachuth .

nurse 022 011 IICh /^{nurse /in a bedchamber .
So Jehoshabeath , the daughter of king Jehoram , the wife of
Jehoiada the priest , hid him from Athaliah , so that she slew
him not.

nurse 011 002 IIKi /^{nurse /in the bedchamber
from Athaliah , so that he was not slain .

nurse 002 009 Exo /^{nurse /it for me, and I
will give thee thy wages . And the woman took the child , and
nursed it.

nurse 002 007 Exo /^{nurse /of the Hebrew
women , that she may nurse the child for thee?

nurse 002 007 Exo /^{nurse /the child for thee?

nurse 004 004 IISa /^{nurse /took him up , and
fled : and it came to pass, as she made haste to flee , that he
fell , and became lame . And his name was Mephibosheth .

nurse 004 016 Rut /^{nurse /unto it.

nursed 060 004 Isa /^{nursed /at thy side .

nursed 002 009 Exo /^{nursed /it.
