Goath 1601 -- Go\ah -- {Goath}.

Joatham 2488 ** Ioatham ** {Joatham}.

loath 0947 -- buwc -- {loath}, tread (down, under [foot]), be

loathe 3988 -- ma/ac -- abhor, cast away (off), contemn, despise,
disdain, (become){loathe}(some), melt away, refuse, reject,
reprobate, X utterly, vileperson

loathe 6962 -- quwt -- begrieved, {loathe} self.

loathe 6973 -- quwts -- abhor, be distressed, be grieved,
{loathe}, vex, be weary.

loathing 1604 -- go\al -- {loathing}.

loathsome 0887 -- ba/ash -- (make to) be abhorred (had in
abomination, {loathsome},odious), (cause a, make to) stink(-ing
savour), X utterly.

loathsome 2214 -- zara/ -- {loathsome}.

loathsome 7033 qalah -- -- dried, {loathsome}, parch, roast.

oath 0423 -- /alah -- curse, cursing, execration, {oath},

oath 7621 sh@buw\ah -- -- curse, {oath}, X sworn.

oath 7650 shaba\ -- -- adjure, charge (by an oath, with an oath),
feed to the full,take an {oath}, X straitly, (cause to, make
to) swear.

oath 7650 shaba\ -- -- adjure, charge (by an oath, with an
{oath}), feed to the full,take an oath, X straitly, (cause to,
make to) swear.

oath 7650 shaba\ -- -- adjure, charge (by an {oath}, with an
oath), feed to the full,take an oath, X straitly, (cause to,
make to) swear.

oath 0332 ** anathematizo ** (bind under a) curse, bind with an

oath 3727 ** horkos ** {oath}.

oath 3728 ** horkomosia ** {oath}.
