60 plus Audio and Video Media KJV Bible Products eBibleProductions.com KJV Bible Word Studies for PALE Bible Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries combined for Word Studies crucify 4717 # stauroo {stow-ro'-o}; from 4716; to impale on the cross; figuratively, to extinguish (subdue) passion or selfishness: -- {crucify}. crucify 4957 # sustauroo {soos-tow-ro'-o}; from 4862 and 4717; to impale in company with (literally or figuratively): -- {crucify} with. money 3701 ## keceph {keh'-sef}; from 3700; silver (from its pale color); by implication, money: -- {money}, price, silver(-ling). pale 2357 ## chavar {khaw-var'}; a primitive root; to blanch (as with shame): -- wax {pale}. pale 5515 # chloros {khlo-ros'}; from the same as 5514; greenish, i.e. verdant, dun-colored: -- green, {pale}. price 3701 ## keceph {keh'-sef}; from 3700; silver (from its pale color); by implication, money: -- money, {price}, silver(-ling). silver 3701 ## keceph {keh'-sef}; from 3700; silver (from its pale color); by implication, money: -- money, price, {silver}(-ling). surfeiting 2897 # kraipale {krahee-pal'-ay}; probably from the same as 726; properly, a headache (as a seizure of pain) from drunkenness, i.e. (by implication) a debauch (by analogy, a glut): -- {surfeiting}. with 4957 # sustauroo {soos-tow-ro'-o}; from 4862 and 4717; to impale in company with (literally or figuratively): -- crucify {with}. wrestle 3823 # pale {pal'-ay}; from pallo (to vibrate; another form for 906); wrestling: -- + {wrestle}. Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions. Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order. Beth-palet 01046 ## Beyth Pelet {bayth peh'- let} ; from 01004 and 06412 ; house of escape ; Beth-Palet , a place in Palestine : -- {Beth-palet} . Beth-Palet 01046 ## Beyth Pelet {bayth peh'- let} ; from 01004 and 06412 ; house of escape ; {Beth-Palet} , a place in Palestine : -- Beth-palet . Elpalet 00467 ## 'Eliyphelet {el-ee-feh'- let} ; or (shortened)'Elpelet {el-peh'- let} ; from 00410 and 06405 ; God of deliverance ; Eliphelet or Elpelet , the name of six Israelites : -- Eliphalet , Eliphelet , {Elpalet} . impale 02211 ## z@qaph (Aramaic) {zek-af'} ; corresponding to 02210 ; to hang , i . e . {impale} : -- set up . impale 03363 ## yaqa` {yaw-kah'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to sever oneself , i . e . (by implication) to be dislocated ; figuratively , to abandon ; causatively , to {impale} (and thus allow to drop to pieces by rotting) : -- be alienated , depart , hang (up) , be out of joint impale 04223 ## m@cha'(Aramaic) {mekh-aw'} ; corresponding to 04222 ; to strike in pieces ; also to arrest ; specifically to {impale} : -- hang , smite , stay . impale 4362 - prospegnumi {pros-payg'-noo-mee}; from 4314 and 4078; to fasten to, i.e. (specifically) to {impale} (on a cross): -- crucify. impale 4717 - stauroo {stow-ro'-o}; from 4716; to {impale} on the cross; figuratively, to extinguish (subdue) passion or selfishness: -- crucify. impale 4957 - sustauroo {soos-tow-ro'-o}; from 4862 and 4717; to {impale} in company with (literally or figuratively): - - crucify with. kraipale 2897 - {kraipale} {krahee-pal'-ay}; probably from the same as 0726; properly, a headache (as a seizure of pain) from drunkenness, i.e. (by implication) a debauch (by analogy, a glut): -- surfeiting. pale 00361 ## 'eylam {ay-lawm'} ; or (shortened)'elam {ay-lawm'} ; or (feminine)'elammah {ay-lam-maw'} ; probably from 00352 ; a pillar-space (or colonnade) , i . e . a {pale} (or portico) : -- arch . pale 00933 ## bohaq {bo'- hak} ; from an unused root meaning to be {pale} ; white scurf : -- freckled spot . pale 00954 ## buwsh {boosh} ; a primitive root ; properly , to {pale} , i . e . by implication to be ashamed ; also (by implication) to be disappointed or delayed : -- (be , make , bring to , cause , put to , with , a-) shamed (- d) , be (put to) confounded (- fusion) , become dry , delay , be long . pale 02357 ## chavar {khaw-var'} ; a primitive root ; to blanch (as with shame) : -- wax {pale} . pale 03700 ## kacaph {kaw-saf'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to become {pale} , i . e . (by implication) to pine after ; also to fear : -- [have ] desire , be greedy , long , sore . pale 03701 ## keceph {keh'- sef} ; from 03700 ; silver (from its {pale} color) ; by implication , money : -- money , price , silver (- ling) . pale 07718 ## shoham {sho'- ham} ; from an unused root probably mean to blanch ; a gem , probably the beryl (from its {pale} green color) : -- onyx . pale 3823 - {pale} {pal'-ay}; from pallo (to vibrate; another form for 0906); wrestling: -- + wrestle. pale 5515 - chloros {khlo-ros'}; from the same as 5514; greenish, i.e. verdant, dun-colored: -- green, {pale}. paleness 03420 ## yeraqown {yay-raw-kone'} ; from 03418 ; {paleness} , whether of persons (from fright) , or of plants (from drought) : -- greenish , yellow . Palestina 06429 ## P@lesheth {pel-eh'- sheth} ; from 06428 ; rolling , i . e . migratory ; Pelesheth , a region of Syria : -- {Palestina} , Palestine , Philistia , Philistines . Palestine 00059 ## 'Abel {aw-bale'} ; from 00058 ; a meadow ; Abel , the name of two places in {Palestine} . : -- Abel . Palestine 00062 ## 'Abel Beyth-Ma` akah {aw-bale'bayth ma-a-kaw'} ; from 00058 and 01004 and 04601 ; meadow of Beth-Maakah ; Abel of Beth-maakah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Abel-beth-maachah , Abel of Beth-maachah , Palestine 00063 ## 'Abel hash-Shittiym {aw-bale'hash-shit-teem'} ; from 00058 and the plural of 07848 , with the article inserted ; meadow of the acacias ; Abel hash-Shittim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Abel-shittim . Palestine 00064 ## 'Abel K@ramiym {aw-bale'ker-aw-meem'} ; from 00058 and the plural of 03754 ; meadow of vineyards ; Abel-Keramim , a place in {Palestine} : -- plain of the vineyards . Palestine 00065 ## 'Abel M@chowlah {aw-bale'mekh-o-law'} ; from 00058 and 04246 ; meadow of dancing ; Abel- Mecholah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Abel-meholah . Palestine 00066 ## 'Abel Mayim {aw-bale'mah'- yim} ; from 00058 and 04325 ; meadow of water ; Abel-Majim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Abel-maim . Palestine 00067 ## 'Abel Mitsrayim {aw-bale'mits-rah'- yim} ; from 00058 and 04714 ; meadow of Egypt ; Abel- Mitsrajim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Abel-mizraim . Palestine 00072 ## 'Eben ha -` ezer {eh'- ben haw-e'- zer} ; from 00068 and 05828 with the article inserted ; stone of the help ; Eben-ha-Ezer , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ebenezer . Palestine 00077 ## 'Ebets {eh'- bets} ; from an unused root probably meaning to gleam ; conspicuous ; Ebets , a place in {Palestine} : -- Abez . Palestine 00115 ## 'Adowrayim {ad-o-rah'- yim} ; dual from 00142 (in the sense of eminence) ; double mound ; Adorajim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Adoraim . Palestine 00121 ## 'Adam {aw-dawm'} ; the same as 00120 ; Adam the name of the first man , also of a place in {Palestine} : -- Adam . Palestine 00128 ## 'Adamah {ad-aw-maw'} ; the same as 00127 ; Adamah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Adamah . Palestine 00129 ## 'Adamiy {ad-aw-mee'} ; from 00127 ; earthy ; Adami , a place in {Palestine} : -- Adami . Palestine 00131 ## 'Adummiym {ad-oom-meem'} ; plural of 00121 ; red spots ; Adummim , a pass in {Palestine} : -- Adummim . Palestine 00146 ## 'Addar {ad-dawr'} ; intensive from 00142 ; ample ; Addar , a place in {Palestine} ; also an Israelite : -- Addar . Palestine 00154 ## 'edre` iy {ed-reh'- ee} ; from the equivalent of 00153 ; mighty ; Edrei , the name of two places in {Palestine} : -- Edrei . Palestine 00206 ## 'Aven {aw'- ven} ; the same as 00205 ; idolatry ; Aven , the contemptuous synonym of three places , one in Coele-Syria , one in Egypt (On) , and one in {Palestine} (Bethel) : -- Aven . See also 00204 , 01007 . Palestine 00207 ## 'Ownow {o-no'} ; or (shortened)'Onow {o-no'} ; prolonged from 00202 ; strong ; Ono , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ono . Palestine 00237 ## 'ezel {eh'- zel} ; from 00235 ; departure ; Ezel , a memorial stone in {Palestine} : -- Ezel . Palestine 00242 ## 'Uzzen She'erah {ooz-zane'sheh-er-aw'} ; from 00238 and 07609 ; plat of Sheerah (i . e . settled by him) ; Uzzen-Sheerah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Uzzen-sherah . Palestine 00243 ## 'Aznowth Tabowr {az-noth'taw-bore'} ; from 00238 and 08396 ; flats (i . e . tops) of Tabor (i . e . situated on it) ; Aznoth-Tabor , a place in {Palestine} : -- Aznoth-tabor . Palestine 00303 ## 'Achlab {akh-lawb'} ; from the same root as 02459 ; fatness (i . e . fertile) ; Achlab , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ahlab . Palestine 00356 ## 'Eylown {ay-lone'} ; or (shortened)'Elown {ay-lone'} ; or Eylon {ay-lone'} ; from 00352 ; oak- grove ; Elon , the name of a place in {Palestine} , and also of one Hittite , two Israelites : -- Elon . Palestine 00357 ## 'Ayalown {ah-yaw-lone'} ; from 00354 ; deer-field ; Ajalon , the name of five places in {Palestine} : -- Aijalon , Ajalon . Palestine 00358 ## 'Eylown Beyth Chanan {ay-lone'bayth-chaw-nawn'} ; from 00356 , 01004 , and 02603 ; oak-grove of (the) house of favor ; Elon of Beth-chanan , a place in {Palestine} : -- Elon-beth-hanan . Palestine 00382 ## 'Iysh-Towb {eesh-tobe'} ; from 00376 and 02897 ; man of Tob ; Ish-Tob , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ish-tob . Palestine 00392 ## 'Akziyb {ak-zeeb'} ; from 00391 ; deceitful (in the sense of a winter-torrent which fails in summer) ; Akzib , the name of two places in {Palestine} : -- Achzib . Palestine 00407 ## 'Akshaph {ak-shawf'} ; from 03784 ; fascination ; Acshaph , a place in {Palestine} : -- Achshaph . Palestine 00425 ## 'Elah {ay-law'} ; the same as 00424 ; Elah , the name of an Edomite , of four Israelites , and also of a place in {Palestine} : -- Elah . Palestine 00438 ## 'Allown {al-lone'} ; the same as 00437 ; Allon , an Israelite , also a place in {Palestine} : -- Allon . Palestine 00487 ## 'Allammelek {al-lam-meh'- lek} ; from 00427 and 04428 ; oak of (the) king ; Allammelek , a place in {Palestine} : -- Alammelech . Palestine 00507 ## 'Eleph {eh'- lef} ; the same as 00505 ; Eleph , a place in {Palestine} : -- Eleph . Palestine 00513 ## 'Eltowlad {el-to-lad'} ; probably from 00410 and a masculine form of 08435 [compare 08434 ] ; God (is) generator ; Eltolad , a place in {Palestine} : -- Eltolad . Palestine 00514 ## 'Elt@qe {el-te-kay'} ; or (more properly)'Elt@qeh {el-te-kay'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Eltekeh or Elteke , a place in {Palestine} : -- Eltekeh . Palestine 00515 ## 'Elt@qon {el-te-kone'} ; from 00410 and 08626 ; God (is) straight ; Eltekon , a place in {Palestine} : -- Eltekon . Palestine 00522 ## 'Ammah {am-maw'} ; the same as 00520 ; Ammah , a hill in {Palestine} : -- Ammah . Palestine 00538 ## 'Amam {am-awm'} ; from 00517 ; gathering-spot ; Amam , a place in {Palestine} : -- Amam . Palestine 00588 ## 'Anacharath {an-aw-kha-rawth'} ; probably from the same root as 05170 ; a gorge or narrow pass ; Anacharath , a place in {Palestine} : -- Anaharath . Palestine 00658 ## 'Ephec Dammiym {eh'- fes dam-meem'} ; from 00657 and the plural of 01818 ; boundary of blood- drops ; Ephes-Dammim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ephes-dammim . Palestine 00663 ## 'Apheq {af-ake'} ; or'Aphiyq {af-eek'} ; from 00662 (in the sense of strength) ; fortress ; Aphek (or Aphik) , the name of three places in {Palestine} : -- Aphek , Aphik . Palestine 00664 ## 'Apheqah {af-ay-kaw'} ; feminine of 00663 ; fortress ; Aphekah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Aphekah . Palestine 00682 ## 'Atsel {aw-tsale'} ; from 00680 ; noble ; Atsel , the name of an Israelite , and of a place in {Palestine} : -- Azal , Azel . Palestine 00694 ## 'Arab {ar-awb'} ; from 00693 ; ambush ; Arab , a place in {Palestine} : -- Arab . Palestine 00700 ## 'Arubbowth {ar-oob-both} ; plural of 00699 ; Arubboth , a place in {Palestine} : -- Aruboth . Palestine 00709 ## 'Argob {ar-gobe'} ; from the same as 07263 ; stony ; Argob , a district of {Palestine} : -- Argob . Palestine 00719 ## 'Arvad {ar-vad'} ; probably from 07300 ; a refuge for the roving ; Arvad , an island-city of {Palestine} : -- Arvad . Palestine 00725 ## 'Aruwmah {ar-oo-maw'} ; a variation of 07316 ; height ; Arumah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Arumah . Palestine 00757 ## 'Arkiy {ar-kee'} ; patrial from another place (in {Palestine}) of similar name with 00751 ; an Arkite or native of Erek : -- Archi , Archite . Palestine 00795 ## 'Ashdowd {ash-dode'} ; from 07703 ; ravager ; Ashdod , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ahdod . Palestine 00805 ## 'Ashuwriy {ash-oo-ree'} ; or'Ashshuwriy {ash-shoo-ree'} ; from a patrial word of the same form as 00804 ; an Ashurite (collectively) or inhabitant of Ashur , a district in {Palestine} : -- Asshurim , Ashurites . Palestine 00812 ## 'Eshkol {esh-kole'} ; the same as 00811 ; Eshcol , the name of an Amorite , also of a valley in {Palestine} : -- Eshcol . Palestine 00823 ## 'Ashnah {ash-naw'} ; probably a variation for 03466 ; Ashnah , the name of two places in {Palestine} : -- Ashnah . Palestine 00824 ## 'Esh` an {esh-awn'} ; from 08172 ; support ; Eshan , a place in {Palestine} : -- Eshean . Palestine 00831 ## 'Ashq@lown {ash-kel-one'} ; probably from 08254 in the sense of weighing-place (i . e . mart) ; Ashkelon , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ashkelon , Askalon . Palestine 00836 ## 'Asher {aw-share'} ; from 00833 , happy ; Asher , a son of Jacob , and the tribe descended from him , with its territory ; also a place in {Palestine} : -- Asher Palestine 00847 ## 'Eshta'ol {esh-taw-ole'} ; or'Eshta'owl {esh-taw-ole'} ; probably from 07592 ; intreaty ; Eshtaol , a place in {Palestine} : -- Eshtaol . Palestine 00851 ## 'Esht@moa` {esh-tem-o'- ah} ; or'Esht@mowa` {esh-tem-o'- ah} ; or'Esht@moh {esh-tem-o'} ; from 08085 (in the sense of obedience) ; Eshtemoa or Eshtemoh , a place in {Palestine} : -- Eshtemoa , Eshtemoh . Palestine 00871 ## 'Athariym {ath-aw-reem'} ; plural from an unused root (probably meaning to step) ; places ; Atharim , a place near {Palestine} : -- spies . Palestine 00876 ## B@'er {be-ayr'} ; the same as 00875 ; Beer , a place in the Desert , also one in {Palestine} : -- Beer . Palestine 00881 ## B@'erowth {be-ay-rohth'} ; feminine plural of 00875 ; wells ; Beeroth , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beeroth . Palestine 00884 ## B@'er Sheba` {be-ayr'sheh'- bah} ; from 00875 and 07651 (in the sense of 07650) ; well of an oath ; Beer-Sheba , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beer-shebah . Palestine 00964 ## bizyowth@yah {biz-yo-the-yaw'} ; from 00959 and 03050 ; contempts of Jah ; Bizjothjah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Bizjothjah . Palestine 00966 ## Bezeq {beh'- zak} ; from 00965 ; lightning ; Bezek , a place in {Palestine} : -- Bezek . Palestine 00980 ## Bachuriym {bakh-oo-reem'} ; or Bachuwriym {bakh-oo-reem'} ; masculine plural of 00970 ; young men ; Bachurim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Bahurim . Palestine 00991 ## Beten {beh'- ten} ; the same as 00990 ; Beten . a place in {Palestine} : -- Beten . Palestine 00993 ## Btoniym {bet-o-neem'} ; probably plural from 00992 ; hollows : Betonim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Betonim . Palestine 01006 ## Bayith {bah'- yith} ; the same as 01004 ; Bajith , a place in {Palestine} : -- Bajith . Palestine 01007 ## Beyth'Aven {bayth aw'- ven} ; from 01004 and 00205 ; house of vanity ; Beth-Aven , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-aven . Palestine 01008 ## Beyth-'El {bayth-ale'} ; from 01004 and 00410 ; house of God ; Beth-El , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-el . Palestine 01009 ## Beyth'Arbe'l {bayth ar-bale'} ; from 01004 and 00695 and 00410 ; house of God's ambush ; Beth- Arbel , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-Arbel . Palestine 01010 ## Beyth Ba` al M@` own {bayth bah'- al me-own'} ; from 01004 and 01168 and 04583 ; house of Baal of (the) habitation of [apparently by transposition ] ; or (shorter) Beyth M@` own {bayth me-own'} ; house of habitation of (Baal) ; Beth-Baal-Meon , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-baal-meon . Compare 01186 and 01194 . Palestine 01011 ## Beyth Bir` iy {bayth bir-ee'} ; from 01004 and 01254 ; house of a creative one ; Beth-Biri , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-birei . Palestine 01012 ## Beyth Barah {bayth baw-raw'} ; probably from 01004 and 05679 ; house of (the) ford ; Beth- Barah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-barah . Palestine 01013 ## Beyth-Gader {bayth-gaw-dare'} ; from 01004 and 01447 ; house of (the) wall ; Beth-Gader , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-gader . Palestine 01016 ## Beyth-Dagown {bayth-daw-gohn'} ; from 01004 and 01712 ; house of Dagon ; Beth-Dagon , the name of two places in {Palestine} : -- Beth-dagon . Palestine 01018 ## Beyth ha-'etsel {bayth haw-ay'- tsel} ; from 01004 and 00681 with the article interposed ; house of the side ; Beth-ha-Etsel , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-ezel . Palestine 01019 ## Beyth hag-Gllgal {bayth hag-gil gawl'} ; from 01004 and 01537 with the article interposed ; house of Gilgal (or rolling) ; Beth-hag-Gilgal , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-gilgal . Palestine 01021 ## Beyth hak-Kerem {bayth hak-keh'- rem} ; from 01004 and 03754 with the article interposed ; house of the vineyard ; Beth-hak-Kerem , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-haccerem . Palestine 01023 ## Beyth ham-Merchaq {bayth ham-mer-khawk'} ; from 01004 and 04801 with the article interposed ; house of the breadth ; Beth-ham-Merchak , a place in {Palestine} : -- place that was far off . Palestine 01024 ## Beyth ham-Marka-bowth {bayth ham-mar-kaw-both'} ; or (shortened) Beyth Mar-kabowth {bayth mar-kaw-both'} ; from 01004 and the plural of 04818 (with or without the article interposed) ; place of (the) chariots ; Beth-ham-Markaboth or Beth-Markaboth , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-marcaboth . Palestine 01025 ## Beyth ha -` Emeq {bayth haw-Ay'- mek} ; from 01004 and 06010 with the article interposed ; house of the valley ; Beth-ha-Emek , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-emek . Palestine 01026 ## Beyth ha -` Arabah {bayth haw-ar-aw-baw} ; from 01004 and 06160 with the article interposed ; house of the Desert ; Beth-ha-Arabah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-arabah . Palestine 01029 ## Beyth hash-Shittah {bayth hash-shit-taw'} ; from 01004 and 07848 with the article interposed ; house of the acacia ; Beth-hash-Shittah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-shittah . Palestine 01031 ## Beyth Choglah {bayth chog-law'} ; from 01004 and the same as 02295 ; house of a partridge ; Beth-Choglah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-hoglah . Palestine 01032 ## Beyth Chowrown {bayth kho-rone'} ; from 01004 and 02356 ; house of hollowness ; Beth-Choron , the name of two adjoining places in {Palestine} : -- Beth-horon . Palestine 01033 ## Beyth Kar {bayth kar} ; from 01004 and 03733 ; house of pasture ; Beth-Car , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-car . Palestine 01034 ## Beyth L@ba'owth {bayth leb-aw-oth'} ; from 01004 and the plural of 03833 ; house of lionesses ; Beth-Lebaoth , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-lebaoth . Compare 03822 . Palestine 01035 ## Beyth Lechem {bayth leh'- khem} ; from 01004 and 03899 ; house of bread ; Beth-Lechem , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-lehem . Palestine 01036 ## Beyth l@ -` Aphrah {bayth le-af-raw'} ; from 01004 and the feminine of 06083 (with preposition interposed) ; house to (i . e . of) dust ; Beth-le-Aphrah , a place in {Palestine} : -- house of Aphrah . Palestine 01038 ## Beyth Ma` akah {bayth mah-ak-aw'} ; from 01004 and 04601 ; house of Maakah ; Beth-Maakah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-maachah . Palestine 01041 ## Beyth` Azmaveth {bayth az-maw'- veth} ; from 01004 and 05820 ; house of Azmaveth , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-az-maveth . Compare 05820 . Palestine 01042 ## Beyth` Anowth {bayth an-oth'} ; from 01004 and a plural from 06030 ; house of replies ; Beth- Anoth , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-anoth . Palestine 01043 ## Beyth` Anath {bayth an-awth'} ; an orthographical variation for 01042 ; Beth-Anath , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-anath . Palestine 01044 ## Beyth` Eqed {bayth ay'- ked} ; from 01004 and a derivative of 06123 ; house of (the) binding (for sheep-shearing) ; Beth-Eked , a place in {Palestine} : -- shearing house . Palestine 01045 ## Beyth` Ashtarowth {bayth ash-taw-roth'} : from 01004 and 06252 ; house of Ashtoreths ; Beth- Ashtaroth , a place in {Palestine} : -- house of Ashtaroth . Compare 01203 , 06252 . Palestine 01046 ## Beyth Pelet {bayth peh'- let} ; from 01004 and 06412 ; house of escape ; Beth-Palet , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-palet . Palestine 01048 ## Beyth Patstsets {bayth pats-tsates'} ; from 01004 and a derivative from 06327 ; house of dispersion ; Beth-Patstsets , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-pazzez . Palestine 01049 ## Beyth Tsuwr {bayth tsoor'} ; from 01004 and 06697 ; house of (the) rock ; Beth-Tsur , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-zur . Palestine 01050 ## Beyth R@chowb {bayth re-khobe'} ; from 01004 and 07339 ; house of (the) street ; Beth-Rechob , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-rehob . Palestine 01052 ## Beyth Sh@'an {bayth she-awn'} ; or Beyth Shan {bayth shawn'} ; from 01004 and 07599 ; house of ease ; Beth-Shean or Beth-Shan , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-shean , Beth-Shan . Palestine 01053 ## Beyth Shemesh {bayth sheh'- mesh} ; from 01004 and 08121 ; house of (the) sun ; Beth-Shemesh , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-shemesh . Palestine 01054 ## Beth Tappuwach {bayth tap-poo'- akh} ; from 01004 and 08598 ; house of (the) apple ; Beth- Tappuach , a place in {Palestine} : -- Beth-tappuah . Palestine 01056 ## Baka'{baw-kaw'} ; from 01058 , weeping ; Baca , a valley in {Palestine} : -- Baca . Palestine 01066 ## Bokiym {bo-keem'} ; plural active participle of 01058 ; (with the article) the weepers ; Bo-kim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Bochim . Palestine 01088 ## Balah {baw-law'} ; feminine of 01087 ; failure ; Balah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Balah . Palestine 01090 ## Bilhah {bil-haw'} ; from 01089 ; timid ; Bilhah , the name of one of Jacob's concubines ; also of a place in {Palestine} : -- Bilhah . Palestine 01109 ## Bil` am {bil-awm'} ; probably from 01077 and 05971 ; not (of the) people , i . e . foreigner ; Bilam , a Mesopotamian prophet ; also a place in {Palestine} : -- Balaam , Bileam . Palestine 01117 ## Bamah {baw-maw'} ; the same as 01116 ; Bamah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Bamah . See also 01120 . Palestine 01139 ## B@ney-B@raq {ben-ay'- ber-ak'} ; from the plural construction of 01121 and 01300 ; sons of lightning , Bene-berak , a place in {Palestine} : -- Bene-barak . Palestine 01173 ## Ba` alah {bah-al-aw'} ; the same as 01172 ; Baalah , the name of three places in {Palestine} : -- Baalah . Palestine 01174 ## Ba` al Hamown {bah'- al haw-mone'} ; from 01167 and 01995 ; possessor of a multitude ; Baal- Hamon , a place in {Palestine} : -- Baal-hamon . Palestine 01175 ## B@` alowth {beh-aw-loth'} ; plural of 01172 ; mistresses ; Bealoth , a place in {Palestine} : -- Bealoth , in Aloth [by mistake for a plural from 05927 with prepositional prefix ] . Palestine 01178 ## Ba` al Chatsowr {bah'- al khaw-tsore'} ; from 01167 and a modification of 02691 ; possessor of a village ; Baal-Chatsor , a place in {Palestine} : -- Baal-hazor . Palestine 01179 ## Ba` al Chermown {bah'- al kher-mone'} ; from 01167 and 02768 ; possessor of Hermon ; Baal- Chermon , a place in {Palestine} : -- Baal-hermon . Palestine 01184 ## Ba` aley Y@huwdah {bah-al-ay'yeh-hoo-daw'} ; from the plural of 01167 and 03063 ; masters of Judah ; Baale-Jehudah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Baale of Judah . Palestine 01188 ## Ba` al P@` ratsiym {bah'- al per-aw-tseem'} ; from 01167 and the plural of 06556 ; possessor of breaches ; Baal-Peratsim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Baal-perazim . Palestine 01190 ## Ba` al Shalishah {bah'- al shaw-lee-shaw'} ; from 01168 and 08031 ; Baal of Shalishah , Baal- Shalishah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Baal-shalisha . Palestine 01191 ## Ba` alath {bah-al-awth'} ; a modification of 01172 ; mistressship ; Baalath , a place in {Palestine} : -- Baalath . Palestine 01192 ## Ba` alath B@` er {bah-al-ath'beh-ayr'} ; from 01172 and 00875 ; mistress of a well ; Baalath- Beer , a place in {Palestine} : -- Baalath-beer . Palestine 01193 ## Ba` al Tamar {bah'- al taw-mawr'} ; from 01167 and 08558 ; possessor of (the) palm-tree ; Baal- Tamar , a place in {Palestine} : -- Baal-tamar . Palestine 01218 ## Botsqath {bots-cath'} ; from 01216 ; a swell of ground ; Botscath , a place in {Palestine} : -- Bozcath , Boskath . Palestine 01221 ## Betser {beh'- tser} ; the same as 01220 , an inaccessible spot ; Betser , a place in {Palestine} ; also an Israelite : -- Bezer . Palestine 01260 ## Bered {beh'red} ; from 01258 ; hail ; Bered , the name of a place south of {Palestine} , also of an Israelite : -- Bered . Palestine 01268 ## Berowthah {bay-ro-thaw'} ; or Berothay {bay-ro-that'- ee} ; probably from 01266 ; cypress or cypresslike ; Berothah or Berothai , a place north of {Palestine} : -- Berothah , Berothai . Palestine 01276 ## Beriy {bay-ree'} ; of uncertain derivation ; (only in the plural and with the article) the Berites , a place in {Palestine} : -- Berites . Palestine 01294 ## B@rakah {ber-aw-kaw'} ; the same as 01293 ; Berakah , the name of an Israelite , and also of a valley in {Palestine} : -- Berachah . Palestine 01308 ## B@sowr {bes-ore'} ; from 01319 ; cheerful ; Besor , a stream of {Palestine} : -- Besor . Palestine 01328 ## B@thuw'el {beth-oo-ale'} ; apparently from the same as 01326 and 00410 ; destroyed of God ; Bethuel , the name of a nephew of Abraham , and of a place in {Palestine} : -- Bethuel . Compare 01329 . Palestine 01329 ## B@thuwl {beth-ool'} ; for 01328 ; Bethul (i . e . Bethuel) , a place in {Palestine} : -- Bethuel . Palestine 01336 ## Bether {beh'- ther} ; the same as 01335 ; Bether , a (craggy) place in {Palestine} : -- Bether . Palestine 01359 ## Gob {gobe} ; or (fully) Gowb {gobe'} ; from 01461 ; pit ; Gob , a place in {Palestine} : -- Gob . Palestine 01374 ## Gebiym {gay-beem'} ; plural of 01356 ; cisterns ; Gebim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Gebim . Palestine 01387 ## Geba` {gheh'- bah} ; from the same as 01375 , a hillock ; Geba , a place in {Palestine} : -- Gaba , Geba , Gibeah . Palestine 01388 ## Gib` a'{ghib-aw'} ; by permutation for 01389 ; a hill ; Giba , a place in {Palestine} : -- Gibeah . Palestine 01390 ## Gib` ah {ghib-aw'} ; the same as 01389 ; Gibah ; the name of three places in {Palestine} : -- Gibeah , the hill . Palestine 01391 ## Gib` own {ghib-ohn'} ; from the same as 01387 ; hilly ; Gibon , a place in {Palestine} : -- Gibeon . Palestine 01405 ## Gibb@thown {ghib-beth-one'} ; intensive from 01389 ; a hilly spot ; Gibbethon , a place in {Palestine} : -- Gibbethon . Palestine 01440 ## Gid` om {ghid-ohm'} ; from 01438 ; a cutting (i . e . desolation) ; Gidom , a place in {Palestine} : -- Gidom . Palestine 01445 ## Geder {gheh'- der} : the same as 01444 ; Geder , a place in {Palestine} : -- Geder . Palestine 01446 ## G@dor {ghed-ore'} ; or (fully) G@dowr {ghed-ore'} ; from 01443 ; inclosure ; Gedor , a place in {Palestine} ; also the name of three Israelites : -- Gedor . Palestine 01449 ## G@derah {ghed-ay-raw'} ; the same as 01448 ; (with the article) Gederah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Gederah , hedges . Palestine 01450 ## G@derowth {ghed-ay-rohth'} ; plural of 01448 ; walls ; Gederoth , a place in {Palestine} : -- Gederoth . Palestine 01453 ## G@derothayim {ghed-ay-ro-thah'- yim} ; dual of 01448 ; double wall ; Gederothajim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Gederothaim . Palestine 01483 ## Guwr {goor} ; the same as 01482 ; Gur , a place in {Palestine} : -- Gur . Palestine 01493 ## Gizowniy {ghee-zo-nee'} ; patrial from the unused name of a place apparently in {Palestine} ; a Gizonite or inhabitant of Gizoh : -- Gizonite . Palestine 01507 ## Gezer {gheh'- zer} ; the same as 01506 ; Gezer , a place in {Palestine} : -- Gazer , Gezer . Palestine 01511 ## Gizriy (in the marg .) {ghiz-ree'} ; patrial from 01507 ; a Gezerite (collectively) or inhabitants of Gezer ; but better (as in the text) by transposition Girziy {gher-zee'} ; patrial of 01630 ; a Grizite (collectively) or member of a native tribe in {Palestine} : -- Gezrites . Palestine 01520 ## Giyach {ghee'- akh} ; from 01518 ; a fountain ; Giach , a place in {Palestine} : -- Giah . Palestine 01533 ## Gilboa` {ghil-bo'- ah} ; from 01530 and 01158 ; fountain of ebullition ; Gilboa , a mountain of {Palestine} : -- Gilboa . Palestine 01537 ## Gilgal {ghil-gawl'} ; the same as 01536 (with the article as a properly , noun) ; Gilgal , the name of three places in {Palestine} : -- Gilgal . See also 01019 . Palestine 01542 ## Giloh {ghee-lo'} ; or (fully) Giyloh {ghee-lo'} ; from 01540 ; open ; Giloh , a place in {Palestine} : -- Giloh . Palestine 01551 ## Galiyl {gaw-leel'} ; or (prolonged) Galiylah {gaw-lee-law'} ; the same as 01550 ; a circle (with the article) ; Galil (as a special circuit) in the North of {Palestine} : -- Galilee . Palestine 01553 ## G@liylowth {ghel-ee-lowth'} ; plural of 01552 ; circles ; Geliloth , a place in {Palestine} : -- Geliloth . Palestine 01554 ## Galliym {gal-leem'} ; plural of 01530 ; springs ; Gallim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Gallim . Palestine 01579 ## Gimzow {ghim-zo'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Gimzo , a place in {Palestine} : -- Gimzo . Palestine 01608 ## Ga` ash {ga'- ash} ; from 01607 ; a quaking ; Gaash , a hill in {Palestine} : -- Gaash . Palestine 01630 ## G@riziym {gher-ee-zeem'} ; plural of an unused noun from 01629 [compare 01511 ] , cut up (i . e . rocky) ; Gerizim , a mountain of {Palestine} : -- Gerizim . Palestine 01657 ## Goshen {go'- shen} ; probably of Egyptian origin ; Goshen , the residence of the Israelites in Egypt ; also a place in {Palestine} : -- Goshen . Palestine 01662 ## Gath-ha-Chepher {gath-hah-khay'- fer} ; or (abridged) Gittah-Chepher {ghit-taw-khay'- fer} ; from 01660 and 02658 with the article inserted ; wine-press of (the) well ; Gath-Chepher , a place in {Palestine} : -- Gath- kephr , Gittah-kephr . Palestine 01664 ## Gittayim {ghit-tah'- yim} ; dual of 01660 ; double wine-press ; Gittajim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Gittaim . Palestine 01667 ## Gath-Rimmown {gath-rim-mone'} ; from 01660 and 07416 ; wine-press of (the) pomegranate ; Gath-Rimmon , a place in {Palestine} : -- Gath-rimmon . Palestine 01688 ## D@biyr {deb-eer'} ; or (shortened) D@bir (Josh . 13 : 26 [but see 03810 ]) {deb-eer'} ; the same as 01687 ; Debir , the name of an Amoritish king and of two places in {Palestine} : -- Debir . Palestine 01705 ## Dab@rath {daw-ber-ath'} ; from 01697 (perhaps in the sense of 01699) ; Daberath , a place in {Palestine} : -- Dabareh , Daberath . Palestine 01708 ## Dabbesheth {dab-beh'- sheth} ; the same as 01707 ; Dabbesheth , a place in {Palestine} : -- Dabbesheth . Palestine 01756 ## Dowr {dore} or (by permutation) Do'r (Josh . 17 : 11 ; 1 Kings 4 : 11) {dore} ; from 01755 ; dwelling ; Dor , a place in {Palestine} : -- Dor . Palestine 01769 ## Diybown {dee-bome'} ; or (shortened) Diybon {dee-bone'} ; from 01727 ; pining :-Dibon , the name of three places in {Palestine} : -- Dibon . [Also , with 01410 added , Dibon-gad . ] Palestine 01775 ## Diymown {dee-mone'} ; perhaps for 01769 ; Dimon , a place in {Palestine} : -- Dimon . Palestine 01776 ## Diymownah {dee-mo-naw'} ; feminine of 01775 ; Dimonah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Dimonah . Palestine 01810 ## Dil` an {dil-awn'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Dilan , a place in {Palestine} : -- Dilean . Palestine 01829 ## Dimnah {dim-naw'} ; feminine from the same as 01828 ; a dung-heap ; Dimnah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Dimnah . Palestine 01835 ## Dan {dawn} ; from 01777 ; judge ; Dan , one of the sons of Jacob ; also the tribe descended from him , and its territory ; likewise a place in {Palestine} colonized by them : -- Dan . Palestine 01837 ## Dannah {dan-naw'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Dannah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Dannah . Palestine 01842 ## Dan Ya` an {dawn yah'- an} ; from 01835 and (apparently) 03282 ; judge of purpose ; Dan-Jaan , a place in {Palestine} : -- Dan-jaan . Palestine 01886 ## Dothan {do'- thawn} ; or (Aramaic dual) Dothayin (Gen . 37 : 17) {do-thah'- yin} ; of uncertain derivation ; Dothan , a place in {Palestine} : -- Dothan . Palestine 01910 ## Hadadrimmown {had-ad-rim-mone'} ; from 01908 and 07417 ; Hadad-Rimmon , a place in {Palestine} : -- Hadad-rimmon . Palestine 01990 ## Ham {hawm} ; of uncertain derivation ; Ham , a region of {Palestine} : -- Ham . Palestine 01996 ## Hamown Gowg {ham-one'gohg} ; from 01995 and 01463 ; the multitude of Gog ; the fanciful name of an emblematic place in {Palestine} : -- Hamogog . Palestine 02104 ## Zuwziym {zoo-zeem'} ; plural probably from the same as 02123 ; prominent ; Zuzites , an aboriginal tribe of {Palestine} : -- Zuzims . Palestine 02120 ## Zocheleth {zo-kheh'- leth} ; feminine active participle of 02119 ; crawling (i . e . serpent) ; Zocheleth , a boundary stone in . {Palestine} : -- Zoheleth . Palestine 02128 ## Ziyph {zeef} ; from the same as 02203 ; flowing ; Ziph , the name of a place in {Palestine} ; also of an Israelite : -- Ziph . Palestine 02157 ## Zamzom {zam-zome'} ; from 02161 ; intriguing ; a Zamzumite , or native tribe of {Palestine} : -- Zamzummim . Palestine 02182 ## Zanowach {zaw-no'- akh} ; from 02186 ; rejected ; Zanoach , the name of two places in {Palestine} : -- Zanoah . Palestine 02202 ## Ziphron {zi-frone'} ; from an unused root (meaning to be fragrant) ; Ziphron , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ziphron . Palestine 02275 ## Chebrown {kheb-rone'} ; from 02267 ; seat of association ; Chebron , a place in {Palestine} , also the name of two Israelites : -- Hebron . Palestine 02307 ## Chadiyd {khaw-deed'} ; from 02300 ; a peak ; Chadid , a place in {Palestine} : -- Hadid . Palestine 02322 ## Chadashah {khad-aw-shaw'} ; feminine of 02319 ; new ; Chadashah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Hadashah . Palestine 02334 ## Chavvowth Ya` iyr {khav-vothe'yaw-eer'} ; from the plural of 02333 and a modification of 03265 ; hamlets of Jair , a region of {Palestine} : -- [Bashan-] Havoth-jair . Palestine 02340 ## Chivviy {khiv-vee'} ; perhaps from 02333 ; a villager ; a Chivvite , one of the aboriginal tribes of {Palestine} : -- Hivite . Palestine 02431 ## Cheylam {khay-lawm'} ; or Chel'am {khay-lawm'} ; from 02428 ; fortress ; Chelam , a place East of {Palestine} : -- Helam . Palestine 02432 ## Chiylen {khee-lane'} ; from 02428 ; fortress ; Chilen , a place in {Palestine} : -- Hilen . Palestine 02444 ## Chakiylah {khak-ee-law'} ; from the same as 02447 ; dark ; Chakilah , a hill in {Palestine} : -- Hachilah . Palestine 02462 ## Chelbah {khel-baw'} ; feminine of 02459 ; fertility : Chelbah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Helbah . Palestine 02473 ## Cholown {kho-lone'} ; or (shortened) Cholon {kho-lone'} ; probably from 02344 ; sandy ; Cholon , the name of two places in {Palestine} : -- Holon . Palestine 02478 ## Chalchuwl {khal-khool'} ; by reduplication from 02342 ; contorted ; Chalchul , a place in {Palestine} : -- Halhul . Palestine 02482 ## Chaliy {khal-ee'} ; the same as 02481 ; Chali , a place in {Palestine} : -- Hali . Palestine 02501 ## Cheleph {kheh'lef} ; the same as 02500 ; change ; Cheleph , a place in {Palestine} : -- Heleph . Palestine 02520 ## Chelqath {khel-kath'} ; a form of 02513 ; smoothness ; Chelkath , a place in {Palestine} : -- Helkath . Palestine 02521 ## Chelqath hats-Tsu-riym {khel-kath'hats-tsoo-reem'} ; from 02520 and the plural of 06697 , with the article inserted ; smoothness of the rocks ; Chelkath Hats-tsurim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Helkath-hazzurim . Palestine 02540 ## Chammown {kham-mone'} ; from 02552 ; warm spring ; Chammon , the name of two places in {Palestine} : -- Hammon . Palestine 02547 ## Chumtah {khoom-taw'} ; feminine of 02546 ; low ; Chumtah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Humtah . Palestine 02575 ## Chammath {klam-math'} ; a variation for the first part of 02576 ; hot springs ; Chammath , a place in {Palestine} : -- Hammath . Palestine 02576 ## Chammoth Do'r {kham-moth'dore} ; from the plural of 02535 and 01756 ; hot springs of Dor ; Chammath-Dor , a place in {Palestine} : -- Hamath-Dor . Palestine 02615 ## Channathon {khan-naw-thone'} ; probably from 02603 ; favored ; Channathon , a place in {Palestine} : -- Hannathon . Palestine 02621 ## Chocah {kho-saw'} ; from 02620 ; hopeful ; Chosah , an Israelite ; also a place in {Palestine} : -- Hosah . Palestine 02657 ## Chephtsiy bahh {khef-tsee'baw} ; from 02656 with suffixes ; my delight (is) in her ; Cheptsi-bah , a fanciful name for {Palestine} : -- Hephzi-bah . Palestine 02660 ## Chepher {khay'- fer} ; from 02658 or 02659 ; a pit of shame ; Chepher , a place in {Palestine} ; also the name of three Israelites : -- Hepher . Palestine 02663 ## Chapharayim {khaf-aw-rah'- yim} ; dual of 02660 ; double pit ; Chapharajim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Haphraim . Palestine 02674 ## Chatsowr {khaw-tsore'} ; a collective form of 02691 ; village ; Chatsor , the name (thus simply) of two places in {Palestine} and of one in Arabia : -- Hazor . Palestine 02675 ## Chatsowr Chadattah {khaw-tsore'khad-at-taw'} ; from 02674 and a Aramaizing form of the feminine of 02319 [compare 02323 ] ; new Chatsor , a place in {Palestine} : -- Hazor , Hadattah [as if two places ] . Palestine 02688 ## Chats@tsown Tamar {khats-ets-one'taw-mawr'} ; or Chatsatson Tamar {khats-ats-one'taw- mawr'} ; from 02686 and 08558 ; division [i . e . perhaps row ] of (the) palm-tree ; Chatsetson-tamar , a place in {Palestine} : -- Hazezon-tamar . Palestine 02692 ## Chatsar Addar {khats-ar'addawr'} ; from 02691 and 00146 ; (the) village of Addar ; Chatsar- Addar , a place in {Palestine} : -- Hazar-addar . Palestine 02693 ## Chatsar Gaddah {khats-ar'gad-daw'} ; from 02691 and a feminine of 01408 ; (the) village of (female) Fortune ; Chatsar-Gaddah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Hazar-gaddah . Palestine 02694 ## Chatsar hat-Tiykown {khats-ar'hat-tee-kone'} ; from 02691 and 08484 with the article interposed ; village of the middle ; Chatsar-hat-Tikon , a place in {Palestine} : -- Hazar-hatticon . Palestine 02696 ## Chetsrown {khets-rone'} ; from 0269l ; court-yard ; Chetsron , the name of a place in {Palestine} ; also of two Israelites : -- Hezron . Palestine 02698 ## Chatserowth {khats-ay-roth'} ; feminine plural of 02691 ; yards ; Chatseroth , a place in {Palestine} : -- Hazeroth . Palestine 02699 ## Chatseriym {khats-ay-reem'} ; plural masculine of 02691 ; yards ; Chatserim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Hazerim . Palestine 02701 ## Chatsar Cuwcah {khats-ar'soo-saw'} ; from 02691 and 05484 ; village of cavalry ; Chatsar-Susah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Hazar-susah . Palestine 02702 ## Chatsar Cuwciym {khats-ar'soo-seem'} ; from 02691 and the plural of 05483 ; village of horses ; Chatsar-Susim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Hazar-susim . Palestine 02703 ## Chatsar` Eynown {khats-ar'ay-none'} ; from 02691 and a derivative of 05869 ; village of springs ; Chatsar-Enon , a place in {Palestine} : -- Hazar-enon . Palestine 02704 ## Chatsar` Eynan {khats-ar'ay-nawn'} ; from 02691 and the same as 05881 ; village of springs ; Chatsar-Enan , a place in {Palestine} : -- Hazar-enan . Palestine 02705 ## Chatsar Shuw` al {khats-ar'shoo-awl'} ; from 02691 and 07776 ; village of (the) fox ; Chatsar- Shual , a place in {Palestine} : -- Hazar-shual . Palestine 02712 ## Chuqqog {Khook-koke'} ; or (fully) Chuwqoq {khoo-koke'} ; from 02710 ; appointed ; Chukkok or Chukok , a place in {Palestine} : -- Hukkok , Hukok . Palestine 02765 ## Chorem {khor-ame'} ; from 02763 ; devoted ; Chorem , a place in {Palestine} : -- Horem . Palestine 02767 ## Chormah {khor-maw'} ; from 02763 ; devoted ; Chormah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Hormah . Palestine 02768 ## Chermown {kher-mone'} ; from 02763 ; abrupt ; Chermon , a mount of {Palestine} : -- Hermon . Palestine 02776 ## Cherec {kheh'- res} ; the same as 02775 ; shining ; Cheres , a mountain in {Palestine} : -- Heres . Palestine 02800 ## Charosheth {khar-o'- sheth} ; the same as 02799 ; Charosheth , a place in {Palestine} : -- Harosheth . Palestine 02802 ## Chereth {kheh'- reth} ; from 02801 (but equivalent to 02793) ; forest ; Chereth , a thicket in {Palestine} : -- Hereth . Palestine 02829 ## Cheshmown {klesh-mone'} ; the same as 02831 ; opulent ; Cheshmon , a place in {Palestine} : -- Heshmon . Palestine 02855 ## Chethlon {kheth-lone'} ; from 02853 ; enswathed ; Chethlon , a place in {Palestine} : -- Hethlon . Palestine 02923 ## T@la'iym {tel-aw-eem'} ; from the plural of 02922 ; lambs ; Telaim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Telaim . Palestine 02991 ## Yibl@` am {yib-leh-awm'} ; from 01104 and 05971 ; devouring people ; Jibleam , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ibleam . Palestine 02995 ## Yabn@'el {yab-neh-ale'} ; from 01129 and 00410 : built of God ; Jabneel , the name of two places in {Palestine} : -- Jabneel . Palestine 02996 ## Yabneh {yab-neh'} ; from 01129 ; a building ; Jabneh , a place in {Palestine} : -- Jabneh . Palestine 03003 ## Yabesh {yaw-bashe'} ; the same as 03002 (also Yabeysh {yaw-bashe'} ; often with the addition of 01568 , i . e . Jabesh of Gilad) ; Jobesh , the name of an Israelite and of a place in {Palestine} : -- Jobesh ([-Gilead ]) . Palestine 03017 ## Yaguwr {yaw-goor'} ; probably from 01481 ; a lodging ; Jagur , a place in {Palestine} : -- Jagur . Palestine 03030 ## Yidalah {yid-al-aw'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Jidalah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Idalah . Palestine 03055 ## Y@hud {yeh-hood'} ; a briefer form of one corresponding to 03061 ; Jehud , a place in {Palestine} : -- Jehud . Palestine 03073 ## Y@havah shalowm {yeh-ho-vaw'shaw-lome'} ; from 03068 and 07965 ; Jehovah (is) peace ; Jehovah-Shalom , a symbolical name of an altar in {Palestine} : -- Jehovah-shalom . Palestine 03157 ## Yizr@` e'l {yiz-reh-ale'} ; from 02232 and 00410 ; God will sow ; Jizreel , the name of two places in {Palestine} and of two Israelites : -- Jezreel . Palestine 03192 ## Yotbah {yot-baw'} ; from 03190 ; pleasantness ; Jotbah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Jotbah . Palestine 03194 ## Yuttah {yoo-taw'} ; or Yuwtah {yoo-taw'} ; from 05186 ; extended ; Juttah (or Jutah) , a place in {Palestine} : -- Juttah . Palestine 03239 ## Yanowach {yaw-no'- akh} ; or (with enclitic) Yanowchah {yaw-no'- khaw} ; from 03240 ; quiet ; Janoach or Janochah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Janoah , Janohah . Palestine 03241 ## Yaniym {yaw-neem'} ; from 05123 ; asleep ; Janim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Janum [from the margin ] . Palestine 03258 ## Ya` bets {yah-bates'} ; from an unused root probably meaning to grieve ; sorrowful ; Jabets , the name of an Israelite , and also of a place in {Palestine} : -- Jabez . Palestine 03297 ## Y@` ariym {yeh-aw-reem'} ; plural of 03293 ; forests ; Jearim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Jearim . Compare 07157 . Palestine 03305 ## Yapho {yaw-fo'} ; or Yaphow'(Ezra 3 : 7) {yaw-fo'} ; from 03302 ; beautiful ; Japho , a place in {Palestine} : -- Japha , Joppa . Palestine 03309 ## Yaphiya` {yaw-fee'- ah} ; from 03313 ; bright ; Japhia , the name of a Canaanite , an Israelite , and a place in {Palestine} : -- Japhia . Palestine 03316 ## Yiphtach {yif-tawkh'} ; from 06605 ; he will open ; Jiphtach , an Israelite ; also a place in {Palestine} : -- Jephthah , Jiphtah . Palestine 03317 ## Yiphtach-'el {yif-tach-ale'} ; from 06605 and 00410 ; God will open ; Jiphtach-el , a place in {Palestine} : -- Jiphthah-el . Palestine 03343 ## Y@qabts@'el {yek-ab-tseh-ale'} ; from 06908 and 00410 ; God will gather ; Jekabtseel , a place in {Palestine} : -- Jekabzeel . Compare 06909 . Palestine 03347 ## Yoqd@` am {yok-deh-awm'} ; from 03344 and 05971 ; burning of (the) people ; Jokdeam , a place in {Palestine} : -- Jokdeam . Palestine 03361 ## Yoqm@` am {yok-meh-awm'} ; from 06965 and 05971 ; (the) people will be raised ; Jokmeam , a place in {Palestine} : -- Jokmeam . Compare 03360 , 03362 . Palestine 03362 ## Yoqn@` am {yok-neh-awm'} ; from 06969 and 05971 ; (the) people will be lamented ; Jokneam , a place in {Palestine} : -- Jokneam . Palestine 03371 ## Yoqth@'el {yok-theh-ale'} ; probably from the same as 03348 and 00410 ; veneration of God [compare 03354 ] ; Joktheel , the name of a place in {Palestine} , and of one in Idumaea : -- Joktheel . Palestine 03383 ## Yarden {yar-dane'} ; from 03381 ; a descender ; Jarden , the principal river of {Palestine} : -- Jordan . Palestine 03385 ## Y@ruw'el {yer-oo-ale'} ; from 03384 and 00410 ; founded of God ; Jeruel , a place in {Palestine} : -- Jeruel . Palestine 03389 ## Y@ruwshalaim {yer-oo-shaw-lah'- im} ; rarely Y@ruwshalayim {yer-oo-shaw-lah'- yim} ; a dual (in allusion to its two main hills [the true pointing , at least of the former reading , seems to be that of 03390 ]) ; probably from (the passive participle of) 03384 and 07999 ; founded peaceful ; Jerushalaim or Jerushalem , the capital city of {Palestine} : -- Jerusalem . Palestine 03405 ## Y@riychow {yer-ee-kho'} ; or Y@rechow {yer-ay-kho'} ; or variation (1 Kings 16 : 34) Y@riychoh {yer-ee-kho'} ; perhaps from 03394 ; its month ; or else from 07306 ; fragrant ; Jericho or Jerecho , a place in {Palestine} : -- Jericho . Palestine 03412 ## Yarmuwth {yar-mooth'} ; from 07311 ; elevation ; Jarmuth , the name of two places in {Palestine} : -- Jarmuth . Palestine 03416 ## Yirp@'el {yir-peh-ale'} ; from 07495 and 00410 ; God will heal ; Jirpeel , a place in {Palestine} : -- Irpeel . Palestine 03421 ## Yorq@` am {yor-keh-awm'} ; from 07324 and 05971 ; people will be poured forth ; Jorkeam , a place in {Palestine} : -- Jorkeam . Palestine 03442 ## Yeshuwa` {yay-shoo'- ah} ; for 03091 ; he will save ; Jeshua , the name of ten Israelites , also of a place in {Palestine} : -- Jeshua . Palestine 03466 ## Y@shanah {yesh-aw-naw'} ; feminine of 03465 ; Jeshanah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Jeshanah . Palestine 03492 ## Yattiyr {yat-teer'} ; from 03498 ; redundant ; Jattir , a place in {Palestine} : -- Jattir . Palestine 03494 ## Yithlah {yith-law'} ; probably from 08518 ; it will hang , i . e 0 . e high ; Jithlah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Jethlah . Palestine 03497 ## Yithnan {yith-nawn'} ; from the same as 08577 ; extensive ; Jithnan , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ithnan . Palestine 03521 ## Kabuwl {kaw-bool'} ; from the same as 03525 in the sense of limitation ; sterile ; Cabul , the name of two places in {Palestine} : -- Cabul . Palestine 03522 ## Kabbown {kab-bone'} ; from an unused root meaning to heap up ; hilly ; Cabon , a place in {Palestine} : -- Cabbon . Palestine 03565 ## Kowr` Ashan {kore aw-shawn'} ; from 03564 and 06227 ; furnace of smoke ; Cor-Ashan , a place in {Palestine} : -- Chor-ashan . Palestine 03578 ## Koz@ba'{ko-zeb-aw'} ; from 03576 ; fallacious ; Cozeba , a place in {Palestine} : -- Choseba . Palestine 03580 ## K@ziyb {kez-eeb'} ; from 03576 ; falsified ; Kezib , a place in {Palestine} : -- Chezib . Palestine 03592 ## Kiydown {kee-dohn'} ; the same as 03591 ; Kidon , a place in {Palestine} : -- Chidon . Palestine 03672 ## Kinn@rowth {kin-ner-oth'} ; or Kinnereth {kin-neh'- reth} ; respectively plural and singular feminine from the same as 03658 ; perhaps harp-shaped ; Kinneroth or Kinnereth , a place in {Palestine} : -- Chinnereth , Chinneroth , Cinneroth . Palestine 03686 ## K@ciyl {kes-eel'} ; the same as 03684 ; Kesil , a place in {Palestine} : -- Chesil . Palestine 03693 ## K@calown {kes-aw-lone'} ; from 03688 ; fertile ; Kesalon , a place in {Palestine} : -- Chesalon . Palestine 03694 ## K@cullowth {kes-ool-loth'} ; feminine plural of passive participle of 03688 ; fattened ; Kesulloth , a place in {Palestine} : -- Chesulloth . Palestine 03696 ## Kicloth Tabor {kis-loth'taw-bore'} ; from the feminine plural of 03689 and 08396 ; flanks of Tabor ; Kisloth-Tabor , a place in {Palestine} : -- Chisloth-tabor . Palestine 03716 ## K@phiyrah {kef-ee-raw'} ; feminine of 03715 ; the village (always with the art .) ; Kephirah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Chephirah . Palestine 03726 ## K@phar ha -` Ammowniy {kef-ar'haw-am-mo-nee'} ; from 03723 and 05984 , with the article interposed ; village of the Ammonite ; Kefar-ha-Ammoni , a place in {Palestine} : -- Chefar-haamonai . Palestine 03747 ## K@riyth {ker-eeth'} ; from 03772 ; a cut ; Kerith , a brook of {Palestine} : -- Cherith . Palestine 03760 ## Karmel {kar-mel'} ; the same as 03759 ; Karmel , the name of a hill and of a town in {Palestine} : - - Carmel , fruitful (plentiful) field , (place) . Palestine 03794 ## Kittiy {kit-tee'} or Kittiyiy {kit-tee-ee'} ; patrial from an unused name denoting Cyprus (only in the plural) ; a Kittite or Cypriote ; hence , an islander in general , i . e . the Greeks or Romans on the shores opposite {Palestine} : -- Chittim , Kittim . Palestine 03798 ## Kithliysh {kith-leesh'} ; from 03796 and 00376 ; wall of a man ; Kithlish , a place in {Palestine} : -- Kithlish . Palestine 03810 ## Lo'D@bar {lo deb-ar'} ; or Low D@bar (2 Samuel 9 : 4 , 5) {lo deb-ar'} ; or Lidbir (Joshua 13 : 26) {lid-beer'} ; [probably rather Lod@bar {lo-deb-ar'} ] ; from 03808 and 01699 ; pastureless ; Lo-Debar , a place in {Palestine} : -- Debir , Lo-debar . Palestine 03822 ## L@ba'owth {leb-aw-oth'} ; plural of 03833 ; lionesses ; Lebaoth , a place in {Palestine} : -- Lebaoth . See also 01034 . Palestine 03829 ## L@bownah {leb-o-naw'} ; the same as 03828 ; Lebonah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Lebonah . Palestine 03841 ## Libnah {lib-naw'} ; the same as 03839 ; Libnah , a place in the Desert and one in {Palestine} : -- Libnah . Palestine 03844 ## L@banown {leb-aw-nohn'} ; from 03825 ; (the) white mountain (from its snow) ; Lebanon , a mountain range in {Palestine} : -- Lebanon . Palestine 03850 ## Lod {lode} ; from an unused root of uncertain signification ; Lod , a place in {Palestine} : -- Lod . Palestine 03870 ## Luwz {looz} ; probably from 03869 (as growing there) ; Luz , the name of two places in {Palestine} : -- Luz . Palestine 03889 ## Luwsh {loosh} ; from 03888 ; kneading ; Lush , a place in {Palestine} : -- Laish [from the margin ] . Compare 03919 . Palestine 03896 ## Lechiy {lekh'- ee} ; a form of 03895 ; Lechi , a place in {Palestine} : -- Lehi . Compare also 07437 . Palestine 03903 ## Lachmac {lakh-maws'} ; probably by erroneous transcription for Lachmam {lakh-mawm'} ; from 03899 ; food-like ; Lachmam or Lachmas , a place in {Palestine} : -- Lahmam . Palestine 03919 ## Layish {lah'- yish} ; the same as 03918 ; Laish , the name of two places in {Palestine} : -- Laish . Compare 03889 . Palestine 03922 ## lekah {lay-kaw'} ; from 032l2 ; a journey ; Lekah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Lecah . Palestine 03923 ## Lachiysh {law-keesh'} ; from an unused root of uncertain meaning ; Lakish , a place in {Palestine} : -- Lachish . Palestine 03946 ## Laqquwm {lak-koom'} ; from an unused root thought to mean to stop up by a barricade ; perhaps fortification ; Lakkum , a place in {Palestine} : -- Lakum . Palestine 03959 ## Leshem {leh'- shem} ; the same as 03958 ; Leshem , a place in {Palestine} : -- Leshem . Palestine 04019 ## Magbiysh {mag-beesh'} ; from the same as 01378 ; stiffening ; Magbish , an Israelite , or a place in {Palestine} : -- Magbish . Palestine 04023 ## M@giddown (Zech . 12 : 11) {meg-id-done'} ; or M@giddow {meg-id-do'} ; from 01413 ; rendezvous ; Megiddon or Megiddo , a place in {Palestine} : -- Megiddo , Megiddon . Palestine 04027 ## Migdal-'El {mig-dal-ale'} ; from 04026 and 00410 ; tower of God ; Migdal-El , a place in {Palestine} : -- Migdal-el . Palestine 04028 ## Migdal-Gad {migdal-gawd'} ; from 04026 and 01408 ; tower of Fortune ; Migdal-Gad , a place in {Palestine} : -- Migdal-gad . Palestine 04029 ## Migdal -` Eder {mig-dal'- ay'- der} ; from 04026 and 05739 ; tower of a flock ; Migdal-Eder , a place in {Palestine} : -- Migdal-eder , tower of the flock . Palestine 04051 ## Migrown {mig-rone'} ; from 04048 ; precipice ; Migron , a place in {Palestine} : -- Migron . Palestine 04068 ## Madown {maw-dohn'} ; the same as 04067 ; Madon , a place in {Palestine} : -- Madon . Palestine 04086 ## Madmen {mad-mane'} ; from the same as 01828 ; dunghill ; Madmen , a place in {Palestine} : -- Madmen . Palestine 04088 ## Madmenah {mad-may-naw'} ; the same as 04087 ; Madmenah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Madmenah . Palestine 04089 ## Madmannah {mad-man-naw'} ; a variation for 04087 ; Madmannah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Madmannah . Palestine 04137 ## Mowladah {mo-law-daw'} ; from 03205 ; birth ; Moladah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Moladah . Palestine 04158 ## Mowpha` ath (Jer . 48 : 21) {mo-fah'- ath} ; or meyphaath {may-fah'- ath} ; or mephaath {may- fah'- ath ; from 03313 ; illuminative ; Mophaath or Mephaath , a place in {Palestine} : -- Mephaath . Palestine 04179 ## Mowriyah {mo-ree-yaw'} ; or Moriyah {mo-ree-yaw'} ; from 07200 and 03050 ; seen of Jah ; Morijah , a hill in {Palestine} : -- Moriah . Palestine 04182 ## Mowresheth Gath {mo-reh'- sheth gath} ; from 03423 and 01661 ; possession of Gath ; Moresheth-Gath , a place in {Palestine} : -- Moresheth-gath . Palestine 04265 ## Machaneh-Dan {makh-an-ay'- dawn} ; from 04264 and 01835 ; camp of Dan ; Machaneh-Dan , a place in {Palestine} : -- Mahaneh-dan . Palestine 04266 ## Machanayim {makh-an-ah'- yim} ; dual of 04264 ; double camp ; Machanajim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Mahanaim . Palestine 04311 ## Meyd@ba'{may-deb-aw'} ; from 04325 and 01679 ; water of quiet ; Medeba , a place in {Palestine} : -- Medeba . Palestine 04313 ## Mey hay-Yarqown {may hah'- ee-yar-kone'} ; from 04325 and 03420 with the art . interposed ; water of the yellowness ; Me-haj-Jarkon , a place in {Palestine} : -- Me-jarkon . Palestine 04343 ## Makbena'{mak-bay-naw'} ; from the same as 03522 ; knoll ; Macbena , a place in {Palestine} settled by him : -- Machbenah . Palestine 04363 ## Mikmac (Ezra 2 : 27 ; Neh . 7 : 31) {mik-maws'} ; or Mikmash {mik-mawsh'} ; or Mikmash (Neh . 11 : 31) {mik-mash'} ; from 03647 ; hidden ; Mikmas or Mikmash , a place in {Palestine} : -- Mikmas , Mikmash . Palestine 04366 ## Mikm@thath {mik-meth-awth'} ; apparently from an unused root meaning to hide ; concealment ; Mikmethath , a place in {Palestine} : -- Michmethath . Palestine 04368 ## M@konah {mek-o-naw'} ; the same as 04350 ; a base ; Mekonah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Mekonah . Palestine 04375 ## Makpelah {mak-pay-law'} ; from 03717 ; a fold ; Makpelah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Machpelah . Palestine 04382 ## M@kerathiy {mek-ay-raw-thee'} ; patrial from an unused name (the same as 04380) of a place in {Palestine} : a Mekerathite , or inhabitant of Mekerah : -- Mecherathite . Palestine 04442 ## Malkiy-Tsedeq {mal-kee-tseh'- dek} ; from 04428 and 06664 ; king of right ; Malki-Tsedek , an early king in {Palestine} : -- Melchizedek . Palestine 04584 ## Ma` own {maw-ohn'} ; the same as 04583 ; a residence ; Maon , the name of an Israelite and of a place in {Palestine} : -- Maon , Maonites . Compare 01010 , 04586 . Palestine 04632 ## M@` arah {meh-aw-raw'} ; the same as 04631 ; cave ; Mearah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Mearah . Palestine 04638 ## Ma` arath {mah-ar-awth'} ; a form of 04630 ; waste ; Maarath , a place in {Palestine} : -- Maarath . Palestine 04677 ## M@tsobayah {mets-o-baw-yaw'} ; apparently from 04672 and 03050 ; found of Jah ; Metsobajah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Mesobaite . Palestine 04681 ## Motsah {mo-tsaw'} ; active participle feminine of 04680 ; drained ; Motsah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Mozah . Palestine 04693 ## matsowr {maw-tsore'} ; the same as 04692 in the sense of a limit ; Egypt (as the border of {Palestine}) : -- besieged places , defense , fortified . Palestine 04708 ## Mitspeh {mits-peh'} ; the same as 04707 ; Mitspeh , the name of five places in {Palestine} : -- Mizpeh , watch tower . Compare 04709 . Palestine 04709 ## Mitspah {mits-paw'} ; feminine of 04708 ; Mitspah , the name of two places in {Palestine} : -- Mitspah . [This seems rather to be only an orthographic variation of 04708 when " in pause " . ] Palestine 04719 ## Maqqedah {mak-kay-daw'} ; from the same as 05348 in the denominative sense of herding (compare 05349) ; fold ; Makkedah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Makkedah . Palestine 04739 ## Maqats {maw-kats'} ; from 07112 ; end ; Makats , a place in {Palestine} : -- Makaz . Palestine 04762 ## Mar'eshah {mar-ay-shaw'} ; or Mareshah {mar-ay-shaw'} ; formed like 04761 ; summit ; Mareshah , the name of two Israelites and of a place in {Palestine} : -- Mareshah . Palestine 04789 ## Merowz {may-roze'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Meroz , a place in {Palestine} : -- Meroz . Palestine 04792 ## Merowm {may-rome'} ; formed like 04791 ; height ; Merom , a lake in {Palestine} : -- Merom . Palestine 04796 ## Marowth {maw-rohth'} ; plural of 04751 feminine ; bitter springs ; Maroth , a place in {Palestine} : -- Maroth . Palestine 04831 ## Mar` alah {mar-al-aw'} ; from 07477 ; perhaps , earthquake ; Maralah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Maralah . Palestine 04861 ## Mish'al {mish-awl'} ; from 07592 ; request ; Mishal , a place in {Palestine} : -- Mishal , Misheal . Compare 04913 . Palestine 04913 ## Mashal {maw-shawl'} ; for 04861 ; Mashal , a place in {Palestine} : -- Mashal . Palestine 04956 ## Misr@phowth mayim {mis-ref-ohth'mah'- yim} ; from the plural of 04955 and 04325 ; burnings of water ; Misrephoth-Majim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Misrephoth-mayim . Palestine 05011 ## Nob {nobe} ; the same as 05108 ; fruit ; Nob , a place in {Palestine} : -- Nob . Palestine 05015 ## N@bow {neb-o'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; Nebo , the name of a Babylonian deity , also of a mountain in Moab , and of a place in {Palestine} : -- Nebo . Palestine 05041 ## N@ballat {neb-al-lawt'} ; apparently from 05036 and 03909 ; foolish secrecy ; Neballat , a place in {Palestine} : -- Neballat . Palestine 05044 ## Nibshan {nib-shawn'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Nibshan , a place in {Palestine} : -- Nibshan . Palestine 05045 ## negeb {neh'- gheb} ; from an unused root meaning to be parched ; the south (from its drought) ; specifically , the Negeb or southern district of Judah , occasionally , Egypt (as south to {Palestine}) : -- south (country , side ,-ward) . Palestine 05096 ## Nahalal {nah-hal-awl'} ; or Nahalol {nah-hal-ole'} ; the same as 05097 ; Nahalal or Nahalol , a place in {Palestine} : -- Nahalal , Nahallal , Nahalol . Palestine 05121 ## Naviyth {naw-veeth'} ; from 05115 ; residence ; Navith , a place in {Palestine} : -- Naioth [from the margin ] . Palestine 05196 ## N@ta` iym {net-aw-eem'} ; plural of 05194 ; Netaim , a place in {Palestine} : -- plants . Palestine 05199 ## N@tophah {net-o-faw'} ; from 05197 ; distillation ; Netophah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Netophah . Palestine 05269 ## Ne` ah {nay-aw'} ; from 05128 ; motion ; Neah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Neah . Palestine 05272 ## N@` iy'el {neh-ee-ale'} ; from 05128 and 00410 ; moved of God ; Neiel , a place in {Palestine} : -- Neiel . Palestine 05279 ## Na` amah {nah-am-aw'} ; feminine of 05277 ; pleasantness ; Naamah , the name of an antediluvian woman , of an Ammonitess , and of a place in {Palestine} : -- Naamah . Palestine 05292 ## Na` arah {nah-ar-aw'} ; the same as 05291 ; Naarah , the name of an Israelitess , and of a place in {Palestine} : -- Naarah , Naarath . Palestine 05295 ## Na` aran {nah-ar-awn'} ; from 05288 ; juvenile ; Naaran , a place in {Palestine} : -- Naaran . Palestine 05318 ## Nephtowach {nef-to'- akh} ; from 06605 ; opened , i . e . a spring ; Nephtoach , a place in {Palestine} : -- Neptoah . Palestine 05334 ## N@tsiyb {nets-eeb'} ; the same as 05333 ; station ; Netsib , a place in {Palestine} : -- Nezib . Palestine 05346 ## Neqeb {neh'- keb} ; the same as 05345 ; dell ; Nekeb , a place in {Palestine} : -- Nekeb . Palestine 05523 ## Cukkowth {sook-kohth'} ; or Cukkoth {sook-kohth'} ; plural of 05521 ; booths ; Succoth , the name of a place in Egypt and of three in {Palestine} : -- Succoth . Palestine 05527 ## C@kakah {sek-aw-kaw'} ; from 05526 ; inclosure ; Secacah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Secacah . Palestine 05555 ## Cela` ham-machl@qowth {seh'- lah ham-makh-lek-oth'} ; from 05553 and the plural of 04256 with the article interposed ; rock of the divisions ; Sela-ham-Machlekoth , a place in {Palestine} : -- Sela-hammalekoth . Palestine 05570 ## C@na'ah {sen-aw-aw'} ; from an unused root meaning to prick ; thorny ; Senaah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Senaah , Hassenaah [with the article ] . Palestine 05573 ## Ceneh {seh-neh'} ; the same s 05572 ; thorn ; Seneh , a crag in {Palestine} : -- Seneh . Palestine 05578 ## Cancannah {san-san-naw'} ; feminine of a form of 05577 ; a bough ; Sansannah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Sansannah . Palestine 05658 ## ` Abdown {ab-dohn'} ; from 05647 ; servitude ; Abdon , the name of a place in {Palestine} and of four Israelites : -- Abdon . Compare 05683 . Palestine 05682 ## ` Abarim {ab-aw-reem'} ; plural of 05676 ; regions beyond ; Abarim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Abarim , passages . Palestine 05683 ## ` Ebron {eb-rone'} ; from 05676 ; transitional ; Ebron , a place in {Palestine} : -- Hebron . Perhaps a clerical error for 05658 . Palestine 05700 ## ` Eglown {eg-lawn'} ; from 05695 ; vituline ; Eglon , the name of a place in {Palestine} and of a Moabitish king : -- Eglon . Palestine 05723 ## ` Adiythayim {ad-ee-thah'- yim} ; dual of a feminine of 05706 ; double prey ; Adithajim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Adithaim . Palestine 05725 ## ` Adullam {ad-ool-lawm'} ; probably from the passive participle of the same as 05724 ; Adullam , a place in {Palestine} : -- Adullam . Palestine 05735 ## ` Ad` adah {ad-aw-daw'} ; from 05712 ; festival ; Adadah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Adadah . Palestine 05740 ## ` Eder {ay'- der} ; the same as 05739 ; Eder , the name of an Israelite and of two places in {Palestine} : -- Edar , Eder . Palestine 05761 ## ` Avviym {av-veem'} ; plural of 05757 ; Avvim (as inhabited by Avvites) , a place in {Palestine} (with the article prefix) : -- Avim . Palestine 05762 ## ` Aviyth {av-veeth'} ; or [perhaps` Ayowth {ah-yoth'} , as if plural of 05857 ]` Ayuwth {ah-yoth'} ; from 05753 ; ruin ; Avvith (or Avvoth) , a place in {Palestine} : -- Avith . Palestine 05804 ## ` Azzah {az-zaw'} ; feminine of 05794 ; strong ; Azzah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Azzah , Gaza . Palestine 05820 ## ` Azmaveth {az-maw'- veth} ; from 05794 and 04194 ; strong one of death ; Azmaveth , the name of three Israelites and of a place in {Palestine} : -- Azmaveth . See also 01041 . Palestine 05825 ## ` Azeqah {az-ay-kaw'} ; from 05823 ; tilled ; Azekah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Azekah . Palestine 05852 ## ` Atarowth {at-aw-roth'} ; or` Ataroth {at-aw-roth'} ; plural of 05850 ; Ataroth , the name (thus simply) of two places in {Palestine} : -- Ataroth . Palestine 05853 ## ` Atrowth'Addar {at-roth'ad-dawr'} ; from the same as 05852 and 00146 ; crowns of Addar ; Atroth-Addar , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ataroth-adar (- addar) . Palestine 05854 ## ` Atrowth beyth Yow'ab {at-roth'bayth yo-awb'} ; from the same as 05852 and 01004 and 03097 ; crowns of the house of Joab ; Atroth-beth-Joab , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ataroth the house of Joab . Palestine 05855 ## ` Atrowth Showphan {at-roth'sho-fawn'} ; from the same as 05852 and a name otherwise unused [being from the same as 08226 ] meaning hidden ; crowns of Shophan ; Atroth-Shophan , a place in {Palestine} : -- Atroth , Shophan [as if two places ] . Palestine 05857 ## ` Ay {ah'ee} ; or (feminine)` Aya'(Neh . 11 : 31) {ah-yaw'} ; or` Ayath (Isaiah 10 : 28) {ah-yawth'} ; for 05856 ; Ai , Aja or Ajath , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ai , Aija , Aijath , Hai . Palestine 05858 ## ` Eybal {ay-bawl'} ; perhaps from an unused root probably meaning to be bald ; bare ; Ebal , a mountain of {Palestine} : -- Ebal . Palestine 05859 ## ` Iyown {ee-yone'} ; from 05856 ; ruin ; Ijon , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ijon . Palestine 05862 ## ` Eytam {ay-tawm'} ; from 05861 ; hawk-ground ; Etam , a place in {Palestine} : -- Etam . Palestine 05863 ## ` Iyey ha -` Abariym {ee-yay'haw-ab-aw-reem'} ; from the plural of 05856 and the plural of the active participle of 05674 with the article interposed ; ruins of the passers ; Ije-ha-Abarim , a place near {Palestine} : - - Ije-abarim . Palestine 05871 ## ` Ayin {ah'- yin} ; the same as 05869 ; fountain ; Ajin , the name (thus simply) of two places in {Palestine} : -- Ain . Palestine 05872 ## ` Eyn Gediy {ane geh'- dee} ; from 05869 and 01423 ; fountain of a kid ; En-Gedi , a place in {Palestine} : -- En-gedi . Palestine 05873 ## ` Eyn Ganniym {ane gan-neem'} ; from 05869 and the plural of 01588 ; fountain of gardens ; En- Gannim , a place in {Palestine} : -- En-gannim . Palestine 05874 ## ` Eyn-Do'r {ane-dore'} ; or` Eyn Dowr {ane dore} ; or` Eyn-Dor {ane-dore'} ; from 05869 and 01755 ; fountain of dwelling ; En-Dor , a place in {Palestine} : -- En-dor . Palestine 05875 ## ` Eyn haq-Qowre'{ane-hak-ko-ray'} ; from 05869 and the active participle of 07121 ; fountain of One calling ; En-hak-Kore , a place near {Palestine} : -- En-hakhore . Palestine 05876 ## ` Eyn Chaddah {ane khad-daw'} ; from 05869 and the feminine of a derivative from 02300 ; fountain of sharpness ; En-Chaddah , a place in {Palestine} : -- En-haddah . Palestine 05877 ## ` Eyn Chatsowr {ane khaw-tsore'} ; from 05869 and the same as 02674 ; fountain of a village ; En- Chatsor , a place in {Palestine} : -- En-hazor . Palestine 05878 ## ` Eyn Charod {ane khar-ode'} ; from 05869 and a derivative of 02729 ; fountain of trembling ; En- Charod , a place in {Palestine} : -- well of Harod . Palestine 05879 ## ` Eynayim {ay-nah'- yim} ; or` Eynam {ay-nawm'} ; dual of 05869 ; double fountain ; Enajim or Enam , a place in {Palestine} : -- Enaim , openly (Genesis 38 : 21) . Palestine 05880 ## ` Eyn Mishpat {ane mish-pawt'} ; from 05869 and 04941 ; fountain of judgment ; En-Mishpat , a place near {Palestine} : -- En-mishpat . Palestine 05882 ## ` Eyn` Eglayim {ane eg-lah'- yim} ; 05869 and the dual of 05695 ; fountain of two calves ; En- Eglajim , a place in {Palestine} : -- En-eglaim . Palestine 05884 ## ` Eyn Rimmown {ane rim-mone'} ; from 05869 and 07416 ; fountain of a pomegranate ; En- Rimmon , a place in {Palestine} : -- En-rimmon . Palestine 05885 ## ` Eyn Shemesh {ane sheh'- mesh} ; from 05869 and 08121 ; fountain of the sun ; En-Shemesh , a place in {Palestine} : -- En-shemesh . Palestine 05887 ## ` Eyn Tappuwach {ane tap-poo'- akh} ; from 05869 and 08598 ; fountain of an apple-tree ; En- Tappuach , a place in {Palestine} : -- En-tappuah . Palestine 05898 ## ` Iyr ham-Melach {eer ham-meh'- lakh} ; from 05892 and 04417 with the article of substance interp . ; city of (the) salt ; Ir-ham-Melach , a place near {Palestine} : -- the city of salt . Palestine 05899 ## ` Iyr hat-T@mariym {eer hat-tem-aw-reem'} ; from 05892 and the plural of 08558 with the article interpolated ; city of the palmtrees ; Ir-hat-Temarim , a place in {Palestine} : -- the city of palmtrees . Palestine 05904 ## ` Iyr Nachash {eer naw-khawsh'} ; from 05892 and 05175 ; city of a serpent ; Ir-Nachash , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ir-nahash . Palestine 05905 ## ` Iyr Shemesh {eer sheh'- mesh} ; from 05892 and 08121 ; city of the sun ; Ir-Shemesh , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ir-shemesh . Palestine 05911 ## ` Alowr {aw-kore'} ; from 05916 ; troubled ; Akor , the name of a place in {Palestine} : -- Achor . Palestine 05960 ## ` Almown {al-mone'} ; from 05956 ; hidden ;-- Almon , a place in {Palestine} See also 05963 . Palestine 05964 ## ` Alemeth {aw-leh'- meth} ; from 05956 ; a covering ; Alemeth , the name of a place in {Palestine} and of two Israelites : -- Alameth , Alemeth . Palestine 05981 ## ` Ummah {oom-maw'} ; the same as 05980 ; association ; Ummah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ummah . Palestine 06008 ## ` Am` ad {am-awd'} ; from 05971 and 05703 ; people of time ; Amad , a place in {Palestine} : -- Amad . Palestine 06017 ## ` Amorah {am-o-raw'} ; from 06014 ; a (ruined) heap ; Amorah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Gomorrah . Palestine 06024 ## ` Anab {an-awb'} ; from the same as 06025 ; fruit ; Anab , a place in {Palestine} : -- Anab . Palestine 06044 ## ` Aniym {aw-neem'} ; for plural of 05869 ; fountains ; Anim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Anim . Palestine 06046 ## ` Anem {aw-name'} ; from the dual of 05869 ; two fountains ; Anem , a place in {Palestine} : -- Anem . Palestine 06055 ## ` Ananyah {an-an-yaw'} ; from 06049 and 03050 ; Jah has covered ; Ananjah , the name of an Israelite and of a place in {Palestine} : -- Ananiah . Palestine 06063 ## ` Aner {aw-nare'} ; probably for 05288 ; Aner , a Amorite , also a place in {Palestine} : -- Aner . Palestine 06078 ## ` Ophniy {of-nee'} ; from an unused noun [denoting a place in {Palestine} ; from an unused root of uncertain meaning ] ; an Ophnite (collectively) or inhabitants of Ophen : -- Ophni . Palestine 06084 ## ` Ophrah {of-raw'} ; feminine of 06082 ; female fawn ; Ophrah , the name of an Israelite and of two places in {Palestine} : -- Ophrah . Palestine 06085 ## ` Ephrown {ef-rone'} ; from the same as 06081 ; fawn-like ; Ephron , the name of a Canaanite and of two places in {Palestine} : -- Ephron , Ephrain [from the margin ] . Palestine 06107 ## ` Etsem {eh'- tsem} ; the same as 06106 ; bone ; Etsem , a place in {Palestine} : -- Azem , Ezem . Palestine 06111 ## ` Atsmown {ats-mone'} ; or` Atsmon {ats-mone'} ; from 06107 ; bone-like ; Atsmon , a place near {Palestine} : -- Azmon . Palestine 06138 ## ` Eqrown {ek-rone'} ; from 06131 ; eradication ; Ekron , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ekron . Palestine 06152 ## ` Arab {ar-awb'} or` Arab {ar-ab'} ; from 06150 in the figurative sense of sterility ; Arab (i . e . Arabia) , a country East of {Palestine} : -- Arabia . Palestine 06166 ## ` Arad {ar-awd'} ; from an unused root meaning to sequester itself ; fugitive ; Arad , the name of a place near {Palestine} , also of a Canaanite and an Israelite : -- Arad . Palestine 06177 ## ` Arow` er {ar-o-ayr'} ; or` Aro` er {ar-o-ayr'} ; or` Ar` owr {ar-ore'} ; the same as 06176 ; nudity of situation ; Aroer , the name of three places in or near {Palestine} : -- Aroer . Palestine 06228 ## ` Ashan {aw-shawn'} ; the same as 06227 ; Ashan , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ashan . Palestine 06269 ## ` Athak {ath-awk'} ; from an unused root meaning to sojourn ; lodging ; Athak , a place in {Palestine} : -- Athach . Palestine 06278 ## ` Eth Qatsiyn {ayth kaw-tseen'} ; from 06256 and 07011 ; time of a judge ; Eth-Katsin , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ittah-kazin [by including directive enclitic ] . Palestine 06281 ## ` Ether {eh'ther} ; from 06280 ; abundance ; Ether , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ether . Palestine 06429 ## P@lesheth {pel-eh'- sheth} ; from 06428 ; rolling , i . e . migratory ; Pelesheth , a region of Syria : -- Palestina , {Palestine} , Philistia , Philistines . Palestine 06450 ## Pac Dammiym {pas dam-meem'} ; from 06446 and the plural of 01818 ; palm (i . e . dell) of bloodshed ; Pas-Dammim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Pas-dammim . Compare 00658 . Palestine 06511 ## Parah {paw-raw'} ; the same as 06510 ; Parah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Parah . Palestine 06552 ## Pir` athown {pir-aw-thone'} ; from 06546 ; chieftaincy ; Pirathon , a place in {Palestine} : -- Pirathon . Palestine 06559 ## p@ratsiym {per-aw-tseem'} ; plural of 06556 ; breaks ; Peratsim , a mountain in {Palestine} : -- Perazim . Palestine 06560 ## Perets` Uzza'{peh'- rets ooz-zaw'} ; from 06556 and 05798 ; break of Uzza ; Perets-Uzza , a place in {Palestine} : -- Perez-uzza . Palestine 06630 ## Tsa'anan {tsah-an-awn'} ; from the same as 06629 used denominatively ; sheep pasture ; Zaanan , a place in {Palestine} : -- Zaanan . Palestine 06636 ## Ts@bo'iym {tseb-o-eem'} ; or (more correctly) Ts@biyiym {tseb-ee-yeem'} ; or Ts@biyim {tseb- ee-yeem'} ; plural of 06643 ; gazelles ; Tseboim or Tsebijim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Zeboiim , Zeboim . Palestine 06650 ## Ts@bo` iym {tseb-o-eem'} ; plural of 06641 ; hyenas ; Tseboim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Zeboim . Palestine 06657 ## Ts@dad {tsed-awd'} ; from the same as 06654 ; a siding ; Tsedad , a place near {Palestine} : -- Zedad . Palestine 06661 ## Tsiddiym {tsid-deem'} ; plural of 06654 ; sides ; Tsiddim (with the article) , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ziddim . Palestine 06689 ## Tsuwph {tsoof} ; or Tsowphay {tso-fah'- ee} ; or Tsiyph {tseef} ; from 06688 ; honey-comb ; Tsuph or Tsophai or Tsiph , the name of an Israelite and of a place in {Palestine} : -- Zophai , Zuph . Palestine 06721 ## Tsiydown {tsee-done'} ; or Tsiydon {tsee-done'} ; from 06679 in the sense of catching fish ; fishery ; Tsidon , the name of a son of Canaan , and of a place in {Palestine} : -- Sidon , Zidon . Palestine 06730 ## Tsiy` or {tsee-ore'} ; from 06819 ; small ; Tsior , a place in {Palestine} : -- Zior . Palestine 06732 ## Tsiyts {tseets} ; the same as 06731 ; bloom ; Tsits , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ziz . Palestine 06756 ## Tsalmown {tsal-mone'} ; from 06754 ; shady ; Tsalmon , the name of a place in {Palestine} and of an Israelite : -- Zalmon . Palestine 06762 ## Tsela` {tseh'- lah} ; the same as 06761 ; Tsela , a place in {Palestine} : -- Zelah . Palestine 06766 ## Tseltsach {tsel-tsakh'} ; from 06738 and 06703 ; clear shade ; Tseltsach , a place in {Palestine} : -- Zelzah . Palestine 06786 ## Ts@mariy {tsem-aw-ree'} ; patrial from an unused name of a place in {Palestine} ; a Tsemarite or branch of the Canaanites : -- Zemarite . Palestine 06787 ## Ts@marayim {tsem-aw-rah'- yim} ; dual of 06785 ; double fleece ; Tsemarajim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Zemaraim . Palestine 06799 ## Ts@nan {tsen-awn'} ; probably for 06630 ; Tsenan , a place near {Palestine} : -- Zenan . Palestine 06815 ## Tsa` ananniym {tsah-an-an-neem'} ; or (dual) Tsa` anayim {tsah-an-ah'- yim} ; plural from 06813 ; removals ; Tsaanannim or Tsaanajim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Zaannannim , Zaanaim . Palestine 06829 ## Tsaphown {tsaw-fone'} ; the same as 06828 ; boreal ; Tsaphon , a place in {Palestine} : -- Zaphon . Palestine 06857 ## Ts@phath {tsef-ath'} ; from 06822 ; watch-tower ; Tsephath , a place in {Palestine} : -- Zephath . Palestine 06859 ## Ts@phathah {tsef-aw'- thaw} ; the same as 06857 ; Tsephathah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Zephathah . Palestine 06860 ## Tsiqlag {tsik-lag'} ; or Tsiyq@lag (1 Chronicles 12 : 1 , 20) {tsee-kel-ag'} ; of uncertain derivation : Tsiklag or Tsikelag , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ziklag . Palestine 06863 ## Tser {tsare} ; from 06887 ; rock ; Tser , a place in {Palestine} : -- Zer . Palestine 06865 ## Tsor {tsore} ; or Tsowr {tsore} ; the same as 06864 ; a rock ; Tsor , a place in {Palestine} : -- Tyre , Tyrus . Palestine 06868 ## Ts@redah {tser-ay-daw'} ; or Ts@redathah {tser-ay-daw'- thaw} ; apparently from an unused root meaning to pierce ; puncture ; Tseredah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Zereda , Zeredathah . Palestine 06881 ## Tsor` ah {tsor-aw'} ; apparently another form for 06880 ; Tsorah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Zareah , Zorah , Zoreah . Palestine 06886 ## Tsar@phath {tsaq-ref-ath'} ; from 06884 ; refinement ; Tsarephath , a place in {Palestine} : -- Zarephath . Palestine 06890 ## Tsereth hash-Shachar {tseh'- reth hash-shakh'- ar} ; from the same as 06889 and 07837 with the article interposed ; splendor of the dawn ; Tsereth-hash-Shachar , a place in {Palestine} : -- Zareth-shahar . Palestine 06891 ## Tsar@than {tsaw-reth-awn'} ; perhaps for 06868 ; Tsarethan , a place in {Palestine} : -- Zarthan . Palestine 06909 ## Qabts@'el {kab-tseh-ale'} ; from 06908 and 00410 ; God has gathered ; Kabtseel , a place in {Palestine} : -- Kabzeel . Compare 03343 . Palestine 06911 ## Qibtsayim {kib-tsah'- yim} ; dual from 06908 ; a double heap ; Kibtsajim , a place in {Palestine} : - - Kibzaim . Palestine 06932 ## Q@demowth {ked-ay-mothe'} ; from 06923 ; beginnings ; Kedemoth , a place in eastern {Palestine} : -- Kedemoth . Palestine 06935 ## Qadmoniy {kad-mo-nee'} ; the same as 06931 ; ancient , i . e . aboriginal ; Kadmonite (collectively) , the name of a tribe in {Palestine} : -- Kadmonites . Palestine 06943 ## Qedesh {keh'- desh} ; from 06942 ; a sanctum ; Kedesh , the name of four places in {Palestine} : -- Kedesh . Palestine 07003 ## Qitrown {kit-rone'} ; from 06999 ; fumigative ; Kitron , a place in {Palestine} : -- Kitron . Palestine 07005 ## Qattath {kat-tawth'} ; from 06996 ; littleness ; Kattath , a place in {Palestine} : -- Kattath . Palestine 07014 ## Qayin {kah'- yin} ; the same as 07013 (with a play upon the affinity to 07069) ; Kajin , the name of the first child , also of a place in {Palestine} , and of an Oriental tribe : -- Cain , Kenite (- s) . Palestine 07016 ## Qiynah {kee-naw'} ; the same as 07015 ; Kinah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Kinah . Palestine 07028 ## Qiyshown {kee-shone'} ; from 06983 ; winding ; Kishon , a river of {Palestine} : -- Kishon , Kison . Palestine 07071 ## Qanah {kaw-naw'} ; feminine of 07070 ; reediness ; Kanah , the name of a stream and of a place in {Palestine} : -- Kanah . Palestine 07084 ## Q@` iylah {keh-ee-law'} ; perhaps from 07049 in the sense of inclosing ; citadel ; Keilah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Keilah . Palestine 07104 ## Q@tsiyts {kets-eets'} ; from 07112 ; abrupt ; Keziz , a valley in {Palestine} : -- Keziz . Palestine 07152 ## Q@riyowth {ker-ee-yoth'} ; plural of 07151 ; buildings ; Kerioth , the name of two places in {Palestine} : -- Kerioth , Kirioth . Palestine 07153 ## Qiryath` Arba` {keer-yath'ar-bah'} ; or (with the article interposed) Qiryath ha-'Arba` (Neh . 11 : 25) {keer-yath'haw-ar-bah'} ; from 07151 and 00704 or 00702 ; city of Arba , or city of the four (giants) ; Kirjath-Arba or Kirjath-ha-Arba , a place in {Palestine} : -- Kirjath-arba . Palestine 07154 ## Qiryath Ba` al {keer-yath'bah'- al} ; from 07151 and 01168 ; city of Baal ; Kirjath-Baal , a place in {Palestine} : -- Kirjath-baal . Palestine 07156 ## Qiryathayim {keer-yaw-thah'- yim} ; dual of 07151 ; double city ; Kirjathaim , the name of two placed in {Palestine} : -- Kiriathaim , Kirjathaim . Palestine 07157 ## Qiryath Y@` ariym {keer-yath'yeh-aw-reem'} ; or (Jer . 26 : 20) with the article interposed ; or (Josh . 18 : 28) simply the former part of the word ; or Qiryath` Ariym {keer-yath'aw-reem'} ; from 07151 and the plural of 03293 or 05892 ; city of forests , or city of towns ; Kirjath-Jearim or Kirjath-Arim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Kirjath , Kirjath-jearim , Kirjath-arim . Palestine 07158 ## Qiryath Cannah {keer-yath'san-naw'} ; or Qiryath Cepher {keer-yath'say-fer} ; from 07151 and a simpler feminine from the same as 05577 , or (for the latter name) 05612 ; city of branches , or of a book ; Kirjath- Sannah or Kirjath-Sepher , a place in {Palestine} : -- Kirjath-sannah , Kirjath-sepher . Palestine 07173 ## Qarqa` {kar-kah'} ; the same as 07172 ; ground-floor ; Karka (with the article prefix) , a place in {Palestine} : -- Karkaa . Palestine 07177 ## Qartah {kar-taw'} ; from 07176 ; city ; Kartah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Kartah . Palestine 07178 ## Qartan {kar-tawn'} ; from 07176 ; city-plot ; Kartan , a place in {Palestine} : -- Kartan . Palestine 07191 ## Qishyown {kish-yone'} ; from 07190 ; hard ground ; Kishjon , a place in {Palestine} : -- Kishion , Keshon . Palestine 07216 ## Ra'mowth {raw-moth'} ; or Ramoth {raw-moth'} ; plural of 07215 ; heights ; Ramoth , the name of two places in {Palestine} : -- Ramoth . Palestine 07237 ## Rabbah {rab-baw'} ; feminine of 07227 ; great ; Rabbah , the name of two places in {Palestine} , East and West : -- Rabbah , Rabbath . Palestine 07245 ## Rabbiyth {rab-beeth'} ; from 07231 ; multitude ; Rabbith , a place in {Palestine} : -- Rabbith . Palestine 07316 ## Ruwmah {roo-maw'} ; from 07311 ; height ; Rumah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Rumah . Palestine 07344 ## R@chobowth {rekh-o-both'} ; or R@choboth {rekh-o-both'} ; plural of 07339 ; streets ; Rechoboth , a place in Assyria and one in {Palestine} : -- Rehoboth . Palestine 07397 ## Rekah {ray-kaw'} ; probably feminine from 07401 ; softness ; Rekah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Rechah . Palestine 07403 ## Rakal {raw-kawl'} ; from 07402 ; merchant ; Rakal , a place in {Palestine} : -- Rachal . Palestine 07414 ## Ramah {raw-maw'} ; the same as 07413 ; Ramah , the name of four places in {Palestine} : -- Ramah . Palestine 07417 ## Rimmown {rim-mone'} ; or (shorter) Rimmon {rim-mone'} ; or Rimmownow (1 Chronicles 6 : 62 [ 00077 ]) {rim-mo-no'} ; the same as 07416 ; Rimmon , the name of a Syrian deity , also of five places in {Palestine} : -- Remmon , Rimmon . The addition "-methoar " (Josh . 19 : 13) is ham-m@tho'ar (ham-meth-o-awr') ; passive participle of 08388 with the article ; the (one) marked off , i . e . which pertains ; mistaken for part of the name . Palestine 07418 ## Ramowth-Negeb {raw-moth-neh'- gheb} ; or Ramath Negeb {raw'- math neh'- gheb} ; from the plural or construct form of 07413 and 05045 ; heights (or height) of the South ; Ramoth-Negeb or Ramath-Negeb , a place in {Palestine} : -- south Ramoth , Ramath of the south . Palestine 07432 ## Remeth {reh'- meth} ; from 07411 ; height ; Remeth , a place in {Palestine} : -- Remeth . Palestine 07434 ## Ramath ham-Mits-peh {raw-math'ham-mits-peh'} ; from 07413 and 04707 with the article interpolated ; height of the watch-tower ; Ramath-ham-Mitspeh , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ramath-mizpeh . Palestine 07436 ## Ramathayim Tsow-phiym {raw-maw-thah'- yim tso-feem'} ; from the dual of 07413 and the plural of the active participle of 06822 ; double height of watchers ; Ramathajim-Tsophim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ramathaimzophim . Palestine 07437 ## Ramath Lechiy {raw'- math lekh'- ee} ; from 07413 and 03895 ; height of a jaw-bone ; Ramath- Lechi , a place in {Palestine} : -- Ramath-lehi . Palestine 07542 ## Raqqown {rak-kone'} ; from 07534 ; thinness ; Rakkon , a place in {Palestine} : -- Rakkon . Palestine 07552 ## Reqem {reh'- kem} ; from 07551 ; versi-color ; Rekem , the name of a place in {Palestine} , also of a Midianite and an Israelite : -- Rekem . Palestine 07557 ## Raqqath {rak-kath'} ; from 07556 in its original sense of diffusing ; a beach (as expanded shingle) ; Rakkath , a place in {Palestine} : -- Rakkath . Palestine 07652 ## sheba` {sheh'- bah} ; the same as 07651 ; seven ; Sheba , the name of a place in {Palestine} , and of two Israelites : -- Sheba . Palestine 07656 ## Shib` ah {shib-aw'} ; masculine of 07651 ; seven (- th) ; Shebah , a well in {Palestine} : -- Shebah . Palestine 07671 ## Sh@bariym {sheb-aw-reem'} ; plural of 07667 ; ruins ; Shebarim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Shebarim . Palestine 07708 ## Siddiym {sid-deem'} ; plural from the same as 07704 ; flats ; Siddim , a valley in {Palestine} : -- Siddim . Palestine 07740 ## Shaveh {shaw-vay'} ; from 07737 ; plain ; Shaveh , a place in {Palestine} : -- Shaveh . Palestine 07755 ## Sowkoh {so-ko'} ; or Sokoh {so-ko'} ; or Sowkow {so-ko'} ; from 07753 ; Sokoh or Soko , the name of two places in {Palestine} : -- Shocho , Shochoh , Sochoh , Soco , Socoh . Palestine 07777 ## Shuw` al {shoo-awl'} ; the same as 07776 ; Shual , the name of an Israelite and of a place in {Palestine} : -- Shual . Palestine 07796 ## Sowreq {so-rake'} ; the same as 08321 ; a vine ; Sorek , a valley in {Palestine} : -- Sorek . Palestine 07831 ## Shachatsowm {shakh-ats-ome'} ; from the same as 07830 ; proudly ; Shachatsom , a place in {Palestine} : -- Shahazimah [from the margin ] . Palestine 07884 ## Shiychowr Libnath {shee-khore'lib-nawth'} ; from the same as 07883 and 03835 ; darkish whiteness ; Shichor-Libnath , a stream of {Palestine} : -- Shihor-libnath . Palestine 07887 ## Shiyloh {shee-lo'} ; or Shiloh {shee-lo'} ; or Shiylow {shee-lo'} ; or Shilow {shee-lo'} ; from the same as 07886 ; Shiloh , a place in {Palestine} : -- Shiloh . Palestine 07906 ## Sekuw {say'- koo} ; from an unused root apparently meaning to surmount ; an observatory (with the article) ; Seku , a place in {Palestine} : -- Sechu . Palestine 07927 ## Sh@kem {shek-em'} ; the same as 07926 ; ridge ; Shekem , a place in {Palestine} : -- Shechem . Palestine 07942 ## Shikk@rown {shik-ker-one'} ; for 07943 ; drunkenness , Shikkeron , a place in {Palestine} : -- Shicron . Palestine 07978 ## Shilchiym {shil-kheem'} ; plural of 07973 ; javelins or sprouts ; Shilchim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Shilhim . Palestine 08031 ## Shalishah {shaw-lee-shaw'} ; feminine from 08027 ; trebled land ; Shalishah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Shalisha . Palestine 08069 ## Shamiyr {shaw-meer'} ; the same as 08068 ; Shamir , the name of two places in {Palestine} : -- Shamir . Compare 08053 . Palestine 08087 ## Shema` {sheh'- mah} ; for the same as 08088 ; Shema , the name of a place in {Palestine} and of four Israelites : -- Shema . Palestine 08090 ## Sh@ma` {shem-aw'} ; for 08087 ; Shema , a place in {Palestine} : -- Shema . Palestine 08110 ## Shimrown {shim-rone'} ; from 08105 in its original sense ; guardianship ; Shimron , the name of an Israelite and of a place in {Palestine} : -- Shimron . Palestine 08111 ## Shom@rown {sho-mer-one'} ; from the active participle of 08104 ; watch-station ; Shomeron , a place in {Palestine} : -- Samaria . Palestine 08112 ## Shimrown M@ro'wn {shim-rone'mer-one'} ; from 08110 and a derivative of 04754 ; guard of lashing ; Shimron-Meron , a place in {Palestine} : -- Shimon-meron . Palestine 08115 ## Shomrayin (Aramaic) {shom-rah'- yin} ; corresponding to 08111 ; Shomrain , a place in {Palestine} : -- Samaria . Palestine 08129 ## Shen {shane} ; the same as 08127 ; crag ; Shen , a place in {Palestine} : -- Shen . Palestine 08165 ## Se` iyr {say-eer'} ; formed like 08163 ; rough ; Seir , a mountain of Idumaea and its aboriginal occupants , also one in {Palestine} : -- Seir . Palestine 08167 ## S@` iyrah {seh-ee-raw'} ; formed as 08166 ; roughness ; Seirah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Seirath . Palestine 08169 ## Sha` albiym {shah-al-beem'} ; or Sha` alabbiyn {shah-al-ab-been'} ; plural from 07776 ; fox-holes ; Shaalbim or Shaalabbin , a place in {Palestine} : -- Shaalabbin , Shaalbim . Palestine 08171 ## Sha` aliym {shah-al-eem'} ; plural of 07776 ; foxes ; Shaalim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Shalim . Palestine 08189 ## Sha` arayim {shah-ar-ah'- yim} ; dual of 08179 ; double gates ; Shaarajim , a place in {Palestine} : -- Shaaraim . Palestine 08208 ## Shaphiyr {shaf-eer'} ; from 08231 ; beautiful ; Shaphir , a place in {Palestine} : -- Saphir . Palestine 08219 ## sh@phelah {shef-ay-law'} ; from 08213 ; Lowland , i . e . (with the article) the maritime slope of {Palestine} : -- low country , (low) plain , vale (- ley) . Palestine 08221 ## Sh@pham {shef-awm'} ; probably from 08192 ; bare spot ; Shepham , a place in or near {Palestine} : -- Shepham . Palestine 08224 ## Siphmowth {sif-moth'} ; feminine plural of 0822l ; Siphmoth , a place in {Palestine} : -- Siphmoth . Palestine 08287 ## Sharuwchen {shaw-roo-khen'} ; probably from 08281 (in the sense of dwelling [compare 08271 ] and 02580 ; abode of pleasure ; Sharuchen , a place in {Palestine} : -- Sharuhen . Palestine 08289 ## Sharown {shaw-rone'} ; probably abridged from 03474 ; plain , Sharon , the name of a place in {Palestine} : -- Lasharon , Sharon . Palestine 08301 ## Sariyd {suw-reed'} ; the same as 08300 ; Sarid , a place in {Palestine} : -- Sarid . Palestine 08387 ## Ta'anath Shiloh {tah-an-ath'shee-lo'} ; from 08385 and 07887 ; approach of Shiloh ; Taanath- Shiloh , a place in {Palestine} : -- Taanath-shiloh . Palestine 08396 ## Tabowr {taw-bore'} ; from a root corresponding to 08406 ; broken region ; Tabor , a mountain in {Palestine} , also a city adjacent : -- Tabor . Palestine 08398 ## tebel {tay-bale'} ; from 02986 ; the earth (as moist and therefore inhabited) ; by extension , the globe ; by implication , its inhabitants ; specifically , a partic . land , as Babylonia , {Palestine} : -- habitable part , world . Palestine 08405 ## Tebets {tay-bates'} ; from the same as 00948 ; whiteness ; Tebets , a place in {Palestine} : -- Thebez . Palestine 08412 ## Tadmor {tad-more'} ; or Tammor (1 Kings 9 : 18) {tam-more'} ; apparently from 08558 ; palm- city ; Tadmor , a place near {Palestine} : -- Tadmor . Palestine 08434 ## Towlad {to-lawd'} ; from 03205 ; posterity ; Tolad , a place in {Palestine} : -- Tolad . Compare 00513 . Palestine 08483 ## Tachtiym Chodshiy {takh-teem'khod-shee'} ; apparently from the plural masculine of 08482 or 08478 and 02320 ; lower (ones) monthly ; Tachtim-Chodshi , a place in {Palestine} : -- Tahtim-hodshi . Palestine 08507 ## Token {to'- ken} ; the same as 08506 ; Token , a place in {Palestine} : -- Tochen . Palestine 08553 ## Timnah {tim-naw'} ; from 04487 ; a portion assigned ; Timnah , the name of two places in {Palestine} : -- Timnah , Timnath , Thimnathah . Palestine 08556 ## Timnath Cherec {tim-nath kheh'- res} ; or Timnath Cerach {tim-nath seh'- rakh} ; from 08553 and 02775 ; portion of (the) sun ; Timnath-Cheres , a place in {Palestine} : -- Timnath-heres , Timnath-serah . Palestine 08590 ## Ta` anak {tah-an-awk'} ; or Ta` nak {tah-nawk'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Taanak or Tanak , a place in {Palestine} : -- Taanach , Tanach . Palestine 08599 ## Tappuwach {tap-poo'- akh} ; the same as 08598 ; Tappuach , the name of two places in {Palestine} , also of an Israelite : -- Tappuah . Palestine 08620 ## T@qowa` {tek-o'- ah} ; a form of 08619 ; Tekoa , a place in {Palestine} : -- Tekoa , Tekoah . Palestine 08634 ## Tar'alah {tar-al-aw'} ; probably for 08653 ; a reeling ; Taralah , a place in {Palestine} : -- Taralah . Palestine 08656 ## Tirtsah {teer-tsaw'} ; from 07521 ; delightsomeness ; Tirtsah , a place in {Palestine} ; also an Israelitess : -- Tirzah . Palestine 0108 - Azotos {ad'-zo-tos}; of Hebrew origin [0795]; Azotus (i.e. Ashdod), a place in {Palestine}: -- Azotus. Palestine 0137 - Ainon {ahee-nohn'}; of Hebrew origin [a derivative of 5869, place of springs]; Aenon, a place in {Palestine}: -- Aenon. Palestine 0494 - Antipatris {an-tip-at-rece'}; from the same as 0493; Antipatris, a place in {Palestine}: -- Antipatris. Palestine 0707 - Arimathaia {ar-ee-math-ah'-ee-ah}; of Hebrew origin [7414]; Arimathaea (or Ramah), a place in {Palestine}: -- Arimathaea. Palestine 0963 - Bethania {bay-than-ee'-ah}; of Aramaic origin; date-house; Beth-any, a place in {Palestine}: -- Bethany. Palestine 0965 - Bethleem {bayth-leh-em'}; of Hebrew origin [1036]; Bethleem (i.e. Beth-lechem), a place in {Palestine}: -- Bethlehem. Palestine 0966 - Bethsaida {bayth-sahee-dah'}; of Aramaic origin [compare 1004 and 6719]; fishing-house; Bethsaida, a place in {Palestine}: -- Bethsaida. Palestine 0967 - Bethphage {bayth-fag-ay'}; of Aramaic origin [compare 1004 and 6291]; fig-house; Beth-phage, a place in {Palestine}: -- Bethphage. Palestine 1048 - Gaza {gad'-zah}; of Hebrew origin [5804]; Gazah (i.e. Azzah), a place in {Palestine}: -- Gaza. Palestine 1056 - Galilaia {gal-il-ah'-yah}; of Hebrew origin [1551]; Galiloea (i.e. the heathen circle), a region of {Palestine}: -- Galilee. Palestine 1082 - Gennesaret {ghen-nay-sar-et'}; of Hebrew origin [compare 3672]; Gennesaret (i.e. Kinnereth), a lake and plain in {Palestine}: -- Gennesaret. Palestine 1086 - Gergesenos {gher-ghes-ay-nos'}; of Hebrew origin [1622]; a Gergesene (i.e. Girgashite) or one of the aborigines of {Palestine}: -- Gergesene. Palestine 1148 - Dalmanoutha {dal-man-oo-thah'}; probably of Aramaic origin; Dalmanutha, a place in {Palestine}: -- Dalmanutha. Palestine 1695 - Emmaous {em-mah-ooce'}; probably of Hebrew origin [compare 3222]; Emmaus, a place in {Palestine}: -- Emmaus. Palestine 2187 - Ephraim {ef-rah-im'}; of Hebrew origin [0669 or better 6085]; Ephraim, a place in {Palestine}: -- Ephraim. Palestine 2194 - Zaboulon {dzab-oo-lone'}; of Hebrew origin [2074]; Zabulon (i.e. Zebulon), a region of {Palestine}: -- Zabulon. Palestine 2401 - Idoumaia {id-oo-mah'-yah}; of Hebrew origin [0123]; Idumaea (i.e. Edom), a region East (and South) of {Palestine}: -- Idumaea. Palestine 2410 - Hiericho {hee-er-ee-kho'}; of Hebrew origin [3405]; Jericho, a place in {Palestine}: -- Jericho. Palestine 2414 - Hierosoluma {hee-er-os-ol'-oo-mah}; of Hebrew origin [3389]; Hierosolyma (i.e. Jerushalaim}, the capitol of {Palestine}: -- Jerusalem. Compare 2419. Palestine 2419 - Hierousalem {hee-er-oo-sal-ame'}; of Hebrew origin [3389]; Hierusalem (i.e. Jerushalem), the capitol of {Palestine}: -- Jerusalem. Compare 2414. Palestine 2445 - Ioppe {ee-op'-pay}; of Hebrew origin [3305]; Joppe (i.e. Japho), a place in {Palestine}: -- Joppa. Palestine 2446 - Iordanes {ee-or-dan'-ace}; of Hebrew origin [3383]; the Jordanes (i.e. Jarden), a river of {Palestine}: -- Jordan. Palestine 2448 - Iouda {ee-oo-dah'}; of Hebrew origin [3063 or perhaps 3194]; Judah (i.e. Jehudah or Juttah), a part of (or place in) {Palestine}: -- Judah. Palestine 2449 - Ioudaia {ee-oo-dah'-yah}; feminine of 2453 (with 1093 implied); the Judaean land (i.e. Judaea), a region of {Palestine}: -- Judaea. Palestine 2484 - Itouraia {ee-too-rah'-yah}; of Hebrew origin [3195]; Ituraea (i.e. Jetur), a region of {Palestine}: -- Ituraea. Palestine 2542 - Kaisereia {kahee-sar'-i-a}; from 2541; Caesaria, the name of two places in {Palestine}: -- Caesarea. Palestine 2580 - Kana {kan-ah'}; of Hebrew origin [compare 7071]; Cana, a place in {Palestine}: -- Cana. Palestine 2584 - Kapernaoum {cap-er-nah-oom'}; of Hebrew origin [probably 3723 and 5151]; Capernaum (i.e. Caphanachum), a place in {Palestine}: -- Capernaum. Palestine 3069 - Ludda {lud'-dah}; of Hebrew origin [3850]; Lydda (i.e. Lod), a place in {Palestine}: -- Lydda. Palestine 3093 - Magdala {mag-dal-ah'}; of Aramaic origin [compare 4026]; the tower; Magdala (i.e. Migdala), a place in {Palestine}: -- Magdala. Palestine 3478 - Nazareth {nad-zar-eth'}; or Nazaret {nad-zar-et'}; of uncertain derivation; Nazareth or Nazaret, a place in {Palestine}: -- Nazareth. Palestine 3484 - Nain {nah-in'}; probably of Hebrew origin [compare 4999]; Nain, a place in {Palestine}: -- Nain. Palestine 3508 - Nephthaleim {nef-thal-ime'}; of Hebrew origin [5321]; Nephthaleim (i.e. Naphthali), a tribe in {Palestine}: -- Nephthalim. Palestine 4424 - Ptolemais {ptol-em-ah-is'}; from Ptolemaios (Ptolemy, after whom it was named); Ptolemais, a place in {Palestine}: -- Ptolemais. Palestine 4471 - Rhama {hram-ah'}; of Hebrew origin [7414]; Rama (i.e. Ramah), a place in {Palestine}: -- Rama. Palestine 4530 - Saleim {sal-ime'}; probably from the same as 4531; Salim, a place in {Palestine}: -- Salim. Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions. 2897 + with surfeiting +/ . kraipale {krahee-pal'-ay}; probably from the same as 0726 + take + away + caught + pulling + and take + catcheth + to pluck + man pluck + was caught + it by force + and to take + him by force + an one caught + shall be caught + one and catcheth + How that he was caught +/ ; properly, a headache (as a seizure of pain) from drunkenness, i .e . (by implication) a debauch (by analogy, a glut): --surfeiting . 3823 + For we wrestle +/ . pale {pal'-ay}; from pallo (to vibrate; another form for 0906 + put + Put + laid + cast + lying + lieth + thrust + we put + to put + was put + to cast + and put + casteth + to send + casting + putteth + is cast + and cast + And cast + but cast + did cast + was cast + was laid + They cast + hath cast + were cast + be thrown + and threw + to be cast + do men put + for to put + I will put + and thrust + did strike + shall cast + should cast + must be put + men casting + not to send + he was cast + and to cast + I will cast + to have put + but men cast + it hath cast + but they put + and did cast + did they cast + and she threw + them and cast + they did cast + that was cast + them was cast + and have cast + And they cast + but to be cast + And shall cast + should be cast + unto them Cast + that he poureth + it out and cast + and be thou cast + and thou be cast + that he was cast + and he were cast + after there arose + and they were cast + upon them they cast + they which have cast + not in me he is cast + For in that she hath poured +/ ); wrestling: --+ wrestle . 4717 + Crucify + crucified + to crucify + and crucify + him crucify + is crucified + ye crucified + was crucified + have crucified + and to crucify + they crucified + to be crucified + with him crucify + and be crucified + he was crucified + ye have crucified + and him crucified + they had crucified + ye him and crucify + and they crucified + him out to crucify + and have crucified + And they crucified + him to be crucified + him to be crucified + Let him be crucified + unto them Shall I crucify + And with him they crucify + unto them to be crucified + that he might be crucified + And when they had crucified + unto him Let him be crucified + it they would not have crucified +/ . stauroo {stow-ro'-o}; from 4716 + his cross + the cross + up his cross + by the cross + of his cross + of the cross + in the cross + up the cross + for the cross + not his cross + from the cross + upon the cross + it to his cross +/ ; to impale on the cross; figuratively, to extinguish (subdue) passion or selfishness: --crucify . 4957 + is crucified + was crucified + were crucified + I am crucified + And they that were crucified +/ . sustauroo {soos-tow-ro'-o}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and 4717 + Crucify + crucified + to crucify + and crucify + him crucify + is crucified + ye crucified + was crucified + have crucified + and to crucify + they crucified + to be crucified + with him crucify + and be crucified + he was crucified + ye have crucified + and him crucified + they had crucified + ye him and crucify + and they crucified + him out to crucify + and have crucified + And they crucified + him to be crucified + him to be crucified + Let him be crucified + unto them Shall I crucify + And with him they crucify + unto them to be crucified + that he might be crucified + And when they had crucified + unto him Let him be crucified + it they would not have crucified +/ ; to impale in company with (literally or figuratively): --crucify with . 5515 + green + a pale + upon the green +/ . chloros {khlo-ros'}; from the same as 5514 + by them which are of the house of Chloe +/ ; greenish, i .e . verdant, dun-colored: --green, pale . Root Words and their word stems. This helps you see all related words in the English. English Theasurus that shows all the ways the English word is translated from the original Greek and Hebrew. Bethpalet 1046 -- Beyth Pelet -- {Beth-palet}. Elpalet 0467 -- /Eliyphelet -- Eliphalet, Eliphelet, {Elpalet}. pale 2357 -- chavar -- wax {pale}. pale 5515 ** chloros ** green, {pale}. Palestina 6429 -- P@lesheth -- {Palestina}, Palestine, Philistia, Philistines. Palestine 5960 -- \Almown -- Almon, a place in {Palestine} Palestine 6429 -- P@lesheth -- Palestina, {Palestine}, Philistia, Philistines. Greek Cross References that shows all the ways the Greek is translated from the English word. pale 3823 pale * wrestle , {3823 {pale} } , pale 3823 {pale} * wrestle , {3823 pale } , pale 5515 chloros * {pale} , {5515 chloros } , English to Hebrew and Greek Thesaurus The - is marking the Old Testament words. The * is marking the New Testament Words. English list of words is 15,684 * Hebrew Numbers refered to 8,674 * Greek Numbers refered to 5,624 * Unique English words in N.T. 5,437 * Unique English words in O.T. 10,254 - pale , 2357 , * pale , 5515 , English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number. pale - 5515 green, {pale}, One Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible. Bethpalet 06_JOS_15_27 # And Hazargaddah, and Heshmon, and Bethpalet, Elpalet 13_1CH_14_05 # And Ibhar, and Elishua, and Elpalet, pale 23_ISA_29_22 # Therefore thus saith the LORD, who redeemed Abraham, concerning the house of Jacob, Jacob shall not now be ashamed, neither shall his face now wax pale. pale 66_REV_06_08 # And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. paleness 24_JER_30_06 # Ask ye now, and see whether a man doth travail with child? wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins, as a woman in travail, and all faces are turned into paleness? Palestina 02_EXO_15_14 # The people shall hear, [and] be afraid: sorrow shall take hold on the inhabitants of Palestina. Palestina 23_ISA_14_29 # Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit [shall be] a fiery flying serpent. Palestina 23_ISA_14_31 # Howl, O gate; cry, O city; thou, whole Palestina, [art] dissolved: for there shall come from the north a smoke, and none [shall be] alone in his appointed times. Palestine 29_JOE_03_04 # Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompense? and if ye recompense me, swiftly [and] speedily will I return your recompense upon your own head; Two Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible. Bethpalet 06_JOS_15_27 # And Hazargaddah, and Heshmon, and Bethpalet, Elpalet 13_1CH_14_05 # And Ibhar, and Elishua, and Elpalet, pale horse 66_REV_06_08 # And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. pale 23_ISA_29_22 # Therefore thus saith the LORD, who redeemed Abraham, concerning the house of Jacob, Jacob shall not now be ashamed, neither shall his face now wax pale. paleness 24_JER_30_06 # Ask ye now, and see whether a man doth travail with child? wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins, as a woman in travail, and all faces are turned into paleness? Palestina art 23_ISA_14_31 # Howl, O gate; cry, O city; thou, whole Palestina, [art] dissolved: for there shall come from the north a smoke, and none [shall be] alone in his appointed times. Palestina because 23_ISA_14_29 # Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit [shall be] a fiery flying serpent. Palestina 02_EXO_15_14 # The people shall hear, [and] be afraid: sorrow shall take hold on the inhabitants of Palestina. Palestine will 29_JOE_03_04 # Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompense? and if ye recompense me, swiftly [and] speedily will I return your recompense upon your own head; Three Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible. Bethpalet 06_JOS_15_27 # And Hazargaddah, and Heshmon, and Bethpalet, Elpalet 13_1CH_14_05 # And Ibhar, and Elishua, and Elpalet, pale horse and 66_REV_06_08 # And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. pale 23_ISA_29_22 # Therefore thus saith the LORD, who redeemed Abraham, concerning the house of Jacob, Jacob shall not now be ashamed, neither shall his face now wax pale. paleness 24_JER_30_06 # Ask ye now, and see whether a man doth travail with child? wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins, as a woman in travail, and all faces are turned into paleness? Palestina art dissolved 23_ISA_14_31 # Howl, O gate; cry, O city; thou, whole Palestina, [art] dissolved: for there shall come from the north a smoke, and none [shall be] alone in his appointed times. Palestina because the 23_ISA_14_29 # Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit [shall be] a fiery flying serpent. Palestina 02_EXO_15_14 # The people shall hear, [and] be afraid: sorrow shall take hold on the inhabitants of Palestina. Palestine will ye 29_JOE_03_04 # Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompense? and if ye recompense me, swiftly [and] speedily will I return your recompense upon your own head; Four Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible. Bethpalet 06_JOS_15_27 # And Hazargaddah, and Heshmon, and Bethpalet, Elpalet 13_1CH_14_05 # And Ibhar, and Elishua, and Elpalet, pale horse and his 66_REV_06_08 # And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. pale 23_ISA_29_22 # Therefore thus saith the LORD, who redeemed Abraham, concerning the house of Jacob, Jacob shall not now be ashamed, neither shall his face now wax pale. paleness 24_JER_30_06 # Ask ye now, and see whether a man doth travail with child? wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins, as a woman in travail, and all faces are turned into paleness? Palestina art dissolved for 23_ISA_14_31 # Howl, O gate; cry, O city; thou, whole Palestina, [art] dissolved: for there shall come from the north a smoke, and none [shall be] alone in his appointed times. Palestina because the rod 23_ISA_14_29 # Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit [shall be] a fiery flying serpent. Palestina 02_EXO_15_14 # The people shall hear, [and] be afraid: sorrow shall take hold on the inhabitants of Palestina. Palestine will ye render 29_JOE_03_04 # Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompense? and if ye recompense me, swiftly [and] speedily will I return your recompense upon your own head; Five Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible. Bethpalet 06_JOS_15_27 # And Hazargaddah, and Heshmon, and Bethpalet, Elpalet 13_1CH_14_05 # And Ibhar, and Elishua, and Elpalet, pale horse and his name 66_REV_06_08 # And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. pale 23_ISA_29_22 # Therefore thus saith the LORD, who redeemed Abraham, concerning the house of Jacob, Jacob shall not now be ashamed, neither shall his face now wax pale. paleness 24_JER_30_06 # Ask ye now, and see whether a man doth travail with child? wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins, as a woman in travail, and all faces are turned into paleness? Palestina art dissolved for there 23_ISA_14_31 # Howl, O gate; cry, O city; thou, whole Palestina, [art] dissolved: for there shall come from the north a smoke, and none [shall be] alone in his appointed times. Palestina because the rod of 23_ISA_14_29 # Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit [shall be] a fiery flying serpent. Palestina 02_EXO_15_14 # The people shall hear, [and] be afraid: sorrow shall take hold on the inhabitants of Palestina. Palestine will ye render me 29_JOE_03_04 # Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompense? and if ye recompense me, swiftly [and] speedily will I return your recompense upon your own head; Six Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible. Bethpalet 06_JOS_15_27 # And Hazargaddah, and Heshmon, and Bethpalet, Elpalet 13_1CH_14_05 # And Ibhar, and Elishua, and Elpalet, pale horse and his name that 66_REV_06_08 # And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. pale 23_ISA_29_22 # Therefore thus saith the LORD, who redeemed Abraham, concerning the house of Jacob, Jacob shall not now be ashamed, neither shall his face now wax pale. paleness 24_JER_30_06 # Ask ye now, and see whether a man doth travail with child? wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins, as a woman in travail, and all faces are turned into paleness? Palestina art dissolved for there shall 23_ISA_14_31 # Howl, O gate; cry, O city; thou, whole Palestina, [art] dissolved: for there shall come from the north a smoke, and none [shall be] alone in his appointed times. Palestina because the rod of him 23_ISA_14_29 # Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit [shall be] a fiery flying serpent. Palestina 02_EXO_15_14 # The people shall hear, [and] be afraid: sorrow shall take hold on the inhabitants of Palestina. Palestine will ye render me a 29_JOE_03_04 # Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompense? and if ye recompense me, swiftly [and] speedily will I return your recompense upon your own head; Seven Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible. Bethpalet 06_JOS_15_27 # And Hazargaddah, and Heshmon, and Bethpalet, Elpalet 13_1CH_14_05 # And Ibhar, and Elishua, and Elpalet, pale horse and his name that sat 66_REV_06_08 # And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. pale 23_ISA_29_22 # Therefore thus saith the LORD, who redeemed Abraham, concerning the house of Jacob, Jacob shall not now be ashamed, neither shall his face now wax pale. paleness 24_JER_30_06 # Ask ye now, and see whether a man doth travail with child? wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins, as a woman in travail, and all faces are turned into paleness? Palestina art dissolved for there shall come 23_ISA_14_31 # Howl, O gate; cry, O city; thou, whole Palestina, [art] dissolved: for there shall come from the north a smoke, and none [shall be] alone in his appointed times. Palestina because the rod of him that 23_ISA_14_29 # Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit [shall be] a fiery flying serpent. Palestina 02_EXO_15_14 # The people shall hear, [and] be afraid: sorrow shall take hold on the inhabitants of Palestina. Palestine will ye render me a recompense 29_JOE_03_04 # Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompense? and if ye recompense me, swiftly [and] speedily will I return your recompense upon your own head; eBibleSoftware Engineering Web Suite of Bible Study Tools Return to the eBibleSoftware Home Web Site English Concordance to the KJV Bible. bethpalet , 06_JOS_15_27, elpalet , 13_1CH_14_05 , pale , 23_ISA_29_22, pale , 66_REV_06_08 , paleness , 24_JER_30_06 , palestina , 02_EXO_15_14, palestina , 23_ISA_14_29 , 23_ISA_14_31, palestine , 29_JOE_03_04 , Please browse and find lots of Bible Media studies prepared for you. eBibleProductions.com Bible Phrases for Individual word studies pale horse 66_REV_06_08 Bible Quick Find Phrase Concordance for fast finding of phrases Bethpalet ^ 06_JOS_15_27 / Bethpalet /^ Elpalet ^ 13_1CH_14_05 / Elpalet /^ pale ^ 23_ISA_29_22 / pale /^ pale ^ 66_REV_06_08 / pale /^horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. paleness ^ 24_JER_30_06 / paleness /^ Palestina ^ 02_EXO_15_14 / Palestina /^ Palestina ^ 23_ISA_14_31 / Palestina /^art] dissolved: for there shall come from the north a smoke, and none [shall be] alone in his appointed times. Palestina ^ 23_ISA_14_29 / Palestina /^because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit [shall be] a fiery flying serpent. Palestine ^ 29_JOE_03_04 / Palestine /^will ye render me a recompense? and if ye recompense me, swiftly [and] speedily will I return your recompense upon your own head; Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies -kraipale- ......... with surfeiting 2897 -kraipale- > -pale- ......... For we wrestle 3823 -pale- > pale ......... a pale 5515 -chloros-> Bible Word Index with the full text of each verse Bethpalet 06_JOS_15_27 And Hazargaddah, and Heshmon, and {Bethpalet}, Elpalet 13_1CH_14_05 And Ibhar, and Elishua, and {Elpalet}, Palestina 09_1SA_14_29 Rejoice not thou, whole {Palestina}, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit [shall be] a fiery flying serpent. Palestina 02_EXO_15_14 The people shall hear, [and] be afraid: sorrow shall take hold on the inhabitants of {Palestina}. Palestina 09_1SA_14_31 Howl, O gate; cry, O city; thou, whole {Palestina}, [art] dissolved: for there shall come from the north a smoke, and none [shall be] alone in his appointed times. Palestine 29_JOE_03_04 Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of {Palestine}? will ye render me a recompense? and if ye recompense me, swiftly [and] speedily will I return your recompense upon your own head; pale 09_1SA_29_22 Therefore thus saith the LORD, who redeemed Abraham, concerning the house of Jacob, Jacob shall not now be ashamed, neither shall his face now wax {pale}. pale 66_REV_06_08 And I looked, and behold a {pale} horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. paleness 24_JER_30_06 Ask ye now, and see whether a man doth travail with child? wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins, as a woman in travail, and all faces are turned into {paleness}? Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse pale ^ 66_REV_06_08 And <2532> I looked <1492> (5627), and <2532> behold <2400> (5628) a {pale} <5515> horse <2462>: and <2532> his <0846> name <3686> that sat <2521> (5740) on <1883> him <0846> was Death <2288>, and <2532> Hell <0086> followed <0190> (5719) with <3326> him <0846>. And <2532> power <1849> was given <1325> (5681) unto them <0846> over <1909> the fourth part <5067> of the earth <1093>, to kill <0615> (5658) with <1722> sword <4501>, and <2532> with <1722> hunger <3042>, and <2532> with <1722> death <2288>, and <2532> with <5259> the beasts <2342> of the earth <1093>. eBibleSoftware Engineering Web Suite of Bible Study Tools Return to the eBibleSoftware Home Web Site Bible Word Index with Strong's Number Language Tranliteration of original language words -kraipale 42_LUK_21_34 And take heed 4337 -prosecho - to yourselves 1438 -heautou - , lest 3379 -mepote - at 3379 -mepote - any 3379 -mepote - time 3379 -mepote - your 5216 -humon - hearts 2588 -kardia - be overcharged 0925 - baruno - with surfeiting 2897 {-kraipale} - , and drunkenness 3178 -methe - , and cares 3308 -merimna - of this life 0982 -biotikos - , and [ so ] that day 2250 -hemera - come 2186 -ephistemi - upon you unawares 0160 -aiphnidios - . -pale 49_EPH_06_12 For we wrestle (3823 {-pale} -) not against (4314 -pros -) flesh (4561 -sarx -) and blood (0129 - haima -) , but against (4314 -pros -) principalities (0746 -arche -) , against (4314 -pros -) powers (1849 -exousia -) , against (4314 -pros -) the rulers (2888 -kosmokrator -) of the darkness (4655 -skotos -) of this (5127 -toutou -) world (0165 -aion -) , against (4314 -pros -) spiritual (4152 -pneumatikos -) wickedness (4189 -poneria -) in high (2032 - epouranios -) [ places ] . Bethpalet 06_JOS_15_27 And Hazargaddah (02693 +Chatsar Gaddah ) , and Heshmon (02829 +Cheshmown ) , and {Bethpalet} (01046 +Beyth Pelet ) , Elpalet 13_1CH_14_05 And Ibhar (02984 +Yibchar ) , and Elishua (00474 +)Eliyshuwa( ) , and {Elpalet} (00467 +) Eliyphelet ) , Palestina 02_EXO_15_14 The people (05971 +(am ) shall hear (08085 +shama( ) , [ and ] be afraid (07264 +ragaz ):sorrow (02427 +chiyl ) shall take (00270 +)achaz ) hold (00270 +)achaz ) on the inhabitants (03427 +yashab ) of {Palestina} (06429 +P@lesheth ) . Palestina 23_ISA_14_29 Rejoice (08055 +samach ) not thou , whole (03605 +kol ) {Palestina} (06429 +P@lesheth ) , because (03588 +kiy ) the rod (07626 +shebet ) of him that smote (05221 +nakah ) thee is broken (07665 +shabar ):for out of the serpent s (05175 +nachash ) root (08328 +sheresh ) shall come (03318 +yatsa) ) forth (03318 +yatsa) ) a cockatrice (06848 +tsepha( ) , and his fruit (06529 +p@riy ) [ shall be ] a fiery (08314 +saraph ) flying (05774 +(uwph ) serpent (08314 +saraph ) . Palestina 23_ISA_14_31 Howl (03213 +yalal ) , O gate (08179 +sha(ar ) ; cry (02199 +za(aq ) , O city (05892 +(iyr ) ; thou , whole (03605 +kol ) {Palestina} (06429 +P@lesheth ) , [ art ] dissolved (04127 +muwg ):for there shall come (00935 +bow) ) from the north (06828 +tsaphown ) a smoke (06227 +(ashan ) , and none (00369 +)ayin ) [ shall be ] alone (00909 +badad ) in his appointed (04151 +mow(ad ) times (04151 +mow(ad ) . Palestine 29_JOE_03_04 Yea (01571 +gam ) , and what (04100 +mah ) have ye to do with me , O Tyre (06865 +Tsor ) , and Zidon (06721 +Tsiydown ) , and all (03605 +kol ) the coasts (01552 +g@liylah ) of {Palestine} (06429 +P@lesheth ) ? will ye render (07999 +shalam ) me a recompence (01576 +g@muwl ) ? and if (00518 +)im ) ye recompense (01580 +gamal ) me , swiftly (07031 + qal ) [ and ] speedily (04120 +m@herah ) will I return (07725 +shuwb ) your recompence (01576 +g@muwl ) upon your own head (07218 +ro)sh ) ; pale 23_ISA_29_22 Therefore (03651 +ken ) thus (03541 +koh ) saith (00559 +)amar ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , who (00834 +)aher ) redeemed (06299 +padah ) Abraham (85) , concerning (00413 +)el ) the house (01004 +bayith ) of Jacob (03290 +Ya(aqob ) , Jacob (03290 +Ya(aqob ) shall not now (06258 +(attah ) be ashamed (00954 +buwsh ) , neither (03808 +lo) ) shall his face (06440 +paniym ) now (06258 +(attah ) wax {pale} (02357 +chavar ) . pale 66_REV_06_08 And I looked (1492 -eido -) , and behold (2400 -idou -) a {pale} (5515 -chloros -) horse (2462 - hippos -):and his name (3686 -onoma -) that sat (2521 -kathemai -) on (1883 -epano -) him was Death (2288 -thanatos - ) , and Hell (0086 -haides -) followed (0190 -akoloutheo -) with him . And power (1849 -exousia -) was given (1325 - didomi -) unto them over (1909 -epi -) the fourth (5067 -tetartos -) part of the earth (1093 -ge -) , to kill (0615 - apokteino -) with sword (4501 -rhomphaia -) , and with hunger (3042 -limos -) , and with death (2288 -thanatos -) , and with the beasts (2342 -therion -) of the earth (1093 -ge -) . paleness 24_JER_30_06 Ask (07592 +sha)al ) ye now (04994 +na) ) , and see (07200 +ra)ah ) whether (00518 +)im ) a man (02145 +zakar ) doth travail (03205 +yalad ) with child (03205 +yalad ) ? wherefore (04069 +madduwa( ) do I see (07200 +ra)ah ) every (03605 +kol ) man (01397 +geber ) with his hands (03027 +yad ) on (05921 +(al ) his loins (02504 +chalats ) , as a woman in travail (03205 +yalad ) , and all (03605 +kol ) faces (06440 +paniym ) are turned (02015 +haphak ) into {paleness} (03420 +yeraqown ) ? Please browse and find lots of Bible studies prepared for you. 60 plus Media Bible Products eBibleProductions.com