offend 073 015 Psa /^{offend /against the
generation of thy children .

offend 003 002 Jam /${offend /all . If any man
offend not in word , the same is a perfect man , and able also
to bridle the whole body .

offend 004 015 Hos /^{offend /and come not ye
unto Gilgal , neither go ye up to Bethaven , nor swear , The
LORD liveth .

offend 013 041 Mat /${offend /and them which do
iniquity ;

offend 034 031 Job /^{offend /any more:

offend 002 003 Jer /^{offend /evil shall come
upon them, saith the LORD .

offend 008 013 ICo /${offend /I will eat no
flesh while the world standeth , lest I make my brother to
offend .

offend 001 011 Hab /^{offend /imputing this his
power unto his god .

offend 002 010 Jam /${offend /in one point, he
is guilty of all .

offend 003 002 Jam /${offend /not in word , the
same is a perfect man , and able also to bridle the whole body .

offend 050 007 Jer /^{offend /not, because they
have sinned against the LORD , the habitation of justice , even
the LORD , the hope of their fathers .

offend 017 002 Luk /${offend /one of these
little ones .

offend 009 042 Mar /${offend /one of these
little ones that believe in me , it is better for him that a
millstone were hanged about his neck , and he were cast into the
sea .

offend 018 006 Mat /${offend /one of these
little ones which believe in me , it were better for him that a
millstone were hanged about his neck , and that he were drowned
in the depth of the sea .

offend 005 030 Mat /${offend /thee , cut it off
, and cast it from thee : for it is profitable for thee that one
of thy members should perish , and not that thy whole body
should be cast into hell .

offend 009 045 Mar /${offend /thee , cut it off
: it is better for thee to enter halt into life , than having
two feet to be cast into hell , into the fire that never shall
be quenched :

offend 009 043 Mar /${offend /thee , cut it off
: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed , than having
two hands to go into hell , into the fire that never shall be
quenched :

offend 018 008 Mat /${offend /thee , cut them
off , and cast them from thee : it is better for thee to enter
into life halt or maimed , rather than having two hands or two
feet to be cast into everlasting fire .

offend 005 029 Mat /${offend /thee , pluck it
out , and cast it from thee : for it is profitable for thee that
one of thy members should perish , and not that thy whole body
should be cast into hell .

offend 018 009 Mat /${offend /thee , pluck it
out , and cast it from thee : it is better for thee to enter
into life with one eye , rather than having two eyes to be cast
into hell fire .

offend 009 047 Mar /${offend /thee , pluck it
out : it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God
with one eye , than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire :

offend 017 027 Mat /${offend /them , go thou to
the sea , and cast an hook , and take up the fish that first
cometh up ; and when thou hast opened his mouth , thou shalt
find a piece of money : that take , and give unto them for me
and thee .

offend 119 016 Psa /^{offend /them.

offend 006 061 Joh /${offend /you ?

offended 015 012 Mat /${offended /after they
heard this saying ?

offended 028 013 IICh /^{offended /against the
LORD already, ye intend to add more to our sins and to our
trespass : for our trespass is great , and there is fierce wrath
against Israel .

offended 037 018 Jer /^{offended /against thee,
or against thy servants , or against this people , that ye have
put me in prison ?

offended 011 029 IICo /${offended /and I burn not ?

offended 025 012 Eze /^{offended /and revenged
himself upon them;

offended 024 010 Mat /${offended /and shall
betray one another , and shall hate one another .

offended 025 008 Act /${offended /any thing at
all .

offended 006 003 Mar /${offended /at him .

offended 026 031 Mat /${offended /because of me
this night : for it is written , I will smite the shepherd , and
the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad .

offended 014 027 Mar /${offended /because of me
this night : for it is written , I will smite the shepherd , and
the sheep shall be scattered .

offended 026 033 Mat /${offended /because of thee
, yet will I never be offended .

offended 013 001 Hos /^{offended /in Baal , he
died .

offended 013 057 Mat /${offended /in him . But
Jesus said unto them , A prophet is not without honour , save in
his own country , and in his own house .

offended 007 023 Luk /${offended /in me .

offended 011 006 Mat /${offended /in me .

offended 018 019 Pro /^{offended /is harder to be
won than a strong city : and their contentions are like the bars
of a castle .

offended 014 021 Rom /${offended /or is made weak

offended 018 014 IIKi /^{offended /return from me:
that which thou puttest on me will I bear . And the king of
Assyria appointed unto Hezekiah king of Judah three hundred
talents of silver and thirty talents of gold .

offended 020 009 Gen /^{offended /thee, that thou
hast brought on me and on my kingdom a great sin ? thou hast
done deeds unto me that ought not to be done .

offended 040 001 Gen /^{offended /their lord the
king of Egypt .

offended 014 029 Mar /${offended /yet will not I .

offender 029 021 Isa /^{offender /for a word ,
and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate , and turn
aside the just for a thing of nought .

offender 025 011 Act /${offender /or have
committed any thing worthy of death , I refuse not to die : but
if there be none of these things whereof these accuse me , no
man may deliver me unto them . I appeal unto Caesar .
