Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
offer ^ 60_1PE_02_05 Ye <0846> also <2532>, as <5613> lively <2198> (5723) stones <3037>, are built up <3618> (5743) a spiritual <4152> house <3624>, an holy <0040> priesthood <2406>, to {offer} up <0399> (5658) spiritual <4152> sacrifices <2378>, acceptable <2144> to God <2316> by <1223> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>.

offer ^ 58_HEB_07_27 Who <3739> needeth <2192> (5719) <0318> not <3756> daily <2596> <2250>, as <5618> those high priests <0749>, to {offer} up <0399> (5721) sacrifice <2378>, first <4386> for <5228> his own <2398> sins <0266>, and then <1899> for the people's <2992>: for <1063> this <5124> he did <4160> (5656) once <2178>, when he offered up <0399> (5660) himself <1438>.

offer ^ 58_HEB_05_03 And <2532> by reason <1223> hereof <5026> he ought <3784> (5719), as <2531> for <4012> the people <2992>, so <3779> also <2532> for <4012> himself <1438>, to {offer} <4374> (5721) for <5228> sins <0266>.

offer ^ 58_HEB_08_03 For <1063> every <3956> high priest <0749> is ordained <2525> (5743) to <1519> offer <4374> (5721) gifts <1435> and <5037> <2532> sacrifices <2378>: wherefore <3606> it is of necessity <0316> that this man <5126> have <2192> (5721) somewhat <5100> also <2532> to <3739> {offer} <4374> (5661).

offer ^ 58_HEB_08_03 For <1063> every <3956> high priest <0749> is ordained <2525> (5743) to <1519> {offer} <4374> (5721) gifts <1435> and <5037> <2532> sacrifices <2378>: wherefore <3606> it is of necessity <0316> that this man <5126> have <2192> (5721) somewhat <5100> also <2532> to <3739> offer <4374> (5661).

offer ^ 58_HEB_13_15 By <1223> him <0846> therefore <3767> let us {offer} <0399> (5725) the sacrifice <2378> of praise <0133> to God <2316> continually <1275>, that is <5123> (5748), the fruit <2590> of our lips <5491> giving thanks <3670> (5723) to his <0846> name <3686>.

offer ^ 58_HEB_05_01 For <1063> every <3956> high priest <0749> taken <2983> (5746) from among <1537> men <0444> is ordained <2525> (5743) for <5228> men <0444> in things pertaining to <4314> God <2316>, that <2443> he may {offer} <4374> (5725) both <5037> gifts <1435> and <2532> sacrifices <2378> for <5228> sins <0266>:

offer ^ 58_HEB_08_04 For <1063> if <1487> <3303> he were <2258> (5713) on <1909> earth <1093>, he should <0302> not <3761> be <2258> (5713) a priest <2409>, seeing that there are <5607> (5752) priests <2409> that {offer} <4374> (5723) gifts <1435> according <2596> to the law <3551>:

offer ^ 58_HEB_09_25 Nor <3761> yet that <2443> he should {offer} <4374> (5725) himself <1438> often <4178>, as <5618> the high priest <0749> entereth <1525> (5736) into <1519> the holy place <0039> every <2596> year <1763> with <1722> blood <0129> of others <0245>;

offer ^ 42_LUK_02_24 And <2532> to {offer} <1325> (5629) a sacrifice <2378> according <2596> to that which is said <2046> (5772) in <1722> the law <3551> of the Lord <2962>, A pair <2201> of turtledoves <5167>, or <2228> two <1417> young <3502> pigeons <4058>.

offer ^ 42_LUK_05_14 And <2532> he <0846> charged <3853> (5656) him <0846> to tell <2036> (5629) no man <3367>: but <0235> go <0565> (5631), and shew <1166> (5657) thyself <4572> to the priest <2409>, and <2532> {offer} <4374> (5628) for <4012> thy <4675> cleansing <2512>, according as <2531> Moses <3475> commanded <4367> (5656), for <1519> a testimony <3142> unto them <0846>.

offer ^ 42_LUK_06_29 And unto him that smiteth <5180> (5723) thee <4571> on <1909> the one cheek <4600> {offer} <3930> (5720) also <2532> the other <0243>; and <2532> him <0575> that taketh away <0142> (5723) thy <4675> cloke <2440> forbid <2967> (5661) not <3361> to take thy coat <5509> also <2532>.

offer ^ 42_LUK_11_12 Or <2228> <2532> if <1437> he shall ask <0154> (5661) an egg <5609>, will he {offer} <3361> <1929> (5692) him <0846> a scorpion <4651>?

offer ^ 41_MAR_01_44 And <2532> saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, See <3708> (5720) thou say <2036> (5632) nothing <3367> to any man <3367>: but <0235> go thy way <5217> (5720), shew <1166> (5657) thyself <4572> to the priest <2409>, and <2532> {offer} <4374> (5628) for <4012> thy <4675> cleansing <2512> those things <3739> which Moses <3475> commanded <4367> (5656), for <1519> a testimony <3142> unto them <0846>.

offer ^ 40_MAT_08_04 And <2532> Jesus <2424> saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, See <3708> (5720) thou tell <2036> (5632) no man <3367>; but <0235> go thy way <5217> (5720), shew <1166> (5657) thyself <4572> to the priest <2409>, and <2532> {offer} <4374> (5628) the gift <1435> that <3739> Moses <3475> commanded <4367> (5656), for <1519> a testimony <3142> unto them <0846>.

offer ^ 40_MAT_05_24 Leave <0863> (5628) there <1563> thy <4675> gift <1435> before <1715> the altar <2379>, and <2532> go thy way <5217> (5720); first <4412> be reconciled <1259> (5649) to thy <4675> brother <0080>, and <2532> then <5119> come <2064> (5631) and {offer} <4374> (5720) thy <4675> gift <1435>.

offer ^ 66_REV_08_03 And <2532> another <0243> angel <0032> came <2064> (5627) and <2532> stood <2476> (5681) at <1909> the altar <2379>, having <2192> (5723) a golden <5552> censer <3031>; and <2532> there was given <1325> (5681) unto him <0846> much <4183> incense <2368>, that <2443> he should {offer} <1325> (5661) it with the prayers <4335> of all <3956> saints <0040> upon <1909> the golden <5552> altar <2379> which <3588> was before <1799> the throne <2362>.

offered ^ 46_1CO_08_04 As concerning <4012> therefore <3767> the eating <1035> of those things that are {offered} in sacrifice unto idols <1494>, we know <1492> (5758) that <3754> an idol <1497> is nothing <3762> in <1722> the world <2889>, and <2532> that <3754> there is none <3762> other <2087> God <2316> but <1508> one <1520>.

offered ^ 46_1CO_08_07 Howbeit <0235> there is not <3756> in <1722> every man <3956> that knowledge <1108>: for <1161> some <5100> with conscience <4893> of the idol <1497> unto <2193> this hour <0737> eat <2068> (5719) it as <5613> a thing {offered} unto an idol <1494>; and <2532> their <0846> conscience <4893> being <5607> (5752) weak <0772> is defiled <3435> (5743).

offered ^ 58_HEB_09_09 Which <3748> was a figure <3850> for <1519> the time <2540> then present <1764> (5761), in <2596> which <3739> were {offered} <4374> (5743) both <5037> gifts <1435> and <2532> sacrifices <2378>, that could <1410> (5740) not <3361> make <5048> <0> him that did the service <3> (5723) perfect <5048> (5658), as pertaining to <2596> the conscience <4893>;

offered ^ 46_1CO_08_01 Now <1161> as touching <4012> things {offered} unto idols <1494>, we know <1492> (5758) that <3754> we all <3956> have <2192> (5719) knowledge <1108>. Knowledge <1108> puffeth up <5448> (5719), but <1161> charity <0026> edifieth <3618> (5719).

offered ^ 58_HEB_09_14 How much <4214> more <3123> shall <2511> <0> the blood <0129> of Christ <5547>, who <3739> through <1223> the eternal <0166> Spirit <4151> {offered} <4374> (5656) himself <1438> without spot <0299> to God <2316>, purge <2511> (5692) your <5216> conscience <4893> from <0575> dead <3498> works <2041> to <1519> serve <3> (5721) the living <2198> (5723) God <2316>?

offered ^ 58_HEB_09_07 But <1161> into <1519> the second <1208> went the high priest <0749> alone <3441> once <0530> every year <1763>, not <3756> without <5565> blood <0129>, which <3739> he {offered} <4374> (5719) for <5228> himself <1438>, and <2532> for the errors <0051> of the people <2992>:

offered ^ 58_HEB_09_28 So <3779> Christ <5547> was once <0530> {offered} <4374> (5685) to <1519> bear <0399> (5629) the sins <0266> of many <4183>; and unto them that look <0553> (5740) for him <0846> shall he appear <3700> (5701) <1537> the second time <1208> without <5565> sin <0266> unto <1519> salvation <4991>.

offered ^ 58_HEB_10_02 For then <1893> would they <0302> not <3756> have ceased <3973> (5668) to be {offered} <4374> (5746)? because <1223> that the worshippers <3> (5723) once <0530> purged <2508> (5772) should have had <2192> (5721) no <3367> more <2089> conscience <4893> of sins <0266>.

offered ^ 46_1CO_08_10 For <1063> if <1437> any man <5100> see <1492> (5632) thee <4571> which <3588> hast <2192> (5723) knowledge <1108> sit at meat <2621> (5740) in <1722> the idol's temple <1493>, shall <3618> <0> not <3780> the conscience <4893> of him <0846> which is <5607> (5752) weak <0772> be emboldened <3618> (5701) <1519> to eat <2068> (5721) those things which are {offered} to idols <1494>;

offered ^ 44_ACT_07_42 Then <1161> God <2316> turned <4762> (5656), and <2532> gave <3860> <0> them <0846> up <3860> (5656) to worship <3> (5721) the host <4756> of heaven <3772>; as it <2531> is written <1125> (5769) in <1722> the book <0976> of the prophets <4396>, O ye house <3624> of Israel <2474>, have ye {offered} <3361> <4374> (5656) to me <3427> slain beasts <4968> and <2532> sacrifices <2378> by the space of forty <5062> years <2094> in <1722> the wilderness <2048>?

offered ^ 44_ACT_21_26 Then <5119> Paul <3972> took <3880> (5631) the men <0435>, and the next <2192> (5746) day <2250> purifying himself <0048> (5685) with <4862> them <0846> entered <1524> (5715) into <1519> the temple <2411>, to signify <1229> (5723) the accomplishment <1604> of the days <2250> of purification <0049>, until <2193> that <3739> an offering <4376> should be {offered} <4374> (5681) for <5228> every <1538> one <1520> of them <0846>.

offered ^ 58_HEB_07_27 Who <3739> needeth <2192> (5719) <0318> not <3756> daily <2596> <2250>, as <5618> those high priests <0749>, to offer up <0399> (5721) sacrifice <2378>, first <4386> for <5228> his own <2398> sins <0266>, and then <1899> for the people's <2992>: for <1063> this <5124> he did <4160> (5656) once <2178>, when he {offered} up <0399> (5660) himself <1438>.

offered ^ 50_PHP_02_17 Yea <0235>, and if <1499> I be {offered} <4689> (5743) upon <1909> the sacrifice <2378> and <2532> service <3009> of your <5216> faith <4102>, I joy <5463> (5719), and <2532> rejoice with <4796> (5719) you <5213> all <3956>.

offered ^ 58_HEB_10_01 For <1063> the law <3551> having <2192> (5723) a shadow <4639> of good things <0018> to come <3195> (5723), and not <3756> the very <0846> image <1504> of the things <4229>, can <1410> (5736) never <3763> with those <0846> sacrifices <2378> which <3739> they {offered} <4374> (5719) year by year <2596> <1763> continually <1519> <1336> make <5048> <0> the comers thereunto <4334> (5740) perfect <5048> (5658).

offered ^ 46_1CO_10_19 What <5101> say I <5346> (5748) then <3767>? that <3754> the idol <1497> is <2076> (5748) any thing <5100>, or <2228> that <3754> which is {offered} in sacrifice to idols <1494> is <2076> (5748) any thing <5100>?

offered ^ 46_1CO_10_28 But <1161> if <1437> any man <5100> say <2036> (5632) unto you <5213>, This <5124> is <2076> (5748) {offered} in sacrifice unto idols <1494>, eat <2068> (5720) not <3361> for <1223> his sake <1565> that shewed it <3377> (5660), and <2532> for conscience sake <4893>: for <1063> the earth <1093> is the Lord's <2962>, and <2532> the fulness <4138> thereof <0846>:

offered ^ 58_HEB_05_07 Who <3739> in <1722> the days <2250> of his <0846> flesh <4561>, when he had {offered} up <4374> (5660) prayers <1162> and <5037> <2532> supplications <2428> with <3326> strong <2478> crying <2906> and <2532> tears <1144> unto <4314> him that was able <1410> (5740) to save <4982> (5721) him <0846> from <1537> death <2288>, and <2532> was heard <1522> (5685) in that <0575> he feared <2124>;

offered ^ 59_JAM_02_21 Was <1344> <0> not <3756> Abraham <0011> our <2257> father <3962> justified <1344> (5681) by <1537> works <2041>, when he had {offered} <0399> (5660) Isaac <2464> his <0846> son <5207> upon <1909> the altar <2379>?

offered ^ 58_HEB_11_17 By faith <4102> Abraham <0011>, when he was tried <3985> (5746), {offered} up <4374> (5754) Isaac <2464>: and <2532> he that had received <0324> (5666) the promises <1860> offered up <4374> (5707) his only begotten <3439> son,

offered ^ 58_HEB_11_17 By faith <4102> Abraham <0011>, when he was tried <3985> (5746), offered up <4374> (5754) Isaac <2464>: and <2532> he that had received <0324> (5666) the promises <1860> {offered} up <4374> (5707) his only begotten <3439> son,

offered ^ 58_HEB_10_12 But <1161> this man <0846>, after he had {offered} <4374> (5660) one <3391> sacrifice <2378> for <5228> sins <0266> for <1519> ever <1336>, sat down <2523> (5656) on <1722> the right hand <1188> of God <2316>;

offered ^ 44_ACT_07_41 And <2532> they made a calf <3447> (5656) in <1722> those <1565> days <2250>, and <2532> {offered} <0321> (5627) sacrifice <2378> unto the idol <1497>, and <2532> rejoiced <2165> (5712) in <1722> the works <2041> of their own <0846> hands <5495>.

offered ^ 44_ACT_15_29 That ye abstain <0567> (5733) from meats {offered} to idols <1494>, and <2532> from blood <0129>, and <2532> from things strangled <4156>, and <2532> from fornication <4202>: from <1537> which <3739> if ye keep <1301> (5723) yourselves <1438>, ye shall do <4238> (5692) well <2095>. Fare ye well <4517> (5770).

offered ^ 44_ACT_08_18 And <1161> when Simon <4613> saw <2300> (5666) that <3754> through <1223> laying on <1936> of the apostles <0652> hands <5495> the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151> was given <1325> (5743), he {offered} <4374> (5656) them <0846> money <5536>,

offered ^ 58_HEB_10_08 Above <0511> when he said <3004> (5723), <3754> Sacrifice <2378> and <2532> offering <4376> and <2532> burnt offerings <3646> and <2532> offering for <4012> sin <0266> thou wouldest <2309> (5656) not <3756>, neither <3761> hadst pleasure <2106> (5656) therein; which <3748> are {offered} <4374> (5743) by <2596> the law <3551>;

offered ^ 58_HEB_11_04 By faith <4102> Abel <6> {offered} <4374> (5656) unto God <2316> a more excellent <4119> sacrifice <2378> than <3844> Cain <2535>, by <1223> which <3739> he obtained witness <3140> (5681) that he was <1511> (5750) righteous <1342>, God <2316> testifying <3140> (5723) of <1909> his <0846> gifts <1435>: and <2532> by <1223> it <0846> he being dead <0599> (5631) yet <2089> speaketh <2980> (5731) (5625) <2980> (5719).

offered ^ 55_2TI_04_06 For <1063> I <1473> am <4689> <0> now <2235> ready to be {offered} <4689> (5743), and <2532> the time <2540> of my <1699> departure <0359> is at hand <2186> (5758).

offered ^ 44_ACT_21_25 As <1161> touching <4012> the Gentiles <1484> which believe <4100> (5761), we <2249> have written <1989> (5656) and concluded <2919> (5660) that they <0846> observe <5083> (5721) no <3367> such thing <5108>, save only <1508> that they keep <5442> (5733) themselves <0846> from <5037> things {offered} to idols <1494>, and <2532> from blood <0129>, and <2532> from strangled <4156>, and <2532> from fornication <4202>.

offering ^ 58_HEB_10_08 Above <0511> when he said <3004> (5723), <3754> Sacrifice <2378> and <2532> offering <4376> and <2532> burnt offerings <3646> and <2532> {offering} for <4012> sin <0266> thou wouldest <2309> (5656) not <3756>, neither <3761> hadst pleasure <2106> (5656) therein; which <3748> are offered <4374> (5743) by <2596> the law <3551>;

offering ^ 58_HEB_10_08 Above <0511> when he said <3004> (5723), <3754> Sacrifice <2378> and <2532> {offering} <4376> and <2532> burnt offerings <3646> and <2532> offering for <4012> sin <0266> thou wouldest <2309> (5656) not <3756>, neither <3761> hadst pleasure <2106> (5656) therein; which <3748> are offered <4374> (5743) by <2596> the law <3551>;

offering ^ 58_HEB_10_05 Wherefore <1352> when he cometh <1525> (5740) into <1519> the world <2889>, he saith <3004> (5719), Sacrifice <2378> and <2532> {offering} <4376> thou wouldest <2309> (5656) not <3756>, but <1161> a body <4983> hast thou prepared <2675> (5668) me <3427>:

offering ^ 49_EPH_05_02 And <2532> walk <4043> (5720) in <1722> love <0026>, as <2531> Christ <5547> also <2532> hath loved <0025> (5656) us <2248>, and <2532> hath given <3860> (5656) himself <1438> for <5228> us <2257> an {offering} <4376> and <2532> a sacrifice <2378> to God <2316> for <1519> a sweetsmelling <2175> savour <3744>.

offering ^ 58_HEB_10_10 By <1722> the which <3739> will <2307> we are <2070> (5748) sanctified <0037> (5772) through <1223> the {offering} <4376> of the body <4983> of Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> once <2178> for all.

offering ^ 58_HEB_10_11 And <2532> <3303> every <3956> priest <2409> standeth <2476> (5707) (5758) daily <2596> <2250> ministering <3008> (5723) and <2532> {offering} <4374> (5723) oftentimes <4178> the same <0846> sacrifices <2378>, which <3748> can <1410> (5736) never <3763> take away <4014> (5629) sins <0266>:

offering ^ 58_HEB_10_14 For <1063> by one <3391> {offering} <4376> he hath perfected <5048> (5758) for <1519> ever <1336> them that are sanctified <0037> (5746).

offering ^ 42_LUK_23_36 And <1161> the soldiers <4757> also <2532> mocked <1702> (5707) him <0846>, coming <4334> (5740) to him, and <2532> {offering} <4374> (5723) him <0846> vinegar <3690>,

offering ^ 44_ACT_21_26 Then <5119> Paul <3972> took <3880> (5631) the men <0435>, and the next <2192> (5746) day <2250> purifying himself <0048> (5685) with <4862> them <0846> entered <1524> (5715) into <1519> the temple <2411>, to signify <1229> (5723) the accomplishment <1604> of the days <2250> of purification <0049>, until <2193> that <3739> an {offering} <4376> should be offered <4374> (5681) for <5228> every <1538> one <1520> of them <0846>.

offering ^ 45_ROM_15_16 That I <3165> should be <1519> <1511> (5750) the minister <3011> of Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> to <1519> the Gentiles <1484>, ministering <2418> (5723) the gospel <2098> of God <2316>, that <2443> the {offering} up <4376> of the Gentiles <1484> might be <1096> (5638) acceptable <2144>, being sanctified <0037> (5772) by <1722> the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151>.

offering ^ 58_HEB_10_18 Now <1161> where <3699> remission <0859> of these <5130> is, there is no more <3765> {offering} <4376> for <4012> sin <0266>.

offerings ^ 44_ACT_24_17 Now <1161> after <1223> many <4119> years <2094> I came <3854> (5633) to bring <4160> (5694) alms <1654> to <1519> my <3450> nation <1484>, and <2532> {offerings} <4376>.

offerings ^ 58_HEB_10_06 In burnt {offerings} <3646> and <2532> sacrifices for <4012> sin <0266> thou hast had <2106> <0> no <3756> pleasure <2106> (5656).

offerings ^ 58_HEB_10_08 Above <0511> when he said <3004> (5723), <3754> Sacrifice <2378> and <2532> offering <4376> and <2532> burnt {offerings} <3646> and <2532> offering for <4012> sin <0266> thou wouldest <2309> (5656) not <3756>, neither <3761> hadst pleasure <2106> (5656) therein; which <3748> are offered <4374> (5743) by <2596> the law <3551>;

offerings ^ 42_LUK_21_04 For <1063> all <0537> these <3778> have of <1537> their <0846> abundance <4052> (5723) cast <0906> (5627) in unto <1519> the {offerings} <1435> of God <2316>: but <1161> she <3778> (5625) <0846> of <1537> her <0846> penury <5303> hath cast <0906> (5627) in all <0537> the living <0979> that <3739> she had <2192> (5707).

offerings ^ 41_MAR_12_33 And <2532> to love <0025> (5721) him <0846> with <1537> all <3650> the heart <2588>, and <2532> with <1537> all <3650> the understanding <4907>, and <2532> with <1537> all <3650> the soul <5590>, and <2532> with <1537> all <3650> the strength <2479>, and <2532> to love <0025> (5721) his neighbour <4139> as <5613> himself <1438>, is <2076> (5748) more <4119> than all <3956> whole burnt {offerings} <3646> and <2532> sacrifices <2378>.

scoffers ^ 61_2PE_03_03 Knowing <1097> (5723) this <5124> first <4412>, that <3754> there shall come <2064> (5695) in <1909> the last <2078> days <2250> {scoffers} <1703>, walking <4198> (5740) after <2596> their <0846> own <2398> lusts <1939>,