aaron shall offer his bullock

aaron shall offer it before

after this manner ye shall offer daily

all your gifts ye shall offer every heave offering >

burnt offer lev

but ye shall offer

but ye shall offer

but ye shall offer

but ye shall offer

but ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto

but ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto

by him therefore let us offer

cheek offer also

coffer by <1SA6 -:8 >

coffer with <1SA6 -:11 >

did offer an offering

for thy servant will henceforth offer neither burnt offering nor
sacrifice unto other gods <2KI5 -:17 >

for when ye offer your gifts

gods unto whom they offer incense

he may offer both gifts

he shall offer his offering unto

he shall offer his sin offering

he shall offer it

he shall offer it without blemish

he shall offer it without blemish before

he shall offer thereof his offering

he should offer himself often

his stead shall offer it

if he offer it for

israel offer unto

it he shall offer one out

nor offer burnt offerings without cost <1CH21 -:24 >

offer all burnt sacrifices unto <1CH23 -:31 >

offer an offering made by fire unto

offer an offering made by fire unto

offer an offering unto

offer burnt offerings <1SA10 -:8 >

offer burnt offerings

offer burnt offerings thereon

offer burnt offerings thereon

offer burnt offerings unto <1CH16 -:40 >

offer burnt offerings unto <2SA24 -:24 >

offer burnt offerings unto

offer burnt offerings upon <2CH35 -:16 >

offer for sins

offer for thy cleansing

offer for thy cleansing those things which moses commanded

offer gifts

offer gifts according

offer him

offer him for

offer him there for

offer his burnt offering

offer incense before

offer it now unto thy governor

offer it unto

offer it upon

offer peace offerings thereon

offer sacrifice

offer sacrifices <2KI10 -:24 >

offer so willingly after this sort <1CH29 -:14 >

offer thee three <1CH21 -:10 >

offer thee three <2SA24 -:12 >

offer their oblations unto

offer them

offer them

offer them

offer them upon

offer thereon burnt offering or meat offering

offer thy gift

offer thy sin offering

offer unto <1SA1 -:21 >

offer unto <2CH35 -:12 >

offer unto god thanksgiving

offer unto me

offer unto me

offer up for yourselves

offer up sacrifice

offer up spiritual sacrifices <1PE2 -:5 >

offer up what <2SA24 -:22 >

offer upon mine altar <1SA2 -:28 >

offering made by fire which ye shall offer unto

other lamb shalt thou offer at even

other lamb shalt thou offer at even

other lamb thou shalt offer at even

other lamb thou shalt offer at even

priest shall offer also his meat offering

priest shall offer them

prince shall offer unto

same day ye offer it

seba shall offer gifts

seven days ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto -:36 >

several tenth deal shalt thou offer for every lamb >

shall offer his sin offering

them which they shall offer unto

then he shall offer it before

then he shall offer with

then shall he offer it before

then shall they offer bullocks upon thine altar

then ye shall offer up an heave offering

there they shall offer sacrifices

there thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings

they do offer

they may offer sacrifices

they may offer unto

they shall no more offer their sacrifices unto devils 7 >

they shall not offer wine

they shall offer their offering

they shall offer them up

they should offer an oblation

thou must offer it unto

thou offer not thy burnt offerings

thou shalt not offer

thou shalt not offer

thou shalt offer

thou shalt offer

thou shalt offer

thou shalt offer burnt offerings thereon unto

thou shalt offer every day

thou shalt offer for

thou shalt offer peace offerings

thou shalt offer them before

thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings

though ye offer me burnt offerings

thousand burnt offerings did solomon offer upon <1KI3 -:4 >

three tenth deals shall ye offer for

thus ye also shall offer an heave offering unto

we may not offer an offering

when any will offer

when they offer burnt offering

when ye offer my bread

when ye will offer

which he shall offer unto

which men offer an offering made by fire unto

which they do not offer

which they offer

which they offer

which they offer there

which they offer unto

which they shall offer unto

which thou shalt offer upon

who shall offer

who shall offer it before

will he offer him

will offer

will offer an offering made by fire

will offer bullocks with goats

will offer his oblation for all his vows

will offer it up for

will offer unto thee burnt sacrifices

with all thine offerings thou shalt offer salt

ye offer polluted bread upon mine altar

ye shall not offer these unto

ye shall not offer unto

ye shall offer an oblation unto

ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto

ye shall offer it at your own will

ye shall offer no strange incense thereon

ye shall offer them unto

ye shall offer these beside

ye shall offer unto

ye shall offer up

ye shall offer up an heave offering unto

ye shall offer with

year did solomon offer burnt offerings <1KI9 -:25 >
